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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7960881 No.7960881 [Reply] [Original]

Where did your love/interest for science/math come from? I ask because I'm an English/literature guy and can't find any interest in this shit.

>> No.7960885

>English/Literature is more interesting than science and/or math
I'll never understand normies.

>> No.7960887

Math is just numbers. There's no beauty in it.

>> No.7960889

Literature is just words, there's no beauty in it.

>> No.7960891

Where did your lack of interest in obtaining knowledge about the world come from?

>> No.7960897

My interests just came to me, without any significant trigger. It may be genetic.

>> No.7960899

Wrong. It's not just words. There are beautiful, beautiful books out there that convey human themes and ideas. You can't explain humanity with numbers. You can't go into philosophy with numbers.

You can gain a lot, A LOT, of knowledge from reading books.

>> No.7960903

>Wrong. It's not just words.
No more LSD for you.

>You can gain a lot, A LOT, of knowledge from reading books.
Reading books pertaining to science, math, and history. But not your boring novel shit that you will never use in real life.

>> No.7960906

I used to think of myself as more of a humanities person but lately I've been really interested in science. Idk I can get into most things if they're presented in an interesting way.

>> No.7960907

>You can gain a lot, A LOT, of knowledge from reading books.
You are confusing philosophy with knowledge. There is no knowledge in philosophy.

>> No.7960911

Muh prose though.

>> No.7960912

>I used to think of myself as more of a humanities person but lately I've been really interested in science.
You're still a humanities person. Your interest in science is just a phase that'll go away soon.

>> No.7960916


1) I'm fascinated by the natural world
2) I'm impressed by all the smart white men from history and feel honored to tap into their knowledge by learning
3) I happened to meet a scientist and we became good mates. He encouraged me to go for it.

>> No.7960919

It's not boring novel shit. There are famous authors and famous books out there that people love and cherish. We read these books because they make us feel good and

>> No.7960921


Those numbers and symbols, in many cases, represent real things in the world.

>> No.7960929

Yeah but it's not something I can go to for support or cry to.

>> No.7960932

>It's not boring novel shit.
¬It's not boring novel shit.
∴Novels are boring shit.

>There are famous authors and famous books out there that people love and cherish.
Only because they're going to die soon.

>We read these books because they make us feel good
It must feel bad to have a lack of mental cohesion.

>> No.7960937

What is the three point triangle thing?

And no, it's just I'm not very good at articulating my ideas. But with books they're just good at making you feel good. Like you can leave this world and live in another person's world for however long you want, and your problems go away and now these other people have problems and you get to see them solve them, face them, fail, overcome. It's basically the human experience.

Now I've got my articulation and am about to cry because what I'm saying is so good. Show me ONE FUCKING equation that sums up the human experience, or is cathartic, or describes the struggles humans must face in their shitty lives.

>> No.7960945

I just want to make decent money, and have a job that is productive for society.
I didn't initially love math, but like a wife, I learned to love it.

>> No.7960948


Then go read a novel when you need to do that?

>> No.7960951

>What is the three point triangle thing?
Idk litbro, it's probably on sparknotes somewhere.

>Show me ONE FUCKING equation that sums up the human experience, or is cathartic, or describes the struggles humans must face in their shitty lives.
Mathematics is not supposed to be history you idiot. I think there is a good set that describes your mentality, though. [math]\emptyset[/math].

>> No.7960962 [DELETED] 

>What is the three point triangle thing?
Idk litbro, it's probably on sparknotes somewhere.

>Like you can leave this world and live in another person's world for however long you want
Holy fuck. Now I think your on DMT or Salvia or something, not LSD.

>Show me ONE FUCKING equation that sums up the human experience, or is cathartic, or describes the struggles humans must face in their shitty lives.
Show me ONE FUCKING book that sums up exactly what you want me to show you an equation of. Oh wait, there exist none.

