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7950323 No.7950323[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Since homosexuality is not considered as an illness, why is pedophilia?
I understand, that homosexuallity is not harmful to society and therefore should be allowed. Pedophilia on the other hand is considered as harmful and therefore must be stopped. But isn't considering it as an illness wrong, if you don't consider homosexuality as an illness, although both are phenomenons of the same type?

>> No.7950333

First things first: are you talking about true pedophilia, or are you including ephebophilia and hebephilia?

>> No.7950346

The definition of an illness hinges for a considerable part on whether it is unpleasant for the bearer. Homosexuality need not be unpleasant; pedophilia is not an easy thing to live with, in today's society.

>> No.7950350

You are surprised that modern social opinion on pedophiles is hypocritical? Yes, pedophilia is the new homosexuality in terms of persecution, with the difference being that pedophilia can have adverse effects on the child, which then makes pedophilia less likely to be legalised.

P.S. You're on the wrong board.

>> No.7950364

I'm talking about true pedophilia

It isn't easy to live with homosexuality in today's society either. And It is possible to live in a society, which doesn't give a shit about your affinity for little kids (just think about forced marriages between a 40 and 8-year-old)

I thought asking this on /b/, but they would probably just start calling me homosexual or pedophilic. I'm not one of this things. I want a serious discussion.

>> No.7950369

Probably because one is between consenting adults and the other is between a consenting adult and a child too young to consent

>> No.7950374

The discussion becomes semantic real quick.
You can make a solid case that both homosexuality and pedophilia are mental disorders. In this context, a system is in disorder when it does not perform the functions is was naturally selected for. Clearly this has no moral significance in a normative way.

Now, the term illness has a lot of baggage. Most of the time mental disorder and illness is used interchangeably, but the latter strongly implies a detriment in health - personally or socially.

If homosexuality is not unhealthy, I would not consider it an illness. Pedophilia is pretty clearly unhealthy, so I would. People are right to argue that in this case what is healthy depends on the social structure. But if you think that that disqualifies the term than you know nothing about psychological disorders. The criteria of psychological health for an individual absolutely depends on the social system it is a part of.

I know that doesn't answer your question directly but I feel it's enough to understand the situation

>> No.7950383

>homosexuality doesn't have negative effects on the participants and society as a whole

>> No.7950407

>The discussion becomes semantic real quick.

>> No.7950415

a key criterion for disorders is that the symptoms must be maladaptive; they must have negative consequences on the individual

>> No.7950496

illness = anything which fucks with your life .
homosexuality isnt one because you can just bang some dudes and suck dick , dosnt hurt you and is perfectly acceptable . pedo isnt acceptable , is illegal and immoral and thus is labeled an illness .

>> No.7950526

so a rich guy with enough money to maintain a kiddie sex dungeon in thailand isn't ill because it doesn't affect him negatively?

>> No.7950653

>so a rich guy with enough money to maintain a kiddie sex dungeon in thailand isn't ill because it doesn't affect him negatively?
It negatively affects the kiddie sex slaves so it's still an illness. Maybe he doesn't see it that way but the kiddies probably do.

The rough definition of mental illness, is something that makes you dysfunctional in daily life. If you have to be rich or move to a corrupt society or exploit people unable to consent, then that's dysfunctional. OTOH, you can suck dick and take it in the arse all day and so long as you turn up to your bar-tending job, you're fine. Being gay doesn't interfere with most normal life situations. Well, once you control for religion anyway but that's assumed in the context of /sci/ conversations.

>> No.7950667

I don't know why this always gets ignored.

>> No.7950668

>Being gay doesn't interfere with most normal life situations

The more homosexuality becomes acceptable, the less of an illness it becomes?

>> No.7950671

Zoophilia > pedophilia, bubs

>> No.7950677

The degree to which a behavior is socially accepted is a function of control over what is an illness.

>> No.7950679

Dude, don't use any board for serious general discussion except for maybe /adv/... Reddit and youtube are exceptionally good at that

>> No.7950680

Two consenting gay men are not harming each other. A pedophile has his little slaves/groomed child sex partners, which hurts the child.

You may as well say that non-consensual sex isn't immoral if you in your logic thing pedophilia is fine.

A child isn't mentally developed enough to consent a psychologically complicated thing such as sex. If they can't reason what death is, or why killing is wrong, etc, without just factoring "because it's bad", then they shouldn't be able to consent sex either. Same goes with mentally retarded adults.

>> No.7950688

Not in principle. If statistics are fair game you could just as easily say being a black male is a mental illness due to the much higher rate of violent crime.

>> No.7950692

>If they can't reason what death is, or why killing is wrong, etc, without just factoring "because it's bad", then they shouldn't be able to consent sex either. Same goes with mentally retarded adults

Well shit. Now you're putting the world on a universal dryspell

>> No.7950701

Recently I came across a trove of CP and a few things occured to me. Well, these <11yo kids are posing nude and semi-nude, and I was wondering about the role of the parents, if any. I imagine all children need some father-mother figure in one way or another, and once they're older, I was curious about how they would feel about the whole thing. Of course, some make the argument that it's all consensual, and of course most children aren't able to fully comprehend it. But when they're older, and understand raging lust, would they doubt their parents, or maybe even themselves? I feel like this is where the psychological damage kicks in, not including everyone telling you something bad happened and that you're damaged goods or whatever.

>> No.7950706

Homosexuality is an illness just like pedophilia. It is not harmful to anyone though, and doesnt need to be treated or monitored for people to live happily.

>> No.7950708

Children can't consent.

That's the big difference.

>> No.7950713

"Stranger danger"

We teach that concept because most kids are literally unable to fully comprehend the ramifications of hopping into my van and driving off to the outskirts of the city.

>> No.7950733

I was recently in the philippines, and there were half-naked dancing 6-8 year olds (working) at a "savage village" tourism place where they blow fire and play drums and do the most stereotypical native village stuff. It just struck me as bizarre because that would be an offense punishable probably by 10+ years in prison in Canada.

barely related to the thread i guess

>> No.7950800

I don't think you can consider them illness of the same type. Unless you can find an 8 year old who can consciously say and explain their relationship with a pedophile. Homosexuality didn't really take advantage of anyone. I'd there is abuse in a gay relationship it doesn't stem from them being gay.

>> No.7950886

>I thought asking this on /b/, but they would probably just start calling me homosexual or pedophilic.

This is why.

