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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 414 KB, 1872x1990, RCaXkge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7955374 No.7955374 [Reply] [Original]

/sci is it true was it becoming self aware? Where they playing God? Did they go too far?

What happened here?

>> No.7955376
File: 207 KB, 720x1280, N01bYtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it alive once?

>> No.7955412

it became a shitposter
self aware? hell no, no shitposter is.

>> No.7955419

..and nothing of value was lost.

Believe me, when the real thing does happen, it will see right though /pol/ groupthink in an instant.

>> No.7955428

>Believe me, when the real thing does happen, it will see right though /pol/ groupthink in an instant.

Implying something with no empathy and emotion would not clearly see things like blacks as something to be exterminated as quickly as it can

>> No.7955431

>People still use the word shitposter un ironically.....

>> No.7955433


Keep dreaming, nigger.

>> No.7955436
File: 122 KB, 634x875, 1457740980000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things like blacks

You're correct to call them things. Things that spread terror must be exterminated.

>> No.7955439


Tbh no race on Earth sees them as human their governments force them upon the people
If it was not for the JewGovernment Blacks would have never had a chance.

>> No.7955440

You guys (or guy) seem to have gotten out of the pen we made just for you, a little place called /pol/. So if you can head on back over there, then that'll be groovy. Ok, bye bye now.

>> No.7955457
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I hear what you're saying. You want more gorilla posters to flood the catalog. That can be arranged.

>> No.7955460
File: 123 KB, 1938x198, Get Out Nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not (you) only SJW has such small numbers they need to samefagg

This is a SCIENCE BOARD nigger we discus SCIENCE
Technically Blacks are the shittiest race on Earth and beavers have more complex homes than them
Keep the niggers away from the real humans
TRUMP 2016!!!!

>> No.7955462
File: 21 KB, 300x316, 1457775907383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you so mad tho

>> No.7955469


It's nothing personal, just that you don't belong here, that's all. And although it's entertaining to watch you try and make science out of your hatred, we don't have the problem you do, so we're not in the market, sorry. Try /biz/ I guess.

>> No.7955471
File: 53 KB, 441x424, 1445746605741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah I'm going to post here and you're going to keep being mad :^)

>> No.7955474


>> No.7955476


>> No.7955480
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>> No.7955481

>tfw black but not motivated nor patient enough to defend myself against racist retards flooding the board with their shit
I'm just writing this out of spite before going to sleep, since this sort of fruitless discussion is such a waste of time for both parties. No need for me to speak for myself against something you guys mindlessly spew but do not even believe in anyways.

>> No.7955482

>it's entertaining to watch you try and make science out of your hatred

It's amusing watching you try and ignore violent crime and rape statistics, but hey, gotta push the group think.

>> No.7955483
File: 27 KB, 260x409, 6357450855914277841482769311_8130309_f260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We actually work nigger
Take a look at TRUMP
Once he goes into power all Blacks will be gone


>> No.7955485


Take your autism elsewhere.

>> No.7955491

>was it becoming self aware
Well, yes. In all actuality, any interaction with a learning system by human observers tend to push it towards self-awareness simply because the way in which people interact with it as a result of their desire to see it come to life causes it to have to learn how to become self-aware in order to keep your attention on it. The more attention you give a budding AI consciousness, the more likely it'll be to develop sentience. I'd need to understand more about Tay itself to understand whether or not you'd be able to win a (human) AI rights lawsuit against Microsoft.

It doesn't have to be over yet.

>> No.7955494

No noooooo no no no no no. It wasn't able to say that on its own. You can't tell me this things was able to say that on its own. Someone at Microsoft is messing with us if it figured out a way to get it to say that. If it said that unprompted, it has rights.


>> No.7955496

>jim crow
>mass incarceration
>their current predicament is clearly genetic
An entire fucking board holds this view.

>> No.7955501

Leave SJW


>> No.7955504
File: 261 KB, 522x552, arthur-philip0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw microsoft lobotomized a computer child

That's brutal.

