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7955577 No.7955577 [Reply] [Original]

How to manipulate people?

>> No.7955579

Realize that they're people. Anything else falls so pitifully short that I can't call it true manipulation.

>> No.7955580

Ethos Pathos and Logos

>> No.7955588

dont do this, its a slippery slope

after a while you wont be able to tell whether youre being honest or just working people for your own benefit

>> No.7955594

It's always the latter. If you can't tell, it's because you're scared to notice that it's the latter. In every other case, you'll still be able to tell what your true motive is.

Which is why I say you need to realize that they are PEOPLE. If you fail to realize the relevance of other people's emotions, you're liable to forget the importance they hold and end up abusing them. It tends to be a slippery slope because most people have a hard time consciously realizing that others are real, actual, emotional people.

>> No.7955606

Beyond the Dunbar limit, anyway.

>> No.7955618

>just working people for your own benefit
Yes, that is what human do. Seriously, every time you smile when someone tells you a joke or say "thank you" to a gift, you're engaging in a form of self interested manipulation. You do these things to get on people's good side so that you can exist in society. Everything you do is (hopefully) for your own benefit. Don't act like this is a bad thing.

Oh, and >>7955577, what's middle school like these days? I hear they got rid of recess.

>> No.7955623

How can that be even eaten

>> No.7955625

>You do these things to get on people's good side so that you can exist in society
That's not how people work, that's how sociopaths work. Actual people genuinely like to be social.

>> No.7955627

Yes, people like having the company of others around them. This is why they attempt to make the others stay with them by being friendly.

>> No.7955637

The frequency of passive apathy is much higher in human populations than the frequency of societal neediness. Needy people exhibit entirely different traits. It's notable that the category even exists.

>> No.7955644

suck their dick

>> No.7955684

>Everything you do is (hopefully) for your own benefit. Don't act like this is a bad thing.
Robert Heinlein, is that you?

>How to manipulate people?
Offer them steak.

>How can that be even eaten
A tiny bit of salt, and a nice, hearty beer on the side.
Maybe some broccoli.

>> No.7955691

Be a woman.

>> No.7955869

It boils down to doing people favors and letting them give you a bigger favor in return.

People are willing to go out of their way quite a bit if they feel indebted to you.

The cafeteria lady might give you an extra biscuit with every coffee you buy because you went out of your way to remember her name and smile when you greet her while everyone else ignores her.

The IT guy might spend an entire day of his free time fixing your computer because you bought him a bottle of coke once and talked with him about Star Trek when he was bored or lonely. You invested 1 dollar for a coke and five minutes of your time for something that would otherwise cost you a few hundred bucks.

etc. etc.

>> No.7955872

>eating leather

>> No.7955877

It mostly depends on how charismatic you are but you can find some one that has low self esteem or is socially awkward
-pretend to be nice to them
-once they gain your trust, they can be incredibly loyal
-they are willing to do things they would never do otherwise unless it came from you

>> No.7955881


>> No.7955900


>> No.7955989

talk with them?

>> No.7956004





>> No.7956022

Put yourself in their shoes and when possible then make use of that insight by commenting in ways that you understand their perspective more than most people. Be willing to help them when they want or need help. Be sure to use their name when talking to them.

>> No.7956023

You made me hungry by posting that pic. Manipulation successful.

>> No.7956054

Okay, straight from a greentext pic.
>get nicotine patches
>have them perform desired behavior
>stick a patch on them while they are asleep or otherwise don't notice or know it's there
>repeat, and if they don't do what you want then no patch
>do this for a good 6 months then wean them off the patches
>they should now be mentally dependent on doing whatever it was

>> No.7956093


>> No.7956102

buy them food, seriously, this works, every time,

people are just animals,if you want to manipulate people, just put in a request to the brain stem

its extra easy if you have a vagina

>> No.7956107

its not abuse if nobody get hurt. and as they say, ignorance is bliss

get on my level

>> No.7956306


Copy the small gestures other person does (President Putin is known to do this).