>> No.7950902

>The definition of an illness hinges for a considerable part on whether it is unpleasant for the bearer.
nice personal opinion

>> No.7950904

>Yes, pedophilia is the new homosexuality in terms of persecution, with the difference being that pedophilia can have adverse effects on the child, which then makes pedophilia less likely to be legalised.
this is why most boys would not mind to be chosen as a provider for orgasms by their attractive female teachers.

>> No.7950909

the same reason you have to be old enough to get tried as an adult

>> No.7950910
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Pedophilia will never be legal in liberal societies because people have too few children, for children to be considered an abundant resource.
Children today are praised and sanctified to the point where laws are justified as **for the sake of the child**, like when mothers can impose a fatherhood on a man in saying "it is normal for the father to pay up, because the child is here now, so for the sake of the child, it must be provided for (even though the child should never have lived at all)''

>> No.7950912

>Children can't consent.
show me when adults have ever consented to anything.

>> No.7950918
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>> No.7950926

ethics aside, he's spending a whole lot of money on an obsession of his that his condition drives him to follow. that's maladaptive all right.
and of course the whole thing of what civilized societies do to people who molest children...

>> No.7950932

Because society changes its standards, in 3000 years we might start thinking fucking boys is fun again.

>> No.7950933
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>single mom
How do you fuck up that bad? Why wouldn't you immediately get an abortion?

>> No.7951238


Also, pedophiles just do it because of their selfish sexual needs without regard for the child, which makes the act malicious.

>> No.7951264

I have a friend who had two children by two different men by the age of 20. Life can be real cruel sometimes and people can be real stupid.

>> No.7951267

Is this Tinder? Why would you post a picture of your child on there? You're just asking for pedos to swipe right.

>> No.7951272

Because pedophilia and child molestation are constantly conflagrated. Advocating for pedophile rights is career suicide, since the general public assumes there's no difference between that and molesting a child.

It's why there are motions to ban loli and shota drawings, those child-sized fleshlights/dildos, and even the development of sexual robots in general.

I mean, the most basic homosexual argument is that it's not a choice, that some people are hard-wired to only get sexual satisfaction from a specific thing. The same logic applies to pedophiles, yet they're not allowed to sate their urges even through methods that don't harm a child. Even admitting to it leads to social and economic ostracization. It must be torture for them, and it's probably why there are so many suicides.

>> No.7951275

>those child-sized fleshlights/dildos
This exists?

>> No.7951277

Not in the West.
Other cultures understand and embrace it, though.

>> No.7951278

Homosex = two consenting faggots fuckin
nothing wrong with that

Pedophilia and the other *philia variants of child abuse = Child rape, since underages cannot legally consent.

The difference is clear as fuck

>> No.7951283

If the satiation of your sexual desires requires you to break the law, they're impeding on your ability to function normally in daily life.

>> No.7951285

It's easy to understand.
Children are too stupid to understand the consequences of having sex and the implications of being seduced.
Nice hypothesis.
It's practic terminology. That's how law works.
You propose an alternative law, and the law considers which one is more beneficial to the society and the families.

Also, there are two main types of pedophiles:
-Situational=Lonelyness and anxiety lead this person to develop an attraction to children. He acts occasionally and feels shame after nutting.
-Primary=He suffered an unusual sexual education/suffered from abuse. Doesn't feel shame. Avoids children's feelings.

>> No.7951287

The problem here is when the law goes beyond that, to punish people who are sating those desires without breaking the law, simply because of their biological needs.

You get caught with drawn child porn, you go to jail. You try to develop software to emulate the experience, you go to jail.

Justify this.

>> No.7951292

> justify what ? a measure taken to prevent child rape ?

>> No.7951293

How do 2D drawings of children promote child rape?

>> No.7951297

Well I don't think either of those should be illegal. Are they illegal in the West or just in specific places? If you're >>7951272, I fully agree with you. Pedophiles who don't act on their needs and don't hurt anyone should be helped (in form of therapy and maybe medication if they want it), not ostracized.

>> No.7951299

Problem with this in Western society, at least where I live is that people are very judgemental and make assumptions quickly. People will automatically think of things based on simple social triggers.

What I'm getting at is.. I'm terrified of the prospect of looking after or playing with children. I have no problem being a competent nurturer. Nor am I a pedophile. But I have the irrational fear of being labeled as one. You'd think, "well that's ridiculous, it's not like anyone would think that unless you walk up to a child and grope them blatantly".

Well idk, unless it were my child, I would not like to have the responsibility of being around them. I don't dislike children though. I guess society instilled this fear in me.

>inb4 you must not be a functional human being
I'm not a NEET. Maybe my fears were amplified after watching "The Hunt" though...

>> No.7951301

There's far less argument about being able to marry a 14 year old than there is in allowing homosexuals to marry. Imagine being able to marry a girl before she becomes a whore and being able to groom her into becoming a model wife?

>> No.7951302

>homosexuallity is not harmful to society

>> No.7951303

I am both those posters.

>should be helped (in form of therapy and maybe medication if they want it), not ostracized.
This is the only thing I disagree with. Imagine if we treated gays this way, saying that homosexuals needed to go through therapy and drugs to stop being gay? You would be called inhumane.

>> No.7951307

But its just fine to give children hormone suppressors and what not...

>> No.7951308

>How do 2D drawings of children promote child rape?
This is the main topic of discussion. There is no coherent research focusing the link between lolicon pornography and child rape.

>> No.7951309

Because drawn child rape depicts and promotes child rape. It's a very simple logic, I don't think you'll be able to get around this one.

>> No.7951312

well the alternative to homosexuality (trying to force people to not be faggots) is obviously a lot worse for society.

only in the mind of people who take offense at the very idea of homosexuality is it really that bad but those people are few and irrelevant.

>> No.7951313

But anon. You will never fulfill those desires. They fear that we pedos would rape their children someday.

>> No.7951315

> someone is full of desire to kill innocent people
> has snuff videos and all kind of red flags of being a murderer
> They fear that we killer would kill their loved ones someday.
oh gee...

>> No.7951316

I'm not saying they should be medicated, but there are plenty of pedophiles who do want the medication that will stop the feelings that make their life harder. Obviously both therapy and medication should be voluntary but at least the former seems necessary to me since they can't really talk about their feelings to others out of fear of being judged (or worse).

>> No.7951317

Good film

Honestly the best horror film without spoopy ghosts and skeletons. Realistic situations make for best horror movies.