>> No.7960974

>And no, it's just I'm not very good at articulating my ideas. But with books they're just good at making you feel good. Like you can leave this world and live in another world for however long you want, and your problems go away...
sounds like mathematics to me

>these other people have problems and you get to see them solve them, face them, fail, overcome.
absolute SHIT

>Show me ONE FUCKING equation that sums up the human experience, or is cathartic
the mathematical epiphany that is experienced when a new and original concept has just been understood is pretty cathartic.

>> No.7960976

There are two ways of thinking about numbers and math. You seem to view them their entirety as scribbles on a piece of paper or chalkboard that are equal to other meaningless scribbles. And sometimes, especially when learning them in pre-college-level education, that is all they are, and you were justifiably bored with them.

However when used the right way they are so much more than that. They represent things. They follow rules. Math is the tool without which we could not be having this discussion.

There is a very large wall of prerequisite mathematical knowledge before you can do anything really that useful with it, which is probably why it is not as interesting to most people.

>You can gain a lot, A LOT, of knowledge from reading books.
I'll assume you're talking about books that were written for the purpose of literature, and not mathematical/scientific texts (of which the merits are obvious). Speaking of pieces of literature, you can, but that knowledge is not uniquely yours, and the piece was generally written with the intent of being inspiring, entertaining, thought-provoking, or persuasive. In other words, the worth of a piece of literature is not just the information it contains, but how it delivers that information. This, by necessity, devalues the worth of the information itself contained by the book.

Now I'm not trying to diss books, I love reading myself. But when you compare to a scientific text, the scientific text is boring as shit. It was not written to encourage the reader to continue reading. It was written with the sole purpose to convey information. Its entire value is the information contained in the book.

>> No.7961002

Sure thing, kid

Thanks for answering my question. And I'm glad you just told me mathematics is pretty much useless. If it doesn't talk about history, who the fuck cares? And again, what is with these numbers? Is that a zero with a slash through it? What does it mean?

It's really not absolute shit. YOU'RE ABSOLUTE SHIT. And good job.

No, a novel will always have more value than a boring, picture-less fucking science book. GET REKT.

>> No.7961010 [DELETED] 

>I don't understand something
>There it is useless
underage b& confirmed

>> No.7961013

Coming from someone who likes both mathematics and literature, you sound like a gigantic faggot.

>I find beauty in x.
>I don't find beauty in y.
>Therefore everyone else can only find beauty in x.

>> No.7961018

Nice logical fallacy dip

Okay cool.

>> No.7961020

>lol math is so useless bro XD
>yo wtff is dat?! DDDD:

>I don't understand something
>Therefore it is useless

>> No.7961029

I was generalizing OP's logic.

>> No.7961032

I like how you deleted your post because you knew how retarded it sounded. Good luck with social anxiety math geek

>> No.7961036

I envy English teachers, shit is so fucking boring, and you can tell they're just empty shells of people. GODSPEED OP

>> No.7961040

Correcting spelling mistakes is now being a math geek with social anxiety? You must be fun in a creative writing class.

>> No.7961047

Not him but: Good look with your black and white thinking.

Some people like science and humanities, have a variety of outdoor hobbies, and aren't socially inept. Maybe you'll realize this after you get passed undergrad.

>> No.7961051

I'd have a fucking field day with you. You think you're so good with numbers? Write me an essay. I'd love to cover it completely with red ink pointing out all the grammar mistakes you don't even know you make. Get the fuck outta here kid.

>> No.7961058

>spelling mistakes from typing too fast is now an indicator for making constant grammar mistakes whilst writing with paper and pen
Moshi moshi, baito-desu!!

>> No.7961061

>Sure thing, kid

What are you whinging about you big baby? What's stopping you from reading history or literature on the side?

I'm studying maths and I'm currently reading Aurelius.

>> No.7961064

Because I fucking hate math when it's taught by teachers. I'm a high school senior who feels trapped and desperately wants to become an autodidact. I'm okay with learning math, but I want to go at MY OWN PACE, with my own rules. And I want to fucking stop being force-fed shit like physics and calculus. I want to arrive at those fields logically, not through a fucking curriculum.

It's why I don't understand how anyone can like math unless they're outside of school.

