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7962540 No.7962540[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/v/ here.

I understand women not being able to compete with males because of weaker bodies or some shit, but why women can't compete in e-sports againts males.

Like what kind of physical strenght you need to play videogames?

What's the scientific explanation?

>> No.7962549
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>mfw /x/, /v/, and /b/ shitpost their trivial shit on here

>> No.7962554

>not being able to compete
Having no representation isn't equivalent to not being able to complete.
You have a problem of people not caring as opposed to a problem of people not being able to.

>> No.7962555
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>>What's the scientific explanation?
betaness of wormy fagtrons

Women do not need to do what men do, because they get men to do precisely all this thinking, to the point that men love to behave like this and even take pride in their supposed superiority.

>> No.7962556

> /v/ here
get the a le fug out

>> No.7962559

they also suck at art, literature, music and politics.

>> No.7962576
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Well memed.
There's this unit I'm thinking of. It starts with a C. Has something to do with radiation or something like that.
God it's on the tip of my tongue.
Connie? Curly? Cutey?

>> No.7962600

>they also suck at art, literature, music and politics

Lets see...

Georgia O'Keeffe
J.K. Rowling
Hillary Clinton

And that's just off the top of my head.

>> No.7962601

Well it's hard when you've basically been told you're not allowed to do those things for most of Western civilisation.

>> No.7962603

I agree with you but you can pick a better author than Rowling.

>> No.7962604

Obviously nobody has seen the female esport CS:GO teams, they're fucking trash

>> No.7962606
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oh look, /v/irgin is here to save the day

>> No.7962608

She's just the first that I thought of and she's a best seller.

>Watching e"sports"

How many woman even play CS:GO? Doubt they have much of a talent pool to pick from

>> No.7962615

They just choose the women with the largest cup size.

>> No.7962616

Well that's one way to make money off horny nerds

>> No.7962617

it's on a thread about female esport players, CS:GO is basically at the top of competitive esport gaming, besides the dota fags

>> No.7962621

Honestly, I'd rather watch WNBA than esports.

To each their own I guess

>> No.7962622


Female dota players are all fucking terrible as well. All of them are either 3k shitters or twitch cam whores. Except that one Chinese girl who's 5k+.

I think LeL has more female players, from their sheer player base size, haven't heard of anyone that is anywhere near the top of the pro scene though.

>> No.7962629

And almost all male dota and LoL players are terrible as well. Females just have a much smaller talent pool so they're going to have less representation among the elite players.

Whatever, this thread was just b8 anyway.

>> No.7962635


>less representation among the elite players.

There is a pretty big difference between less representation and no representation at all.

I think it is just not in female's nature (or it could be due to nurture) to be competitive. To be the top of pro gaming, you are required to basically spent most of your free time practicing, it requires one hell of a lot of devotion and dedication, and it seems that almost no female is willing to commit.

>> No.7962638

/v/ is easily the shitiest board on 4ch so I don't really know why I should answer.

>> No.7962639

>I think it is just not in female's nature (or it could be due to nurture) to be competitive. To be the top of pro gaming, you are required to basically spent most of your free time practicing, it requires one hell of a lot of devotion and dedication, and it seems that almost no female is willing to commit.

Meh, that's mostly cultural shit. If video games were viewed as a woman's pastime, we'd likely be seeing the opposite right now.

>> No.7962641

/v/ is one of the most popular boards. more than /pol/, /a/ and /tv/. We will rape you if we want to >:D

>> No.7962642

as a girl who plays a few games, being a pro gamer is such a horrible job. that's why I went into university.
I still play hearthstone.

>> No.7962647

> Omg lok guiyse im a gaymer grill x33 i m so nerdy lol xD you silly boys can't handle a pro gamer grill lik mself :D
1vs1 me in COD slutbag

>> No.7962648

They can they just play vidya less. Its a cultural thing.
At some point in like the 80s or something some big company switched their marketing to target boys and ever since then vidya is culturally associated with males.

Basically most occupational differences between men and women go like this.

>> No.7962650

It's 1v1 me rust you fucking cock sucking retard


>> No.7962651

im banned from mw2 :v
qs fite in Dome slutface ill r3k u hard i swear m9

>> No.7962661


>> No.7962678

Fucking lol'd. Go play some real games, like Dwarf Fortress, you disgusting plebeians.

