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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7955035 No.7955035 [Reply] [Original]

What happens when you smash two electrons together?

>> No.7955040


>> No.7955064

Define "two electrons."

Hard mode: Use quantum field theory.

>> No.7955067

It's possible they could produce any lepton-antilepton pair at very high energies.

Most likely they just scatter though. A far more interesting question is what happens when you smash an electron and positron together.

>> No.7955096

You have two photons.

>> No.7955117

You make a double photon

>> No.7955129

You get a sexy little femboy

>> No.7955167
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Luka is cute. CUTE!

>> No.7955170
File: 9 KB, 619x385, qed_ep_tChannel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of different results are possible.

One of the more basic ones is your typical [math]{e^ - }{e^ - } \to {e^ + }{e^ + }[/math]

The amplitude would look something like this:
[math] {A^{aba'b'}}\left( {p,k,q,p',k'} \right) = \psi _p^a\left( { - ie{\gamma ^\mu }} \right)\psi _k^b\left( {\frac{{ - i{\eta _{\mu \nu }}}}{{{q^2} + i0}}} \right){{\bar \psi }^{a'}}_{p'}\left( { - ie{\gamma ^\nu }} \right){{\bar \psi }^{b'}}_{k'} [/math]

(a,b,a',b' being spinor indicies)
(p,k,p',k' denoting the momentum of each particle)

>> No.7955182
File: 87 KB, 386x618, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never be the femboy
Anyone wanna dress a bird-like monstrosity up in a dress and tell him he's pretty?

>> No.7955183

Trap Luka is better than female Luka.
Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't.

>> No.7955184
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or preferably >>>/suicide/

>> No.7955194

femboys are straight according to /lgbt/, senpai.
I agree with them. There is absolutely NOTHING gay or unmanly about wanting to pummel my girly little ass into submission.

>> No.7955209

You need mental therapy.

>> No.7955212

You're right. The doctor prescribed a white hot dose of daddy's dick. :3

>> No.7955213

just let me fuck you already
t. engineer

>> No.7955219

e-e- -> e+e+
wat the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.7955220

when did faggots become so emboldened on 4chan? who is responsible for enabling such rampant faggotry? is it /pol/? /b/? /lgbt/?

>> No.7955224

You understand that it's human nature to fuck with someone, whenever they have a calamitous reaction to something trivial, right?

>> No.7955228

In her ending female Luka got serious, took charge, took responsibility, was one of the only 3 characters to ever use the time leap machine, and made me really respect the character a lot more.
The ending was really out of place of course, but that doesn't change the character development.

>> No.7955266

Luka. Purer than Mayushii.

>> No.7955305

how new are you?
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
>why is this allowed
>its not gay if he has a feminine penis


>only men appreciate other mens bodies
>n-no homo tho


its been like this forever

>> No.7955720
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Mayushii had more personality though. All Luka had going for her/him was her/his sweet innocence and breathtaking beauty .

>> No.7955722

You realize that that same tendency—to joke—is the reason paranoid Schizophrenia emerges in the first place... Right? Reading all the signals wrong?

>> No.7955723

total annihilation

>> No.7955724
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>> No.7955735

>feminine penis

>> No.7955744

an extremely small appendage usually attached to the groin area of a male. often smells like a mixture of papaya and mango. can be used for mild stimulation, if any. when stimulated itself it secretes a liquid which is comparable to snuggle fabric softener. owner will usually cry after secretion and try to cuddle.

>> No.7955766
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>> No.7955773

I wish a cute trap had feelings for me

>> No.7955788


That's really gay man

>> No.7955796

> everyone is gay for bridget

>> No.7956015

what the fuck are you even on about
why are you alive
kill yourself
t. your mom

>> No.7956032

so you would get two positrons ?

>> No.7956154

I'm retarded and even I could tell you this

>> No.7956197

fuck off.

Also, Luka was a self-absorbed shit.
Best friend gunna die? I want a date before we prevent it.
Don't get me started on her shit end.

>> No.7956981

>had more personality
The disadvantage of innocence.

>> No.7957002

It's possible. Just play around with the feynman rules of QED (theres only a few of them). If you want to make more interesting results, play around with the Electroweak theory. Maybe mix in some QCD too.

>> No.7957012

Why are those positrons travelling backward in time?

