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7975492 No.7975492 [Reply] [Original]

At what point does high IQ become detrimental? At 160 IQ for example (some people here claim to have this) people are complete social retards without fail. I've never seen an actual smart person not be autistic as fuck.

>> No.7975493

thats a monkey you silly cunt

>> No.7975502
File: 281 KB, 490x639, JohnvonNeumann-LosAlamos.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John von Neumann had both a 1-in-100-years intellect (IQ >> 200) as well as an eiditic memory better than Kim Peek's, and he had no social abnormalities.

He actually hosted house parties almost every week and told lots of funny jokes.

>> No.7975505

If we eliminate the fact that higher IQ people can earn more money than lower IQ people then in today's society IQ becomes detrimental at about 85.

>> No.7975507

haha Godel used to come to him for math help, and einstein hated him because he was always laughing and joking loudly next door while he was trying to work

>> No.7975510

He still an ugly George Constanza looking Manlet.

>> No.7975514

>I've never seen an actual smart person not be autistic as fuck.
The husband of my sister has an IQ of 130 and is the most Chad like person I know. Sure it's not up to the IQ of 160 but if your theory was correct people should be more socially retarded the higher their IQ is.

>> No.7975516

Neumann was a fucking god. He was pretty much what poeple think Feynman was.

>tfw you will never be a gifted Askhnazi Jew

>> No.7975526

say that to his face

1. Invented the computer architecture that virtually all modern computers are based on.

2. Invented game theory, now a nobel field

3. Saved all of us from the russians during the cold war (created concept of MAD, all the missile programs, miniaturized nukes to fit into ICBMs etc).

4. Advanced countless math fields forward with endless groundbreaking contributions (he made a legendary mathemetician fall to his kees and weep when he showed him what he was capable of as a child, godel followed him around like a lost puppy)

5. Could remember everything he ever read after only reading it once, then recite it back backwards in a different language 15 years later without pause until you said stop.

6. Was able to compute extremely complex mental math at the same speed we can add numbers (he could outperform computers, and it always shocked his colleagues).

i'm sure i missed more things. no matter how you look at it, neumann was the real life ozymandias

>> No.7975536
File: 198 KB, 562x1006, jvn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really, he might as well have his own superhero abilities list on his wiki

>> No.7975544

Why don't you marry him if you love him that much faggot

>> No.7975548



If any one person of the previous century personified the word polymath, it was von Neumann. I’m really sorry he died so young.

Had von Neumann lived to a reasonably old age—say, 80 or so—I might have had the chance to hear him talk, or maybe even interview him. And that would have given me a chance to observe his remarkable genius for myself. Sadly, he died at the age of 53. But he lived long enough to leave a legendary legacy in several disciplines. His contributions to physics, mathematics, computer science, and economics rank him as one of the all-time intellectual giants of each field. Imagine what he could have accomplished if he’d learned to focus himself!

>> No.7975558

No that's an ape you dumb fuck

>> No.7975564

>Implying anywhere here doesn't fantasize about being noticed by never mind married with von Neumann.

If I could choose between fucking a young Candice Swanepoel every night for the rest of my life or spending 5 minutes with von Neumann I'd take the latter option in a heart beat.

>> No.7975567

PS: I'd let him fuck my boypussy too if he wants to.

>> No.7975569

this, even the sweet nothings he would whisper into your ear would be more profound than any idea or creation anyone on this forum would ever be capable of in 100 lifetimes.

>> No.7975580

As a concept, a greater ability and capacity for learning and applying new information becomes a detriment to social and personal well being, when it is significantly above your ability and capacity to understand and adjust to less specific and well-defined social and communicational skills.

Basically, when your INT is above your WIS + CHA.

>> No.7975589

>never seen an actual smart person not be autistic
OK, time for you to tell us what company you keep.

>> No.7975597


The smartest professor I know is pretty normal, he's social, funny, has a good family, drinks appropriately at departmental socials etc.

He even used the word autistic to refer to one of his lesser colleagues once. kek.

Most autistic people are really just stupid tryhards who suck at socialising precisely because they need to spend so much time studying and working just to keep up with their peers, they don't realise just how stupid they are because they hide away in their delusions and wank about IQ tests with other low performing autists.

Really smart academic researchers are generally good at everything they do and are relatively extroverted.

>> No.7975599

Perhaps the most socially adept of the people generally regarded as among the highest IQ ever is John von Neumann. Stories of his brilliance and particularly his speed are legendary. For example, George Polya had von Neumann in an advanced seminar. He wrote a theorem on the board and said that it wasn't proven and that the proof was likely to be hard. 5 minutes later, von Neumann raised his hand, went to the board and wrote a proof. He remembered everything he had ever read and could recite it in any of the languages he spoke. Nobel laureate Hans Bethe wondered if von Neumann might belong to a different species. Yet he was social, friendly, married etc. He was fond of telling jokes and stories and had a good sense of humor.