>> No.7951318

Anon. You are talking like extreme feminists.
There is a reason why laws are created. You could propose an alternative possibility,; that's how law works.
So, we should ban loli rape doujins?

>> No.7951319

That doesn't make sense, though.
I mean, by your logic, violent video games depict and promote violence, yet people who play them have been shown not to grow any new violent behaviors. There have been accredited studies proving this.
Or TV shows, movies, or other media that depict other illegal actions. Do you think shows like Game of Thrones should be banned for promoting graphic violence?

If anything, banning non-harmful pedophilic content (like drawings, simulations, etc) will have the opposite effect. Pedophiles won't stop being pedophiles just because it's illegal, just like gay people won't stop being gay just because homosexuality is illegal. By banning this non-harmful content, you're making it more difficult for these people to sate their hard-wired desires.

A pedophile who can't even legally look at a drawing of a child will be more likely to release those urges violently. You're just backing them into a corner, giving them no way to sate their biological needs. It's why there are so many suicides.

>> No.7951320

>Problem with this in Western society, at least where I live is that people are very judgemental and make assumptions quickly. People will automatically think of things based on simple social triggers.
This is not a Western thing, people are dumb everywhere.

I sort of understand your feelings, I remember flying as an unaccompanied minor when I was 16 and my parents being told that I was either going to be seated by myself in a row or next to a woman but that adult men weren't allowed to sit next to unaccompanied children.

>> No.7951321

>so we should ban loli rape doujins?
Yes. Only vanilla loli sex and headpats should be allowed

>> No.7951323

As technology advanced, we're getting closer. Drawings can now be distributed globally, instantly. 3D rendering has gotten to a point where a computer model can look realistic. We're getting VR sets like the Oculus with feedback hardware that can simulate it almost perfectly.

We're almost at a point where you can be a successful pedophile without ever interacting with an actual, real child, even indirectly. It's just a question of convincing the public.

>> No.7951324

I'm not trying to defend that opinion, but they think like that.
This >>7951318


>> No.7951325

>It's why there are so many suicides.
You shouldn't have said that. It's what they want.
"I hate people who like these drawings so let's ban them so they kill themselves. Win win situation right guys?"

>> No.7951327
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homosexuality isn't harmful since both parties agree to the same thing.

pedophilia is child abuse and only one party is illegally penetrating other party.

And yes violent videogames DO have a negative effect on people and are usually banned in certain countries. Hence Hitman, Counterstrike, MaxPayne, GTA and the new Hatred game got instantly banned on many countries.

There is no way you can get around to having pedo fapping material and try to convince people it shouldn't be illegal.


>> No.7951330

yeah, anti-pedophilia is a good way of thinking anon...
and you should start thinking the same way as soon as possible.

>> No.7951334

>pedophilia is child abuse and only one party is illegally penetrating other party.
No, pedophilia is the attraction to children and has nothing to do with child abuse. There are many pedophiles who never so much as get near children, thanks to the same line of thinking as you. Please stop conflagarating these two concepts, they're non-related.

>And yes violent videogames DO have a negative effect on people
Studies have shown otherwise. This topic has appeared in both US and international courts for decades now, and it's been debunked several times.


Here's a single source I got off the first page of google. I didn't put much effort into finding it.

Other countries banning these video games has been a major source of controversy both internationally and within their respective borders.

>> No.7951340

But anon, there are no coherent research about the link between loli japanese pornography and child abuse crime rates.
Also this:>>7951334

I actually prefer to keep baning 3d pedo. You know why:
+demand -> +supply
But loli doujins are not harmful to anyone.
This >>7951285

>> No.7951345

> Please stop conflagarating these two concepts, they're non-related.
They are highly related. Just like the relation between a murderer and a murder-fascinated person. All it takes is that sick fuck taking that one little step and bam, someones life is gone. So yeah, not only those two things are related, thats the vital step that needs to be prevented to stop a pedophile from acting.

Anything promoting illegal child abuse needs to be banned for the sake of every childs safety. If you have pedophiliac tendencies, you don't endulge it with further pedo garbage, you get treatment.
People don't go to AA meetings, admit they have alcohol problems and then crack open a beer. No they work on stopping their wrong behaviour.

>> No.7951350

That trailer is fucking brutal holy shit, absolutely degenerate.

Downloading now.

>> No.7951351

>Anything promoting illegal child abuse needs to be banned for the sake of every childs safety.
But anon, I told you that there is no link between those two topics.
>If you have pedophiliac tendencies, you don't endulge it with further pedo garbage, you get treatment.
But anon, you have no right to break my freedom.
>People don't go to AA meetings, admit they have alcohol problems and then crack open a beer. No they work on stopping their wrong behaviour.
Drinking alcohol hurts them. Fapping occasionally to loli hurts me :-DD

>> No.7951353

>They are highly related. Just like the relation between a murderer and a murder-fascinated person.
Because so many people fascinated with killers actually ever harm someone else, right? Wrong.

>People don't go to AA meetings, admit they have alcohol problems and then crack open a beer. No they work on stopping their wrong behaviour.
The equivalent to an alcoholic drinking a beer would be a pedophile actually raping a child, which is not what we're talking about here. If an alcoholic could satisfy his cravings for alcohol in a virtual way without feeling real life consequences, he might to it.

>> No.7951355
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Fuck you, Angie. I thought we were against censorship.

>> No.7951358

There is a direct correlation between indulging a criminal to act on his illegal urges, and a criminal acting on his urges. Saying I can't see a connection doesn't magically make it dissapear
And no you don't have the freedom to rape children. Sorry about that

>> No.7951365

>There is a direct correlation between indulging a criminal to act on his illegal urges, and a criminal acting on his urges.
Anon, there is no link in real life, only in your head. If there were a link, countries with pedo-material allowed would have an alarmant child-abuse crime rate, which it doesn't happen.

>And no you don't have the freedom to rape children. Sorry about that.
>fapping=raping someone
Yeah bud

>> No.7951374

> Because so many people fascinated with killers actually ever harm someone else, right? Wrong.
So many people fascinated with murders, not murderers. Nice try misinterpreting the argument. Too bad it doesn't help your case.

> There is no link in real life between indulging a criminal to act on his illegal urges, and a criminal acting on his urges.
You don't have the freedom to own material that promotes and depicts child rape. Otherwise snuff would be legal as well.

>> No.7951375

>law doesn't allow
Well, we are discussing this topic ITT

Nice of you to be aware about that.

