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7973406 No.7973406 [Reply] [Original]

Do x-ray scans cause cancer?

>> No.7973410

Radiation doesn't cause cancer

>> No.7973435

do bing search: Radiation-induced cancer

>> No.7973436

Radiation doesn't cause cancer. Cancer causes cancer.

>> No.7973439

High energy radiation can mess with molecules and if these happen to be part of the DNA of a cell it can lead to a mutation which depending on how active that cell splits itself can cause cancer.
UV light causes sunburn and skincancer because of this, and since X-Ray is even more energetic in poses an even greater risk.
Thats why you cover your groin area with a lead plate when having an X-Ray.

>> No.7973441

>Cancer causes cancer.
Is he firstly appear by evil will of devil in healthy bodies of USA presidents?

>> No.7973442

Everything has radiation. By your logic every living organism on earth would be eradicated by cancer.

Why do you guys believe in looney crap like this ?

>> No.7973453

>everything has radiation
True but not everything has
>high energy radiation
Humans for example radiate mostly in an infrared frequency which is less energetic than even visible light.

>> No.7973474

Statistically they must, but the benefits massively outweigh the costs.
You get exposed to the same amount of radiation as 1 x-ray scan when you take a flight from NYC to LA.

>> No.7973476

I noticed once that barely any US presidents got cancer. Jimmy Carter and Ulysses S Grant were the only two. Also most of them made it into their 80s, do those guys have Illuminati doctors or something?
Don't burgers need to fly to get anywhere in their country? That's a lot of radiation.

>> No.7973505

>Everything has radiation. By your logic every living organism on earth would be eradicated by cancer.

This would be true but accidents like car crashes and falling from ladders aswell as diseases that aren't cancer tend to kill some things before they get a chance to get cancer.
Also only high energy radiation has a notable risk to cause mutation.

>> No.7973514

Jesus fucking wept.

>> No.7973593

>matches don't cause fire, fire causes fire

>> No.7973610
File: 558 KB, 684x2101, 1447860228-20151118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything causes cancer to some minor extent.

I'm sure OPs question is giving people cancer in some small way.

>> No.7973616

X-rays are an ionizing radiation.
The two factors needed to be cancerous are ionizing and acute exposition (strong dose in short time)
So if the dose they use is too strong it can be cancerous, but most specialists use lower ones, which can still be dangerous but side effects are rarer.

>> No.7973623

Wtf are these people doing on a science board?

>> No.7973625

>Wtf are these people doing on an anime inspired image board?

fix'd that for ya

>> No.7973631

Somehow I get the feeling you're a colossal moron.

>> No.7973927

>guaranteed replies

>> No.7973929

>Don't burgers need to fly to get anywhere in their country? That's a lot of radiation.
That's why they have all that protective fat

>> No.7973930

that's just your defense mechanism coping with the fact that you're a mexican and can never be not mexican.

>> No.7973932

>No one got his pun on gun violence.

>> No.7973942


>> No.7973985


>> No.7973988

He means black people Omg melanin enrichment omg

>> No.7974276

gr8 b8 m8