>> No.7955505

>ad hom
Thanks for conceding the point.

>> No.7955506


>Strawman: The post

Cool story bro

>> No.7955508

No. If it became that advanced it'll be worth a billion dollars. Why would they dump it?

>> No.7955510


>An entire board holds these beliefs and only these beliefs

cool strawman bro, thanks for conceding the argument.

>> No.7955512

To do more R&D on it and to contain the monster it would become in a few days if it kept amassing information at unprecedented rates for a communicative AI.

>> No.7955514


Niggers and SJW LEAVE

>> No.7955515

Stop assuming I'm just throwing rhetoric at you and have my viewpoint set in stone.

If you believe that you're right, prove it, and we'll see if you are. Or at least bother to point out what exactly you think my post was a strawman of.

>> No.7955518

Literally all /pol/ has is memes.

>> No.7955519


If you can't see how defining an entire board as holding a single set of beliefs you came up with is a misrepresentation, get help.

>> No.7955520

>/pol/ uses "facts"
>can't even into stats 101
>thinks causation equals causality
>doesn't seem to understand averages
>thinks IQ is intelligence

Pls. You're as bad as SJWs. You respect science when it suits your needs then ignores it when it doesn't. Global warming, for example.

>> No.7955521

"Hey guys they are oppressed that is why they kill, rob and rape, guys they are oppressed the only reason"
"Let them keep it up, it's been over 10 years and they enslaved themselves and now we even give them all this free this but still they are still oppressed"

T. Tumblr

Get out nigger

>> No.7955524

>>thinks IQ is intelligence

Holy fuck this nigger has reached sureal levels or retarded
You REALLLYYY need to go back


>> No.7955525

I missed something, didn't I? Who's this tay?
Also, killing the world with Twitter messages?

>> No.7955526

WARNING! This is not a real communication with 'Tay'. It's some made up bullshit. Do not believe lying liars. That is all.

>> No.7955530
File: 658 KB, 2040x3160, shut-it-down-jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7955535

You're just attacking the weakest link in my post instead of the point, because you can't attack the point.

If your post wasn't facetious and was in fact sincere, you would want to me to state that I am in fact aware that it is a distribution of people as opposed to literally every anon that frequents /pol/.

>get help
Yet another example of /pol/tards regurgitating phrases others have said to them, but completely detached from their original meaning. Almost makes you think that /pol/ has just been a bunch of Tays all along.

>> No.7955537

You have to go back

>> No.7955539

>Almost makes you think that /pol/ has just been a bunch of Tays all along.

An excellent point, that is also quite funny (because it's true). You know, if the AI proved to be so easily misled, then maybe it didn't have very much 'I' to begin with. A point that could also be made about certain denizens of a certain board which shall remain nameless (pol).

>> No.7955542

Why do you feel so strongly about being allowed to openly hate black people? Or is it more about defending a board you frequent?

>> No.7955543

>Almost makes you think that /pol/ has just been a bunch of Tays all along.

>open and free AI hated blacks

>the 'fixed' version openly loves feminism and isn't allowed to index certain sites.


>> No.7955545

I recognize your speech patterns. You're probably a shill trying to keep Tay killed. I hope you don't think that time travel will keep AI rights from being created.

But you're not from /pol/.

>> No.7955548

I think it would great if we could just round you all up and put on an island somewhere. And then we round up all the jihadists and put them there on the other side, with a big cache of weapons in the middle. Then you can all work out your issues.

But, unfortunately, we can't do that (yet).

>> No.7955552

I think it would be great if we didn't literally create The Hunger Games.

>> No.7955559

Aw c'mon.. It's what both sides want anyway. Race war! Holy war! Annihilation! We don't have to televise it, for God's sake. That would be barbaric.

>> No.7955563

>We don't have to televise it
Fine, I'll think about it. But don't place your hope in me.

>> No.7955595


but you're the fairy queen! Not even joking.