>> No.7951377

And some people are hardwired with the desire to torture, kill or rape people. Let's just accept that too, nobody should risk their career over that.
You still can't put harmful things together with two adults of the same gender who are attracted to each other.

>> No.7951379

I don't think its viable to be up for discussion since children cannot consent and penetrating someone without their consent is rape and rape is illegal.

>> No.7951382

Nobody's discussing the legality of rape...

>> No.7951384

But anon, nobody is defending rape.

>> No.7951385

> why is pedophilia illegal ?

>> No.7951386

No, that isn't fine. I hope that the kid, like many others who can only get surgery/treatment in adulthood, gets their trans-needs sorted when they're of legal age to do so.
I'm mad about it too anon.

>> No.7951388

> Child rape is illegal
> Material promoting child rape should be legal
Is that really your case ?...

>> No.7951389

Rape = non-consensual sex
Children = cannot consent

Got to remember this place is out of touch math majors, folks.

>> No.7951392

So pedophile=child raper?

The other guy was right. There is always going to be semantic bitches whining about anything.

>> No.7951397

tell us what consent means, make us laugh

>> No.7951399

Pedophilia ≠ rape

It's not promoting child rape. If anything, it's keeping pedophiles from satisfying their urges on an actual child.

Nobody's talking about adults having sex with children, we're talking about material that doesn't hurt any children but still satisfies pedophiles' urges.

>> No.7951401

> let me re-define consent in a personal and vague so pedophilia appears to be legal

>> No.7951403

We're not trying to indulge and allow the pedos to live out their sick fucking fantasies you retarded pedophile. Enabling pedophiles is NOT fixing pedophiles. It only makes them get used to act on their pedophiliac behaviour which is NOT a right thing to do.

>> No.7951404

Does /sci/ even hate gays? You all seem to hate everyone else, Jews, transsexuals, blacks.

>> No.7951405

>You are allowed to go on mass killing sprees in Grand Theft Auto
>You are not allowed to watch computer-generated child porn

>> No.7951406

>I do not know what consent is
>let me speak about consent, since I am a good liberal and totally buy the enlightenment doctrine

>> No.7951408

>you retarded pedophile
Chill, I don't want to fuck children.

>Enabling pedophiles is NOT fixing pedophiles.
So you want to "fix" them? Do you really think that's possible and how do you want to do that?

>> No.7951412
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reminder that liberals have no problem with children having sex with children

>> No.7951414

>>So you want to "fix" them?
butthurt as he is, he want to fix anybody who does not behave like he wants

>> No.7951416

But anon my behavior doesn't consist on being a raping machine.
Also, there is no link between allowing 2D pedo pornographic material and child raping crimes.

>it's not right. It should be x
That's your argument, right?

>> No.7951420

Yeah, then tell us what consent means to you you retarded pedophile. We're listening.

And I'm not a liberal, I'm not trying to liberate pedophiles or criminals in any way, you are.

> what are drug rehabs
> what are AA meetings
> what is psychotherapy

> he want to fix anybody who does not behave like he wants
> if I say "he" maybe I can trick people that the rest of the world doesn't despise pedophiles and want safety for their children
there there pedophile. I hope you get jailed soon and get what you deserve.

>> No.7951421

>If you have pedophiliac tendencies, you don't endulge it with further pedo garbage, you get treatment.
>If you have gay tendencies, you don't indulge it with further homo garbage, you get treatment.

>> No.7951422

liberals and haters of pedophiles

>> No.7951423

> there is no link between allowing 2D pedo pornographic material and child raping crimes.
Yeah pedophilies are never caught with child pornography...oh wait, they always do !

>> No.7951425

>Saying I can't see a connection doesn't magically make it dissapear
Adamantly insisting that a connection exists doesn't magically make it appear.

>> No.7951426

SJW-tier liberals are a bit more pro-pedo but not all liberals. Conservatives are straight up against pedophilias. So doesn't matter right or left, there is no safe heaven for sick pedo fucks.

>> No.7951427

Christ, there are some real autists here

>> No.7951429

see : >>7951423
You're getting desperate with each post you child rape fascinated retard

>> No.7951431

Probably /thread, but still, pedophiles are told that there's something wrong with them, and that's not true. Just like gays or eteros, they are made in that way. It's not their fault.

It's like the guy from xmen that destroys stuff if he doesn't wear glasses.

>> No.7951432

To be honest any ad-hominem coming from a pedophile will have zero worth.

>> No.7951436

> murderers are made in that way so lets take them out of jail and let em kill more people since they're made that way xDD

>> No.7951439

I remember this case of this guy who was enjoying child porn in his basement, FBI got him and sentenced him to 30 years, that's when he decided to go on a child raping spree. Classic case of why harsh laws tend to backfire, I suppose he decided he had nothing to lose so may as well rape a kid for real.

>> No.7951441

>implying gays don't have a mental disorder
We're allowing it, but this doesn't mean it's not a disorder.

Show me the gay or pedo gene.

>> No.7951443

> This guarantess that if he wasn't jailed he would definitely not rape children
> No sources of the incident
> One case is enough to prove a point

>> No.7951445

And so you see, even watching anime CP (loli is what you fuckos call it) is a symptom of being a pedo.

>> No.7951446

But anime taught me that even lolis want the D.

>> No.7951448

OCD is also a mental disorder but we're allowing it, because it's not child rape.

>> No.7951451


Can you tell me where you saw pedophilia classified as an illness?

I know that people while call pedophiles "sick", but you already know that's in a pretty broad sense.

>> No.7951460
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Not OP, but DSM-IV, p.527

>> No.7951463

All his points are baseless. What's there to debunk? He's comparing pedophilia to alcohol and drug addiction, to gay marriage, and is basically making wild assumptions.

Also, this is 4chan, so what do you expect? Civil, intelligent discussion?

>It only makes them get used to act on their pedophiliac behaviour which is NOT a right thing to do.

Ok, because you're the criminal psychologist expert in the field, with over 40 years of observing the effects of loli porn on those you claim are pedophiles. You have basically proven how ALL pedophiles will eventually rape someone. All of them are degenerates and will turn out exactly how you predict they will - no exceptions to the rule. You're amazing, anon!

>> No.7951465

Any ad hominem has zero worth, including calling strangers pedophiles to devalue their arguments.

