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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 66 KB, 902x677, pisa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7966481 No.7966481 [Reply] [Original]

Have you for once, welcomed our Chinese overlords?

>> No.7966482
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>> No.7966483

Obviously. I hope that the East Asian master race can bring peace and prosperity to all the peoples of the Earth :)

>> No.7966485
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>> No.7966505
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>comparing cities to countries
this excludes all the kids who grow up in rural China drinking factory runoff and getting shit education

>> No.7966515

Still, there's not even a correlation between the urban population of a country and its PISA score, for example Argentina, Uruguay, Israel, South Korea, Japan and Iceland have very similar rates of urbanization and very different PISA scores.

>> No.7966521
File: 300 KB, 549x920, 2455305_898160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And also, results from pilot 2009 PISA tests have been leaked for other provinces in China and they show that they are a little above the OECD average

>> No.7966522


Love this meme everytime I see it

>> No.7966523
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>> No.7966532
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>> No.7966564
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>> No.7966584

happily, their love of corruption and comfort keeps them in check as a people, just as the tiny numbers of the jewry do theirs.

>> No.7966590

If they don't understand how to even put units on a fucking pdf then how can I trust any statistical results they report

>> No.7966671

all data from china is fake

>> No.7966679

>repeated colors with no other label
Fucking retarded.

>> No.7966732
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>> No.7967238


>> No.7967268


>> No.7967327


>> No.7967332

> butthurt non-chinese jew tears
Sure, we make all the electronics in the entire world by cheating on math tests ;)

>> No.7967337
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>We want fairness. There is no fairness if you do not let us cheat.

>> No.7967375
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Whenever an American or European wins an Olympic gold medal, we cheer them as heroes. When a Chinese does, the first reflex seems to be that they must have been doping; or if that’s taking it too far, that it must have been the result of inhumane training.

There seem to be parallels to this in education. Only hours after results from the latest PISA assessment showed Shanghai’s school system leading the field, Time magazine concluded the Chinese must have been cheating. They didn't bother to read the PISA 2012 Technical Background Annex, which shows there was no cheating, whatsoever, involved. Nor did they speak with the experts who had drawn the samples or with the international auditors who had carefully reviewed and validated the sample for Shanghai and those of other countries.

>> No.7967377

Others were quick to suggest that resident internal migrants might not be covered by Shanghai’s PISA sample, because years ago those migrants wouldn't have had access to Shanghai’s schools. But, like many things in China, that has long changed and, as described by PISA, resident migrants were covered by the PISA samples in exactly the way they are covered in other countries and education systems. Still, it seems to be easier to cling to old stereotypes than keep up with changes on the ground (or to read the PISA report).

True, like other emerging economies, Shanghai is still building its education system and not every 15-year-old makes it yet to high school. As a result of this and other factors, the PISA 2012 sample covers only 79% of the 15-year-olds in Shanghai. But that is far from unique. Even the United States, the country with the longest track record of universal high-school education, covered less than 90% of its 15-year-olds in PISA - and it didn't include Puerto Rico in its PISA sample, a territory that is unlikely to have pulled up U.S. average performance.

>> No.7967381

International comparisons are never easy and they are never perfect. But anyone who takes a serious look at the facts and figures will concede that the samples used for PISA result in robust and internationally comparable data. They have been carefully designed and validated to be fit for purpose in collaboration with the world’s leading experts, and the tests are administered under strict and internationally comparable conditions. Anyone who really wants to find out can review the underlying data.

Short of arguments about methodology, some people turn to dismissing Shanghai’s strong performance by saying that Shanghai’s students are only good on the kind of tasks that are easy to teach and easy to test, and that those things are losing in relevance because they are also the kind of things that are easy to digitise, automate and outsource. But while the latter is true, the former is not. Consider this: Only 2% of American 15-year-olds and 3% of European ones reach the highest level of math performance in PISA, demonstrating that they can conceptualise, generalise and use math based on their investigations and apply their knowledge in novel contexts. In Shanghai it is over 30%. Educators in Shanghai have simply understood that the world economy will pay an ever-rising premium on excellence and no longer value people for what they know, but for what they can do with what they know.

>> No.7967385

PISA didn't just test what 15-year-olds know in mathematics, it also asked them what they believe makes them succeed. In many countries, students were quick to blame everyone but themselves: More than three-quarters of the students in France, an average performer on the PISA test, said the course material was simply too hard, two-thirds said the teacher did not get students interested in the material, and half said their teacher did not explain the concepts well or they were just unlucky. The results are very different for Shanghai. Students there believe they will succeed if they try hard and they trust their teachers to help them succeed. That tells us a lot about school education. And guess which of these two countries keeps improving and which is not? The fact that students in some countries consistently believe that achievement is mainly a product of hard work, rather than inherited intelligence, suggests that education and its social context can make a difference in instilling the values that foster success in education.

And even those who claim that the relative standing of countries in PISA mainly reflects social and cultural factors must concede that educational improvement is possible: In mathematics, countries like Brazil, Turkey, Mexico or Tunisia rose from the bottom; Italy, Portugal and the Russian Federation have advanced to the average of the industrialised world or close to it; Germany and Poland rose from average to good, and Shanghai and Singapore have moved from good to great. Indeed, of the 65 participating countries, 45 saw improvement in at least one subject area. These countries didn't change their culture, or the composition of their population, nor did they fire their teachers. They changed their education policies and practices. Learning from these countries should be our focus. We will be cheating ourselves and the children in our schools if we miss that chance.

>> No.7967387

International comparisons are never easy and they aren’t perfect. But PISA shows what is possible in education, it takes away excuses from those who are complacent, and it helps countries see themselves in the mirror of the educational results and educational opportunities delivered by the world’s leaders in education. The world has become indifferent to tradition and past reputations, unforgiving of frailty and ignorant of custom or practice. Success will go to those individuals, institutions and countries which are swift to adapt, slow to complain and open to change. And the task for governments is to help citizens rise to this challenge. PISA can help to make that happen.

>> No.7967430

>that blue line
But who?

>> No.7967479
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Countries that use rote-learning do worse

>> No.7967504
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>> No.7967507
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>> No.7967511
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>> No.7967570


This might be the worst attempt at conveying data visually that I have ever seen.

