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File: 28 KB, 460x536, Grothendieckportra_3107171c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7983584 No.7983584[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> nonmathematician human trash not allowed

most redpilled mathematicians in history /sci/?

>pic related
>In the history of mathematics, I have produced
the greatest number of new ideas

>> No.7983610

Typically what I imagine when an anon calls someone "redpilled" it means "right wing anti-establishment anti-social norms" when Grothendieck was such a devoted altruist and pacifist he taught Vietnamese villagers math in the middle of the war and left his tenure position over militarization.

>> No.7983613

>implying right-wind anti-establishment voters are not isolationishts

>> No.7983620

He was incredibly anti-war and was a huge liberal. He would be most accurately described as a anarchist with socialistic tendencies. So, no.

>> No.7983631

>implying rightwing voters want war

enjoy sucking on the left's asshole

>> No.7983648

>uses term left/right
>considers himself red-pilled

i bet you salivate over IQ threads

>> No.7983661

Liberals mean by being anti war that they'd rather ignore the fact the US has countless military enemies, de fund all defense and then OBVIOUSLY Iran won't bomb us because they are nice people.

>> No.7983677

> obama is the greatest president in history
> racism over
> sexism over
> balanced budget
> 0 national debt

> drones pakistani civilians

>> No.7983681

You are trying really hard to take it out of context.

Are you really trying to imply that the reason the US 'droned' pakistani civilians was simply out of boredom? That they just love killing random people because it's funny?

>> No.7983690


you are trying really hard to excuse war crimes

read a book before you choke on your own saliva

>> No.7983695

> racism over
> sexism over
> balanced budget
> 0 national debt !!!!!

if only we were living in a dreamw orld

>> No.7983704

Yeah, they committed war crimes because of no reason. Just... you know, we got all that tax payer money lying around. Might aswell use it to pay some soldiers and just kill people for fun, you know?

>> No.7983709
File: 25 KB, 600x375, 1410484979454[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> actually considers an attack from iran

>> No.7983710

> (sarcasm) Yeah, they committed war crimes because of no reason. Just... you know,...

> being literally this unaware of the nuremberg trials

Yeah, the Reich committed war crimes for no reason. Just.. you know, we got all that tax payer money lying around. Might as well use it to kill millions of jews

Instead of reading a book you might as well do the world a favour and off yourself

>> No.7983723

When you have no defense then anyone can attack you.

Just imagine if you didn't lock your door, or if you didn't have a door at all.

People who would usually just walk by would try to get something out of your house because you were dumb enough to not build a fucking door.

>using nazis as an example

Yeah, lets ignore the fact that in the retarded mind of WWII Germans, they actually considered the 'jewish monopoly' to be the biggest threat to their economy.

Oh my, those little pesky historical facts. They just make everything more complicated that it needs to be, don't they?

>the left actually thinks that there are inherently evil people who'd do harm for no discernable reason

>> No.7983737

Not having an army which an unjustifiably over-the-budget spending with redundant use is very different from not having any army. Your people are poor, go feed them first ffs.

>> No.7983746

the nuremberg trials was precedent based on the war crimes based on the nazis, yes

do you understand how law works? not everything that you disagree with is godwins law you human trashcan. read some kant for some discourse ability before you open your mouth before you give someone else epilepsy

let me give you a summary of the second half of the 20th century and start of the 21st since you are unable to do anything than spout shit out of your face
International Community
> GUys the nazis were breddy bad 0/10
> we should write something up so that people know that LITERAL WAR CRIMES are illegal

> *seen on January 20th, 2008*

>> No.7983754

>That they just love killing random people because it's funny?

It's not because it's funny and they love it, it's because you can't spend billions of dollars on military hardware and act like you are sane if you don't have a legit enemy.
Droning people with a liberal interpretation of what constitutes a legit target will ensure no shortage in your supply of enemies.
Basically the act of droning a pakistani wedding is like placing an order on new skeet for you to shot so you can keep buying new weapons and keep people in the arms industry employed.
Same reason you would wanna buy petrolium from the Saudis so you can proxy-finance Salafism.

>> No.7983774
