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7974779 No.7974779 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that an MSci is just a glorified BSc degree, with no practical use besides fooling stupid people into thinking you got a real post graduate degree.

>> No.7974788

The more recent MSci degree, now offered by UK institutions, is an abbreviation for Master in Science. It is equally reputed and acknowledged by employers within the UK and internationally. According to the UK National Qualifications Framework, an MSci and other such master's degrees (MPhys, MChem etc.) are termed integrated masters and are classed as level 7 qualifications—the same level as a Master of Science or Master of Arts degree.[3]

>> No.7974976

Stepping stone to getting into a better PhD program than you could otherwise.

>> No.7974996


BSc includes all your prereq, english, math, chem, physics, literature, history, diversity, international stuff
MSc is bringing all that together to understand a very specific topic with extreme concentration
You don't need to be smart to get either, but they are completely different academic experiences

>> No.7975021
File: 487 KB, 470x480, 8cffed9f3c9cd9eeb5f29fac6f4a3164.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW going for a BA with the intention of only getting an MA and due to university connections will be guaranteed a non-worthless job

>> No.7975043

>thinking that connections will carry you

I would believe if you told me that you were the son of a billionaire and had connections with other big oil companies but your university connections?

Ooooh big fucking deal huh? You must have a very broad definition of non-worthless because anything you can get with a BA will be useless.

The highly connected university meme is as bullshit as the 'top X rank' university meme.

Just a retarded conversation starter that somehow got picked up as a selling point by the head hunters of your university. And surprise surprise, the morons that got tricked in by the head hunters into joining the university actually swallow it all up.

You are a living meme.

>> No.7975052

I said MA by the way and the way we use the connections at my uni is getting internships and work that's intended to last a year to two years so you can move onto something more permanent. The people connected are ex-students with maintained connections with some professors at my uni.

I'm lucky in that's how the connections are connected rather than being payed off or memed.

>> No.7975060

>I said MA
You said 'going for a BA'.

So from the beginning you are assuming that you will go on to perform post graduate studies. I actually cannot understand people with this mindset.

You are like those 15 year old kids that come here to ask us how to realize their dream of becoming a PhD physicist. So innocent.

Also, you know that you can get internships on your own? Do you also know that you can contact companies on your own? You know why is that? Because companies look talent.

Those companies use universities like yours and many others to have an easy way to find talent but what that means is that if you are expecting your university to carry you and you are actually a moron then good luck getting an internship and keeping it afterwards for the intended period of time.

But you may actually be smart so what would I know? Well, I know that you are doing a BA so that is enough to classify you as sub human.

>> No.7975066

I said going for a BA with the intention of getting an MA, L2Read famirino.

Also you're implying a metric fuck tonne as well as projecting the typical full retard attitude of the board onto me, nice job with that.

The reason I said intending is because it's not set in stone and never will be.

I bet you're a real insufferable cunt IRL. See how I'm making wild assumptions?

>> No.7975274

MSc =/= MSci

>> No.7977055
File: 168 KB, 1200x800, 1453139570337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw went to top ranked school
>tfw got BA
>tfw applied to PhD schools
>tfw lor writer knew people on admission committee at school out of my reach
>tfw got accepted at school
>tfw now going to top tier school for PhD
just because you had trouble with comp sci classes at your local community college doesn't mean there's no hope for you, friendo. I believe in you