>> No.7967620

they should sack whoever is responsible for those charts

>> No.7967684

>course material was simply too hard, two-thirds said the teacher did not get students interested in the material, and half said their teacher did not explain the concepts well or they were just unlucky
and then they just wonder why Chinese are better than them

>> No.7967724
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We have to

>> No.7967845
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>> No.7967846
File: 218 KB, 1783x411, 2016-03-30-142944_1920x1080_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are 10 ching chongs with 783 SAT for every German with the same score, PER CAPITA.

>> No.7967856

remember that those PISA results are from Shanghai

>> No.7967857


even the fonts are bad.

the distribution of those images should be punishable by forced-open eye viewing of a /pol/ and /fa/ gay porno.

>> No.7967858

>mfw Israel, Iceland, Norway and Sweden are all shit

>> No.7967915

if you can't come to terms with east asian superiority then you can't come to terms with reality.

Their IQs, crime rates, societal stability, technology, cities, and economic productivity are all noticeably superior. And many of these countries are just getting started, china, taiwan, and sk in particular.

In 50 years they will be miles ahead while europe and the us will likely continue to decline as they become mired in democratic morass, low-IQ immigration, and anti-capitalist compassionate/socialist policies. Only genetic engineering can alter our fate of inferiority.

>> No.7968272

too difficult for you?

>> No.7969355

>skewed bell curves
Yeah, that's fabricated or fallacious data.

>> No.7969394

Actually one of the problems with Asians (in terms of science) is their societal stability. China for instance still thought the Earth was a flat disk until Euros showed up and informed them otherwise. Euros show a certain propensity for changing the paradigm which can be bad (for political/social stability) but preddy gud for science.

>> No.7969616
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>> No.7969622

>China for instance still thought the Earth was a flat disk until Euros showed up

plz be trolling. I bet you think gallileo proved the earth was round too

>> No.7969640

Fucking autists.

>> No.7969653
File: 17 KB, 1128x134, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plz be trolling.
Lel nope.

> I bet you think gallileo proved the earth was round too
You mistake me for an idiot, but I will forgive your ignorance.

>> No.7969658
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Further reading

>> No.7969660

That's just generalizing anon. The knowledge iniciative of the "round earth" happened during the 3rd century BC, in Hellas. What are you talking about europeans?

double kek

Well. I agree that the degeneracy would make EEUU vulnerable against other countries.

>> No.7969662

>mfw white dicks yolked asian pussy after invasion

>> No.7969679


>> No.7969704


What do PISA scores have to do with science? Jack shit! Fuck off and go back to pol. I'll even link you there:


>> No.7969730

>hurr back to /pol/ cause you hurt my feelings

>> No.7969766

>United States

Can we please spend more money on science and less on bombing Muslims?

>> No.7969774

> i tell people what to do lel xD

>> No.7969858
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>> No.7969863


>> No.7969869

>Implying all of our scientific advancement doesn't come from researching new and better ways to bomb Muslims

>> No.7969871

It's just cause all the chinks who get bad test scores kill themselves. It's natural selection at work

>> No.7969878

Poland? POLAND?

>> No.7969908

but suicide rates aren't even correlated to PISA scores

>> No.7969918
File: 140 KB, 385x450, SK222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The drones which will deliver you groceries in the future are smeared with the blood of inocence from the Obama administration.

>> No.7969927

I'd accept them as my overlords the second they actually sample their real population instead of the best and brightest who end up in the metro areas.

>> No.7969936


this has been saved.

>> No.7969949

There's no way that's possible, we're all equal, no one can be better or worse. Clearly racist whitey made these tests.

>> No.7969951

>Shanghai is a country

>> No.7970042

o wow

>> No.7970071

Right. Generally when people design something, it gets contracted to the lowest bidder. The only reasons you produce these things are your inability to treat your workers fairly and lower ethical standards. Hence why Chinese quality control is usually shit.

>> No.7970084
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>> No.7970087
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>IQ thread with almost no eugenics apologic propaganda
This is a miracle.
Maybe, shitposters are sleeping.

>> No.7970228

yeah Poland

>> No.7970277
File: 28 KB, 390x310, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what east asianswaste their youth with

>> No.7970313

>fabricated by jews
probably not. Fabricated by Chinks, now we're talking

>> No.7970340
File: 296 KB, 2000x1027, OECD_member_states_map.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fabricated by Chinks

>> No.7970365

Shaer? I don't feel like capping right now

>> No.7970536
File: 193 KB, 481x594, 2015-08-02-21.17.11puertorico.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puesto Rico also did a pilot PISA test in 2012

>> No.7970567



>> No.7970573

>chinks do really well on exams and get good grades
>people think its because they are smart and work hard
>american get better grades than euro's
>muh grade inflation, muh watered down material

shut the fuck up you faggots.

>> No.7970579

Chinese government, shooo shooooo

>> No.7970585


>> No.7970586

Fucking shills

>> No.7970592


Chinese cheat on everything, they don't see anything wrong with cheating and cutting corners in their shitty culture.

>> No.7970648

that comes from a German not from the Chinese goverment

>> No.7970682

whatever ching chong ding dong to you too, stupid shill

>> No.7970686


>> No.7970696

fuck you

>> No.7970730


>> No.7970813


>> No.7971088


>> No.7971494

He is talking about the gaokao.

>> No.7971521


>> No.7971942

China suicide rate and youth suicide rate are actually lower than the OECD average

>> No.7972228
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By every measure the Chinese are better, for example see this for the United Kingdom

>> No.7972651


>> No.7972677

Can you explain this >>7966532 ? i.e. the average I.Q. of India and their kin's average A*-C grades in the UK.

>> No.7972718

Indian-English ≠ Indians in Himachal Pradesh and Tamil Nadu

>> No.7972725

The problem here is that you assume that the UK took highly affluent Indians or even worse you assume that the UK took only the highly educated.

I can assure both those assumptions are wrong.


The Indian immigrants to the UK have come in waves, the earlier of their kind arrived as cheap labourers and then more Indians came to the UK after their eventual expulsion from African nations. The Indians who were in the African nations were themselves taken there as labourers.

>> No.7972752
File: 17 KB, 576x501, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But by far, most Indian immigrants in the U.K. come from the recent waves of immigration, according to the 2011 English Census there were about 1.5 million Indians in the U.K., halfway the 20th century they were around 50,000, and yes I am assuming that most Indians immgrants to the UK are way more educated and richer than their compatriots in India because the data seems to suggest that, for example have a higher wealth and are more probably to have a degree than other minorities in the United Kingdom


>> No.7973034

what a wonderful time to be alive

>> No.7974075

Can you show the break down of Indian immigrants by their profession entering the UK?

