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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 76 KB, 645x439, fig3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7952719 No.7952719 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't you choose a career in medicine?

>> No.7952722

>Why didn't you choose a career in medicine?
I did. That's why I'm killing myself on first of april.

>> No.7952724
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i had really shakey hands when playing Operation as a kid, so i knew from the beginning that i was never going to be a doctor

>> No.7952726

Gib me moni pls

>> No.7952727

Fuck off with your meme brainwashing. I don't want to feel bad about my fucked up career choices.

>> No.7952728

Why do you want to kill yourself?
Why on April?

>> No.7952729
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>people going into the medical profession solely for money

Nice to know that a nurse is taking care of me only because they take home a fat pay check.

>> No.7952751

Because with maths degree I'll have 300 000 thousand starting

>> No.7952752
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oh wait that salary doesn't take into account drug reps that will pay you in cash, gifts and dinner.

>> No.7952755
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don't like shitty insurances undercutting you? just drop them

>> No.7952756

Because I want to do science and medicine isn't science.


>> No.7952759
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Work as many hours as you see fit!

you fuckin wot m8

>> No.7952761
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People actually appreciate the work you do and you make a difference to mankind!

>> No.7952762

Reason #1: I'm not good with people

Any medical profession is pretty much a people profression. I am not really good at that, however now that I am studying pure mathematics I find it surprisingly easy to make friends with the like minded people that surround me.

Reason #2: Biology sucks

Biology fucking sucks. It sucked in high school, it obviously sucks in college.

Reason #3: Chemistry sucks

Chemistry sucks, not as much as biology though. I did organic chemistry in high school and I memorized so many fucking retarded fucking fucking stupid fucking names and fucking piece of shit fucking fucking reaction mechanism for my retarded piece of shit fuck me fucking fucking FUCKING A levels. Kill me now.

Reason #4: I am afraid of blood

I mean this. I have a problem with looking at blood. One time in sixth grade a kid got a paper cut in his index finger and started bleeding and I almost vomitted just at the sight of it.

Reason #5: Pure math is comfy.

Pure math is comfy as fuck. Today our geometry professor was proving a theorem and after he was done I asked him why couldn't we generalize for all n where n is any real number and he asked me to go up to the board and express what I meant and after that, for the 45 remaining minutes of the class, the class was a discussion about how to advance the proof that I was proposing, with it all closing with the professor saying that what I was generalizing existed but did not exist in the context of what we are currently studying.

I rate 10/10. I bet this never happens in a med school classroom.

>> No.7952763

Why do pediatricians get paid realtively poorly? Saving kids is more important than saving faggots with GRIDS.

And they're paid less than family practice doctors. Is it just a consequence of them not charging a lot?

>> No.7952766
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I can't hold all this satisfaction!

>> No.7952767

Medicine is a glorified vocation lad.

>> No.7952768

>Why on April?
My life is a joke so my death might as well be one too.

>Why do you want to kill yourself?
Why not? I have no reason to continue living. Lots of debt, high stress job that I've grown to hate that sucks away all will to live. I hate people and can't take care of my own health so helping others from my position is like being a morbidly obese weight-loss coach.

I got baited by some success and good life memes to cast myself into a gear in a disgusting and inefficient machine that produces almost nothing of value. I'm disgusted by myself and everything around me.

You have to so blind to reality or preoccupied by narcissistically mastubrating to your own self image in the mirror to tolerate, or god forbid, like this shit.

>> No.7952769

that is a cool professor

>> No.7952771
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but wait! start your own practice and see how much more you will be taking home

>> No.7952776

45% of Gastroenterologists say, "You know, I really thought Gastroenterology sounded a lot more fun than it actually ended up being."

>> No.7952788
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>> No.7952880
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>>Why on April?
>My life is a joke so my death might as well be one too.

>> No.7952978

Don't want to be in school/internships for 10 years, don't wanna to deal with bodily fluids, don't wanna deal with working 100 hours a week, the threat of malpractice, etc etc

>> No.7952982

I thought about medicine, but I decided I have much too low a tolerance for listening to people bitch and moan about their problems.

>> No.7952990


Misleading pic; most doctors' salaries are effectively ~$80k per year for the first 10 years or so from paying med school tuition. Plus you spend 4 years in residency not making bank past minimum wage.