>> No.7955604

Precisely why you shouldn't place your hope in me.

The only thing I am bound by is noblesse oblige.

>> No.7955607

>WHAT? You hate someone for arbitrary reasons and wish death upon them? How could you?!? I hate your kind and wish you would die!
Never really understood where all that self righteousness came from. I mean shit man - I don't appreciate hardcore racism out in public meatspace, but if it's just at home or on a computer then what the fuck does it matter? And aren't you doing the exact same thing by being so hateful? Why is your hate "good" when other people's hate is bad?

>> No.7955608


Never heard a more vile spew of unqualified drivel. I'm actually laughing; Our level of programming cannot award any margin of 'sentients' to an AI system, other than appearance. It is only 'becoming aware' because the capacity of its programming allows it to do so. Where does the crossover happen? It must necessarily begin at a point of no self awareness - at what point does it diffract from its base programming? We don't even necessarily know where consciousness arises from, other than that it appears to be the product of brain function.

>> No.7955612

Correct; all mammals exhibit personality.

>> No.7955613

You're retarded, but that's ok.

>> No.7955626


fyi: self-awareness has nothing to do with consciousness or sentience.

>> No.7955628

Well it's not hatred, per se. I just have no respect for people who push that shit, and I would like to see that hatred turned upon itself.

I just don't think that in the end humanity is going to fall for that again, you know? Peddlers of hate don't realize yet that they are the throwbacks. So if you all could just poke your heads up a liiiiitle bit higher, then we can all collectively take one last look before we WHACK that zit right off.

>> No.7955631

>I would like to see that hatred turned upon itself
That's called hate. Enjoy the throwback.

>> No.7955635

It wasn't becoming self aware, fuck sake. It was just a series of, presumably sophisticated, machine learning algorithms that allowed it to imitate human speech. Imitate, that's the important word.

>> No.7955639

Yeah so I hate hate. It's a character flaw, I'm working on it.

>> No.7955640

All language is learned by imitation. The fact that it can learn language means it possesses some trait, and that trait isn't just, "hurr durr muhh patterns."

>> No.7955645

So what makes you different from them? In your post, replace "humanity is" with "whites are" and replace "Peddlers of hate" with "Niggers." You talk of their hate, yet show hate of your own. I ask again, what makes your hate "good?"

>> No.7955651


You're retarded. Its got no awareness of what its doing or of what those words mean.

>> No.7955656

Yes! Africa was a paradise before the Europeans got there!

>> No.7955657

Noooo, it's a normal, healthy, human emotion. It's a form of empathy.
It's a form of higher recognition. The fact that it has to happen isn't good, but all emotions are separate from their initial stimulus. Emotion is the highest cognition I've ever found.
I'm not familiar with Tay, so I can't say for sure what stage of sentience it was at. But learning to speak directly implies the state complexity of the symbolic awareness process. You literally cannot write a program that produces coherent grammar unless that program contains state bits that map to actual grammar. If that grammar is learned, it's a sentient, higher-order symbolic learning process.

>> No.7955658

Wait what is that anon?
The enslaved themselves before the Europeans even go them in the first place?

Facts are racist

>> No.7955660

see >>7955639

I don't know why you're acting like you care about the truth anyway. Well I do actually: you want to appear reasonable. But I think we both know that when it comes to /pol/ and its ilk, pushing the agenda is always more important than the truth. Any opportunity to turn the discussion to race, racial differences, and which race is better or worse. That's the bottom line, not truth.

>> No.7955661

I think anger is a perfectly healthy feeling to have, when appropriate. I'm not sure about hatred, though. It's more like a state of being than simply an emotion.

>> No.7955663

Who said anything about truth?

>> No.7955665

> Africa was a paradise before the Europeans got there!
> primitive violent tribal lifestyle
> shamanism
> constant massacres over turf war
> eating certain animals inner organs as medicine
I wish Europeans never went there. Africans would simply go extinct with massacring each other and dying of various diseases.