Did one of your pdf show that breakdown?

>> No.7975016
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>> No.7975269

>for once
you know what really grinds my gears, OP? you.

>> No.7975306

what am I looking at here

>> No.7975340

I'm retarded, please explain this graph. Countries to the left have more poorfags as top performers?

>> No.7975611

Basically, in the countries to the right it is mostly only the rich kids that get good score. In the countries to the right, a larger percentage of poor kids also does well, which in turn boosts the performance in general.

>> No.7975616

Okay now take China as a whole and see it drop at the last place.

>> No.7975626

Germany also gets a bump when you leave out their Turks but lets not delve into that again.

>> No.7975645

theres more to life than just math shinji

>> No.7976266

see >>7966521 >>7966523 >>7966532

>> No.7976417


How do you program computers? The same way people programmed VCRs?

>> No.7976810

Why is German engineering so shit?

>> No.7976856

not enough I.Q., maybe?

>> No.7977460

>not controlling for the nigger-effect

>> No.7977464

kek thread over.

>> No.7977471 [DELETED] 

>What if we had a mechanism that's normally composed of 5 parts
>And like
>Made it had 25

Everything's over-engineered for no real reason so when something breaks, a LOT breaks. Porsche is still based, though.

>> No.7977482 [DELETED] 

>What if we had a mechanism that's normally composed of 5 parts
>And like
>Made it had 25

Everything's over-engineered for no real reason so when something breaks, a LOT breaks. Porsche is still based, though. BMW is especially notable for becoming a massive shitshow ever since the E90

>> No.7977495

So the poor millionaires in shanghai perform best?
No shit?

>> No.7977496

>What if we had a mechanism that's normally composed of 5 parts
>And like
>Made it have 25

Everything's over-engineered for no real reason so when something breaks, a LOT breaks. Porsche is still based, although BMW is especially notable for becoming a massive shitshow ever since the E90

>> No.7977542

Elecfonics could be made anywhere in the world. They are made in china for the cheap labor. Do you really think they couldn't be made in the USA, Europe, Australia, Korea etc.

>> No.7977988
File: 170 KB, 1024x768, pisa-2012-evaluating-school-systems-to-improve-education-71-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money does not buy high performance in PISA

>> No.7978482

The Zhejiang number from the 2012 PISA has once again been leaked. This time it’s 623 in math, 570 in reading, and 582 in science. Better than Shanghai. But here is the shocker from article.

“The provincial Education Examination handled organization implementation of PISA test measured the province. The spokesman Feng Chenghou said, the 2012 PISA test, the same school in 2009 are tested, sampling tests are ordinary high school student, none of the key schools participated, rural and township schools still account for about 80%, and the students are mostly from the 9th grade.”

>> No.7979573

>controlling for the nigger-effect

>> No.7980011


>> No.7980026

the western world is kill

>> No.7980067

>"I program computers"
UK on the top.

CS People confirmed for brainlets

>> No.7980866

>China investing more on R&D than the European Union
>Since 2012

>> No.7980910

what controls are there for their proneness to academic dishonesty? Even so that I guess is an aptitude to itself

>> No.7980942
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Too bad cars from "Nip"pon look like shit

>> No.7981170

that's because they are engaging in eugenics and all sorts of wrongthink projects the west is no longer inclined in.

>> No.7981429
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>> No.7981432


>> No.7981435

>iq is the end all measure for intelligence when its blacks v whites
>point out asians have higher iq than whites

>> No.7981436


>> No.7981509

the bloody muzzle of my dog ;_;

>> No.7982500

*Puerto Rico

>> No.7983882

Shanghai doesn't even score that high on Gaokao exams, are whitosu piggusu that dumb?

>> No.7984200
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>> No.7984209

It does well to remember that 30 years ago China was starving to death

Their empire is just beginning

The West is in decadence, we only remember how hard it is to work 40 hours a week and party on the weekends

>> No.7986284
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>> No.7986342

India will surpass China though. At least both nations dislike Islam.

>> No.7986353
File: 183 KB, 647x829, China 2005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PISA was made by whiteys, in Paris.

BGI is pretty damn impressive. 3x the sequencing power of Harvard-MIT combined and it has some ridiculously intelligent people working on it. Heads of theoretical physics from top universities, Prize winners from the National Academy of Science, multi millionaire entrepreneurs, etc.

Chinese are even smarter than Jews thanks to 2000 years of social selection for intelligence vs 1000 years.

Jewish IQ: 95 spatial 125 verbal 110 mathematical

Shanghai Chinese IQ: 118 Mathematical 113 Spatial, 111 Verbal

Literally 1/4 people are qualified for MENSA (130 IQ is the average IQ of Physics, philosophy and math majors) in certain Chinese cities like Zhejiang.

>> No.7986391

Suicide rates are always tricky and prone to bias. Not saying China has a high suicide rate. But it really depends on how they report the death. Certain countries tend to label many things as suicide and others rarely report suicides and just label it as something else. Don't have the source but would have to search.

You have delve a little more into the country you're investigating to know if there are any biases with the way they report or record suicides.

>> No.7986435

China is growing
The future is China
Soon China will be the next super power
In the next year everyone has to speak Chinese
China is going to be the next super power
China will surpass America
China will become the next superpower
China will become the next superpower

This has been going on for awhile. Not going to deny that China hasn't grown to a powerful country. And to be honest I really don't know much about politics and economics. So can someone give me the scoop? Should I move to China? Should I start learning Chinese and Mandarin? Looks like China is the future. Don't even know if China will become the next superpower or it will take Japan's route and stagnate.

>> No.7986444

2014 China became the world's largest economy, real GDP, 2020 China surpasses the US economy nominally, and 2050 China doubles the US's economy.

>> No.7986451
File: 132 KB, 982x560, chart1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China is just returning to it's previous state as the world's best. USA and Europe will continue to be powerful entities in this century, and if you aren't an ethnic Chinese that speaks Chinese fluently, going to China won't be better. While China as a nation is growing extremely powerful, it's individual living standards still aren't that great. It definitely won't stagnate the same way Japan did, considering the differences in resources (land, population, minerals, etc).

>> No.7986458

Look at their aging and gender imbalanced population, their utterly fucked infrastructure, extreme government corruption, and insularism from the rest of the world beyond production and trade. China can't even run itself.

