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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7967970 No.7967970 [Reply] [Original]

I just have to fucking vent.
I am so fucking sick and tired of this.
I am sick of the retarded shitposting (not the funny shitposting, but the shitposting done by brain dead imbeciles who are too stupid to realize they are shitposting), I am sick of the /pol/-threads and I am sick of mods deleting good threads (I remember a funny inorganic vs organic chemistry thread a few weeks ago that got deleted spontaneously for no reason).

>> No.7967975

Report and hide.

>> No.7967976
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I asked what tensor calculus was useful for yesterday and some retards named a couple of vague ass examples that just used numpy's ndarray

>> No.7967979

>shitposting done by brain dead imbeciles who are too stupid to realize they are shitposting

If only high-quality people wanted to waste their lives putting high-effort posts on an anonymous image board! The target audience for 4chan are children and degenerates, and nothing is going to change that.

>> No.7967986

You can formally verify my dubs

>> No.7967992

I'm sick of fucking meta threads.

>> No.7967993

>I am a smart person
>Hmm, the state of the board is decaying
>Oh, I know! I will make a good thread so that everyone remembers what /sci/ can actually be. That will make a change!

>I am a complete retard
>Hmm, the state of the board is decaying according my subjective standards that are wrong because as I just said, I am a retard
>Oh, I know! Lets make a thread talking about how it sucks that others are making shitty threads! That is not ironic at all!

Let me guess. CS major AND girl gamer?

>> No.7968001

when will ppl learn 4chin was never good. if you hate it so much just leave, moron.

>> No.7968003

Let me guess. You are a brainlet memer!

>> No.7968007

>intentionally use 'bantz' to "keep out normies"
>all boards get filled with conspiracy nuttery and deviant politics
>whine that only abnormies want to talk to you

>> No.7968008

That's not entirely true. It's just that the fucking mods seem to be actively promoting the state of the board with their decision to delete cool threads while doing nothing about the 10000 /pol/ threads for example.
>CS major AND girl gamer
Nice buzzwords son. Let me guess, you are the author of one of the numerous "muhh racial genetics" threads?

>> No.7968017

>cool threads

Are you referring to the junior high homework help, or the em-drive fandom, or the "is [established science] a meme???" threads, or 0.999...? What are these "cool threads" that would lead to /sci/ being good, if only there were more of them?

>> No.7968019

>/pol/ threads
Lol wut? I unintentionally took a break from /sci/ for /pol/. To be fair, /pol/ is more Trump-talk and current events in America than actual political topics. Every board gets off topic once in a while.

It seems /pol/ can't keep their bantz to one board.

>> No.7968020
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/sci/ was very good back in the old days. But the mods banned all the good posters and eventually retards took over.
Dare speak out how the scientific method is incompatible with religion? You're banned.
Post pseudo-scientific shit (like flat Earth or creationist theories)? Your thread isn't even deleted.

Why can't mods change the rules so that at the very least some pseudo-science shitposting (such as flat Earth theories) wouldn't be allowed?
Look at other science forums on the Internet - they're thriving because they have stricter rules than /sci/. Religious shitposting and other pseudoscience isn't allowed over these forums, while stating how certain pseudo-sciences (including religion) are incompatible with science is perfectly valid. The result is serious discussion and no braindead morons and religionfags crusading their idiotic doctrines.

>> No.7968022

The irony is unending

Dubs and shit thread

>> No.7968026

Establishing whether or not a field is a meme is serious business.

>> No.7968033

Do you really think that a bunch of below-average teenage boys are going to be able to intelligently discuss philosophy of science and how it relates to religion?

>> No.7968037

Because meme spouting and r9k/pol shit make many posters to avoid this board.

There are many containment boards for low quality shitposting, you know?

>> No.7968043

Yes. /sci/ is one of them. It's where flat earthers, anti-vaxxers, and other garbage go when their tulpas tell them that smoking doesn't cause cancer.

>> No.7968058

I wish EK came back.

>> No.7968061

Wait, I thought /x/ was their containment board

>> No.7968065

It should be, but as I said in the OP, mods seem to deliberately promote the current state.

