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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 388 KB, 1280x1285, Hubble Ultra Deep Field.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7985347 No.7985347 [Reply] [Original]

The fact that the observable universe is expanding at an accelerating rate had always baffled me. Surely gravity demanded that the rate of expansion decrease over time, or if the distances between galaxies were so great then the expansion rate might be static.
We seem to live in a universe in which nothing occurs in isolation. If you find one ant, you will find billions. One christian, billions, one galaxy, billions.
So it seems reasonable to infer that if we find one big bang giving rise to one universe, we should expect to find billions.
And if we are indeed surrounded by billions of other universes, presently undetectable due to their remoteness, we should expect that gigantic mass to exert its gravitational influence by pulling our universe apart at an increasing rate.

>> No.7985365

No. The universe, as far as we know, could be open and infinite, then the other universes could not exert any force since they cannot be in the same dimensional space. If not, gravity should be able to propagate in other dimensions. Even in that case we should detect some anomaly in the mass distribution in the universe, which we have not so far (Just black matter, but well, this is well beyond speculation)

>> No.7985368

Yeah yeah, you could come up with as much bullshit as you'd like... or you could go to a fucking university and study actual physics so you stop making retarded threads like this.

>> No.7985376

why so angry?

>> No.7985378

>Surely gravity demanded that the rate of expansion decrease over time

Yeah which is why cosmologists came up with dark energy. Sadly its currently the least retarded explanation

>> No.7985385

Prob too offensive but ur point is right
We need to actually study about it in university

To avoid misconception and to avoid pseudoscience.

>> No.7985387

Because you could easily stop saying stupid bullshit and replace that with an actual discussion about the nature of the universe IF you studied actual physics and knew your shit.

So instead of worthwhile discussion, we end up with pseudo science, popsci bullshit.

>> No.7985400

Space doesn't expand, it's just that all the atoms are getting smaller.

>> No.7985406
File: 140 KB, 940x940, jupiter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favourite planet?

I like Jupiter. The clouds look interesting and detailed in terms of structure and it has a lot of cool moons.

>> No.7985409

Calm your tits man, people come here to ask stupid questions because they dont know any better and think that we do, so help them know better, dont insult them for not knowing already

>> No.7985410

It also rains diamonds there, which is pretty cool

>> No.7985412

>the observable universe is expanding

the NOT observable universe is shrinking

between the 2 parts of the universe there is a singularity that is constantly crunching matter form one side and throwing it out to the other side

>> No.7985413

The obervable universe is surrounded by a giant spherical singularity that keeps moving away faster and faster?

>> No.7985447
File: 325 KB, 4613x2233, Saturn_during_Equinox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice rings, good moons, sexy hexy poles

>> No.7985461


>Not accepting Saturn as superior planetary waifu

>> No.7985466

Energy isnt conserved in our Universe. We are part of a poorly coded simulation where energy conservation errors are compounding, leading to an expanding universe.

>> No.7985622


Earth. All my stuff is there.

>> No.7985627

you are getting _away_ from the gravitational pull of everything ; therefore, you are accelerating faster

do you really want to listen to 'science' the same thing that brought you mercury as antibiotics, lobotomies,bloodletting, environtoxins, homosexuality secondary to xenoestrogens, chernobyl, and MRSA?( and let's not forget naziism )

>> No.7985691

Expansion is accelerating because the vacuum has its own energy density. That will either cause the expansion to accelerate or decelerate depending on the sign of the vacuum energy (aka dark energy).
As for the billions of big bangs, you are not exactly wrong. There is no experimental evidence for multiple big bangs, but a popular theory (especially amongst string theory types) is eternal inflation. In this theory there is a large universe that is always inflating, and some areas of the universe fall into a lower energy state that is not undergoing inflation (though it is still expanding, just not at an exponential rate). This is the same idea as false vacuum theories, where we live in a metastable state and our vacuum could decay at random to a lower energy state, releasing a lot of energy as the vacuum drops to the new lower energy. The difference is that in eternal inflation the rest of the universe, beyond what we can see, is in the metastable expanding state and our portion is the part that has dropped down to the true vacuum - essentially we are living in a vacuum bubble.
These theories tend to have give spacetime a fractal structure with the majority of spacetime being the inflating "multiverse" (really just a larger universe that ours lives in) filled with true vacuum "bubbles" that have stopped inflation. The bubbles are not, generally, causally connected so there's no way for them to interfere with each other, even in principle. That's because inflation is so fast - much faster than the speed of light. It is possible that two bubble universes might collide within the larger multiverse, which would allow them to interact with each other - this is where you could see the gravitational interaction of the multiple universes that you described.
For (the original) calculations about these collisions, see: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-th/0612242v1.pdf