>> No.7961065

OP is just insecure and is trying to justify his life decisions.

>> No.7961069
File: 184 KB, 759x993, standard model lagrangian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Show me ONE FUCKING equation that sums up the human experience

>> No.7961070

>I'm okay with learning math, but I want to go at MY OWN PACE, with my own rules.
Being an adult means having to do things that you yourself will not like. Grow the fuck up, kid.

>> No.7961071

I know you won't, but can you at least give me some kind of summary or explanation for what exactly that fucking thing is used for?

>> No.7961077

I'm a high school senior and I love math and physics

stop being a pussybitch and stop complaining

>> No.7961082

By itself, literally nothing. A Lagrangian is a classical object, the standard model is a quantum theory. So for that thing to yield any physically significant results, you have to quantize it.

>> No.7961084

What the fuck does any of that mean?

We're two humans. Show some respect. Just talk to me. Be simple, stop being pretentious and just tell me what you're saying.

>> No.7961085

Jesus christ I thought you read literature and knew all this figurative language shit along with "muh poetry symbolism yay useless skills XDDDDD". Google the fucking filename.

>> No.7961091

I do know figurative language, and it's not shit you fucking mouth-breather. And poetry and symbolism is not useless, I'm so fucking offended right now. You're an ass, is that symbolic enough for you? An ass is smelly, shitty, like you, like your attitude. See these commas? See 'em? They're so fucking useful. They let me name and list all your shitty ass attributes, and I keep going, you fuck. You're an ass, you're an ass, and one more thing: YOU'RE A FUCKING ASS.

>> No.7961093

this thread is my favorite, you're amazing

>> No.7961094

looks like this chap arrived on the short bus

>> No.7961097
File: 11 KB, 200x237, 1456681403631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love your bait posts. I'll keep biting, anon-kun!

>I'm so fucking offended right now.
Literally acting like a litfag. Holy shit. This is literally IB English memories all over again.

>See these commas? See 'em? They're so fucking useful
"See 'em" does not have any commas, sorry. I did not see anything. But I did see an apostrophe.

>You're an ass, you're an ass, and one more thing: YOU'RE A FUCKING ASS.
The fact that words can not even describe my current laughter not only suggests how hard I am laughing, but also how useless literature actually is.

>> No.7961105

ITT: /sci/ still falling for the obvious b8

C'mon guys, really?

>> No.7961106

Dude, the bait is so fucking good you just can't resist biting. You're missing out on this, anon.

>> No.7961107

Yes, the logical fallacy he was pointing out that OP was making.

>> No.7961111

What is IB English? Also, I love how you use the pejorative phrase "litfag," as if I can't use my own derogatory term against you. Mathfags are so stupid they have to resort to ad hominems to make themselves win arguments.

Also I did use commas. They're everywhere in that quote, and they're in this one too. I'm so glad you know what an apostrophe is! Great job! Now, what is a semicolon and what does it do? That should be somewhat more difficult for you but I know you can do it. I'll give a hint: you need two independent clauses for a semicolon to properly work.

Also, literature allows me to signify how much of an idiot you really are; hence, go fuck yourself.

>> No.7961112

>guy is either pretending to be retarded or pretending to be
>everyone is calling him a retard
yeah, no, he's retarded either way

>> No.7961117

There is no common language explanation of what it means to quantize a theory.

>> No.7961118


>> No.7961124

>>7961118 here
I also would like to mention. I'm not a mathfag, I do organic chemistry. I thought your literature provided you with oh so useful skills! Use them already, litfag.

>> No.7961125

Stop calling me a fucking litfag, chemfag.

>> No.7961130
File: 1.37 MB, 320x450, 1458226314439.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like that nickname, thanks!
Prove that literature has usea other than "muh psychedelic effects" already.

>> No.7961137

Yeah you're also an animefag weaboo who probably gets told daily to fuck off to /a/, normie cuck.

There's no psychedelia involved in literature. You're confusing it with music. Literature sums up the entire human experience in a cathartic, moving way that chemfags and mathfags like you can only dream of doing. It speaks of life in a fictional way and creates fictional worlds in order to explain reality or make social commentary. Also, it's thought-provoking, inspiring, and cathartic.