>> No.7951472

>I understand, that homosexuallity is not harmful to society and therefore should be allowed.
[citation needed]

>> No.7951474

>countries which allow child porno
>no increase or alarmant rate of child abuse
That's reality for you. You know "correlation=/=causation"

Come on anon. It doesn't matter if you repeat the same argument.
Well, there is no point on keep arguing with him.
I actually would keep baning pedophile behavior. I don't want my relatives to be involved with some pedo criminal.

But we are talking about allowing 2D porno. Which is a different topic.

Are you gonna keep repeating the same "correlation" argument, Mr. Right-senpai?

>> No.7951476

>If homosexuality is not unhealthy, I would not consider it an illness.
It can be, drug use/abuse is huuuuuge among homosexuals, as is unprotected anal sex with gay dudes which as you know carries a huge risk of aids. It's not uncommon for a gay man to have had over 1000 sexual partners.

>> No.7951477

As you can see from
>I understand
it's his belief, there is nothing to source.

As you can see from >>7951460, 2D sexual fantasy degenerates are pedophiles as well. It is a completely irrelevant matter if you personally get buttflustred from the professional diagnosis.

Also, cases that get reported are always less than those that happen. In a society where it is not considered illegal, then nobody will report it as a crime. Surely you would not argue this does not affect the numbers.

>> No.7951482

>it's an illness, it's not an illness.
So, do you want to start a polemic discussion over here?
>Also, cases that get reported are always less than those that happen.
That happens in every country.
>In a society where it is not considered illegal, then nobody will report it as a crime.
>implying easterners are monsters
But anon. There is a difference between a man with a book, and a man stalking a child. Every family know this.
>Surely you would not argue this does not affect the numbers.
At least you retracted your argument.

>> No.7951485
File: 117 KB, 736x1104, annasonglolitaoutfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homosexuality is similar to sexual orientation among heterosexuals of the opposite sex.


Different parts of the brain develop in response to hormonal conditions in the womb, INAH 3 for example is larger in heterosexual males than homosexual males.


There is no such part of the brain dictating whether someone is a pedophile or not, the only significant differences are a white matter deficiency which is only correlated with pedophilia, not the cause.


Pedophilia is a harmful fetish that someone has lost control over, it is a mental illness and they need to be V& so they can receive psychiatric care.

The cure I think would be to get them to fap to adult porn like this to make that the means of satiating their sexual urges and condition them to nix pedophilia related thoughts with a combination of indoctrination and aversion therapy. They would probably need to schedule faps daily, possibly in the morning before they go to work, so that they don't feel thirsty out in public. In time their fetish will atrophy.

>> No.7951488

>drug use/abuse is huuuuuge among homosexuals
This is typical among any group ostracized from society
> is unprotected anal sex
Straight people don't use condoms much either
> It's not uncommon for a gay man to have had over 1000 sexual partners
A straight man would be exactly the same if women were that easy.

>> No.7951505

> pedophilia apologist trying to shit out an argument
Nice one pedo. You sure convinced me to release all the pedos out of jails.

> Pedophilia apologist trying to deny his identity.

Also why do pedophiles infested /sci/ ? Child rape is NOT a scientific subject.

better do this shit in >>>/a/

>> No.7951514

What if a pedophiles understands the issue with their case and does not or never proceeds to act upon possible urges?

I can't justify it from my side, I have an attraction which is almost ingrained and I cannot control it, however I would never harm a child as I know that a child will never understand something sexual like that. I'd change if I could man, I really would.

Also, would this be considered as an illness on its own? So no other effects on the individual?

>> No.7951515

Would castration or government permission to allow tracking internet and communication as well as transaction activity be a viable solution for people with pedophiliac tendencies ?

>> No.7951519

it is not just /sci/, I have seen similar threads on /r9k/ and /tv/ too, I think there is a group of pedophiles methodically spamming on every board

they get BTFO each time, but they are too retarded to understand why they are wrong and driven to be persistent by mental illness

>> No.7951520

It's very possible that a combination of genes induces homisexuality

We don't know yet

>> No.7951522

You can get help any time, just go to the police with your hard drive and tell them what happened.

>> No.7951523

Well, the mods now have a reason to delete this thread. But that won't stop us! :-DD
Anon. Let the society be like politics want. I just want loli doujins to be allowed.
I know it would be dangerous accepting pedophile public behavior, but we are defending 2D loli porno, which doesn't hurt anybody.

>> No.7951527

I really don't understand those label anyway. It has zero difference if it's a mental illness or not or if its defined as something else. It doesn't make it right and enabling this type of disgusting behaviour is not up to negotiation.

>> No.7951528

I don't download anything anon, das silly

>> No.7951532

There is a huge line between having an attraction to kids and causing them harm via the attraction.

>> No.7951537

> distribution of the depiction of something illegal just so people can masturbate to drawn fantasies where they rape children isn't wrong and should be legal.

>> No.7951539

Are we supposed to wait for you to cross the line and ruin a life so we can take action ?

>> No.7951543

>I do not want loli, and people must respect my opinion
>I do not mind illegal drugs depicted on most movies
>I swear I am smart, even though I am a 20 year old

>> No.7951546

> im bullshitting by speaking on someone elses behalf
> yeah, that will convince them to be okay with pedos

>> No.7951549

I believe that any sexual action towards a child is very wrong. Anyone involved deserves the worst. They have destroyed a person's life for their own selfish desires. You can't be so naive to think that all pedophiles are like this.

Sure, I have that attraction, but I would never act upon it.

>> No.7951550

>That happens in every country.
And more so when it is considered legal. Nobody will be prosecuted for something that is legal.

>But anon. There is a difference between a man with a book, and a man stalking a child. Every family know this.
There is no difference between someone fantasizing and someone actually doing it, diagnosis wise. They're both pedophiles, just to differing degrees. Your book analogy enters a whole new realm of stupid to top it off.

>At least you retracted your argument.
I didn't retract anything senpai, learn2read.

Regardless, as it stands now it is not hereditary. Consider faggots that adopt kids, these kids have a higher than average tendency to become faggots as well, this should tell you something about being a homo.

>> No.7951553

So throughout generations, men have been marrying young girls, some as young as 11. Others in their early teens. Why the fuck do people label those who still have attractions to younger girls "mentally ill"?

>> No.7951557

> Sure, I have that attraction, but I would never act upon it.
Are we supposed to take your word for it and let you buy more child rape doujins ?

>> No.7951559

>le history argument
People used to shit on the streets. Why do we consider it bad now?
People used to stone people to death. Why do we consider it bad now?
People used to fuck little children. Why do we consider it bad now?

