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7960461 No.7960461[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a scientific explanation why blacks are so dumb and violent? No matter what part of the world you are in, they all act the same. Its even worse if its a 3rd world shithole.

>> No.7960472

Low intellgience, low IQ, enviornmental factors, shitty culture, racism / white-hatred. I've seen an improvement in their behaviour in the last 10 years. Very tiny but still its an improvement.

>> No.7960476

scientific explanation is that their culture was damaged by slavery, colonization, subjugation, abuse, etc. It essentially gaurantees that blacks will have no resources, limited mobility, be profiled for crime, have shitty parents, receive a poor education, etc.

Some will break the cycle, but the culture that's evolved is based on all these negative experiences and leads to schoolyard tough-guy acts, disregard or even active hatred of the law, and poor decision-making and risk evaluation. What else can you expect when all the adults around you growing up are uneducated and haven't seen any more of the world than you have

>> No.7960483

If you're going to be scientific about it you can stop generalising.

Their higher than average crime rates in the US are thought to do with socio-economic status and culture. In Africa it's aggravated by civil wars, ethnic violence and gangs.

>> No.7960484

That would make sense if they were actually peaceful and had something you can call a civilization. Instead african warlords enslaved their own people, they constantly massacred over turf wars, they practiced shamanism(some still do), they hunted animals and each other with spears and they ate the internal organs of some animals as their common way of medicine.

>> No.7960486

>their culture was damaged by slavery, colonization, subjugation, abuse, etc

Then explain why the Zulu culture has one of the most violent recoreded histories long before ever coming into contact with any European culture?

In fact, after the Zulu king murdered the first Europeans who bought land from him and then after Europeans showed mercy after the battle of blood river, they continued their history of violence of perfidy within their own borders.

Not all black people live in the US in case you didn't know.

>> No.7960491

Not OP, but it's an inherently statistical question which requires generalisations.

You can't answer questions about temperature by demanding precise wave function evaluations without normalizations. By definition you need macroscopic generalisations.

>> No.7960509

Blacks usually come from families where education is considered worthless, so they don't pursue it. Also, vice and violence is glorified in black culture. In their eyes, there is something wrong with you if you want to make an honest living and do legal work because that's not whats praised in the music and entertainment. What im getting at here is that its mostly cultural.

>> No.7960551

Genocide is the only realitistic answer.

>> No.7960559

The American black culture seems to be epiphenomenonal from their genetics considering all examples of African cultures isolated or otherwise developed a similar culture.

Also lets not forget about fucking Liberia.

>> No.7960560

Culture is important but i read somewhere that there's a "warrior gene" wich frequency in every race is very close to the frequency of violent criminals , and this gene is more present in black populations , but it may be bullshit i dunno.

Of course the culture and negative peer pressure doesn't help at all.

>> No.7960583

I think culture is the answer. If you wanna improve black people and their race, you have to start with completely removing their crime embracing, sexist, racist, homophobic and violent culture. A black person can grow up to be either Barack obama or OJ simpson, depending on their family values and education they take.

>> No.7960590
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>> No.7960593

Look up the correlation between levels of lead pollution and crime.
Despite lead being phased out of fuel a long time ago it's still hanging around in the dirt.
Blacks tend to live in areas that, historically, have had greater lead pollution.

>> No.7960599

There is a study of black servicemen whose children were raised in predominantly white areas of Europe.
Their test scores were far closer to the white mean than for the normal american black.
Also, Nigeria produces a disproportionate amount of mathematicians and scientists because they *do* value eduation.

>> No.7960602

Most African Americans have a significant amount of white genes.

>> No.7960603

In Europe, the blacks I have met have not been violent at all and I am actually good friends with some of them who grew up in my country with shitty parents. In the US it's probably worse because of ghettos, but a lot of cases show they can break the cycle as you said, which means it has nothing to do with genetics.


>> No.7960608

As much as I like Nigeria and their focus on the future instead of being butthurt; most of their institutions are worhtless degree factories (don't think crappy state university tier, think scam school tier).

Every good Nigerian academic and professional I've met studied abroad for that reason. So yeah that statistic about their degrees per capita is kind of worthless, it doesn't mean they value education either, people attending non-rigorous scam schools are more interested in getting a good paying job (or the benefits of it, not the actual work) than they care about a real education.