>> No.7961148
File: 250 KB, 416x396, 1458236890211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha ur a weeb ur a weeb XDDDD
Is that all you got? Come on. I'm literally opening myself up for nitpicking! I thought you would notice the spelling mistake I made in "uses".

>There's no psychedelia involved in literature. You're confusing it with music.
Oh look, dumb litfag believes in retarded ASMR shit! As expected. :')

>Literature sums up the entire human experience in a cathartic
[citation needed]

>Also, it's thought-provoking, inspiring, and cathartic.
Nice buzzwords, litfags. You still have not proven anything.

>> No.7961151
File: 19 KB, 480x270, 320fd46d2bc6b5145531a972517f39e4_480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may sound stupid, but it really went like this:
>be me
>study for the entrance exam of theoretical philosophy
>have to read a book on the development of logic and metamathematics during the 19th and early 20th century
>read about Gödel's incompleteness theorem for the first time
>get interested in logic
>fail the test
>find a comic book named Logicomix
>read it because it covers the same things as the entrance exam book
>start to be even more interested in logic
>apply for math next year
Later I realized I was more of an algebraist than a logician, but that's what got me started. No bully, pls

>> No.7961152

The explanation would literally span three textbooks worth of knowledge.

>> No.7961155

How can I prove anything? You just have to feel it. You'd have to be a stone-cold, a stone-cold pragmatist not to sympathize with the heartbreak of Catherine and Heathcliff. You'd have to be emotionless not to shed a tear over John Steinbeck's philosophical conjectures of the need to work and create. I can see Marlow travelling the river to meet Kurtz, and I can feel his belief in humanity crumble as he sees what an awful person his hero had become. I can see King Lear lose his mind after his daughters betray him, and how he must have felt when Cordelia sacrificed herself in a Jesus Christ pose because she really did love him.

Fuck you actually compelled me to tears, chemfag. I'm sorry you don't have any emotions.

>> No.7961159
File: 30 KB, 720x438, 1456975964153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can I prove anything? You just have to feel it.
Logicians would LOVE to argue with you.

>muh homeless artist, muh other homeless artist, muh depressed artist, muh other trivial shit that has no use in the modern world
Too long; didn't read.

>Fuck you actually compelled me to tears, chemfag.
At least try harder in the bait like you did a few minutes ago so that there's more anons replying to you than just me.

>> No.7961167

No I'm done. Logicians have no souls.

>> No.7961175
File: 271 KB, 334x389, 1457013022574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to see that you give up in proving that literature has any actual use beyond timewasting and other trivial shit. Threrefore, literature is useless. Be glad you posted this when the physics and mathfags weren't online.

>> No.7961178


I'm not baiting this time. You're fucking awful.

This was a bait thread but literature is not useless. That just triggers me.

>> No.7961182

Dude, you already used up all the bait. At this point you're just throwing in empty hooks.

>> No.7961186
File: 31 KB, 464x464, 1438444410572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna go out for a walk. Meanwhile I'd like you to answer this little question. What new can literature give us? I see its importance in preserving some level of literal sophistication, but is there anything it can give us more than that?

And I'm not saying the humanities are shit, I just wonder if literature is a good major, or even more, a good subject to actually do research in at all.

>> No.7961187


>> No.7961191

This. Reading fiction is for stupid people with no ambition.

>> No.7961195
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka S2 - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.55_[2015.10.24_14.07.02].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice smug 'Sharo/Syaro/whatever the fuck you like to spell her name as' pic.

>> No.7961199

Implying people on /sci aren't brilliant at multiple subjects and disciplines. I have no "weak" subjects. I cringe at people who hate English or hate math. As if they're proud of their ignorance. Like it's cool.

>> No.7961211


Teach it yourself then or do a distance learning course. Or just learn from textbooks and ignore the teachers.

