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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7976642 No.7976642 [Reply] [Original]

I am a student of pure mathematics and as such I need to keep my brain fit. For that reason I listen almost exclusively to the most rhytmically complex and objectively enjoying music that there is, jpop and jrock. Mainly anime openings but also some vocaloid stuff there that I find cute.

You will see me most of the time listening to music, even in the classroom if the professor isn't proving or discussing the implications of a theorem I will be listening to my anime music.

However, today I started considering what secondary effects this may have. Anime music is comparable to taking the 'study pills' or 'IQ pills' that always come with side effects, so maybe this has too.

Because the anime industry is so female dominated, all of the music I listen to has female vocals and I wonder what effect does this have?

Does constantly listening to female voices raise my testosterone (thus making me smarter) or lower it (thus making me dumber)?

Here is my current hypothesis

Cute songs like:

lower testosterone

And 'strong' songs like:

raise testosterone.

But I could be wrong. What if all female vocals lower testosterone?

Is there any science behind this? Any ways of proving my hypothesis?

>> No.7976652

Because this is within the realms of psychology this thread will derail.

>> No.7976657

Hello. I know nothing about the science behind what you describe, sorry. I just wanted to tell you that, if you were to continue listening to anime music when studying, the OST from Rolling Girls (and the OP, ED, and insert songs) will make you really happy. Cheers.

>> No.7976682

>watch anime
>doing anything with anime
>having a positive effect on your life whatsoever

Maybe you should grow up you autistic faggot. Do you even understand basic biology? What would sound have to do with raising and lowering your hormone levels?

>> No.7976699

Well, it is already known that the music we listen has psychological effects on us. I'm simply wondering about more specific music.

Also, the reason you have a 3.0 GPA instead of 4.0 and had to settle for your safety school is because you don't listen to anime music.

I tell you, it is exercise for your brain to keep up with the rhythm of anime music.

>> No.7976722
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Yeah, no. This is what anime does to a person.

>> No.7976755

>most rhytmically complex and objectively enjoying music that there is, jpop and jrock.


>> No.7976782


first one is shit, second is cool

they have nothing in common musically tho only in appearing in animes

sorry to inform you that you are already stupid if you categorize music by it's appeareance in pop culture rather than it's note sheet.

>> No.7976783

>he most rhytmically complex and objectively enjoying music that there is, jpop and jrock

That's pure thrash, this is the only anime music that I enjoy:


>> No.7976786
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Anime doesn't make you smarter, deal with it faggot.

>> No.7976803

The first one isn't shit, it is simply meant to be cute and appeal to a male audience. I mean, every 5 seconds there is a girl saying random cute shit like memo memo in the background.

What they have in common is that they are female vocals.

Also, it is not my fault that the west is behind in literally everything when it comes to artistic expression. Western pop music dumbs down the music while japanese pop music just adds a lot of computer shit and like 50 female voices all singing at the same time.

Cowboy Bebop and its music is 10/10 but that is just one show. I cannot populate an entire library with just that.

Plus, I like to listen to cute girls.

That's not what my GPA says.

>> No.7976811

>That's not what my GPA says.

That line of thought is literally the same used on this page's graphs.

>> No.7976831

You want to do this test then? Fucking mathematicians don't know how to set up a simple fucking experiment. Also your correlation between testosterone levels and intelligence is spurious at best. However to determine if it raises testosterone or lowers it you would need to hook up a large number of people to the "cute" and "Strong" songs and register testosterone levels in the blood. You would also need to do a series of tests before and after to determine relative cognitive function. Also a control who listens to white noise between tests. I would suggest using classical as a positive control as it has already been shown to increase the capability for higher reasoning.

But really I think it's just dopamine making you feel good so you think you do better. You're just assuming that it is mainly anime music that sets you apart from your peers which is stupid. Stick to math you aren't cut out for science.

>> No.7976845

>stuff that I find cute
Gee, I wonder where this is going...
Pure spice.

>> No.7976846


Don't worry anon, when trump makes anime real your teacher will look like one of the madoka girls but more shy and will have a cute high pitched voice.

>> No.7976973

anon,i don`t know what other stuff do you hear or if this is bait but here we go.

try listening to this.

could post more but i get bored.
this is just a scratch

>> No.7976989
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>can't even identify his own problem
>can't even create a way to test his own problem
>thinks GPA/major/IQ/ school makes him smart (which is probably a state school or community college kek)
>posts anime on the science board

This is scrapping the bottom of the barrel and this is probably the average sci poster. If you've taken an intro bio class you'd know that sound can cause some physiological effects, such as if you're afraid of rattle snakes and you hear one, your heart will start racing and perhaps if you're really terrified of them you'll get come adrenal pumping.

Now ask yourself why would listening to anime music somehow make you smarter? What kind of connection or pattern exists there?

Your overall correlation would be weakly connected because you alone prove, by your post, that anime and Jmusic not only is enjoyed by retards but it actually makes you stupider.

>> No.7976990

That sounds terrible for studying and solving math problems.

This is a very recent addition. From winter 2016 anime season. Oficially the first season with not a single good anime (except konosuba but that doesn't really count), god save us all.


>> No.7977000
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>raise my testosterone (thus making me smarter) or lower it (thus making me dumber)
Any sources on that one, friend? :^)

>> No.7977007

Of course. However, I would believe even if it wasn't a scientific fact. Fortunately it is!


>Testosterone plays a role in certain behaviors, including aggression and dominance. It also helps to spark competitiveness and boost self-esteem.

Competitiveness, as in the desire to succeed above others, and having a high self esteem so that you don't derail your own thoughts, are big players in how you perform in a test.

>Low testosterone may result in a loss of confidence and lack of motivation.

So if you let your testosterone go down then you will lose confidence and motivation, and good luck getting anything done in that state of mind.

You can find it in the article in the section of 'Central Nervous System'.

>> No.7977042


Stop being autistic. Listening to music isnt going to have any real world effects.

>> No.7977073

for me is the oposit.

>> No.7977092

>That's pure thrash
No this is thrash.

>> No.7977099


SOURCE: >>7976642

It is a scientific fact that OP is a faggot. An unavoidable truth. OP is a faggot has been proven without a shadow of a doubt.

>> No.7977223