>> No.7960609

Single motherhood creates the social conditions for crime (and pregnancy).Female imprint a fatherless home pattern and follow that and the males have idle hands and no insulation or role model to provide boundaries.

Of course there are heredity aspects other folk have touched on that have something to do with it (maoa).l

>> No.7960613

>I'm going to ignore your statistics because I have anecdotes of few outliers.

Most black and ME people in Europe live in ghettos like everywhere else in the world. No one ever said the top 2% -a few million people- aren't just as good as white people.

You obviously meet the outliers at top institutions because only outliers will get there, your anecdote is rediculous for that reason.

>> No.7960622

Fucking this. I've been in USA and UK and almost every Nigerian I met were the exact opposite of the black stereotype. They were actually responsible, polite, working people. We used to smoke weed with some Greek and Chinese friends but they refused to even touch drugs. And they don't like non-nigerian blacks that much, especially in America. But ofcourse, the rest of the black people in america were pretty much the exact stereotypical black guy, with a few exceptions. I can't say anything about that.

>> No.7960644

>You obviously meet the outliers at top institutions

I'm not going to get sucked in your fallacy-ridden /pol/ posts, but I will say that my case was not in 'top' institutions, it was in shitty public schools filled with a bunch of neo-nazi scum. The blacks hanged out with the sane people, and they never caused a problem, they were literally calmer than the whites when it came to the neo-nazis in the school.

My 'anecdote' and a millions of other people's 'anecdotes', as you put them, proves that genetics cannot in fact be a factor to account for black crime rates. But, I guess my conclusion requires at least a rudimentary understanding of science which you lack. Statistics is a good way to lie, but also a good way to find correlations, if you know what you are looking for. I won't be responding to your arguments further unless you bring a good argument on the table.

>> No.7960647

I didn't make an argument, I said talking about your experience with outliers is not an arugment. Which it is not. Why are you even posting ITT?

>> No.7960652

Correlation does not mean causation.
There are a lot of black neurosurgeons and scientists, the argument "BLACKS CAN'T BE SMART BECAUSE OF GENETICS LMAO" is retarded

>> No.7960661

Nice strawman you got there friend
I think what OP means is that blacks are dumb on average

>> No.7960663

In Liberia first their politics went to shit. In the 1950s it was one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The bloodshed started in 1980 after Doe came to power. And you know who backed his coup? Americans. Somehow every corrupt and violent regime had support of major Western power (or USSR). It is like we chose the worst leaders. Are you violent dictator? Great! Are you a cannibal? Even better!

The main problem of Africa is fact that European culture came with a lot of complex ideas, especially in politics and expected that African tribes will somehow miraculously adapt painlessly to things that took European centuries.

>> No.7960664

Tribal equatorial nomadic culture.
The equatorial lands are a harsh land, loaded with human parasites, intense heat, most resources are locked up and hard to capitalize on.

The Incans and Aztecs, to some extent pooinloos made a go of it, but whites from the northern hemisphere can always easily subjugate the equatorial peoples. In a nutshell, it's a climatic problem, with the invention of air conditioning things got a bit better, but only for a small minority of totalitarian types.

Most are second generation born in the northern hemisphere with lots of gibmedats. In 100 generations they would morph into white man.

>> No.7960665

We will never know if that argument is retarded because trying to verify it is illegal, you'd be fucking impaled through your arse if you tried to do a research like that by BLM and feminists.

>> No.7960668

thats clearly not the premise. He's saying they have low intelligence and education on average.
Just because you misinterpret the argument doesnt make them all smart or anything

>> No.7960677


Everyone started somewhere. You can't really expect them to have Cambridge after 50 years. The society aspirations are something that counts in long term.

>> No.7960734

define 'blacks'

>> No.7960738
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You were saying?
There is more discrimination in their benefit today to the disadvantage of gifted folk.

>> No.7960748

I teach in a majority black public school, and I have to say I don't think they are inherently dumber. Until around age 11-12, black students are just as fascinated by science and learning as their white and asian counterparts.

However, when they hit puberty they tend to get preyed upon by gang and "thug" culture. It basically wipes out their interest in school and makes them incredibly apathetic. This particularly happens with the black males.