>> No.7961218

fiction is a glass of wine, nonfiction is a cup of coffee

>> No.7961221
File: 38 KB, 625x626, 1458669032896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can gain a lot, A LOT, of knowledge from reading books.
Sure, but that has nothing to do with whether or not you understand math and logical rigor.
I know quite a few of my math professors who read a lot, spend their time playing chess, go to restaurants and theaters, etc.
There's this assumption that English/lit majors make, which is that, because they themselves find other majors inaccessible due to their choice in academic path, everyone who isn't in their major finds their major inaccessible.

Some people are just smarter than you. It's how life is. You might suck at Dota and be fairly average academically, and there will be some European fuck out there with a 4.0 in his EE degree who's playing Dota professionally.

>> No.7961226

>nd there will be some European fuck out there with a 4.0 in his EE degree who's playing Dota professionally.

That's life nigguh, accept it.

In the end we're all dead and this whole thing is pointless. So enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.7961245

Because there is progress to be made in science. Look at what has been achieved just over the last century. We made computers and modeled the entire galaxy. Science makes you think if you can outdo these geniuses and objectively make humanity more knowledgeable. Literature is too subjective, it tries to put reason and emotion on the same ground. Science and objective discoveries change literature and philosophy, never the other way around.

>> No.7961264

I enjoy learning how "easy" it is to manipulate the universe and how it functions.

>> No.7961278

Math being a useful tool is probably not a good argument to convince somebody that the subject is interesting.

>> No.7961323

After dropping out of law school I basically had to go for engineering, so I took half a year of time to learn physics and maths starting from a very basic level.

After doing it every single day for months and seeing the progress you do, you start enjoying it. It's like going to the gym.

>> No.7961327

It's a big thing now for older leftists and liberal arts majors to act anti-intellectual in regards to science.
Larry Wilmore actually invited Bill Nye onto the nightly show and spent the whole time heckling him with his little circle jerk. It was basically 10 minutes of "Whaaat? Water on Mars? Who got time for that? I just want to know what happens on the next TWD episode! Amirite ladies and gentlemen?"

I think a lot of it is just insecurity. People in liberal arts colleges fucking KNOW that they've got it easy in comparison to those Korean and Indian kids across the street.

>> No.7961337

It's not uncommon for the people on this board do the same thing for anything STEM related other than engineering. "Whaaat? Gravitational waves? Who got time for that? I just want to know what I can do to make an extra $3k a year!"

>> No.7961406
File: 906 KB, 1280x720, 647589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thx, bb

>> No.7961458

I am a in STEM
but calling people interested in english or literature for normies is retard tier.

The amount of people interested in literature is less than the amount of people interested in science.

>> No.7961475 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 435x410, img18.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really have no idea how someone can look at this and think: "Das it mane". Sure science is interesting on a superficial pop-sci level but once you get into detail it just gets tedious.

>> No.7961491

The fact people spend time here talking shit and typing bullshit really saddens me. Makes this board look like /int/.

>> No.7961501

Whoa Whoa
You don't think that "the continuous image of a connected space is connected" isn't sick shit?

>> No.7961522
File: 15 KB, 344x302, 1458758480625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

>> No.7961523

Simply put, math is the only universal language.

>> No.7961535
File: 52 KB, 295x475, 816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had always been interested in science but in a reading scientific american sort of way. I hated the science fair and didn't really like science class either, so I ruled out majoring in a hard science. When I was 16 I went to a summer math-camp at my local university. I thought I was good at math, turns out I wasn't. We had a speaker come in to our science class when I was 17 to try to get us to major in engineering. He showed us a video of a bridge blowing up, talked for 10 minutes, and then left. I thought engineering sounded pretty boring.

So, I ruled out STEM. I was planning on majoring in history or anthropology until I read Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson. I know it's kind of a fedora book, but he wrote about math and science solving real problems, something I never considered. It then dawned on me that as an engineer, I could let autists figure out the hard science and math while I get to use them in real world applications. As soon as I took Statics in university, I knew that I had found my calling.

>> No.7961543

Nice thread. You manage to sound like an gigantic faggot during all this time. I'm impressed