>> No.7986475

Not op
Everything doesn't happen overnight.
>what is growing pains
Nobody can really predict the future.

>> No.7986477
File: 436 KB, 800x955, shangai-before-and-after3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They repealed the one child policy and their population dynamics are still better than any industralized nations'. As for infrastructure, they're building the future. Bullet trains, maglevs and other projects that no democratic nation would be able to schedule or execute in time.

>Extreme government corruption

Maybe, but at least they're a meritocracy (8/9 of the foremost officials in China have engineering degrees) and not an aristrocracy like America. In fact, China is even more competitive and ability-centric.

>Insular from the rest of the world

That's a good thing. Avoid cultural colonization like Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong, until they have developed a similarly powerful media.

>China can't even run itself

Have you seen its efficiency? China has lasted for 5000 years and it will always last.

>> No.7986488

Those are just numbers. What we want to see is notable progress. What is on the streets? How are the people feeling about life?
When you answer those questions, the questions that matter, China doesn't turn out to be at the top anymore. They're getting closer, but not there enough to even say almost.

>> No.7986512

>How are people feeling about life

According to that metric, Jamaicans and Bhutanese are no.1 in the world.

China still has lower depression and suicide rates than any Western countries. As for streets, I don't know. I've only been there.

>Those are just numbers

he says, on /sci/

>> No.7986541

>Chinese Overlords
Does not stop me from stomping their chinki shit faces in pavement and cucking them for women

>> No.7986542


>Jewish IQ: 95 spatial 125 verbal 110 mathematical
>Shanghai Chinese IQ: 118 Mathematical 113 Spatial, 111 Verbal

Where are you getting these stats from?

>> No.7986580

Yeshiva and regressions from PISA

>> No.7986598

>China has lasted for 5000 years

>> No.7986602

>They repealed the one child policy
That doesn't help most people have no economic mobility and the fact that China has a rising elderly population since living conditions increased so rapidly.

>> No.7986606

Xia dynasty till now

>> No.7986608

>not an aristrocracy like America
Are you legit retarded? Most of the high Party leaders and family were associates of Mao. Sure, they bring people in through tests, but you have to know a guy or have money just to get the education.

>> No.7986610

China wasn't even unified for much of its history.

>> No.7986620

>You have delve a little more into the country you're investigating to know if there are any biases with the way they report or record suicides.
The U.N. has done that job for us.

>> No.7986650

Uh, no. China is an oppressive oligarchy with no chance of social mobility or entrepreneurship due to the Communist Party's iron grip on all aspects of society. All the top companies are run by party members. It's an incredibly corrupt cronie capitalist government.
This isn't like America where at least our lobbyists aren't part of the government and where you can open and run a business without being part of politics.

>> No.7986755

I'm so glad I didn't grow up in a chinese household
>no food until finish 15 practice exams 2 grades ahead
>no sleep until finish learning 15 min long piano solo
>no relaxing until finish transcribing 30 min long conversation in 3 different languages

>> No.7986785
File: 314 KB, 502x750, 38367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of wish I had that. Boomers dgaf about their kids.

>> No.7986788

You're thinking of affluent Chinese living in 1st world countries.

>> No.7986791

>china isn't a first world country

>> No.7986793

call me when their buildings stop falling down and everyone has access to clean drinking water.

>> No.7986806
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>> No.7986809

yeah, you color blind or something?

>> No.7986829

> first world: US and UK and their allies
> second world: USSR and China and their allies
> third world: unallied countries

>> No.7986835

LOLOL? Kidding me? This guy clearly doesn't know how Shanghai works. American Chinese refer to the students as Shanghai babies.. They're the kids of all of the rich chinese business-people.. Compare them to American elite students and you probably won't see so much disparity.. Fuck china.

>> No.7986843

Love this meme everytime I see it

>> No.7986878

>No chance of social mobility or entrepreneurship

Is that what you learned from Miss Saigon (Vietnam but I know you whites can't tell the difference)?

If you didn't read the thread, China has the most resilient students, the highest number of students that succeed academically despite socioeconomic background. Also, China has the largest growth of billionaires and entrepreneurs like Jack Ma.

>> No.7987106

lol kid you have a lot to learn

>> No.7987111

Shanghai, Mexico City and Sao Paulo have about the same GDP per capita and yet they have very different PISA scores

>> No.7987119


Go to bed chinaman.

>> No.7987127

Sweden wins.

>> No.7987128

Yes, all of those people are from Party families. The Party is 85 million, out of 1.35 billion. That's the top 6% of the Chinese.

>> No.7987136

>Spain and Israel on that chart

Holy shit I can't stop laughing.

>> No.7987160

This. As I recall, Jews had higher math skills than asians.
>Not using imaginary numbers to avoid paying income taxes

>> No.7987736

I think that would be a more verbal/legalese cognition.

>> No.7987855

Where did you hear that? Jewish genius is declining due to intermarriage and dispersal while Asian genius is rising due to improved nutrition and the flynn effect. Maybe Jews did have a higher mathematical IQ before 1970.

>> No.7987996


>> No.7988307


>> No.7988381

My asshole is ready for the chink dick. I'am learning some Chinese and Mandarin. Whiteboi get your boi pussy ready for when the chink start taking the lead. Than they will be the ones who decide what is right and what is wrong.

I truly wish China becomes the only superpower in the world. I have high regards for them, Enough of this USA crap. I'am all lubed up already.

>> No.7989017

chiyna has succeeded by undercutting Western workers through slave labor and currency manipulation, as well as outright stealing of patents and ideas

they might be a few % cleverer on average, but they have a very low standard deviation, meaning much fewer geniuses, their creativity is much lower than Westerners also

they are also in a big beautiful bubble

>> No.7989024

>chiyna has succeeded by undercutting Western workers through slave labor
What is slavery? Fuck off fagot.

>> No.7989034

slavery is paying your workers so little that they have to work such extremely long hours, that you have to install suicide nets to prevent them ending their lives in despair en mass

>> No.7989050

slavery is working without pay

>> No.7989083

This is bait and all but whatever I'am bored.
Every country that starts becoming modern and rich has to go through a rough patch. It's either slavery child slavery or just general shit labour work. The first generation of people have to go through this.

>> No.7989093

>New Zealand 2nd to the top for memorization.

Well that's depressing.

>> No.7989098

>en masse*
fuck your apologist shit tho

>> No.7989103

never heard of wage slavery?