>> No.7960769

That same trend you observe is mirrored between men and women in general at puberty, most obviously among whites and Asians. A hereditary hypothesis as an alternative would be that the genotype crystalizes and whatever has been done prior does not seem to retain. Book learning isn't to be universalized.

>> No.7960779

>scientific explanation is that their culture was damaged by slavery, colonization, subjugation, abuse, etc.
That's not a scientific explanation but rather a humanities-tier explanation that has nothing to with science.

>> No.7960781
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>/thread on your own post

>> No.7960783
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> Is there a scientific explanation why blacks are so dumb and violent?

Is there reason why you care so much about the subject you misanthrope? But fine since I'm an autistic fuck I'll play your game.

In term of them being "dumb" all populations have a percentage of people who are less than stellar in their ranks in terms of intelligence. Whites, Asians, Hispanics, etc. are no different it's just a difference in frequency. If you want a educated observation (there is no "concrete" explanation) it probably has to do with the fact they just don't have a deep history of practicing math, science as much other societies do.

They'll get there eventually, they just came late to the party, no biggie.

Now when it comes to violence all populations have their bad streaks.



Blacks are no different in this respect, the statistics you are pointing to though involve data results from violence in relation to drugs, high incarceration rates and their negative effects psychologically that result in feedback loops that hurt the communities.





These statistics though seem to match up with the fallout from US prohibition as a origin point.




This link below shows racial makeup of incarceration, which clearly indicates a initial white majority during the 1920's to a near black majority (in relation to percentage of US population) in the 1980's.


>> No.7960788

Is there a scientific explanation why /pol/ shitposts outside their containment board?

If you were genuinely interested in this question you would look to perform proper statistical analysis and control for confounding factors. If you were genuinely interested in this question you would make a claim, support it, and then defend it against criticism, instead of saying "prove to me why I'm already right."

This is what happens when we don't expect rigor from kids in education.

>> No.7960815

Blacks have less developed prefrontal cortex. That means they are more impulsive, don't plan for the future, don't engage in behaviors that yield long term results(like education), don't cooperate and don't follow laws.

>> No.7960822

This thread is proof that we need a science/math captcha on /sci/ to prevent /pol/ and /r9k/ shitposts, since the mods have not yet deleted this thread.

>> No.7960824

basically this desu

>> No.7960834

I'm too lazy to write it all again, I made a video about the whole subject. I'm argentine so my pronunciation is really cringy at times

>> No.7960838
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>> No.7960849

Black people are like this all over the planet, explain this shit... Black people are the scum of the human race on all 7 continents.

>> No.7960854


>Antarctic Blacks

Interesting, tell me more anon.

>> No.7960867

I'm sure blacks lead the crime rates there to. If you are leading a scientific expedition to Antarctica and have a black guy with you, he will be the one committing a crime

>> No.7960888
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>No matter what part of the world you are in, they all act the same.

>> No.7960890
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Am I the only one who cares that the OP's infographic is made of numbers pulled from someone's ass? The NCVS collects data on the race (and sex and age and other demographic characteristics) of VICTIMS, but not of OFFENDERS.

Here are the released data; note that it only classifies victimization by the characteristics of the victim. The only information regarding offenders is how well the victim knew them.
Here's the questionnaire; note that it doesn't ask for information about the perpetrators of crimes against the subject.

The graphic is literally taken directly from American Renaissance. DO NOT ENGAGE WITH STORMFAGS.

>> No.7960927

You can look at the previous years FBI crime statistics distributed by race and find the same disproportionally high black crime rates even though they make up a small portion of the entire population. I only checked how they did it in USA and not the rest of the world but the numbers aren't looking up for them.

>> No.7961019


Nope you're not the only one anon, I'm >>7960783 and see the numbers op posted as simplification of a complex matter that isn't a inherent feature of blacks just an expression of the situations they were/are put in.


Except in my post above I provided a pdf that shows the high incarceration rates of US blacks is a recent phenomenon that only seriously manifested itself by the 1970-80's.

My link literally shows the incarceration rates from 1920's to the 1980's by each year and states in the U.S.

>> No.7961044

And the only thing that has changed was the left got in power and discourages mother-father families with the welfare state. Unless there is that social equality with shared family structure, there can be no lasting fixes.