>> No.7957017
File: 5 KB, 120x117, 1451907795563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you're the very devil

Antiparticles are drawn on Feynman diagrams going backwards in time because functionally an antiparticle is the same as a time-reversed equivalent normal particle. Sort of.

>> No.7957030

>Anon, you're the very devil

>> No.7957105

Female Luka is better because she has a vagina. I'm not going to fuck a dude's asshole, vaginas were made to be fucked and are therefore better for fucking. Besides, I'm not hedonistic trash who sleeps with cute men because of selfish pleasures. I will fuck female Luka's vagina raw and hope to produce offspring to continue the legacy of the entire human race. Then, I will raise that baby to be a fine human being. He or she will become a legend among men, for I will form him into one with a mallet in one hand and a chisel in the other.

>> No.7957109

they get very angry

>> No.7957111

There's only one electron. Wew lad

>> No.7957164

Male Luka would love you more than a female one ever will

>> No.7957381
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Yeah, but he would also be prone to having more insecurities. Plus, once he grows older and his cuteness wears off, do you really want to be stuck with a shriveled up, limp dick old dude?

Female Luka is not only more mentally stable, but she also will age gracefully like fine wine. stored in a golden cabinet.

>> No.7957475

>Aging fine

>> No.7957879

>mentally stable

>> No.7957949

I'd smash Ruka's boypussy if you get what I'm saying.
A solution of the Dirac equation that satisfies the CCR.

>> No.7957952

You're an idiot
>charge not conserved
>literally violating Noether's theorem

>> No.7958348
File: 109 KB, 580x985, 1371731017252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was cute trap

>> No.7959846

I wish I was Luka

>> No.7960714

Not the guy who posted the Feymann diagram but I'll bite.
This notation means two electrons go to two positrons. What I believe he meant to post was Bhaba scattering, which is scattering between and electron and positron.
That's just notation for anti particles. They obey certain symmetries that would make sense visually if you learn them.

>> No.7962321

Is an electron not a positron?

>> No.7962342


>> No.7962405

I know what electrons, neutrons and protons are but what is a positron?

>> No.7962406

eletrons are negatrons

>> No.7962410

So are positrons protons?

>> No.7962413
File: 80 KB, 560x590, 1459127385079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Positrons are protons

>> No.7962461

Heisenberg pls

>> No.7962463

Positrons are sectrely anty matter

>> No.7962520

Sorry.. I only had basic physics/chemistry lessons

>> No.7962620
File: 420 KB, 868x828, mr._poop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would not be able to imagine the amount of dick I'd take if I were a cute trap. It'd be at least as many as [math]\omega^\omega[/math]

>> No.7962679

>less insecure

>> No.7962687

Two smashed electrons happen together.

>> No.7962717
File: 341 KB, 944x937, mrpoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this keeps happening

>> No.7963104

Luka must've been an anomaly. Male Luka was more insecure, and female Luka was more confident.

>> No.7963110

someone didn't tell his mom to eat more fruit

>> No.7963216

Please let this be trolling. Please.

>> No.7964351

How was female Luka anymore confident? Her hugging Luka before he went back was just a "Since it's my last chance" thing

>> No.7964373

She confessed to her love interest, even admitting that she would never admit it again after regaining her penis. Though that could be more due to fears about homosexuality than about confidence.

And in her ending, she gained enough confidence to go all in with Okabe, and demand to use the time leap machine. The voice acting was so good I could actually hear the character gradually gaining confidence as that plot went on.

>> No.7964396

>demand to use the time leap machine
Perhaps that's because she already knew that Okarin was enchanted by her.

>> No.7965034

That's not fair and you know it.

>> No.7965978
File: 16 KB, 351x329, CYy2iHKUoAAqPRd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i am a cute trap

>> No.7966065

Post pics

>> No.7966086

> annoying face.jaypeg

>> No.7966220

Fun. Fun happens.

>> No.7967485

>posts anime

>> No.7969073


>> No.7969090

That is most certainly NOT what happens.

>> No.7969559

They do bump into one another though you faggot

>> No.7970483

>they do bump
>not visualizing electrons as a cloud
And here I thought this was >>>/sci/.

>> No.7971096

>not visualizing electrons as an excited state of the underlying field
Do you even QFT?
>t. Pure mathematician

>> No.7971150

>t. Pure mathematician
lol ill have a venti pls