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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7953436 No.7953436 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people think calculus is hard?

>> No.7953490

Low IQ brainlets

>> No.7953492



keep your shitty memes to yourself.

>> No.7953493

Was I talking to you ?
OP had a legitimate question and I answered him.

>> No.7953518

Only math undergrads like to entertain the thought that others find calc hard, the truth is that it's easiest and least time demanding, the only problem is that people have more interesting things which are harder and more time demanding than calc to study, so what happens is that it's practically ignored till exams.

>> No.7953524

Because it is difficult for them. They are not interested in it and don't have a lot of practice.

Why do people think drawing is hard? They say they're just not good at it. But most artists (if not all) will tell you that they are not talented but just had (and still have) a lot of practice.

>> No.7953542


You aren't fooling anyone buddy. How are those C's and D's doing for you?

>> No.7953549

Agree with this. Calc is just not worth the study time so you end up putting it off until the exam. If you at least study once, there is no way you could fail Calc, its just too easy.

>> No.7953557


But even some high IQ people struggle with calculus.

>> No.7953573

>The most useful theory for applications of mathematics and the sweet tight hymen of the best field of mathematics' pussy is just not worth the study time

Why do you keep doing is? There is already a handful of people posting that

>xD it is not that I am dumb! I am just le smurt but lazy REDDIT.MEME!

You aren't fooling anybody. Stop being a moron.

>> No.7953630

Too low intelligence
No they don't

>> No.7953631


Yes they do. I've tutored mathematics and have many bright people struggle with it. Initially, that is.

>> No.7953635

Tfw I found Calc II to be far easier than Precalc. Precalc was just pure autism 2bh. At least in Calc II shit made sense and wasn't just "find dis summation by plugging n chugging on calculator xddd"

>> No.7953684

Then they are not that bright...

>> No.7953693


Two of them went on to get PhDs in the sciences.

Do you have a PhD?

>> No.7953694

Same reason people make posts implying calculus is easy: cause they're idiots.

>> No.7953697

I should actually correct myself here. What I mean to say is that op is an idiot. I know of at least one person who holds a PhD and failed calc 2.

>> No.7953704


Why do IQ fags never actually know anything about IQ?

An IQ test consists of several tests that attempt to measure things like general reasoning, spatial reasoning, short term memory, etc. The IQ score is the compilation of your results from all those tests. So you could do exceptionally well on all the tests except the spatial reasoning test and still get a high overall IQ score.

So yes, you can be bright (as supposedly measured by IQ) and still struggle with calc.

Why are IQ fags always such retards?

>> No.7953708

Taking calc for the first time myself, never took precalc, just used wolfram alpha to bypass my entrance exam. Calculus isn't so much hard as it is tedious. I have so much homework to do to remember stuff. It'd be a lot easier to just throw it into a calculator, lol.

>> No.7953806

Don't act stupid, we all know the truth.

>> No.7953817

The person you're responding to didn't say anything about IQ.

>> No.7953821

>b-but it was implied

>> No.7953822

Because they didn't study their algebra before taking calculus.

>> No.7954941 [DELETED] 

because they've have been taught wrong all their lives.

>> No.7954943

because they've been taught wrong all their lives.

>> No.7954949

Calc isn't that hard if you actually go out of your way to try and learn the material. A lot of people tend to psyche themselves out of the material before even starting, and are just not willing to put in the time to learn and understand the material.

>> No.7954953

This was true for me. Algebra will always bite you in the ass no matter how far in math you go. Shoulda listened to my teachers in middle school.

>> No.7955205

They dont have interest/discipline to practice and understand it. Some might say it's because of low IQ which partially could be true. Although in my experience it's just laziness

>> No.7955207

Honestly, I thought trig was harder than calc, but that's just me.

>> No.7955237
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because of shitty memes like yours

>> No.7955267

You're not alone. Trig was definitely something else. Trig identities on the other hand though, easy. I think people who struggle with calculus need to start thoroughly inspecting basic proofs of the concepts introduced. (Ex: limit definition of a derivative, proof of l'hôpital's rule, epsilon-delta proof of limits, quotient rule, etc) When they see it and learn how and why it works, everything suddenly becomes crystal-clear.