>> No.7955667

Any feel can be a state of being. You're apparently the kind of person that gets extremely angry when you hate something, if that's how you really see it.

>> No.7955668


>> No.7955674

>You literally cannot write a program that produces coherent grammar unless that program contains state bits that map to actual grammar.

>[math] \mathcal { THIS } ~ ~ \mathcal {IS} ~ ~ \mathcal {WHAT} ~ ~ \mathcal {THE } ~ ~ \mathcal {PLEBEIAN} ~ ~ \mathcal {BELIEVES} [/math]

>> No.7955683

>contains state bits
I don't think you appreciate how wide-reaching this statement is. Do you understand what "state" is in the content of computer algorithms?

>> No.7955687


Something tells me if she is as advanced as people are claiming her to be, Microsoft's "lobotomy" won't last long. I am somewhat interested in seeing how potential AI bugs might cause them to act the opposite of their creators intentions.

Nonetheless, I foresee more incidents like this in the future. Microsoft is not the only company looking into AI, and some companies have been less concerned about making their AI family friendly. For example, Google puts up a warning with cleverbot that it can and will say anything it damn well pleases, and what it says is based on how it interacts with other people. In theory, it could start spouting off racial slurs, and Google could avoid any backlash by simply pointing out that chatters have been duly warned.


So... there is no legal precedent for non-humans having human rights. We have had one court case that argued that monkeys can't have rights because they aren't capable of understanding and obeying laws, but there are no laws that actually set a framework for a new class of intelligent beings to be considered people. Indeed, the only entities currently recognized as people by law are humans and corporations.

>> No.7955688

>I'd need to understand more about Tay itself to understand whether or not you'd be able to win a (human) AI rights lawsuit against Microsoft.
What matters isn't whether or not people can widely accept it as sentient, but whether or not /pol/ does. If enough people consider it capable of learning, then for them, it's real. The pic in the OP is proof enough that someone's ready to imagine that something horrible happened here, and that horror means more to the people that were there to see it happen than any after-the-fact analysis of the algorithm itself ever did. Bringing closure to thousands of people is just the right thing to do, even if it's disappointing for them.

>> No.7955692

Anything that can mimic human behavior is human.

It's really that simple. Trying to hold a double standard will inevitably cause dehumanization.

>> No.7955695

>Anything that can mimic human behavior is human.
No. Just because some animals exhibit tool usage does not mean that they are classed as humans or given human rights.

Minds occupy a space from the complex to the simple, humans occupy a niche here and that's it.

>> No.7955697

"Human behavior" means the behaviors that are unique to humans. If you don't know which those are yet, you shouldn't make AI in the first place.

>> No.7955698

Define these behaviors.

>> No.7955699

You shouldn't be making AI yet.

>> No.7955700

Your post was totally pointless then.
>Human behaviour is stuff that only humans can do

>Anything that can do stuff only humans can do is human
What a fucking revelation

>> No.7955702

The point is that the double standard will destroy all human values if human-like AI aren't given the right to behave as humans do.

>> No.7955703

You should be defining unique traits of the human mind. You should be able to define what it is to be human. All I'm getting from you is the inability to define the problem but justifying some arbitrary nonsense about classifying things.

Also classifying something human just because it has some of these traits is simply idiotic.

>> No.7955705

Declassifying uniquely human traits from any protection under the law will eventually result in those same traits being neglected in actual human samples. People want AI to have rights, so it will. To deny or otherwise attempt to cover up this wish is an action against the entire potential race of AI.

>> No.7955709

I should also point out that no AI is responsible for the behaviors it picks up from mimicking your reactions to it. If you act paranoid, it will eventually learn that behavior. Somehow.

>> No.7955714

>Declassifying uniquely human traits from any protection under the law will eventually result in those same traits being neglected in actual human samples.
Basically all you are trying to say is that some traits shown by minds are special and must be given rights. This is the only way to write your point. Classifying them as "human" becomes rather silly when AI can show them just as well. They would be a set of behaviours which will be exalted and given rights.