>> No.7951563

>Countries which allow that porno have no alarmant rate of child abuse
>Even less than most western countries
Isn't it beautiful?
More fallacies.

Anon, he probably doesn't want drug apologing media too.

But there is no point on arguing with shitposters.
Anon, child rape is not legal in those countries.
>there is no difference in my books
Well, I showed you some great examples in the real world that explained otherwise and you tried to refute them with some boogeyman and baseless implications. The end.
>Countries which allow that porno have no alarmant rate of child abuse
>Even less than most western countries
How are you gonna deny this data?

>> No.7951565

Nope. Just letting you know that there are some of us intelligent and conscious enough to realise what is wrong and what is not. It's not like I am explicit attracted to little girls either. I like girls my own age and older. I dig milfs too.

>> No.7951566

Show me the peer reviewed data you retarded pedophile. I wonder what you call evidence.

>> No.7951568

> i like raping
> i like apples to

>> No.7951572

Faggots do you want infographic/pol/-tier arguments?

>> No.7951574

> muh CP degeneracy meme
> muh pedophilies are rapists meme
I see /pol/ is strong in this thread

>> No.7951576


>> No.7951580
File: 16 KB, 221x336, linus-torvalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le pol meme
Last resort for any moron incapable of defending his degeneracy

>> No.7951582

> muh pedophiles are degeneracy meme
back to /pol/ you dumb fascist faggot

>> No.7951583

Does it matter if pedophilia is an illness or not? Pedophilia isn't an act, it's a thought. Molestation is already a crime regardless of who commits it.

>> No.7951585

>people under 21 can not answer yes or no
engineer detected, how's that boyfriend

>> No.7951587

They are. It has already been established modern science that its a mental disorder. Seek help.

>> No.7951593

>liking girls younger than me is an illness!
>b-but liking the same sex is natural! totally not a disorder or an illness!
some hypocrite you are

>make lolicon illegal because it triggers me :(
reddit really does go on this site, holy shit

>> No.7951594

Anon. You can check it yourself if you are willing to.
We know. But it should be banned.
Anyway, 2D porno doesn't hurt anyone.

>> No.7951603

it's not about liking x you retarded pedophile. its about the person you wanna fuck is giving not consent. It's not double standards if one of the parties does NOT give you consent. That would be the case with comparing incest and homosexuality if its right or not.

> Anon. You can check it yourself if you are willing to.
No not really. I'm not willing to bother moving a single muscle for proving your retarded justifications for pedophilia.

>> No.7951606

if they don't seek help it is immoral

if they wake up one day and say "what the fuck why am I a pedophile" and seek help then it is not immoral

>> No.7951610

>Anyway, 2D porno doesn't hurt anyone.
But if you enjoy it, you are a pedophile. Sorry to break your bubble.

>> No.7951616

>>liking girls younger than me is an illness!
>>b-but liking the same sex is natural! totally not a disorder or an illness!
>some hypocrite you are
I don't see why this would be hypocritical. After all, there is no natural selection for pedo's and homo's, so their occurrence per definition cannot be natural.

>> No.7951622

Don't be. You can have the nasty hairy pussy. :^)

>> No.7951625
File: 437 KB, 500x500, 1381613234941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>liking girls younger than me is an illness!
This is not what determines what is a pedo, moron. For the diagnosis, see >>7951460. I'm sure you'll find it uncomfortable, but truth hurts, filthy degenerate scum.

>> No.7951626

>what is shaving
You must be a neckbeard :^)

>> No.7951630

>implying i am >>7951625 and every other SJW in here
nice try, at least you got your (You)

>> No.7951634

>current year
>otracized from society
you must be from africa

>> No.7951635
File: 7 KB, 462x119, wew lad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all me bitch. You're the only one implying false implications. Seek help, pleb.

>> No.7951636

> mfw pedophiles think they have a chance
how cute :^)

>> No.7951640

>No not really. I'm not willing to bother moving a single muscle for proving your retarded justifications for pedophilia.
But I can be wrong. Come one, go check it :-DD
>it's not about liking x you retarded pedophile. its about the person you wanna fuck is giving not consent
But anon, I'm not hurting anyone. I also wanna fuck two 25-27 girls and I'm not raping them.

Welcome to the new age of degeneracy! :-DD

>> No.7951645

you're not raping them because they consent to having sex. you ARE raping a child because they can NOT consent. Now stop shitposting you illiterate pedophile

>> No.7951647
File: 356 KB, 1000x1481, 1384701767090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loli is cp for plebs who are so epsilon they can't even talk to kids.

you cucks make me sick

>> No.7951649

Found the degenerate pedo

>> No.7951650

>look I know how to use inspect element! am I tricking you now? xddd

>> No.7951653

>I also wanna fuck two 25-27 girls
That makes you the nonexclusive type pedo, according to >>7951460. Deal with it, kiddyfucker.

>> No.7951656

It's actually truly all me, buddy. Ask a mod for confirm if don't believe

>> No.7951659


I'm only 19 and probably going to be more successful than you desu

>> No.7951661

>trying to use inspect element to trick anons
>implying /sci/ has mods
nice try, newfag. if /sci/ had mods, they would've deleted this thread already.

>> No.7951662

Why not make all rape hentai illegal if the problem with loli is lack of consent?

>> No.7951665

you will be great at sucking dicks in jail. you'll be so succesfull that people will line up to get a blowjob from you

>> No.7951666

Friend. It truly is all me. Why are you even trying though, you're not proving anything other than how desperate you are.

>> No.7951667

Because that'll also cut off the fap material of the hypocrites in here

>> No.7951669

> mfw they deleted my funpost thread instantly, yet they allow a pedo thread go on for hours

>> No.7951671

>women always consent
Now you went full retard.
Because drawings don't affect the rape rate of a country.
Because you can be retarded over there >>>/s4s/

>> No.7951673

>believe me just do it lol
Enjoy these (You)s whilst it lasts.

>> No.7951674

>I think giving away (You)'s will prove my point
I tip my (You) to (You), sir.

>> No.7951676

> i am retarded

>> No.7951677

>>women always consent
At least they CAN consent, which a child cannot for they know jack shit about erect throbbing cocks at the ripe age of 8, you degenerate pedo scumfuck.

>Because drawings don't affect the rape rate of a country.
[citation needed]

>Because you can be retarded over there >>>/s4s/
Great, you'll can show yourself out.