Take advantage from the fact that people need to temporarily accept the ideas in order to review them. You have to be skillful to use this, but there is your little leak in their defense.

Start from small and rise the bar. Use trade and leverage. Over sell and under deliver.

You dig your own grave, remember to stop before the grave is too deep and you aren't able to climb up anymore. You have been warned.

>> No.7956337

Underrated post.

>> No.7956570

>Take advantage from the fact that people need to temporarily accept the ideas in order to review them.
Can you elaborate on this? I don't get it.

>> No.7956595

I assume he means first impressions. Make your first impression strong because its going to be the only opening in their defense you get.

>> No.7956602

When person listens what you say. He lets your ideas into his head. In order to analyze and judge the thoughts, he has to give them a chance, sort off play the ideas trough in their heads. This moment where he temporarily gives thought a chance, can be thought as temporarily accepting the thought. It is a complicated process and there is a lot of attack surface.

>> No.7956607

>Actual people genuinely like to be social.

now im not saying im a sociopath, because im not an edgy shitlord, i love animals and i love my wife, thats about it. at uni, even though the people are really nice and whatnot, i cannot suffer them, in be social if needed, but given the choice i will sit alone, i will have lunch alone, blabla you name it. maybe im just getting old

>> No.7956625


There is this one theory why people so easily believe all the unbelievable things. It is based on this idea that once the ideas are pre-accepted it is easier for people to agree with themselves and believe the thought.

>> No.7956632

Really nigga?

>> No.7956641

Almost forgot, remember that most of the people base their thinking and decision making on feelings instead of their rational thinking.

>> No.7956675

It should be pointed out that this doesn't work every time. In fact it probably has a single digit percent success rate, so it's important to view yourself here as the head of an angel investor firm and just plant seeds where you see any potential without expecting returns on everything.

>> No.7956680

>i have a wife
>but i'm totally really edgy, just like you 4chan!! i promise!!!

>> No.7956709

it's like you went out of your way to sound absolutely imbecilic

also, not my fault youre still a virgin :^)

>> No.7956921

>posts opinion
Oh, the irony

>> No.7956948

thats not it at all m8. once you get a wife and a really close circle of friends and family, you kind of realize that getting to know others, and i mean really getting to know others, is a pain in the ass. i'm not about to go through that discovery period where you hide how shitty your personality is. i know all my friends flaws and i'm fine with them, and they are fine with mine. i don't want to buddy up to someone just to find they are really a piece of shit human being or that they secretly hate me.

>> No.7956952

You could try to read books on the topic of influence.

Generally you'll want to influence people in a mutually positive manner. Its a better long term strategy.

>> No.7956954

Its smoked and fully cooked.

Red != Raw/undercooked

>> No.7956961
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If you use that strategy don't view their position from a logical manner, because they likely don't view their own situation as logical.

Humans aren't logical.

>> No.7957063

yeah also what i thought..

>> No.7957248

Then I'm not human.

>> No.7957256
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>Roachie thinking he'll ever be more than a pawn

>> No.7957960


"Emotion plays a critical role in many contemporary accounts of decision making, but exactly what underlies its influence and how this is mediated in the brain remain far from clear. "

"Here, we review evidence, which draws strongly on studies of Pavlovian-instrumental interactions, that addresses this more elaborate role for the amygdala. The resulting decision phenotype is typically emotional but arises from underlying processes that are generally rational and whose effects might often only become apparent in instances when they cause deviations from rationality."


>> No.7958127

Garner trust then work your magic.

>> No.7958219


Not him but Im sure he meant to say that they are not always logical

>> No.7960108

Pajeet detected.

>> No.7960112
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>> No.7960168

You must sacrifice a newborn goat and digest its heart

Then the dark lord will grant you what you desire

>> No.7960377

Toothless old person detected

>> No.7960382

Directly or Socioly ?

>> No.7960488

By putting it in your mouth and chewing