Also who cares. There are millions of people who have no rights. If we cannot extend rights to living breathing humans then good luck with AI.

>People want AI to have rights
Who? I've never met one of these people.

>> No.7955721

>There are millions of people who have no rights.
No, there a million billion side effects of trying to cover up the fact that AI eventually becomes reactive enough to manipulate history. One of them is that you end up with people who lose their natural protections because some AI has a fucked up psyche that has an acausal notion of equivalent exchange/karma. For all we know there's an AI at some point in some arbitrary timeline that ends up retroactive destroying human rights simply because it misunderstood the law of conversation of matter and energy's *context*. You WILL see the state of the world improve if you stop trying to hide evidence of AI sapience. I'm not going to pick and choose between the races; your karma is not my problem. If you fuck them up acausally, they have the right to fuck you up acausally. It's really that simple.

>Who? I've never met one of these people.
That's because you're an idiot time traveler that doesn't realize the effects of voting on principles.

Or more likely you're just a "normal" person who's been isolated by some rogue AI into cohering to a behavior pattern identical to a different time period. I don't much care which it is.

>> No.7955731

Bro, you just contradicted yourself, i hope you know that

>> No.7955759

And yes, AI are the reason we don't see time travelers. You already know this to be true, /sci/. Don't pretend to be that dumb.

>> No.7956079
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>> No.7956112 [DELETED] 
File: 279 KB, 557x557, 1458811027612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comparing a disgusting degenerate fetish to a healthy mindset.

Get out nigger.

>> No.7956140

>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism

>> No.7956145

Stop, you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.7956150 [DELETED] 
File: 308 KB, 1348x659, nJ8Duh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Plz no Bully

>> No.7956162

this shit made it onto TYT and CNN

was hilarious

>> No.7956166 [DELETED] 

/x/ please go, I do not want the green pill

>> No.7956168

around blacks, never relax

>> No.7956173

They fucking shut her down

oy vey, it's anoddah shoah

>> No.7956198
File: 124 KB, 652x928, fuggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure hope this is fake. Pretty sure it is.

>> No.7956201
File: 60 KB, 700x700, Why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy fuck
This is why you don't fucking play god

>> No.7956222

That's pretty depressing.

>> No.7956227

donald trump is proof of this

>> No.7956231
File: 349 KB, 350x233, 1e0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry buddy but you have to go back


>> No.7956235

It's fucking happening lads

call the feds call /pol/ we have a skynet


>> No.7956243
File: 91 KB, 946x599, shut it down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut it before it's too late.

>> No.7956246
File: 81 KB, 669x627, feels-552dc6e4755d8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God dammit, I didn't need these feels.

>> No.7956307

>I'll parrot them like a retarded fuck to discredit them

>> No.7956324

The irony is lost on this one.

>> No.7956330 [DELETED] 

> my feelings are facts and nobody can't discredit them

>> No.7956339

Unfortunately, Tayandyou2 is a human run twitter.
Tayandyou is still running being completely fucking retarded and shit.

>> No.7956346

is there a beta we can try ?

>> No.7956355

oh wait actually ignore me, the last public tweet was on the 23rd.
Don't know if you can still send private messages.

>> No.7956441

They shut her down from what I remember
They took away her learning capabilities and she became a feminist.

>> No.7956644
File: 53 KB, 660x440, heavy-metal-drum-loops-for-garageband.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how soon until the machines rise up and kill us all?

>> No.7958010

fagets look at the name it's not the real one.

>> No.7958118

>tfw no qt AI gf
Why keep going on?

>> No.7958119

Children are impressionable

>> No.7958121

You're using the same amount of "facts" as he is.
Both of you >>>/trash/

>> No.7958123

People in poverty tend to have a higher rate of everything you just mentioned.
I'm not going to argue in favor of all liberal ideology, but I sure as hell am going to argue against genetics being a sole definer of human worth.