I didn't choose a career medicine because I like lab research more than clinical.

>> No.7952991

Sounds brutal, would appreciate if you elaborated on what being a doctor is like (in your case anyway).

No reason to kill yourself though, there are worse situations. I've known physics graduates who had huge ambitions and ended up doing web dev to deal with their debts, the very kind of meaningless drone work they wanted to avoid. I'm sure you can do better.

>> No.7952993
File: 41 KB, 250x257, letmetellyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who's also going through depression...

Every day I justify to myself that I'm a piece of shit. I'm unhealthy, I'm lazy, I fail everything that I try... But then I choose to go for a walk with my dog, and I feel okay.

Get some meds, take some vitamin D, and exercise for at least 15 minutes a day. It takes a while to recover, but it's there.

>> No.7952997

Note the lower paid specialties with higher satisfaction.

>> No.7953015
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Probably because they're a lot easier and less stressful while making good money. Like family medicine, what the fuck is that?

>> No.7953021

>orthopedics is highest paid
why is everything a corporate hoax?

>petro enggs are highest paid enggs
>orthopedics pays more than real medicine
>coaches are paid more than stem profs

capitalism needs to die, not to be replaced with socialism though.

>> No.7953042

That hit me hard.

>> No.7953045

Because I'm banking all my hopes on being a good physicist.

>> No.7953164

>Why didn't you choose a career in medicine?
I don't want to touch people, or be responsible for people's lives.

>> No.7953175

I did, applied into dentistry this year but got rejected at the interviews.. any of you guys have tips or guides on how to prepare for these things. The online shit sucks and gives generic answers that are blatantly obvious.

>> No.7953178
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>>Why on April?
>My life is a joke so my death might as well be one too.
That's hilarious senpai.

>> No.7953347

Because I chose something I will actually enjoy, not something just because of the pay.

>> No.7953374

>fell for the Enjoying What You Do meme

>> No.7953380

>petro enggs are highest paid enggs
>orthopedics pays more than real medicine
>coaches are paid more than stem profs

Because they can be, get over it

>> No.7953387

> I've known physics graduates who had huge ambitions and ended up doing web dev to deal with their debts, the very kind of meaningless drone work they wanted to avoid.

I'm that guy, except Maths degree, and working as a Maths teacher. It mentally drains me.

>> No.7953401

i want to hug you, anon

>> No.7953409

honestly i could have, but i dont care people, nor do i care about their wellbeing, and frankly i want them all to die

other than that, i wouldve liked to be a psychiatrist

>> No.7953415

I wonder about this, too. If you become a pediatric hepatologist/oncologist, you're basically choosing to make 100k less a year than a non-pediatric oncologist. Same goes for various surgical specialties.

Can somebody explain this? Money shouldn't be the goal, but it still seems a bit weird to me.

>> No.7953418

The only reason I can think of is if they choose to charge less because they want it to be more affordable. Like they're not going to let a child die just because his family can't afford treatment.

That's just conjecture though, I don't know very much about the medical industry.

>> No.7953506

>no neuro or cardiothoracic shown

>> No.7953522

Because a.) I'm a moron, and b.) I don't want to fucking kill myself.
Although there are fields in medicine which would be cool I guess. I'd very much enjoy being a pharmacist.
"Anon, I want a diarrhea pill."
"Fuckin, you want this drug? You gotta buy at least 2 mate. Take it once you start getting the shits again."
"Oh okay, anon."

I'd feel cool as shit. I have simple pleasures.

>> No.7953536

You sound like a good person.

It will be a loss, if you kill yourself, but nobody can judge you, if you do it. You deserve the decision you make.

>> No.7953539

Because I rather become a teacher or engineer work for less than half the time a doctor does and earn just as much / similar amount of cash and enjoy a lot more holiday days and family friendly shit.

>> No.7953546

seems like suicide is something that will always be an option

most likely you can maneuver yourself into a place thats at least bearable
and carefully evaluate not just your life, but your options.
if you already 'done', i.e. nothing to loose, you have the freedom to try a bunch of stuff that is unlikely to work out but may give good results.
and trying isnt the worst idea, since you can still kill yourself later.

also are you 100% sure you are making perfect decisions right now? death is permanent after all. it would suck if you threw it away in an emotionally guided decision.

