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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 59 KB, 683x379, immaterial_world1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7986469 No.7986469[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Empire of the Material (West) vs Empire of the Immaterial (Islam).

Who eventually wins?

>> No.7986473

Islam will triumph in the end insha'allah.

>> No.7986480
File: 37 KB, 596x597, Muhammad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Immaterial (Islam)

Muhammad was a bandit king out to get wealth, power, and his dick wet.

>> No.7986499



>> No.7986502

back to >>>/pol/ stormfag

>> No.7986504

Muhammad never fucked Aischa until she was 9

Lets consider this.

Life expectancy in 2016: 80
Age of consent (in japan): 14

In other words, you need to have lived 17.5% of your life to be able to consent to sex

Life expectancy if ALLAHU ACKBAR times: 30
Age Aischa was fucked: 9

In other words, Aischa lived 30% of her life before getting dicked.

That is technically like if the age of consent nowadays was 24 years. Mohammed fucked a 24 year old woman.

>> No.7986548
File: 121 KB, 640x640, 1386036184166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muhammad, once he became ruler of Medina, got his cash by robbing trade caravans of pagans heading to Mecca and got power by conquering lands. He also had 11 wives (+ concubine/sex slaves) in violation of his Quran which only allowed 5.

>> No.7986552

Are all your "facts" from Mein Kampf /pol/tard ?

>> No.7986553

Us, because we have nukes and God isn't real.

>> No.7986556

>Empire of the Immaterial (Islam).
Where do you get this twaddle?

>> No.7986557

Not /pol/ but history. Go to >>>/his/ and educate yourself


>> No.7986564

I don't see any "facts" that back up your propaganda poster that says anything about 6 year olds. I wonder why...
Bigotry and ignorance belongs to >>>/pol/

>> No.7986570

>Aisha was the daughter of Muhammad's close friend Abu Bakr. She was initially betrothed to Jubayr ibn Mut'im, a Muslim whose father, though pagan, was friendly to the Muslims. When Khawlah bint Hakim suggested that Muhammad marry Aisha after the death of Muhammad's first wife (Khadija), the previous agreement regarding marriage of Aisha with ibn Mut'im was put aside by common consent.[13] Aisha was six or seven years old when betrothed to Muhammad.

>In other words, Aischa lived 30% of her life before getting dicked.

So it's ok to fuck 2 year olds if I behead them when they're 6?

>Age of consent (in japan): 14

No, it's 17

>> No.7986572
File: 9 KB, 575x322, Bigotry definition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only one showing bigotry is you.

>> No.7986576

> hurrr one muslims behaviours define all other muslims in the world.
how ironic some poltard is trying to teach what bigotry is

>> No.7986581


>> No.7986584

> theyre all pedophile pigs lets bomb them lmao
When will you learn not to get out of your containment board >>>/pol/

>> No.7986587

>So it's ok to fuck 2 year olds if I behead them when they're 6?

Yes. I mean, if you are going to kill them then who the fuck cares if you rape them too, you are already planning to kill them.

>No, it's 17
No, japan isn't stupid and their public officials know the importance of coming home to taste sweet teen pussy

>> No.7986593

>define all other muslims in the world
>theyre all pedophile pigs lets bomb

Who said anything about Muslims in general? Stop projecting shit into peoples' mouths.

>> No.7986636
File: 58 KB, 627x663, yMPuliX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Islam is based on submission and dominance, the Quran leaves that pretty clear
I don't give a shit if you are white, brown, yellow or multicolor, your ideology/religion is a whole different story
Go to reddit or Tumblr if you want to suck Mohameds cock

>> No.7986656



How about a source that is blatantly bias?

>> No.7986658

Please tell me this is bait, if there is a god I pray for this posts to be bait and not real. I can't accept someone being so retarded

>> No.7986663
File: 290 KB, 1280x905, Actually_americans_are_not_quot_famous_for_inbreeding_quot_among_people_who__b882db191825ed35dd6081efc763ca8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absurdly well researched and sources
>posts both stats that put Muslims in a really negative position (yet believable and in a scale that makes sense) AND stats that show how Republicans have lower iq than Democrats

>> No.7986670

>not one of the most respected religious research organizations

Anon I...