>Every country
wow, a universal rule without any source to back you up

doesn't change the fact that their workers are paid less than ours, which makes it more profitable to manufacture there and ship it over

>> No.7989106

I appreciate you're correction, thanks. duly noted

>> No.7989107

I can see China going big and being the next super power. I really like their attitude to many things. They just don't give a shit. They do what they have to do. They know where they stand they know who is in their way and know where they want to be.

The only problem I see is USA and the west will not let them go and become The superpower so easily. They probably have some dirty moves under their sleeves.

>> No.7989116

do you like the way they steal our ideas and innovations, and infringe our patents?

did you hear that the only way they would buy Boing planes was if they were made in Chiyna, and were given the patents?

what about they're currency manipulation?

>> No.7989124

Yea 15 years down the road when China is in a much better position economically and culturally. Maybe even instilling some good morals in it's population it will look back and just say it was bad and nobody should do what they did.

>wow, a universal
Point is a country doesn't just magically lift from a shit hole to a top tier country. It requires shit dirty work, Someone some way has go to do it.

>> No.7989142

slavery/wage slavery is ok, because it is necessary?

>> No.7989150

As if no one else steals. It's all part of the game. Some steal more than others. Why put they effort in innovating when you have other shit to do. Once they're in a much better position they might start leading the world in innovation. And in all honesty this is just a big meme.

>what is stock market manipulation
It's the same dirty game with a different name. As long as their people are getting richer and their country advances I see nothing wrong. If truly is wrong and the Chinese are taking advantage of the world market than the world should man up and no trade with China. America has a week spot for the green.

>> No.7989157

In some conditions yes. When a country is a shit hole and the difference is between your child dying or your child going to work at a factory to make shit money. Than yes it's okay.

>> No.7989178

>As if no one else steals
if someone steals in the West, the owner can sue

if it's ok to steal ideas, why not just steal all of Chiynas stuff?

> If truly is wrong and the Chinese are taking advantage of the world market than the world should man up and no trade with China
it is wrong, but all the pols are paid off by Chiynas lobbyists, and of course it's fucking wrong, have you no morals?

so it is ok to enslave Africans by the millions and put them to work in our fields?

>> No.7989206

>if someone
I meant other countries steal ideas from other countries. It's wrong but still part of the accepted game.
>so it is
Americans already did it once. That's enough. kek.
In all seriousness there is a big difference between going somewhere else and dragging them to your country. Than say giving your people a chance to work. Shit pay it is. It takes time to get the country off the ground once they do the pay will surely increase too. Like I said it's part of getting a country from a shit hole to a modern country. We've just gone full circle and it's getting boring.

>> No.7989243

I see, enslaving your own people is necessary, and theft is good, if you are Chiyna, but acting morally, or taking people from other countries to lower wages(due to increased supply), or literally kidnapping foreigners is bad

got it, Chiyna gets a free pass to steal our ideas without compensation and undercut our workers

after all, how could we justify Communism otherwise?

>> No.7989273

Did you notice that Shanghai, a single Chinese city (less diversity), has a wider standard deviation in all the graphs than UK, USA, Turkey and bretty much every other country?

Contrary to what whitey believes, Asians not only have a higher IQ but also a higher SD.

Asians have a 21% larger standard deviation than whites. Males have a 8% larger SD than females. Look at the SAT data.

CR M W (standard deviations)
Whites: 103 104 104
Asians: 126 127 129


The PISA SD's are apparent. NE. Asian countries have an average SD of 95 while Western countries all have SD's between 80 and 90. In terms of the WISC, Chinese regions have SD's from 16-18 where the Western SD is only 13-17

>> No.7989279

The charts are all EASILY comprehensible. I could have understood every single one of these by 2nd grade. I'm guessing you're a brainlet with a sub 580 SAT-M score?

>> No.7989299

I don't know what a PISA or a WISC is

>a single Chinese city (less diversity), has a wider standard deviation in all the graphs than UK, USA
so? the rest of the country outside of that city has even lower SD?

>Asians have a 21% larger standard deviation than whites. Males have a 8% larger SD than females. Look at the SAT data.
wait, are we talking about Asians in America now? how do you know they are a representative group of all Asians?

and post a source for you're first claim

>> No.7989308

>Doesn't know what PISA or WISC is

Holy shit... and you're spouting off about Asian standard deviations? You LITERALLY didn't study this shit at all.

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children and Programme for International Student Assessment (literally what this thread is about).

>Post a source for your first claim

All the infographics in this thread, you white nigger.

>> No.7989316

>The rest of the country outside the city has even lower SD

Just no retard. The less diverse a group, the smaller the standard deviations.

Asians in America have a higher standard deviation and average than all other ethnicities in America, just as North East Asians have a higher average than Europeans and Americans.

Also, go find the 100 page PISA 2012 booklet. Google it, I'm not gonna spoon feed your neanderthal ass.

Also, never spout your unsubstantiated and incorrect bullshit opinions again, you irrational cumskin.

>> No.7989336
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As for your second unsubstantiated claim about Asians, Koreans literally topped the Western lists of innovation according to Bloomberg and Wallstreet, Chinese have even more potential than any other Asians (Japan already gets more patent grants a year than all Europe combined and Korea has x4 the per capita innovation as the most innovative Europeans, Germans and Swiss).

P.S. There are 10 times more Chinese at the 787 math score, which is equivalent to three standard deviations above average or 145 on a 15 SD 100 norm IQ test and well past the genius line, than Germans.

In reality, there are only about 10,000 people with IQ 160+ in America vs. 300,000 in China. http://infoproc.blogspot.com/2008/06/asian-white-iq-variance-from-pisa.html

>> No.7989371

>spouting off about Asian standard deviations
do we group South Asians and East Asians together?

>you white nigger.
oh, I am so triggered, I've never been called names before. are you a non-White?

>Asians in America have a higher standard deviation and average than all other ethnicities in America, just as North East Asians have a higher average than Europeans and Americans.
interesting the way you mention "asians in america" having a high SD, but only North East Asians have higher IQ

>I'm not gonna spoon feed your neanderthal ass.
only Africoons have no neanderthal admixture

>Koreans literally topped the Western lists of innovation according to Bloomberg and Wallstreet
and yet Whites invented the electrical system, the computer, the internet, fibre optics, submarine cables, satellite comms, wifi, refrigeration, internal and external combustion engines, cars, trucks, motorbikes, bikes, the tire, modern ships, space travel, modern medicine, modern agriculture, discovered DNA, and at LEAST 90% of the technologies we all use everyday

not all patents are useful

>P.S. There are 10 times more Chinese at the 787 math score, which is equivalent to three standard deviations above average or 145 on a 15 SD 100 norm IQ test and well past the genius line, than Germans.
how many Chinese are there, and how many Germans?