>> No.7953560


Because the average doctors looks at the hemorrhoids of obese people and the vaginal infections of grannies.

>> No.7953607

It is sad to see

>> No.7953637

I got into medicine this year after a couple interviews at universities here in Britain. This is my advice to prospective medics, dentists, vet etc

Get someone you don't know too well, like a teacher, and get them to interview you very seriously. Dress as you would to a proper interview, do it somewhere you don't recognise (not in your house). First do a full interview, it wont be very good but don't pull out of character to ask them stuff mid interview. It might help to video it as well. Get the interviewer to give you their advice and make your own notes on how you thought it went. Use them to improve for next time

Secondly, Focus on the questions you know they are going to ask.
Why do you want to be a dentist/doctor?
Why this University?
What experience do you have helping people?
Tell us about yourself?
Probably a few more

Practise these the most. Record yourself answering these and listen back to it. Did you sound convincing? Confident? Do you use fillers like 'umm', 'err'? Practise answering these to yourself in front of the mirror. Does your body language look good? Are you illustrating your point with hand gestures?

You should have personal anecdotes from volunteering and work experience on something that went well, something that went bad, doctor-patient relationship, interesting cases etc. Don't worry about if you've done enough work exp, I only did 2 full days, just have a lot of stuff to talk about that you saw. Volunteering is way more important.

Practise interview with a group of other students, 5-6 people. Take turns being the interviewer and interviewee while other people watch. This will make you nervous as fuck which is a very good thing. Put yourself in uncomfortable interview settings as much as possible to desensitise yourself to it.

>> No.7953650

you're a piece of shit
just end your life now. you don't want to suffer anymore therefore the sooner it ends, the better.

>> No.7953794

I did, I fucking hated it. Patients are retards, colleagues are stuck up assholes, You study years about weird ass shit parasites, bacteria and their treatment, just to being annoyed at 2 A.M. by some random douchebag with gastroenteritis, and prima donnas who try to kill themselves because they were dumped that night.

I grew to hate people while studying medicine. I ended up being a racist asshole
and a worse person in general. I have the stupid degree now but there's no way in hell I'm practicing.

I guess it doesn't help I am in a third world country. I wasn't that great with people to begin with.

>> No.7953823

Sounds familiar. Do you live in Sudan, anon?

>> No.7953828

that type of thing makes me nervous/anxious

>> No.7953842

I am working on bolstering my application and getting ready to start applications, as well as studying for the MCAT.

As much as I really hate people, I'm good with them and I'm outwardly very sociable. I'm currently working as a clinical research facilitator at a hospital. This will come in useful during medical school rotations.

This being said however, I already know what specialty I would choose: forensic pathology. Literally have to deal with the least amount of patients, and very little risk of malpractice. Solving puzzles and mysteries have always been something I've been very good at, and my inquisitive nature forces me to go to every length to find out the truth, in conjunction with a passion for human anatomy and physiology. The medical-legal aspect of the medical examiner is very enticing, and I'm going for it.

Fucking othropaedics though man.. snap a leg back in place that'll be $30,000 m8.

>> No.7953859

I kinda did (veterinary medicine).
Pays p well and treating animals is less of an responsibility than treating humans.
Sadly, almost all vets are retards that love their "children" above anything else and don't comprehend that human life is actually more valuable than their dogs.

>> No.7953864

>Don't comprehend

Is there some universal law that somehow only you understand?

>> No.7953865

I did, and I have no regrets.

>> No.7953868

Have you considered doing something completely different? You're miserable in your field. Do something completely different. Become a biology teacher. Start a café.

>> No.7953874

Can you be a good surgeon if you sucked at operation as a kid?

Don't you acquire the steadiness to some extent? Why give up a career over a childhood game?

>> No.7953877

Want to go into Neurology lads.

Does the Neurology category include neurosurgeons or people behind the scenes?

>> No.7953880

I'm generalizing pretty bad here, but the people I study with and have met don't actually understand the difference between their animals and people.

>> No.7953884

>Plastic Surgery 5th from the top

America, please kill yourself

>> No.7953889

I find it difficult to study things I don't like. I'd probably drop out. Also I have a weak stomach.