>> No.7951678

>hurr he's being tricked im just pretending to be retarded xd

>> No.7951679

Although I will never ever go there because I'm not a fucking idiot. I'm probably just like you with a different attraction.

>> No.7951682

>projecting this much
Here's another (You)

>> No.7951684

all i want are dubs

>> No.7951690

Here are mine

>> No.7951717

>>At least they CAN consent, which a child cannot for they know jack shit about erect throbbing cocks at the ripe age of 8, you degenerate pedo scumfuck.
children cannot consent because they are caught not to consent.

>> No.7951723

>they can consent
>they cannot
Anon, raping someone is wrong. Nobody is supporting it ITT.

>Because drawings don't affect the rape rate of a country.
>[citation needed]
Maybe you should demonstrate how does it affect the rape rate of a country.

>> No.7951737
File: 31 KB, 500x500, wtf018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: apologist pedo degenerates

>> No.7951787

What's the point of that?

>> No.7951802

Having a sexual orientation does not at all equate acting on it. I am a more or less heterosexual male and have never had sex and have no problem with it (I consume 2D porn though). Similarly, a pedophile won't start raping kids just because he finds them attractive. However, I can understand getting frustrated if no porn (neither 3D nor 2D) is available.

>> No.7951873

That's why pedophile behavior should stay banned.
But loli doujins don't hurt anyone, though.

>> No.7952031

>the number of kiddie fiddlers in this thread
I hope you die in a fire, all if you.

>> No.7952046


>> No.7952065
File: 30 KB, 600x324, 12794336_10205845838974933_6412279951368928073_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to be reasonable
you done fucked up anon

>> No.7952110

Nigger what are you talking about, that is the definition

>> No.7952155

Norms are definitely becoming more tolerant/accepting of homosexuals, but countries like the United States are still rampant with varying degrees of homophobia.

>Homosexuality can't be hereditary because society clearly influences whether someone is willing to be openly gay.

How so?

>The discussion becomes semantic real quick.

Pretty much this. It doesn't help that the medical definition of "mental disorder" (according to the DSM-V) is kinda vague, and that it changes slightly from one DSM to the next.

>> No.7952192

>The cure I think would be to get them to fap to adult porn like this to make that the means of satiating their sexual urges and condition them to nix pedophilia related thoughts with a combination of indoctrination and aversion therapy. They would probably need to schedule faps daily, possibly in the morning before they go to work, so that they don't feel thirsty out in public. In time their fetish will atrophy.

While this is is just a personal anecdote and small sample size, but I have tried this for quite a while, and all it did was make me more attracted to little girls. I know a few other pedos who have tried the same thing, and it always fails. It's the same thing they used to try to do to homosexual men.


The UK is already doing that. Rape porn, pee porn, loli porn, etc.. it's all illegal now. Enjoy your sex in the missionary position only porn.

>> No.7952216

Whats funny about homosexuality is it's a result from pedophilia, in a lot of cases faggots were diddled by their dads

>> No.7952220

I'm just saying what needs to be said.

>> No.7952234

> if you take out rape porn, you end up with only missionary porn
nice try pedophile shithead

>> No.7952245


They also took out piss porn, scat porn, vomit porn, bondage porn, porn with certain sex toys, etc, etc...

>> No.7952249

I can already feel a burning desire to make a Japanese to US net proxy buisness

>> No.7952250
File: 32 KB, 400x400, twitter_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not science.

Check em

>> No.7952255

oh noes what am I gonna do without scat porn, vomit porn and child pornography...

>> No.7952271

>implying taking those out was a bad thing
You sure are fucked in the head

>> No.7952276

What is there to gain by censoring them ?
Women are a significant viewer of BDSM porn anyway.

Just a PR move for SJW shits.

>> No.7952280

Homosexuality used to be a mental illness in the DSM. It's for this reason that Psychology is not a real science, they change it based on political pressure, which real science should never be.

If pedophilia is considered a mental illness or not, I don't have an opinion either way. The official admittance for CBT is "A desire for sexual contact or stimulation from persons under the age of 18", which, come on. That means all of us should be in therapy right now because we wanted to fug Miley when she was 16.

I would say the main reason it's treated so harshly as a problem is because of it's very serious consequences, and a combination of botnet/data mining and containment for those who self-identify as wanting it.

tldr Psych is bullshit and it's not really an illness to begin with.

>> No.7952283

What is there to gain in piss porn, scat porn and other disgusting degrading garbage ? The subject of these porn are indulging the worst in people and I don't see any problem in removing them.

>> No.7952287

If you want to just have an emotional argument I won't oblidge.

You can't force your agenda on others unless you prove it causes damage to others.

>> No.7952292
File: 57 KB, 750x750, 7eGKzlb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it doesn't matter if its an illness or not. It's literally an irrelevant factor for its existence.

Internet is full of tons of different sexual stuff ranging from gayporn to lesbians, threesome milfs to incest sex. There are even crap like shemales that I hate and never wanna see. Even then I respect other peoples sexual preferences and don't find any right in myself to censor them.
But all of these have something in common. They are all performed by people who have consent of getting into these sexual acts. They want this so they should be able to enjoy it. Underage children on the other hand CANNOT CONSENT to having sex, which is the vital point in why pedo porn is banned and allowing it is non-negotiable. You can do anything you both consent as soon as they get to 18 or 16 or whatever.

>> No.7952298

There is no need to ban them too.

>> No.7952310

One could argue homosexuality is in-line with evolutionary standards; saves us from overpopulating the Earth.

There is zero benefit to pedophilia.

>> No.7952312

>3D pedo porn should be illegal.
I agree it does hurt children. But loli 2D drawings are harmless.

>> No.7952319

It's not right either. Your fascination from loli porn comes from your attraction to underaged children which is wrong and disgusting. Why should you or other pedophiles be allowed to fuel your desire by masturbating to more of the same crap ?
As I said before, you don't acknowledge that you're fucked up so you can keep indulging your wrong doings, you try to cease them. Getting more loli porn is the exact opposite of that, it keeps feeding your sick ass fantasies.

>> No.7952323


If you make 2D porn illegal, then why won't pedos think "Well, if that's illegal, why don't I just go for real child porn instead of half-assing it?"

I know this is the case for several pedos I know online.

>> No.7952324

So suppressing such is your answer? Nah.

Sometimes the attraction to certain things stems from things not related to the physical (i.e. mental aspects such as the dynamic, or something being taboo, etc.)