>> No.7968069

It's all the same people. /sci/ is just one click away for /pol/ neo-Nazis who want to spread their ideology, mentally ill /x/ users, and /b/tards who mistakenly think they can ruin something good by filling /sci/ with shit. The userbase is all the same, so it's silly to expect the users themselves to magically be different.

>> No.7968075

There's a serious lack of communication with the mods on this site. When the mod that communicates the most with the userbase is fucking swaglord of all people, there is definitely something wrong.

>> No.7968130
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Proud to be anti-vaccine. One day you're going to wake up.

And yes, /sci/ is going downhill. At least I have a sense of irony.

>> No.7968131

> every thread i dont like is /pol/ thread
Are we still getting raided by SJWtards ? When is this cancer going to end ?

>> No.7968140

Wow, what a surprise! Are you anti-vaccine because you want the death rate to be higher out of an outright evil social Darwinist ideology, or are you just another moron who got conned by Wakefield?

>> No.7968142


>> No.7968145
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>> No.7968154


just because you're autistic and vaccinated doesnt mean the vaccine is what caused it

>> No.7968155
File: 71 KB, 655x918, 71c3bad948529323a5e273f45a3e8e64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I remember a funny inorganic vs organic chemistry thread a few weeks ago that got deleted spontaneously for no reason
Guess who I am.

>> No.7968166


I dont have much evidence to go on, but from what I've gathered you're an autistic faggot

>> No.7968172


>spotted the low IQ brainlet

>> No.7968177
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>butthurt inorganic fag is butthurt

>> No.7968183


all chemistry is for autistic NEETs, and you're posting chinese cartoons. It was thin evidence, but I'm feeling more and more certain my call was correct.

>> No.7968188

I share your feeling bro; we now see posts that should rather belong to /pol than here. IQ tests and racial differences, vaccine paranoia, eugenics, and other shitposts......for god sake, it's all information manipulation, bad population samples, flawed science, pseudo science...Yet you can't really argue against these people because their reasoning has deep roots in paranoia/hatred....I agree, there should be something we can do about it....

>> No.7968196
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>> No.7968199

Mostly the unscientific racebaiting threads.

>> No.7968207

> evolutionary differences are racebait threads
spotted the sjwtard

>> No.7968212
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>all chemistry is for autistic NEETs

>> No.7968215

>ou can't really argue against these people because their reasoning has deep roots in factual evidence

>> No.7968226
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yeah, it correlates pretty strongly with posting cartoons aimed at japanese schoolchildren and pedophiles

>> No.7968249
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>generic kekgineer banter

>> No.7968256

At least we got rid of pop sci cancer.

>> No.7968265


ahh, so you're into chem, but you're not an engineer... You know seeing what happens when you leave pissbottles for a year doesnt count as science right?

>> No.7968276
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>I suck at chemistry and have never done it before

>> No.7968281

shit thread

>> No.7968328

If you can cite a single piece of scientific literature that supports the existence of these """""evolutionary differences""""" as a causal factor for any of the following: crime rate, socioeconomic status, IQ; I will retract my argument. In fact, if you can even find any article that proves an exclusive genetic similarity between geographically disconnected members of the same race, I will admit defeat.

Until either of these things exist, it's literally science fiction.

>> No.7968586

> b-but muh pol infographics :^(

>> No.7968608
File: 4 KB, 97x97, ss+(2016-01-24+at+09.48.06).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bwaaaaaaaaaaar waar wwarrrrrrrrr

>> No.7968610
File: 343 KB, 1920x1080, Woody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nooooooooooooise dubs m80 XDDD

>> No.7968667

help me

>> No.7968728

Welcome to 4chan.

No seriously, it is like this on every board in some form or another. It has literally always been like this in the 13 years I've been on 4chan. the only place that seems to be safe is in those Homegrowmen gardening/farming threads on >>>/out/: >>>/out/719608

Which have been pretty based since they started a few years ago on /ck/ and /diy/, before /out/ existed. Only a few times have there been problems, but mostly it is smooth sailing. >>>/diy/ has some fantastic /ohm/ threads too. >>>/diy/961059

/sci/ really doesn't seem to have its own sub-culture in the manner those two boards have.