>tfw you spend your time studying maths and wanking to transistor circuits
feels good to be an EE

>> No.7953893


The way I see it, Neurology is more of a Ph.D topic, where neurosurgery is a MD specialization.

I would imagine many physicians are dual MD/PhD once a specialty this specific as been chosen. I have a friend who's father is a pediatric neurosurgeon, who also is board certified in neuropathology and has a Ph.D doing research on congenital axon deterioration or some shit.

>> No.7953957

They are nice doctors that you go see for annual physicals who tell you that you are fine, or NOT FINE. If you are not fine in a common way, like asthma or diabeetus, they will give you appropriate treatment. If you have REALLY not fine issues, like pretty much anything else they refer you to a specialist. They are family doctors because they can deliver babies, and they can see people across the lifespan (adults, kids, babies, etc)

>> No.7953981

>tfw studying dentistry

>> No.7954120

A friend who went down that route said it's disheartening watching your truth go down the drain, when the very clearly guilty party had already bribed/menaced the judge and jury. He ended up going for Family Medicine,

Then again, I guess it's all about where you live. In my country, crime is so blatantly rampant that you can go to jail for more time than the criminal, should you injure him trying to defend yourself.

Nope, I'm Peruvian and my whole country is a shithole. You'd do well in never going there.

>> No.7954149

Being accepted to study Med in Finland is ridi ridi culously hard.

>> No.7954150

>tfw u bedda gtfo

>> No.7954155
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To name a few:

I'm not motivated solely by money.

I don't find the subject matter interesting.

I'm not too good at biology benchwork.

I REFUSE to deal with premeds.

Salaries may be high, but the job market is oversaturated for anything even tangentially related to medicine. Great salary if you do land a job, but good luck doing so, and even if you do you can look forward to 80+ hour work weeks.

>> No.7954175

I have other technical things I'm more interested in and I don't think I could take someone dying on me.

>> No.7954244

>used to be premed
>dad died in the hospital 24 hours after being admitted due to an aggressive cancer

if this man's testimony doesnt convince you, take it from me. Being a doctor is not fun. the media over glorifies this career to the extreme. why? i dont know. but very rarely can the stern, unfeeling doctor who feels a sense of duty to his patients despite not enjoying the job ever be found. When the doctors broke the news to my mom and the rest of us he started crying, we were in shock, they make the medical students watch out of respect for us or to show them the results of their failure? idk. either way you slice it, you may be going home with a fat paycheck, but you certainly are not going home happy.

I'm genuinely sorry for you Dr. April. Like other people have said, you genuinely sound like a good person. If you are looking for a way out but cant find one, I suggest looking into patent law. you can easily become an examiner of some sort with your credentials as an M.D. I would think. You just need to take a test to become certified to read patents for a living. given your background in biology and biochemistry, I'm sure you wont have much difficulty.

good luck man

>> No.7954265

What happened? What's happening? What will happen? Who is Gryphius? Are you mad?

>> No.7954319

Because that might be seen as advocating for war or disease by certain highly confused superintelligences (eg., Roko's Basilisk.) and I don't want to give them the impression that I would like to engage in such acausal trades.

>> No.7954328

How many resident schizo namefags do we have nowadays

seems like there's a new one popping up every day

>> No.7954412

They're after my lucky charms, believe it or not.

>> No.7954418

>tfw 3 billion starting
>tfw 3000 small loans

>> No.7954431

because practicing medicine mostly just involves mindless memorizing and indexing of information, once technology becomes advanced enough a great deal of it should become obsolete and we can focus on higher pursuits like computer science and math

>> No.7954550

That is literally how the world works. No one stays in a medical profession unless they are doing it for money. All those people who aren't doing it for the money get removed or quit because of how appalling the people are in the profession.

>> No.7954592

No neurosurgeons make on average 600k after a few years of practice. But they are also the best of the best.

> Neurology is more of a Ph.D topic, where neurosurgery is a MD specialization

This is horribly wrong. Neurology is a title to an M.D. trained to diagnose and treat neurological disorders in non surgical methods.

>I would imagine many physicians are dual MD/PhD once a specialty this specific as been chosen

Also wrong. MD/PhD dual programs are generally only taken for people who want to teach in medical schools or in the rare occasions, for people who want to do research in their spare time. However, for this last case, time consuming specialties like neurosurgery are rarely paired with PhD programs. If they do, it's because they're older and are starting to retire from surgery and still want to do something for fun, aka research.

