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File: 140 KB, 940x940, jupiter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7966402 No.7966402 [Reply] [Original]


Holy shit.

>> No.7966404

Explosion bigger than the Earth.

>> No.7966410

The jews did it.

>> No.7966412

The comments section should be part of a cringe thread

>> No.7966425

nice aim, north korea

>> No.7966518



>> No.7966693


>> No.7966695

Its not the first time. A few years back a massive comet hit it and we had a perfect view from earth

>> No.7966696

Look up Shoemaker-Levy-9

>> No.7966714
File: 17 KB, 303x425, tumblr_mbn6nfaIs01rci2ybo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7966717


It's not an explosion you dumbshit

>> No.7966785
File: 26 KB, 861x758, 1459198898046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


k. keep me posted,

going to bed i will have this on auto update,

kind of scary this happened to ole jupe jupe and not us.

could have been us - based jupe jupe is bro-tier as fuck taking hits like a stud

>> No.7966831

Over the last few billions of years i'd venture a guess to say at least a few terrestrial worlds the size of Earth were consumed by Jupiter during its migration from the inner solar system to the outer region.
The giant planets are bosses because they attract a lot of objects before they reach the inner system, which protects us.

>> No.7966837

this. Jupiter has always been our Great Protector. He even died for your sins.

>> No.7967226

Earth is next.

t. Aliens.

>> No.7967235

Holy crap, Reminded me of this

>> No.7967239

This happens all the time. I don't care. Jupiter has saved us from like a million collisions. What's one more?

>> No.7967411

He is protecting his wife Saturn, not you faggots.

>> No.7967413

Oh look its fucking nothing.

>> No.7967533

how do you 'hit' a gas giant?

>> No.7967573

>It's not an explosion you dumbshit
It is an explosion you dumbshit

>> No.7967818

Looks like someone crashed a plane..

>> No.7967898

>Jupiter has saved us from like a million collisions


i understand it has a large gravity well - but its so far away

>> No.7967905

gravitational perturbation

>> No.7967912


the fuck does that even mean my friend???

and dont just cite another wikipedia entry title

>> No.7967916

You must be at least 18 to use this site.

>> No.7967917

With no survivors

>> No.7967938


ok - so youve ran out of sensible answers and are just shitposting now

thanks for the attempted discussion, im sorry it had to end so abruptly

>> No.7967981

Get caught in Jupiter's gravitational well, you will "fall" towards Jupiter. If you're asking what happens when something enters the atmosphere of Jupiter, that's different. First you experience what can colloquially called gasses. After some time, the gas will get thicker and thicker, until you're traveling through what most people would call liquid. Where this phase change happens is indeterminant. If you go far enough, the liquid will slowly change to things which are more like solid. Being from terrestrial planets, where the phase changes are relatively abrupt, it may be difficult to imagine this environment.

>> No.7967982

Same guy who responded. All that being said, you would be crushed to oblivion long before you reached anywhere near the solid like stage.

>> No.7968009


i absolutely love when people speak like they know exactly what the inner part of a planet is like billions of miles away because of tidbits of shit they have read online/heard in school in their few decades of consciousness

fucking ridiculous

>> No.7968810


^ this

>> No.7968823


Dont you have a bible to thump some where?

>> No.7968884

holy shit you're retarded

>> No.7968896

It means the gravity well of jupiter is huge, and anything that passes through will be at the very least deflected, and generally deflected away from the inner planets

>> No.7968899

We know roughly what jupiter is made of, and the physics involved are fairly well understood, so its entirely reasonable to make generalised statements about what the interior of jupiter is like even if we cant be totally certain

>> No.7968921


pathetic samegfag