>> No.7955556

differentiation is trivial, it's integration is hard

>> No.7955565

Because they don't know what to believe about it until after they've figured it out.

>> No.7955569


I'm studying trig now. What is hard about it?

>> No.7955578

Because it is?

>> No.7955583

It's not.

>> No.7955616

Tell me that the day you can solve triple integrals in your head.

>> No.7955617

Will do!

>> No.7955619

Because most people I've met can't even be bothered to look at the definition of the derivative, they just plug and chug all the way.

>> No.7955708

it's not hard, I just have to practice it on a regular basis to do well in it. If I try and teach it all to myself like a day before the exam (or like 12 hours before), I will get in way over my head. It's the same with foreign languages for me.
It probably wouldn't be so time consuming if I didn't completely neglect to practice all the other forms of mathematics that are prerequisites to learning calculus for years (also next up would be calc II but I barely remember calc I).

>> No.7955711

Is it bad that I sometimes forget the formula so I just have to reformalize it from limits?

>> No.7955713

What's with this "practice and study" meme? It is obvious that IQ is the most important factor in learning calculus.

>> No.7955717


Hardly. Intelligence does not guarantee success in school, just like being smart does not guarantee that you're intelligent. All that matters is if you want to learn Calc or not. If you have the desire, then you'll apply yourself and get shit done. If you don't, then you'll flunk.

>> No.7955728

Spoken like a true brainlet.

>> No.7955729

This is mediocre bait at best, but it's more than enough to work on /sci/.

>> No.7955730


Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to type that out

>> No.7955732

/sci/ doesn't bite without reason.

>> No.7955733

>TFW I just realized all the ''lel brainlet'' and ''IQ is all that matters'' people are trolling people into responding

>> No.7955737

Sounds pretty slow over there tbfhm.

>> No.7955739
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>being smart does not guarantee that you're intelligent

>> No.7955815

MIT undergrad in EE, here

This is true, so shut the fuck up

>> No.7955820

You could get a shit phd from a shit college any day of the week on topics like Russian ghost stories. Before you say they got PhDs in quantum physics, I have 15 PhDs in subjects spanning across Physics and mathematics which are just as legit

>> No.7955829

I only started finding math really hard around Differential Equations, but that's because I never went to class once and didn't properly study except right before exams. Got a C+, not my proudest moment.

Go to class kids

>> No.7955837

The key word was in the "sciences". Clearly you are not very bright as you are incapable of understanding short and simple sentences.

>> No.7955844

And you are clearly too retarded to understand analogies

>> No.7956536

EE here. I've done Calculus, diff. equations and right now I'm taking course that does complex functions, stuff like residuums, complex integrals, poles, singularities and such. The theory around it is a bit messy but solving problems is not hard. Next year are triple and curve integrals, vector fields and more diff. eqs. Is it gonna get hard then or is the difficult meaty stuff reserved for pure math students?

>> No.7956546

hyperbolic functions

>> No.7956558

Anyone else get rekt by linear algebra proofs? Calculus is piss easy.

>> No.7956758

>Why do you keep doing is?

Because it's true? It's not something that only exists in STEM, or only exists in school. Of course, you wouldn't know that because you've configured your brain to see everyone else as autists. It's ironic really :^)

>> No.7956771

All proofs are easy, though I can't remember the last time I enjoyed doing any kind of proof. Deriving equations as fast as you can is alot of fun, but when you get marks taken off by professors because you used the word "Thus," instead of "So," or say "is continuous on the entire real number line" instead of "on the domain (-inf, inf)", I can see why anyone'd get disillusioned by proofs and think they're hard.

>> No.7956785
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Speaking for myself here, but I always struggled to visualize trig. Although I made it through fine and memorized the unit circle and nuances of the trig functions, I never felt like I understood it conceptually.

The bulk of calculus is a really easy to visualize. Derivatives, integrals, related rates, etc. are all straight-forward and the actual logical basis for what you're studying is very tangible.

>> No.7956793

You are piss easy.

