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7957213 No.7957213[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/.

I fell for it. I fell for the "im smart, really, i'm just really laze XDD" meme. So far i'm on my second year, second semester and i've been oscillating around B's and C's, sometimes a really close A (in my country its from 0-20, so it'd be around 10-14 with some 16s). I've been holding a steady GPA of 2,62. I'm in cs and minor in math. I've attended close to no lectures at all and, if i did study, i studied right on before the exams. The thing here is, i know that, to better this, i should start by attending the lectures. However, all my life i never studied because i'd always be able to pass all classes, even if by a little, so i don't know how to study and where i should start. Please /sci/, i am asking for your help... How can i correct this and what are some study methods that i can try to test and some tips on how to keep working?
Thanks in advance.
PS: another thing is, how can i efficiently go through textbooks given that some of the recommended ones go over more stuff than what's covered in the class' program and i don't have access to the program? sorry if it sounds a little bit confusing.

>> No.7957229

Hope you can get some help, anon

>> No.7957237


Consistency. You need to force yourself to sit down and study. Even if you don't feel like it.

Make a study space somewhere you don't sleep or do any other activities except studying.

>> No.7957239

Read the material to be covered in class in the textbook the night before. Don't get held up if you don't "get" it all the first round, show up to class and ask questions to fill in the blanks.

Get a day planner and figure out a schedule to do homework. Consistency and planning is key.

>> No.7957251

If you're not compelled to study on your own volition, then why the fuck even major in CS?

> what are some study methods that i can try

There is no magical "method" to studying. Literally grab your book, a pen and a piece of paper, then start reading and taking notes as you go. That's it. That's really all their is to it. Any "method" people tell you is just going to be some sort of variation of this.

/sci/ can't help you on this one, you have to help yourself first.

>> No.7957313

Thank you. I hope too...

That one of my dificulties, we are 6 people in a home for 4, our college library is almost always full and my/our only option is maybe a coffee shop or something...

I do not have access to the program and don't really know what's going to be lectured in most classes...

I'm gonna be honest, i wanted either maths, physics and cs and just randomly chose one of those. i had an idea of what it was and turned out i enjoyed it.

it is true, i do have to take initiative and do something, but i really am looking for some tips on the matter since i do feel lost. however that looks like something good to do, i'll sure try it.

thank you all for the help

>> No.7957514

I know the feeling, OP. I fell into the same trap. I'm dong a physics major with CS minor.

For CS, here's what you need to do:\

First, start attending every lecture. And actually pay attention. Don't dick around on reddit, for fucks sake download concentrate and actually pay attention.

Two: To catch up, redo every homework problem and textbook exercise. Not just look at it and say "I know how I would do that"; Actually do the damn problems.

Do this, and you will get by with a B+, and your future classes with an A.

Just remember; you're an adult now. You've realized that doesn't actually mean anything, and adulthood is just a sham. Now grow the fuck up and act like an adult.

>> No.7957515


Just fucking do it, you shithead. God no wonder math majors are retarded.

>> No.7957558

he's a cs major with a math minor senpai -- makes much more sense from that perspective. "hurr all the smart kids do cs and work for google right out of college" "hurr im good at hs math so im gonna study it despite having no clue what real rigor entails!" yep yep yep cs majors general

>> No.7957596

the few classes i did attend i payed attention, i personally don't like dicking around in classes, i«d rather skip them if im going to disturb them.

yeah, i did the old "i know how to do that, lets skip it" way too many times...
but yeah, that should work, thank you

i will.

>> No.7957607

>Just fucking do it, you shithead.