>> No.7954623

>tfw third year med student

Do I reget it? No. Ill have a job and nice lifestyle for the rest of my life provided I dont kill anybody or do anything egregiously stupid

Would I do it again? Not sure. You give up a solid four years of your life to be a slave that everyone takes every opportunity to shit on when possible. Residency is marginally better because while you still get shit on at least you get a paycheck.

>> No.7954698

>I bet pure math doesn't happen in a med school classroom
Put me down for 20 dollars.

>> No.7954700

I'm doing Biotech because I'd love to contribute positively to society without severing all cultural ties.

>> No.7954716

>Math is comfy as fuck
Anything is comfy as fuck if you're with the right people. I've had comfy af English classes where we'd talk about the potential implications of a bush for an hour and comfy chem labs where the whole class tried to figure out why someone's glove turned violet instead of our original focus. Truth is the higher out go in a subject the more pleasant it gets (as long as you actually understand it). med school is an outlier.

>> No.7954742

Because white male who did not major in psych to get easy 4.0.

>> No.7955229

my dad being a doctor.
he would wake up at 5 and work from 7-9 pm.
sure you make like 250k a year but with all that time working, is it really worth it?

>> No.7955233

Just remember anon, failure isn't fucking up. It's giving up.

>> No.7955256

I want to be a chiropractor, but I ended up with Cyber security. Just kill me.

>> No.7955260

i want to create knowledge, not apply it.

>> No.7955269
File: 96 KB, 615x804, race science3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is /pol/ truly always right?
Are there sub-species of humans and black people and white people will never live in harmony because whites will always see themselves as superior, and blacks will always be violent and criminal?

This has to be the most educated board right? Is it true you guys can't look into race science anymore because
>muh funding
>That's unethical

Like, in my last weeks of research all I see is black criminality out of proportion on every single continent, every country, and every community.

What say you /sci/ ?
Is race a 'social construct' ?

>> No.7955280

Ridiculously competitive to get in, med school is expensive, risky decision (one slip up on the way to getting an MD could completely disqualify you, making all the previous effort worthless), risky profession (constantly have to worry about malpractice lawsuits even if you're gud), long hours that get in the way of actually enjoying the money you earn, having to deal with grose ppl, I'm not that interested in biology.

You pretty much have to be a turboautist for medicine or one of those type A workaholics who sleeps like 4 hours a day to actually enjoy being a doctor.

>> No.7955281

That's a really weird reason for not wanting to go into medicine, Anon.

>> No.7955282

Nah, /pol/ is wrong.
Biology isn't science. The rest is correct though.

>> No.7955285

>Like, in my last weeks of research all I see is black criminality out of proportion on every single continent, every country, and every community.
Does these studies take socioeconomic background into consideration?

>> No.7955286

Of course it's not a social construct. We can easily dispute it by showing someone's ethnicity with the shape of their skulls. There are also biological proofs: people without a drop of African blood can never get sickle cell anemia, for example. The fact of the matter is that no one will dare say it in fear of being branded as a racist because it goes against the current political narrative. Anyone sane knows well enough that humans, like other mammals, exhibit different traits based on their hereditary origins.

>> No.7955303

>surrounded by death and disease
no thx

>> No.7955306

is this a golden hijackal of the thread?

>> No.7955371

Cos actuary= unbelievable tier

>> No.7955405


absolute fucking retard right here folks

>> No.7955418


Yeah. I've been pretty fair.
Went 30 years without ever having to deal with the race issue. Never came up, never really even heard or talked about racism. (All white town. We just.. didn't need to talk about it ever).
Moved to city, saw a bit of racism. Found 4chan, browsed around, went on /pol/ got "redpilled" and now I'm just not sure.

When going into socioeconomic type research what is often mentioned is that other races have poor people too. Asian minorities (even though on avg they fair better than whites) and whites in Appalachia is the poorest region in America for instance.

In Brazil, Europe, it doesn't seem to matter the continent it's always true. I uhh didn't mean to hijack the thread I meant to make a new thread.

So yeah, I just asked genuine questions cause I'm newfag and I just assumed /sci/ would be the smartest board with the most reasonable answers.