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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7984425 No.7984425 [Reply] [Original]


How does it feel knowing all engineers are literally low IQ morons who can't force a square block through a cylindrical hole

>> No.7984444

If you can't see that these are works of modern art, you need to kill yourself.

>> No.7984451

>want to be an engineer to make money but don't want to be a brainlet that does shit like this

fuck what do i do? where's the middle ground?

>> No.7984454

Doing enough problems and getting some proper time invested will make you like the subject.

>> No.7984460
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>that commentary
that was hard to watch

>> No.7984464

but most of the material i'm interested in seems too outlandish like superconductors and electron beam additive manufacturing. nobody thinks it'll go anywhere and just does CNC shit. should i switch to physics?

>> No.7984476

they barely count as engineers tbf

>> No.7984485

pretty sure making bridges and buildings has tighter constraints and shit than making a dildo to fuck your frat mates with.

>> No.7984492

civil engineers make dildos too

>> No.7984498

> bridges
> tight constraints
Tell that to the fist size volume discontinuites In that one bridge

>> No.7984501

Civil engineers don't fucking care about public safety, remember the Citigroup Center

>> No.7984525

Such an annoying voice

>> No.7984548

i bet yours is worse

>> No.7984553

chill out pleb, open some sewage plans or something until you've calmed down.

there's no need to get jealous just because us EE/CEs are working on more important things than watching concrete dry. besides microprocessors have far tighter constraints than piling bricks up in a roughly dildo shaped structure and dunking it in concrete.

>> No.7984554

>tree through a house

so they didn't want to cut it down

>> No.7984558

lmao that delusion. just keep working on that ramp generator pajeet.

>> No.7984568

aye, aye captain. in the meantime my shitter is backing up, do you think you could come and have a peep at it? ta

>> No.7984595

When my mother was house shopping with her first husband, she tried to talk him into buying this unconventional house that had a fucking tree in the middle of the kitchen (which had a bunch of skylights and flower boxes.
The only real issue is if the tree catches some sort of disease and dies.

>> No.7984619

well... eternal helloween kitchen?

>> No.7984628
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>> No.7984633

That, or it could just fall apart and crush someone who happens to be in the kitchen at that time.

>> No.7984656

Civil engineer here
It's literally engineering on easy mode, like really the only worry we have is maybe killing a couple hundred people in a bridge collapse, but that's not important

>> No.7984734

This is why math majors should build bridges instead.
Heck, you should have to have a math degree to be president of the US.
Am I right, boys?!

>> No.7984781

>Implying civil engineers don't use math

They try at least, even if it's wrong

>> No.7984788

> Engineering on easy mode

Idk about that man. After taking a course on Queuing Theory, I would guess that the math in traffic engineering can get pretty fucking wild.

>> No.7985574

>Heck, you should have to have a math degree to be president of the US.
I'd argue that you should need a math minor to be a SCOTUS justice.
Whether or not the 2nd amendment is "ACTUALLY, TRULY, FOR SURE" referring to the notion that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed should NOT be a 5 fucking 4 issue. If your intent is anything other than enforcing the constitution and its enshrined principles, you need to get the fuck out of SCOTUS.

>> No.7985613

>Whether or not the 2nd amendment is "ACTUALLY, TRULY, FOR SURE" referring to the notion that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed should NOT be a 5 fucking 4 issue. If your intent is anything other than enforcing the constitution and its enshrined principles, you need to get the fuck out of SCOTUS.
What are you trying to say?

>> No.7985644

Those topics are actually pretty legit, OP. Go into accelerator physics. I'm a physics major and got a research offer in it for the summer, but turned it down for another one since it was too applied/engineering-like for me. But the projects involved a lot of E&M and coding, working with superconducting magnets, quadrupoles, etc.
It's not just about high energy physics, there are lots of medical and industry applications too.

>> No.7985706

>construction/technician mistakes are related to engineers
i know this is b8, but it's really bad