>> No.7962683

> can't noscope or even aim down sight
> calls it a game
u r 1 cheeky cunt m9 i swear

>> No.7962696

Probably due to the differences in wiring between male and female brains (intra vs inter conections) males are more optimized for motor skills, females more for "combining analytical and intuitive thinking".

At least according to this

I can see Better motor skills being an advantage.

>> No.7962701
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>female 'gamers'


>> No.7963042

would care to list activities or hobbies where females outperform males?

can't think of anything.

Hell, not even things women should desire like bussiness, journalism, politics and religion.

there may be some top women but males always outperform them.

>> No.7963087

>muh motor skills, muh reactions times
I hate this meme.

how bout turn based games?

There's no fucking physical advantage there.

>> No.7963121

They fucking suck at videogames.
t. female who semi-regularly attends fighting game tournaments and never wins

>> No.7963123

>and she's a best seller
popularity is not quality.

>> No.7963142

In order to compete in the highest ranking of a video game, or chess, you have to be obsessed with it. Utterly obsessed, wanting to play 24 hours a day every day. Very few people can develop these obsessions, and even then most don't get to the highest rank.

The tiny fraction of men who have this character trait is greater than the fraction of women. This is why we have more male academics, chess players, gamers, at the top of their field.

This doesn't really apply to most people of either gender, however. In some ways it is not a good trait because often people who have it fail in their personal life (substance abuse, personal relationships, mental illness).

>> No.7963147
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Physical inferiority doesn't just mean less strenght.
It also means slower reflexes. Shitty hand-eye coordination. They are not pathetic on merely one aspect, anon, but all.

>> No.7963223

Probably the same reason China doesn't dominate every single sport in the world.

Considering their larger population, naively one would expect that the Chinese should have most of the world's top players in everything. Of the 100 top, say, soccer players, 11 should be Chinese and most countries would be lucky to get 1 or 2. And yet, the Chinese soccer team sucks ass. And "For some reason, all 1.3 billion Chinese just don't care about soccer" doesn't explain it either, because the Chinese soccer team is worse than Antigua and Barbuda, which have 1/15,000th of the Chinese population, and certainly the Chinese aren't so uninterested that they'd have fewer total players than that.

Basically, the tails of the normal distribution fall off real fast, so for anything distributed as a bell curve, at the highest levels of ability, tiny differences in average ability matter much more than population. And undoubtedly, the average woman is less interested in getting really fucking good at Starcraft.


>> No.7963255

Being good at video-games isn't a real skill; it's definitely not an evolutionary advantage.

>> No.7963258

name one skill where women are better than males that isn't giving birth.

>> No.7963262

name one skill where you are better than females that isn't playing video-games.

>> No.7963266

sucking dick.

>> No.7963268


>> No.7963278
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I wouldn't bet on keeping the birth monopoly for long, if i were female.

>> No.7963283

Easy. They're not into virgin/nerd shit.

>> No.7963313

Estrogen interferes with spatial reasoning skills.

>> No.7963354

Kill yourself /v/.
The collection of shitiest humans on the face of tje earth.

You wonder why there aren't as many proffesional female gaymers when that's your attitude ?

>> No.7963361

Did he hurts your feefees ? :^(

>> No.7963365
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>being a nu male in 2017-1

>> No.7963395

I love that picture because it is just so honest.

I actually do not fault the girl, it's her pussy, her domain, her rules, whatever.

The problem is what the male feminists, specially those who are not gay an do it completely to be liked by their feminist friends.

How do they not realize that being a feminist is actually against your interest.

(quick note, feminist != egalitarian, so I'm not talking about equal rights here. Just the cuck mentality that third wave feminism imposes on men)

Will you get the girl as a male feminist? Sure, after you are 30 and after she is bored of 'riding the carousel' as the girl said. A feminist guy is not fun and a feminist guy is not fuck material.

I'd even say that a cuck like a male feminist isn't even husband material. It is not even shit material, I wouldn't shit on a male feminist because of how disgusting they are.

>> No.7963430

Here's an actual response, but I only remember it vaguely. It's from a documentary I saw a while ago where they brought a few researchers and their studies. Shortly put, womens reward system while playing video-games doesn't go off as much as mens does. I think one of them saw some similarity in mens reward system while having sex and while playing video-games, then, compared to womens reward system while having sex and playing video-games, they saw little to no similarity.
Assuming that this is the case, it means that women are less motivated to "go pro" and put in a lot of time and effort into video-games/gets addicted since they dont get as much of a reward of playing videogames.