>> No.7956809

So is ur mum

>> No.7956818


>> No.7956824

Yes this is so true. It look me a few minutes of dissecting all the fancy notation in the book to realize the intuition behind all of the existence theorems, and once you learn integrals, it seems like derivatives just become that much easier.

But in trig, I always got fucked by the word problems because it's hard to visualize what they're actually asking you to do

>> No.7956826

Yeah, linear algebra is fucking my shit up right now

I've got an exam on it next week, hopefully I'll get an A.....

>> No.7956834 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 389x108, quiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if its so easy then why don't you help me with this line integral?

>> No.7956859

Do not cheat

>> No.7956877

it's a public forum, retard. anyone can respond to anyone else.

now shut the fuck up and keep your shitty memes to yourself.

>> No.7956881

>anyone who's not good at the same things i'm good at is dumb!

>> No.7956886

it's awesome how everyone on 4chan talks exactly the same no matter what board you're on

>> No.7956888

no they didn't.

>> No.7956892



>> No.7956895

nah, just not retarded (nice try tho)

>> No.7956898

fuck off moralfag

>> No.7956908
File: 323 KB, 1080x1920, how close am i .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin A I'm rusty. Oh well, I gave it a shot for the mass at least with as much as I could remember. Wasn't sure about the notation of the density expression with the lowercase delta, but I just assumed it was z (which = t) because the problem stated it that way.

>> No.7956922

Calculus isn't hard, its literally one new concept.

The people who struggle in Calc are the ones who barely made it through algebra and trig, so when the teacher is flying through algebraic steps that should be really trivial, that guy who got a C in trig can barely keep up.

the actual "calculus" part is really fucking simple.

>> No.7957350

Well, it is actually hard, if you study the inner circle of calculus. I'm an indian studying in Brazil, and man, these guys don't fool around. My teacher of numerical calculus, an iraqi immigrant, is crazy and he teaches foccusing in theories and unusual applications.

>> No.7957374


>> No.7957929

They're not deep enough in the autism spectrum to not find it hard.

>> No.7958067

>ITT: "I am good at it therefore it is easy!"
What are the point in these circlejerks?

>> No.7958091

Personally, I find it hard because of two reasons; a) What you do as actual exercises is completely disconnected from what is taught in lectures and b) I have a shitty work ethic because I never had to learn before Uni.

>> No.7958110

It is meme'd as a hard subject and some people probably psyche themselves out of it. I find a lot of the problem from my tutoring experience is having shit algebra skills from their high school education, so with shit foundations it makes what otherwise would be some relatively simple new concepts that much more layered.

>> No.7958245

Compared to other Math disciplines, Calculus is indeed quite easy.

>> No.7958278

It is easy.

I think the problem is if you went to a shitty school, mathematics is just a memorization exercise through elementary and high school.

Most students could tell you the derivative of x^2, because they'e memorized that special case, but they couldn't actually walk you through the differential quotient. They may only have a loose understanding that there is a limit involved. Limits are a whole different problem in themselves. Almost always taught horribly.

>> No.7958316

>tfw i dont even know basic algebra and just came here to browse around now feel super dumb

Guys no bully

>> No.7958325

Not everybody is as inclined to straight math.
Some people prefer more practical applications.

>> No.7960258

Because they are dumb. Calculus are eziest shit. Number theory is rulez.

>> No.7960274

I had difficulty with pure calculus at an IQ of 165. It was always weird how kids in my class would easily understand things quicker than I would if they were pure math, but if it came to logically applying anything, it was like they were complete idiots, and I was the more intelligent one. I'm an engineer now, and I guess I've just always found it easier and more enjoyable to deal with applied math.

>> No.7960275

Would also like to say, that I'm talking about my shit tier high school calculus classes, which had equally bad teachers. I guess the foundation is in the fact that I really don't enjoy memorizing and regurgitating something when I'm able to truly learn it.

>> No.7960321

hardest part of calculus, go

>> No.7960326

>I guess the foundation is in the fact that I really don't enjoy memorizing and regurgitating something when I'm able to truly learn it.
You can do Calc without plugging and chugging, if you don't see it you must be retarded, which makes me think that you're lying about something.