>> No.7961049

is it
is that the only thing that changed


>> No.7961072
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It is the most common denominator. If you remove the bastards white black crime disparity is negligible. A progressive think tank observed this.
Fatherless kids are more likely to end up getting in trouble with the law. They need the Patriarchy.

>> No.7961073

is it
is it the most common denominator

you're full of interesting titbits i have to say

>> No.7961083

> incarceration rates
how is that help your argument ?

>> No.7961090
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You're right about the drug war and prison culture, but you need the kids to be vulnerable first and non-nuclear family policy is a contributing factor.
The chcle starts with the illegitimacy and then what you continue to describe

>> No.7961145

>Trying to highlight that more single moms are in poverty
>Highlights two-parent households with lower poverty rate, duh higher percentage of multiple income sources
>Includes average poverty rate with no other qualifiers or definitions
>Doesn't even mention single father households

0/10 bar graph

>> No.7961153
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>> No.7961157

That's what I am saying with that post. Poor or invalid supporting evidence makes for a poor or invalid argument.

>> No.7961162

>single father homes
>in charge of getting custody

>> No.7961163

This may come as a surprise to you, but women can also be complete fuckups, even in the eyes of the law.

>> No.7961164


literally this

inb4 some memer talks about the twin adoption studies where putting one twin in a rich environment only filled half of the mean iq gap because they don't understand how racial identity and stereotyping works

>> No.7961171


>> No.7961173


start with yourself my man :))))

>> No.7961177
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>> No.7961180
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>> No.7961184
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and they amount to negligible unicorns spared form a well established institutional bias.

Why don't you want to consider broken homes as a link in the chain?

>> No.7961194
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>trying to highlight that more single moms are in poverty
Yes that was the point of his entire argument
>Highlights two-parent households with lower poverty rate, duh percentage of multiple income sources
again that's his point...
>Includes average poverty rate with no other qualifiers or definitions
I don't think you know how a "average poverty rate is defined"
>Doesn't even mention single father households
because the video was about single mothers. Although if you do a bit of research single father households have an income of 33% more than single mother households.

You can't mess with the Stef

>> No.7961202

Stef Molyneux with the shot boi

>> No.7961234

Maybe because the explanation isn't dominated by biology.

>> No.7961240

>there are more fatherless families than motherless families cause it's easier to pump and dump and motherly instincts or something like that
>naturally not having both parents is damaging regardless which one goes away
>and single mothers are generally poorer cause unequality in pay
So why does it prove that single mothers are evil whores, when you can make another hypothesis for that, that does't put them in bad light.

>> No.7961242

>So why does it prove that single mothers are evil whores

they are the gatekeepers.

>> No.7961256

That doesn't answer my question about the picture.

>> No.7961263

women have some onus here, she didn't want to take full control over what her body does and effectively consented

>> No.7961423


>> No.7961447

>What are Mali, Songhai, Ethiopia?
Jesus Christ, pick up a fucking book. People who have this 'lol Blacks can't build' misconception are just astoundingly, appallingly ignorant.
>Then explain why the Zulu culture has one of the most violent recoreded histories long before ever coming into contact with any European culture?

Because there has never been a violent caucasian culture, amirite? Do you even think about what you seem to believe? The rise of the Zulu Kingdom (which happened well after first contact with Europeans) was a massive cultural shift of a similar type to the rise of the Mongol empire. The rise of the Kingdom is known as Mfecane, or 'The Crushing', an era of terrible slaughter and chaos as the more peaceful tribes of the Transvaal were killed, assimilated, displaced, or forced to adopt a more militaristic culture just to survive. Similar tumultuous periods have occurred all over the world throughout history. A European example (because It doesn't seem that you have the empathy required to project yourself into another culture) would be the Napoleonic wars, or even the rise of the Third Reich.

>> No.7961479

I think the 'race realism' (lol) crowd comes with a complete lack of critical thinking, or are just incredibly susceptible to confirmation bias. They see data showing that black people have a lower than average I.Q. and don't even stop to consider what confounders there might be.

>> No.7961592

>white genes

>> No.7961844


>> No.7961857

> I'm too stupid to understand that the world is complicated.

Good job buddy.