>In reality, there are only about 10,000 people with IQ 160+ in America vs. 300,000 in China
again, raw numbers rather than per capita numbers, seems dishonest

>> No.7989397

>Oh, I am so triggered, I've never been called names before

That was irrational of me. The fact that you were spouting off like you knew shit, despite not even knowing the MOST COMMONLY USED IQ TEST...

>interesting the way you mention "asians in america" having a high SD, but only North East Asians have higher IQ

No. Never said that. I said both have higher SD's and IQ's.

>and yet Whites invented the electrical system, the computer, the internet, fibre optics, submarine cables, satellite comms, wifi, refrigeration, internal and external combustion engines, cars, trucks, motorbikes, bikes, the tire, modern ships, space travel, modern medicine, modern agriculture, discovered DNA, and at LEAST 90% of the technologies we all use everyday

Muh ancesturs. We wuz inventors. Are you going to dwell on the past as Asians take the future? One, the fact that members of your race discovered those things is not something you as an individual should take such perverse pride in. Two, the majority or a great deal of innovations in automobile, engine, cable, satellite, electrical, naval and agricultural sciences/technologies is done in Asia as of now, the present. I can list off a huge list of inventions made by Japanese or Korean scientists from this century too, and China had some of the greatest past inventions of all time. Printing, paper, ink, gunpowder, kites, cannons and guns, compass, etc.

But that isn't even the point, as you could hardly tell with your pathetically small brain. The point is that right now, Asians are more innovative per capita and your individual cases don't change that.

>How many Chinese are there and how many Germans

By proportion. That score is 99th percentile for Asians and 99.9th percentile for Germans. Comprende?

>Again, raw numbers rather than pre capita numbers seem dishonest

Are you literally this bad at math? China has roughly four time America's population and thirty times as many IQ 160+ geniuses.

Proving my point, whitey.

>> No.7989400

>We wuz inventors n shiet

As you clearly don't understand high school statistics or basic ratios, gtfo back to >>>/pol/

>> No.7989437

Do people on this board really think standardized "intelligence" or whatever tests are a viable measure of intelligence? They're tests you can prepare or train for them to get higher scores. Not an objective measure of intelligence.

>> No.7989441

>That was irrational of me
call me all the names you like, you fucking flaming homosexual faggot shitlord

>No. Never said that. I said both have higher SD's and IQ's.
you used different terms in your statement, why was that?

> not something you as an individual should take such perverse pride in
a statement of fact is "taking perverse pride in"?

> the majority or a great deal of innovations
improvements? list some, did you improve the cake by putting chocolate frosting on it? wow, amazing

don't take perverse pride in Asains though bro, that's somehow wrong



>pathetically small brain
ad hominem is the way the best argumentors win

>By proportion.
oh, NOW you want to talk proportions, also we all know Chiyna cheats on everything

ooh such rayyycessm

you don't want me to learn anything? just to go away? how open minded, tolerant and not bigoted of you. you are truly a saint amongst men

>> No.7989479

>You used different terms in your statement why was that

Because your argument and statements deserved the minimum of efforts. I might not have specified both, but both were implied and you misconstrued that I made a distinction between the two groups

>A statement of fact...

You hardly know a fact from an opinion.

>Improvements? list some

I suppose, according to you, a quartz watch would just be copying a sundial and smartphones just copying flip phones copying wire phones. Might want to google the definition of innovation along with the shitty questions you're asking me.


>In 1750 Benjamin Franklin published a proposal for an experiment to prove that lightning was caused by electricity by flying a kite in a storm that appeared capable of becoming a lightning storm. It is not known whether Franklin ever performed his experiment,[21][22] but on May 10, 1752, Thomas-François Dalibard of France conducted a similar experiment using a 40 feet (12 m) iron rod instead of a kite and extracted electrical sparks from a cloud.[21]

>Kites were also instrumental in the research of the Wright brothers when developing the first airplane in the late 1800s. Over the next 70 years, many new kite designs were developed, and often patented. These included Eddy's tail-less diamond kite, the tetrahedral kite, the flexible kite, the sled kite, and the parafoil kite, which helped to develop modern hang-gliders.[23] In fact, the period from 1860 to about 1910 became the "golden age of kiting". Kites started to be used for scientific purposes, especially in meteorology, aeronautics, wireless communications and photography; many different designs of man-lifting kite were developed as well as power kites.

Among other things.

>Ad hominem is the way the best argumentors win

I already won, then I insulted you. As I explained, you talked about IQ without knowing what the WISC was and posted in this thread without knowing PISA

>> No.7989493

Which is flabbergasting. That's like trying to talk about the ball game in a lockerroom when you didn't see the game or even know the rules.

>oh, NOW you want to talk proportions, also we all know Chiyna cheats on everything


I was always talking proportions. Proportions are implied by the very nature of the tests scores, which are representatives of proportions. IQ is literally a measure of deviations (although it was first mental age/chronological age).

As for China cheating, that's an emotional appeal and again an unsubstantiated opinion. This test was made in Paris and it would lose all validity if any significant number of people cheated, which you say as if the thousands of researchers working on this haven't thought of that.

>Ooh such rayyycessm

It's the memes...

>You don't want me to learn anything? just go away? how open minded, tolerant and not bigoted of you. you are truly a saint amongst men

Yes I want you to go away until you've read at least the introductory works, which you would have done already if you really cared about learning. In fact, you would have at least read this THREAD. Otherwise your babble will mislead everyone who really wants to learn.

I find it funny that you're trying to shame me for disproving your unsubstantiated claims and emotional gibberish. You literally don't know anything about this topic, you literally didn't read this thread, and yet you're still spouting off about how you have a say.

>how open minded

How mindless

>> No.7989501

Do people in sports really think lifts records and sprint times are a viable measure of strength? They're tests you can prepare or train for them to get higher scores. Not an objective measure of strength.

>> No.7989509

>you misconstrued that I made a distinction between the two groups
the group "all asians in america" is the same as "all NE Asians"?