/sci/ like >>>/x/ started out great, fyi. But, very quickly fell into decay once /popsci/ and CS majors without jobs moved in.

>> No.7968741
File: 31 KB, 694x968, X on SCI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why can't mods change the rules so that at the very least some pseudo-science shitposting (such as flat Earth theories) wouldn't be allowed?

Guess who made this image. Then despair.

>> No.7968764


A discussion on racial differences isn't inherently /pol/ and spamming 'le ebil nazis' in an effort to shut down conversation and save your delicate feelings hurts /sci/ far more.

>> No.7968777

First they came for the loony conspiracy theory threads (flat earth, smoking, climate change denial, anti-GMO) and I said nothing because those threads are shit.

Then they came for the homework threads and I said nothing because they are shit.

Then the came for the puzzle threads and I said nothing because they are shit.

Then they came for the /pol/ race IQ threads and I said nothing because they are shit.

Then the came for the other IQ threads and I said nothing because they are shit.

Then the board was empty except for a meta thread complaining about the quality of /sci/.

>> No.7968783
File: 11 KB, 362x453, FALCON-9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ is only good during SpaceX threads.

>> No.7968804
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Except, no one posts in them >>7968785 for a long time and usually only when there's a launch happening. Then a 10 post thread can read 450 posts in 30 minutes.

>> No.7968816

IDK OP. Didn't browse /sci/ for about a month and came back to a Hitler thread, a woman are shit thread, and some guys bloated asshole shown in a hemorrhoids thread. I don't know what the fuck happened, but sometimes of day there's more intelligent discussion on /b/.

If only m00t was here to corral the pol fags.

>> No.7968825
File: 220 KB, 1920x1080, 10-of-the-most-menacing-bugs-alive-today-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those thread I reported
>none were deleted
>all bumped off the board after 310+ replies

This board has an infestation of rice in the worst way.

>> No.7968834

Yeah, it is pretty bad. The highlights seem to be homework questions and the rest are edge garbage.

>> No.7968870

It isn't inherently /pol/, perhaps, but it sure as shit isn't /sci/.

Come back with testable hypotheses please.

>> No.7969862

agreed to be quite TBQH, family :^)

>> No.7969866

also, believe it or not, I invented the "what would happen if a sun made of ice collided with a sun made of lava" meme back when /g/ - was "/g/ - science and technology" :^)

>> No.7969888

it is completely /sci/ related and nothing to do with politics or news. I don't see you jumping on people when they talk about completely hypothetical stuff, which makes up half the /sci/ threads.
It belongs to no other board but this one.

>> No.7969892

A worthless get

>> No.7969894

>The userbase is all the same
poppycock, how new r u?

>> No.7969925

There are mods on this board? Nah, no way.


>> No.7969933

Kek, mods are still shit though. Ban me, niggers

>> No.7970010

>computer science iobs

>> No.7970013

damn ilu /sci/ mod

>> No.7970026

I humbly return, chastised and disciplined. But heck, I'm an ex-acid taking, meditating, /x/-haunting spiritual healer (with a science degree) and even I find the pseudo- content of /sci/ frustrating at times. Anyone posting about chemtrails or /pol/ or /x/ bait should be disembowelled.

>> No.7970054
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>Le funny lava and ice sun meme

>> No.7970146

Fuck you PC mods
Come at me bro
Come at me

>> No.7970150

PC? i dunno wat yo'uer talking about

>> No.7970152
File: 349 KB, 350x233, 1e0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna MAGA and you can not stop me.

>> No.7970224

/sci/ mod = best mod

>> No.7970268


>> No.7970582

>last 13 years I've been on 4chan
Lol'd. Always amusing to see newfags pretending to be oldfags. I bet you are fresh out of reddit.
>it is completely /sci/ related and nothing to do with politics or news
O I am laffin.
Impressive trips though.

>> No.7970589

1.O3 2.H2O2 yourself mod you memeing pleb

>> No.7970597

Samefag detected. Delete the /pol/-threads and I will agree though.

>> No.7970896

when was it ever different?