>> No.7986701

> hurrr one muslims behaviours define all other muslims in the world.
except that's not bigotry, that's "prejudice". though for someone to be in a religion they have to exhibit certain group behaviors like group delusions of skywizards and cult rituals such. Anyway bigotry is what you're doing, you simply cannot tolerate what you perceive as prejudice.

>> No.7986723


given that saudi kings are extremely materialistic and muslims are self destructive when given weapons, I'd say America always wins

>> No.7986768

>one Muslim
Just 86% of them >>7986636

>> No.7986776
File: 180 KB, 369x395, 1449147308586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to islam

>> No.7986900

>AND stats that show how Republicans have lower iq than Democrats

>> No.7986903

fianced, not married, not fucked.

>> No.7986908

American and western logic

offended by:
curse words

not offended by:
mass shootings
alcohol and drugs
nudity everywhere
giving money to jews
death penalty
bombing kids and innocents
this post

>> No.7986913
File: 47 KB, 300x454, moderate muslims 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay in Tunisia.

>> No.7986923

>offended by:
>curse words

What the fuck did you say bitch?

>giving money to jews

reported for antisemitism

>> No.7986936

>giving money to jews

>> No.7986937

The IQ is based on the region, neither party is "the smart party|

>> No.7986940

Both parties are actually for brainlets and corporate sponsors.

>> No.7986946

Depends on locality. If you're talking about the material realm, the materialists win. If you're talking about the immaterial, the immaterialists win. Victory might not map to non-material states.

>> No.7986998


>> No.7987003

it's really like rock paper scissors

Atheism beats Christianity
Christianity beats Islam
Islam beats Atheism

>> No.7987025

Pretty sure it's the other way around. I used to be Muslim until I realized fear was the cause of evil and Allah does shit-all to help us overcome it.

>> No.7987232
File: 22 KB, 615x615, question-mark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But dark matter and dark energy may suggest that the scales have tipped towards the immaterial?

>> No.7987317

>stats that show how Republicans have lower iq than Democrats

And in the middle ages, monks and priests would have the same IQ advantage as modern college students who want free college.

Christians are the smartest because their indoctrination schools also teach literacy. Checkmates, atheists!

Leftists are the smartest because their indoctrination schools also teach literacy. Checkmate, conservatives!

>> No.7987326

you're suposed to give your life over to god
and let him worry about shit.
you just live your life in the least haram way possible.
faith conquers fear.

i bet you were raised in the religion, or just wanted a wife.

>> No.7987359

No amount of close reasoning and bad math can get you around the fact that Muhammed was a raging peadophile

>also saged & reported
>this shit belongs on /his/

>> No.7987364

>dark matter

>> No.7987369

>not offended by:
>mass shootings
do you ever watch the news?

>alcohol and drugs
What is the war on drugs?

>nudity everywhere
says the guy on the internet

as if Islam is free of that

>giving money to jews
at least they know what to do with it

>death penalty
as in Honor killings, beheadings, bombing and the like?

>bombing kids and innocents
as in Honor killings, beheadings, bombing and the like?

>this post
you amuse me, you do not offend me

>> No.7987374

>Empire of the Immaterial (Islam)
we are so backwards most of our faith live in dirt != immaterial

and warlords killing for wealth is as material as it gets

>> No.7987382

> curse words
its okay to be offended by those

> mass shootings
who cares as long as theyre white
> alcohol and drugs
its my freedom to spread addiction
> nudity everywhere
what ? you dont want your daughter to wanna be a whore ?
> corruption
living within an organized system is for jerks
> giving money to jews
not giving money to jews makes you a nazi
> death penalty
it's not my fault if the poor can't buy their way out of crime like the elites
> bombing kids and innocents
so what ?
> this post
how dare you post your opinion you bigot ! ofcourse im fucking offended