>You hardly know a fact from an opinion.
oh, but I do, and your comeback is weak. You still haven't even attempted to refute it, just disparage it as me "taking pride in" my peoples achievements, then you sing the praises of asians, are you an asian taking pride in others achievements? or some sort of cucked White? or some other shitskin with an agenda?

>a quartz watch
ok, that's good
when was that invented? oh, "The first quartz clock was built in 1927 by Warren Marrison and J.W. Horton at Bell Telephone Laboratories"

hmm, they don't sound Asian

I will grant you that maybe kites were a bit more useful than I implied. Is there any evidence that the European kites were based on ASian designs? or were they invented independently?

> you talked about IQ without knowing what the WISC was
I see, and IQ cannot exist as a concept without your precious wisa?

>I already won, then I insulted you
You fight like a Dairy Farmer!

>it would lose all validity if any significant number of people cheated
aah, this implies cheating is impossible, especially in a culture that is widely acknowledged as one that steals patents and ideas


you seem to acknowledge that East Asians are a few % higher on the IQ scale? do you also acknowledge that Africoons are 30% lower?

>> No.7989530

>The group...
All Asians in America is East Asians + Southeast Asians which lowers the average and slightly increases the standard deviation (100 vs 130) relative to just East Asians vs Whites (85 vs 95).

>Oh but I do

You don't and my "comebacks" destroyed you.

>or some other shitskin with an agenda
FYI I am a Jew with an SAT score of 2400 and a MAT score of 536.

>Ok that's good

I was refuting your point about improvements not being innovation. Here is the literal definition of innovation

the action or process of innovating.
synonyms: change, alteration, revolution, upheaval, transformation, metamorphosis, breakthrough; More
a new method, idea, product, etc.
plural noun: innovations
"technological innovations designed to save energy"

As for Asian inventions, I told you to google it because I can't be arsed. LTE, MP3, CD, side scrolling, retina display, 1st touchscreen smartphone for starters. You can find bigger lists on wikipedia or https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&vq=eng&view_op=list_hcore&venue=iGi98NXoUDsJ.2015

But obviously you don't care to read research papers or even consider non memes/generalizations to be inventions.

>I see, and IQ cannot exist as a concept without your precious

Sigh... The implication behind you not knowing WISC is that you don't know anything about the history of IQ or the g factor at all. Obviously a person CAN know of fluid intelligence without knowing of the WISC but it's highly improbable and you seem to not know either and there is nothing to contradict that.

>You fight like a Diary Farmer!

You fight like a cow

>aah, this implies cheating is impossible, especially in a culture that is widely acknowledged

Cheating is unlikely. If 1% of Chinese people cheated and got perfect marks, the average score of all city Chinese would go up 6 points out of 2400. Researchers would cancel the test if anything close to that happened.

>> No.7989540

>you seem to acknowledge that East Asians are a few % higher on the IQ scale?
>few % higher on the IQ scale

>do you also acknowledge that Africoons are 30% lower?
>30% lower

I'ma go read a book and stop wasting time. Bye. Go read wikipedia for IQ and g factor if you're actually curious. It will answer all the dumb questions you could possibly come up with.

>> No.7989552

Is there any evidence that the EUropean kites were based on Asian designs?


5th century BC China

I don't remember when, but the Chinese were the first to fly humans.

>> No.7989587

>slightly increases the standard deviation (100 vs 130) relative to just East Asians vs Whites (85 vs 95)
what is SD measured in?

>You don't and my "comebacks" destroyed you.
stating facts isn't taking pride in, you did not refute that point

>FYI I am a Jew with an SAT score of 2400 and a MAT score of 536.
oy vey chaim, stop. how will we fool the goyim into serving us if we reveal our superiority

"truly, even the best of goyim should be killed"


"if the gentiles knew what we taught about them, they would kill us openly"

remember to keep it hidden, meshuggeneh

>side scrolling

>1st touchscreen smartphone
but not the touchscreen, or the phone?

what's a LTE?

mp3? don't just make shit up

>The MP3 lossy audio data compression algorithm takes advantage of a perceptual limitation of human hearing called auditory masking. In 1894, the American physicist Alfred M. (((Mayer))) reported that a tone could be rendered inaudible by another tone of lower frequency.[14] In 1959, Richard Ehmer described a complete set of auditory curves regarding this phenomenon.[15] Ernst Terhardt et al. created an algorithm describing auditory masking with high accuracy.[16] This work added to a variety of reports from authors dating back to Fletcher, and to the work that initially determined critical ratios and critical bandwidths.

>The implication behind you not knowing WISC is that you don't know anything

>You fight like a cow
your ok, we oven you last

>Cheating is unlikely.

>30% lower
well, if the average is 100, and africans average is 70, that's 30% lower

ok, I concede that point

>> No.7989616

>What is SD measured in
SD= standard deviation = 68.1-95-99.7 = the typical variations on a bell curve

>Stating facts isn't taking pride in
You did take pride
>Did not refute that point
Even I can't catch everything

>But not the touchscreen or the phone
I don't believe so, but Japanese companies and research institutes definitely played some part in their development, not to mention that a non negligible proportion of the American tech sector is Asian.


Portable MP3 player mb I am giving this little attention


For the reason I described, that even thousands of Chinese cheating would hardly influence the average score and that there are countless administrators working to ensure quality.

>well if the average is 100, and africans average is 70, that's 30% lower

... 100 is the norm and the SD is usually 15, but also 16 or 24 depending on the test. IQ is not a linear measurement so 1. it doesn't scale in percents 2. it uses percentiles.

IQ 130 in a population with IQ norm 100 and SD 15 means a Z score of +2 and that anyone at that IQ would be 98th percentile intelligence. 100 means 50th percentile, and 70 means 2nd percentile, meaning that in an average town of 10000 people, the 200th smartest would be expected to have an IQ of 130, IQ 100 the 5000th smartest, and IQ 70 the 99800th smartest. Also Africans in America have an average IQ in the 80-90 range, not 70.

>> No.7989622

>what is SD measured in?
>well, if the average is 100, and africans average is 70, that's 30% lower
Jesus Christ dude, what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.7989649


what are you doing?

