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7968785 No.7968785 [Reply] [Original]

>SpaceX is launching an inflatable space habitat


>On its next trip to the International Space Station (ISS), SpaceX will be carrying an inflatable space habitat built by Bigelow Aerospace. The Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) will be folded up for its April 8th launch, and then fully inflated once it’s properly connected to one of the station’s nodes, essentially creating a new room on the ISS.

8 days 19hours 27mins until next orgasm denial.

>> No.7968786
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>> No.7968788
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>The first stage, provided the barge is go to support a landing, will attempt to land downrange on OCISLY

>barge landing

Oh boy. I live for this stuff.

>> No.7968790
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>> No.7969290

Why haven't they considered putting arms on the ship to stabilise it's landing?


Where does the hole on the space station come from

>> No.7969293

>tips fedora

>> No.7969329

>tips first stage

>> No.7969334





>> No.7969338

They made the hotel but forgot to make anything that can take people there.

>> No.7969413

>why haven't they considered X (arms/nets/water tank/trampoline/...)
oh boy here we go again. The reason is because SpaceX wants to do this: land, put equipment on it, refuel, take off again. It can be done and has been done once so far, the barge has been proven to be reliably horizontal enough, the center of mass of the stage is low enough to not be able to tip over and, in fact, the barge isn't slippery either (an unlocked leg will result in the Jason-3 scenario anyway). They have considered every fucking option, because every person on this planet seems to have suggested all of them already. Go have a look at the wiki on /r/spacex if you're really interested.

>> No.7969418
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>> No.7969422

Where's the last hard landing video? Are they not going to release the latest fireworks?

>> No.7969467

I used to love SpaceX but I really fucking hate them now. What launcher gains publicity from what they are launching when they had fuck all to do with it? And this inflatable thing, great it's a step forward but NASA was the one who laid the foundations for this but the technology didn't exist at the time. Now NASA gets called stagnant and stupid when meme startups rehash old 60s technology with 21st century materials and electronics to look "innovative". Bigelow Aerospace was a huge fucking meme? Space hotels? I guess they begged the ISS to take their failed idea and turn it into something worthwhile. What I hate about these private space companies is that they are eager to trash the public space agencies while standing on their shoulders the entire time.

>> No.7969554

A rocket launch, a possible landing, and finally some practical testing of the Bigelow module. Looks like April 8th will be a good day.
At least, before "hold hold hold"......
Sidenote: Bigelow has already placed two of those into orbit, yet sadly not much PR or information has been released about them, other than "they seem to be working fucking great", so hopefully this will spin up some more talk about them.

>> No.7969641

I wonder, will there ever be a SpaceX tread on /sci/ that doesn't turn into a shit-flinging contest between SpaceX/NASA/Boeing fanboys. So far there is at least one anon who thinks that Musk is the new Messiah, and one that acts as if Musk molested him before kicking his puppy to death.

>> No.7970193

They were literally ahead of their time. They got it all made, but no one had yet to build rockets to take it up. So, they scaled back their workforce and are doing stuff like this instead, biding their time.

>> No.7970198

>I used to love SpaceX but I really fucking hate them now....for meme reasons.

4chan is an 18+ only website.

That happens when people need validation so much in their life they have to get it from online.

>> No.7971557
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Dragon bump

>> No.7971665

Needs more duck tape.

>> No.7971690

Fuck off misty. You ain't shit without ash and Brock.

>> No.7971694

>Where does the hole on the space station come from
someone answer this guy, I want to know. Was the ISS built with all kinds of stuff that isn't used just in case it needs it in the future? If so, that's pretty impressive foresight.

>> No.7971703
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>duck tape
>not duct

>> No.7971723

It's modular. That's the point.

>> No.7971742

>inflatable space habitat
Why ? Wouldnt that shit get shredded by all the micro asteroids and tiny particels crousing around ? I wouldnt want to chill out in some bouncy castle in space only for a debris to tear a gaping hole in it.

>> No.7971745

how does that work?

>> No.7971749

It's duct tape with a duck pattern printed on it.

>> No.7971771

They are still validating the design, both in regard to deployment, shielding and ruggedness. From what i've read it wont be used for habbitation yet, but will be attached and monitored, maybe used for storage as well. But Bigelow has placed two similar prototypes into orbit allready, and from what i've read they have endured both radiation and micro-impacts just as well as the modules on the ISS. Im really hoping the launch goes well, just so there will be more testing of these modules.

>> No.7971875
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It is a brand name actually, who happen to have a line of duct tape.

>> No.7971876
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You think anything on the space station is safe from debris strikes? ISS is just lucky, that's all. That luck will eventually run out.

>> No.7972512

They leteraly need a better name.


>> No.7972519

see the original plan for the iss.

then come back here to cry,we will understand.

>> No.7972521

It is named after the founder Richard Bigelow.

How about "Bob Bigelow's Aerospace Emporium"?

>naming shit after yourself

I never did get that really. Maybe I just lack that type of ego.

>> No.7972522

jeez,bigelow is a name!

>> No.7972523
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We should have something like space garbage men to clean up the atmosphere

>> No.7972529

It's been hit alot of times you dweeb. On the largest part the solar panels.

>> No.7972530

Sign me up.

>> No.7972533

so... we are in this space threads that appear once in a while.

i propose a little change of subject.

what about orion capsule.

the congress wants the shuttle mony to roll again and they might have compromised the space program.

imo:space agencies should only make the crazy investments the ones that a private company wouldn`t make.
a space station on LEO or GSO
a moon space station,probably in the L2.
a moon outpost.

and now that we have space infraestructure the private companies can make the transportation to this facilities.

>> No.7972543
File: 95 KB, 600x466, Moon l2 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same fag here


a image to ilustrate.

>> No.7972600

You mean the 0.25 inch hole left by a 2mm rock traveling 22k miles per hour? That's like a range of 29.9 to 406.74 joules, depending on what direction they are traveling and what angle they hit. That's the difference in range from a BB air rifle to just under that of a 9mm pistol. Thankfully the main habs are in fact bullet proof. However, anything larger than a few mm will be far more deadly than a bullet.

An object 2 inches in diameter (under the trackable size of current instruments) traveling that speed would pretty much fuck up everyone's day regardless of where it'd hit.

The amount of times the ISS has been hit has been 2 I think. One left a visible hole and the other was at low enough angle or velocity that it merely scratched the glass.

>named Stacy apparently


>> No.7973886

I consider myself a massive popsci-spacefag, so as long as rockets get made, probes get sendt and cool stuff like Orion/Dragon/"whatever that Boeing-thing is called" gets made im happy as a pig in mud. However, the engineer-part of me agree with you. Government-funded spaceprograms should be focused on doing the R&D that private companies cant afford. So the recent years of CRS/Crewed Dragon/Boeing and the like seem like a step in the right direction. Do the edgy R&D, then hand that R&D over to civilian buisness for cost and efficency