>> No.7986746
File: 50 KB, 1256x940, titan in Infrared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Titan is amazing.
>The possibility of hydrocarbon seas on Titan was first suggested based on Voyager 1 and 2 data that showed Titan to have a thick atmosphere of approximately the correct temperature and composition to support them, but direct evidence was not obtained until 1995 when data from Hubble and other observations suggested the existence of liquid methane on Titan, either in disconnected pockets or on the scale of satellite-wide oceans, similar to water on Earth.

Fuck domes on Mars, Titan is going to be our first "terraformed" planet.

>> No.7986754


Too cold nigguh

>> No.7986857
File: 1.43 MB, 2500x2500, I want to drill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thats not a fact, theres no good proof for the universe expansion theory. from our point of view it might look like the universe is expanding.

But its much more logical that the galaxies we are able to observe from earth are in orbit around something.

Just like Uranus is in orbit around the sun, and the sun is in orbit around the galaxy center.

its obvious the galaxy is in orbit around something.

Theres a lot of theory's that are taken as "facts"

(Fact age of the universe)

Take our Planet, it has a core of mostly Iron, and Iron is formed from the late demise of Stars,

Now If the universe is 15 billion years old

How is it possible for our 5 billion year old star, to have a planet with a iron core made from the death of a different star.

So if you take our stars speed relative to other the center of our galaxy

it would take a lump of iron traveling @ Starspeed 30 billion years to reach us.

Moving in orbit around the center of the galaxy
how then is it possible for our universe to be only 15 billion.

And thats just iron.

What about Bismuth-209 with a
half life more than a billion times the estimated age of the universe

so 1 gram of bismuth 209 takes 15 billion times a billion to reduce to 0,5 grams.

How did this element become plasmaticaly fused in such a short time.

Clearly theres a lot of guesswork in accepted science.

Speed of Light is constant?

How is it possible for light that have different wavelengths to have the same speed.

You have 2 runners, each running from point A-B

Runner 1 spends 30 minutes on running 10 miles
on his path to B from A

Runner 2 runs 200 miles in 30 minutes
So Light speed is not constant.
And most annoying superstition there is,

That Gravity curves space and time, bending light.

If Gravity curved space, how is it possible for us to view all the other galaxies around us in all directions, if the light is bent around gravity?

What force bends the light back into its original direction,

>> No.7986906
File: 1.22 MB, 1800x1800, MyPenisisThisThick2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haha Actual "physics" are bullshit, you learn facts, its like this and that, and heres why. but we cant prove it. Sounds like you might as well learn you Uranus from a preacher in church.

Thees Scientist you want to learn from, are so ignorant, that they think a solar mirage is the effect of gravity on space, bending space and bending light at the same time.

So you have a huge universe with massive gravity holes that bends light.

But we are still able to see light from over 1 billion light years away. Do you really think that Light would be able to travel in a straight path, throw a billion years while passing huge clusters of galaxies and still go straight?

>> No.7986949

Science never proves anything and doesnt try to, it comes up with models to match observed evidence, thats it, thats all. Science is not philosophy

>> No.7986996

>surrounded by billions of other universes
This wasn't your first wrong assumption but it's the one worth addressing.

1. Space doesn't exist outside of space. Other hypothetical universes don't "surround" anything.
2. Due to the way we've constructed quantum physics, we literally can't say anything about the quantum foam interaction between any two "universes."
3. "But what if there wasn't?" isn't a valid refutation that the universe exists. Hypotheses stop being falsifiable when you remove all definition from the terms that compose the hypothesis.

>> No.7987002

Dumb every-sentence-is-its-own-paragraph poster

>> No.7987029


So If Science does not try to prove anything.

How do you know your models and observed evidence to be true?

If you cant Prove something,its not science.

>> No.7987031

I dont know whether its metaphysically true or not, and I dont care. All science does is generate observations, then fit models to them. The fact that it works so well is the only justification it needs

>> No.7987044

You are nowhere near close to actual science.

>> No.7987093

looks like a cup o cawfee
wanna get a cup o cawfee?

>> No.7987141

Dark energy, son.

But like all things, gravity shall prevail in the long run.