>> No.7960334

That was in reference to the preface that I was, "talking about my shit tier high school calculus classes, which had equally bad teachers." Reading comprehension from both of my posts should have alluded to the fact that I just didn't match well with the public school, AP test concepts of memorization.

>> No.7960392

>that I just didn't match well with the public school, AP test concepts of memorization
Again, you don't need to memorize for calc.
This goes for highschool calc just as much

>> No.7960426

It wasn't even bait.
Godammit, how fucking underage is the board now when they can't recognize sarcasm?

Fuck this, I'm out.

>> No.7960427

don't ever reply to my posts again

>> No.7960430


>> No.7960703

Dumb bearposter

>> No.7960708

That's not a bear, bears don't wear hats you dummie

>> No.7960732

This is true when i was still doing the calc series i had physics/physics labs chemistry/chemistry labs and other engineering classes plus their lab counterparts to worry about. Calculus was the least of my concerns and i would even touch the stuff until a homework set was due or the day before an exam. Still pulled A's with little effort

>> No.7960735

spot the asian

>> No.7960793

are you conceptually comfortable with the idea of infinitesimal points?

>> No.7960796

It seems you're having trouble understanding that I'm not saying anything is inherently difficult with the calc I learned, but rather, like I've said multiple times now, the method that my teacher chose to teach it in did not mesh well with me.

>> No.7960799

Then why not teach yourself?
Again, you're clearly an idiot if you can't be bothered to teach yourself, if you don't understand something.

>> No.7960827


Why don't you C D's nuts

>> No.7960829

le #trolled XDDDDDD

>> No.7961333

Who ever said I didn't teach myself? All I said was that I didn't do well with the methods my teachers used.

>> No.7961341

>I guess the foundation is in the fact that I really don't enjoy memorizing and regurgitating something when I'm able to truly learn it.
This means you didn't bother understanding what you did in this instanc, instead you chose to plug and chug.
Which in turn means that you didn't teach yourself, despite your teachers being apparently inadequate.

Being illiterate is the second thing I'd expect from an engineer.

>> No.7961390

I find calculus hard. AMA. Fairly certain I bombed my integration by parts test.

>> No.7962605

hahaha brainlets, clever

>> No.7962610
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>> No.7963768

I have calculus exam tomorrow and I'm still learning derivatives of exponential functions.

Anybody have any resources to give me the rundown so I'm not completely clueless?

pic me

>> No.7963770
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i'm panicking so hard i forgot pic

>> No.7963787

>derivatives of exponential functions
Nigga u must be really dumb

>> No.7963794

I'm pretty dumb, I agree.

>> No.7963797

Or young

>> No.7963798


>> No.7963819

you're on psi man, you know all of the shitposters aren't high-IQ, and if they are they've descended into the insane-hell of 4chan tumbling.

That being said, I am moderately above average ( ~130 as child, 125 as adult ) and found calculus conceptually very easy. I have never been good at maths in general, and found executing simple problems much harder than forming analogies to understand the concepts.

My advice for you would be to show engineering examples of applications for high-IQ students; start using integrating of shapes, or start by trying to answer the rate of flow (e.g. http://mathcentral.uregina.ca/QQ/database/QQ.09.07/s/christina1.html).).

I think school wastes so much time on babying you when the only real learning is gained by conceptualization ( essentially thought experiments or simulations ) or by real-world examples...

>> No.7963834

i have high iq but i don't have any math training. like i literally i'm high school level in math. i know i could learn but i'm doing other things atm.

>> No.7964156

Spooky symbols and graphs overwhelm normies.

>> No.7964315

Starting without any preconceived sense of fear/intimidation.

>> No.7964337

>having a high-school level math is sufficient for any STEM application
Dude what are you doing with your time that you think is important - curious.

>> No.7964339

Would you say multiplying two 3 digit numbers is hard? I can't do it in my head but it is trivial on paper

>> No.7964933

It's just an exercise in memorizarion and, it's not all to hard to do in your head.

You'd still be faster using paper, tho.