>You did take pride
even if I did, the facts are unchanged, and you have no proof that I did, just your opinion

>a non negligible proportion of the American tech sector is Asian they do some good maths and science, not renowned for their creativity though

>even thousands of Chinese cheating would hardly influence the average score and that there are countless administrators working to ensure quality.
yet before you mentioned that even if 1% cheated it would be detectable

obviously not ruling out that if they had been cheating from the start, there would be no anomalous results to use to detect

you also ignore the fact that migrant Asians to teh US will tend to be the brightest ones, since they have the skills required

> Africans in America have an average IQ in the 80-90 range, not 70
in america?? oh, did I specify that? I must have missed where I did

you are seriously claiming that 70 isn't 30% lower than 100?

also you didn't answer what units SD is measured in

why didn't you use your time to school me rather than disparage?

what a loser, an ugly person, both inside and out

>> No.7989655

Do GP's really think rulers or whatever are a viable measure of length? They're tests you kids grow for to get a higher score. Not an objective measure of height.

>> No.7989681

>why didn't you use your time to school me rather than disparage?
>what a loser, an ugly person, both inside and out
I'm not the one you've been replying back and forth with, dude. I just saw that post and replied about what I saw

>> No.7989694

China is a two-tiered society of an educated elite of Communist Party members supported by a massive underclass. Most Chinese nationals foreigners see in their country are either the Party members or their family.

>> No.7989811

are you seriously claiming 70 isn't 30% lower than 100?

>> No.7989827

That's not how IQ works friend and he never claimed that

>> No.7989828

No I am not.

But that's meaningless when talking about IQ. 100 could be set to 0 and then an IQ of 70 would be a value of -30. Someone with an IQ of 90 isn't 90% as intelligent as someone with an IQ of 100. It's not that kind of measurement scale.

>> No.7989840

>That's not how IQ works
but 70 is lower than 100, by 30%?

so saying someone who has 70 pies has 30% less than someone with 100 would be factually correct?

>100 could be set to 0

it's not though, is it?

>Someone with an IQ of 90 isn't 90% as intelligent as someone with an IQ of 100
did I claim that? no! I claimed they SCORE 30% lower

>> No.7989842

Nobody made that claim.

You don't say someone scored 30% lower on IQ because then you don't have a scale. 30% lower than 150 is 105 and you don't say Mark is 30% shorter than John.

It's not the way it works.

>> No.7989843

You are essentially claiming that because you still can't seem to grasp that assessing IQ isn't a matter of getting a certain number of questions right (a SCORE) and converting that to a different scale. 30 points is 2 standard deviations. That's all.

>> No.7989844


so the africoon avg score of 70 isn't 30% lower than 100?

>assessing IQ isn't a matter of getting a certain number of questions right
what? the score isn't calculated from the number of correct answers versus the total?

please explain some more

and tell me where you are going with this

I'm busy watching the vanderbilt trial

>> No.7989854

An IQ score is relative to performance of everyone else. If you do the average of how everyone else does (50th percentile), it's a score of 100. The raw score is not what is compared between people (or groups). The difference between the 50th percentile and the 35th percentile could be the difference of <10 questions on a 1000 question assessment. So you don't say that an IQ score of 85 is 15% lower than a score of 100. That doesn't mean what you think it does.

This is quite a fundamental misunderstanding of IQ scores, standard deviations, percentiles and scales you have. Why didn't you just read up before arguing with somebody for 20 posts about something you don't understand?

>> No.7989857

It was already explained to you by this guy. SAT's and other standardized tests also scale scores like that. There are raw scores, percentile scores and the SAT scores you see, which are much like IQ scores, a representation of deviation.

God damn you are fucking daft.

>> No.7989883

I'm prepared to learn

so a person with score 85 doesn't answer wrong 15% more of the questions that one with 100 does?

what is the point of a scale that isn't a scale? what function does it take?

could you point me to a good resource?

how is it calculated?

>> No.7989890


>> No.7989894

thank you

could you answer what the point of the score is if they can't be compared?

>> No.7989896

Just fucking read that shit and hopefully afterward you'll realize how retarded a question you're asking

>> No.7989898

you assume I have any shame

which one answers my question the best?

>> No.7989901

Read those in roughly the order I posted or you will conclude something totally wrong like you've been doing.

I'm not assuming you have shame, I'm assuming you're completely clueless. I was gonna post a guide to statistics before that percentiles entry, but I didn't bother to look for one.

>> No.7989912

so if we consider average height in two populations, and draw 2 normal distributions, 1 has an average of 2 meters, and the other has average of 1 meter

is the second groups average height not half that of the first?

>> No.7989915

Height is an absolute scale. Intelligence must obviously be on a relative scale.

>> No.7989920

>a relative scale
so 50 on the relative scale isn't half that of 100?

>> No.7989927

Yes. 50 degrees Celsius (or Fahrenheit) isn't half as warm as 100 degrees. 50 IQ isn't half as smart as 100 IQ. But you can still compare temperatures.

>> No.7989934
File: 107 KB, 1024x768, oecd-skills-outlook-key-findings-from-the-survey-of-adult-skills-26-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OECD also did an international survey called PIAAC, that aims to measure the "the key cognitive and workplace skills needed for individuals to participate in society and for economies to prosper".

This skills surveys put Finland and Japan at the top of the rankings of the participating countries, in these countries 1 of every 5 adults has the highest skills in numeracy, literacy and problem solving best placed to success in 21 th century economy, meanwhile in Italy and Spain the numbers are 1 out of every 20.
Some countries have made more progress than others, for example South Korea 55-65 years old are about the level of Italians and Spaniards of the same age, but among 16-24 years old Koreans they are only second to Japan, even more impressive young Koreans with a high-school diploma are a little better in reading and numeracy than Italians with a university degree.

>> No.7989937

what does 0 iq represent? what is it based on?

>> No.7989939

Probably your intelligence. Read the fucking links, you goddamn rock.

>> No.7989944

am I triggering you? I apologize

it just seems to me that if one was to test IQ, one would define a series of questions, then give the subject the test, and record the score they answered correctly versus the total questions, thus a negative score would be impossible, and the lowest score would be zero, unlike temperature

so how does it work? and why did you include the flynn effect?

and no link to how IQ is calculated, I wonder why

>> No.7991379


You get a raw score of 0 on the SAT and you get a score in the 200's for each subsection. You get a zero raw score on an IQ test and if zero is -6.66667 SD, then it is also an IQ of 0, in pretty much all cases, it is not. Negative scores are also possible on tests with high ceilings and low floors.

How IQ is calculated has been posted MANY times in this thread.

You literally must have an IQ in the double digits. It's remarkable how dense you are and how little you realize that you're stupid. Dunning krueger effect is real

>> No.7993108
File: 127 KB, 1190x1018, 20131012_gdc543_1190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