>> No.7952329

>it's wrong
>it keeps feeding your hellish fantasies
Politics don't give a fuck about apes and shit nigger :-DD

>> No.7952333

This is slippery slope logic.

>> No.7952337

>Politics don't give a fuck about apes and shit nigger :-DD
This is not just a political debate. Nothing exists in vein.

>> No.7952339

If you actually believe thats the way pedophiles think, I wonder why aren't you supporting for them to be in jail. What guarantees that they won't ever molest a child if they are so eager to rape a child the first chance they get.

Yes. If you wanna get rid of your drug problem, you suppress drugs and quit them completely. Same with alcohol and same with your child porn addiction.
> Sometimes the attraction to certain things stems from things not related to the physical
That's not an excuse for pedophilia and doesn't make it favorable in the slightest.

>> No.7952347


Well the alternative is them masturbating to either child porn (obviously bad) or to masturbating to clothed kids in swimsuits, etc, which conditions them to sexual release with real children. 2D on the other hand accustoms them to release to non-real kids. How is that not more preferable than masturbatinug to


Let's say you're hungry and there is bread (loli) and cake (cp). If cake was illegal and bread was legal, you'd probably eat bread. But now the government makes bread illegal. Why would you settle for bread when you could have cake, if both are going to send you to jail? I'm not saying it's always the case, but I know quite a few pedos in countries where 2D is illegal where it is the case.


Many of those same pedos have contact with children and don't rape them. While it might be immoral to consume cp, it is certainly a lot lesser evil than actually raping a kid. There's the argument for supply and demand, but that's not too strong of one considering the avenues these pedos find cp at, since there is no direct link between them and the consumers. There's an indirect one, and I'm not saying it should be legal, but it's certainly a lesser evil.

>> No.7952350

Ugh, get out of here Liberal scum.

I was a victim of pedophilia at one point, and I'm still on the side of being pro-loli. Eat it.

>> No.7952353

More people like you should exist.

>> No.7952365

> since there is no direct link between pedophiles and child pornography
you keep saying that like everyone is stupid and at some point people will actually believe it

I don't have a political weight and your fake experiences have zero value.

>> No.7952378


I meant there is no direct demand between a pedo looking at cp compared to a regular porn consumer who directly gets content from the producer, supporting them directly or via ads. It's not going directly from the producers to the consumers. The producers are exchanging it with each other, or just posting it for fun. Even if no one consumed it, they're still going to be molesting their kids. It's not like they think "Oh hey! Pedos out there love child porn, so I'm just going to go rape my kid!".

>> No.7952381

>no, they think like this
>no, they are like this
It doesn't matter. There is no link between allowing 2D pedo drawings and an increase of rape rate in a country.
Anon, the inner motive why are they criticizing eveything about pedophiles is simply emotional.
You can't change that :-CC

>there is a link
They are different. I'm sorry.

>> No.7952386

Well none of the points made about why pedo stuff is and will be illegal had anything to do with demand or customers. It makes no difference at all.

>> No.7952397


I was simply talking about why reasons pedos might be moral enough to not actually act out and molest kids, but would still use child porn to satisfy their desire instead of lolicon, given that both are illegal, since the morality of it isn't quite that bad in terms of how much harm it's causing. I'm not saying it should be made illegal, I'm just saying that by making loli illegal you've made a bunch of pedos who would not otherwise be criminals, now criminals. And if you're already a criminal, why would you stop at 2D when there's 3D out there, besides morality reasons? And that condition was what I was addressing with respect to the usual supply/demand argument that a pedo fapping to cp causes more people to molest children so they can produce more cp.(Which is dumb since those kids were getting molested anyway, and that's assuming a direct link between producers and consumes, which doesn't exist)

I wish I could remember the name of it, but there was some article that actually investigated the cp "industry" and how it is all made, and showing how decentralized it is and that the argument of supply/demand is pretty shit.

>> No.7952398

>If you wanna get rid of your drug problem, you suppress drugs and quit them completely.

Are there any studies that demonstrate this working with porn addictions?

I was a victim of pedophilia at one point, and I'm still on the side of being pro-loli. Eat it.

I don't see what point you're trying to make with that.

>Psychology is not a real science, they change it based on political pressure

Political pressure was definitely part of the reason why homosexuality was reclassified, but also because more and more psychologists genuinely recognized that homosexuality was broadly misunderstood within their discipline.

>> No.7952405

>does not matter if it's an illness or not
Yes it does... I was directly answering the OP....
Are you an idiot?

>> No.7952406

> i demand proof of things which has to be vaguely defnited to satisfy my standards
> i was a victim of pedophilia even though i'm not proving it lol xD

trying too hard pedophile shithead. you will never be able to convince people to accept child rape

>> No.7952413

> OPs post is what globally determines if it being a mental illness matters to allow CP or not.
No you are the idiot for thinking just because you answered OP, you had an acceptable point.

>> No.7952417

It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if it was partially or totally influenced, if it was influenced at all by political pressure when people who knew more thought otherwise, then it's not science and is being fucked with by people and their political/social systems.

Equivalent to a $10 bribe to a police officer versus a $10,000 bribe. It's still a bribe.

Physics doesn't remove the concept of Gravity because some people get mad over it.

>> No.7952426

The OP is directly quoted here:
>Since homosexuality is not considered as an illness, why is pedophilia?
I understand, that homosexuallity is not harmful to society and therefore should be allowed. Pedophilia on the other hand is considered as harmful and therefore must be stopped. But isn't considering it as an illness wrong, if you don't consider homosexuality as an illness, although both are phenomenons of the same type?

Please check this link for further reading and self-discovery: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autism

>> No.7952429

pure ideology

>> No.7952436

For the 4th fucking time. Homosexuality or Pedophilia being mental illnesses or not does NOT matter for them being allowed. The pressure against homosexuality might be political or social or actually because it was thought as a mental illness. But the fact that made it unacceptable was NOT that it was non-consentual.
Contrary to that, it IS that case in pedophilia and thats why it makes zero difference whether if its a mental illness or anything else. You won't gain anything by repeating "but its not a mental illness so fantasizing or actually committing child rape is ok guise"

>> No.7952441

>hurr stop enjoying things

>> No.7952442



Please no more responses to niggers like this, everyone, they just can't get science.

>> No.7952443

>although both are phenomenons of the same type?

That remains to be clarified, anon.


>> No.7952444

> they just can't get pedo science
Do you even have a point ?

>> No.7952453

gib dubs and i stop fapping to loli