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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7946273 No.7946273 [Reply] [Original]

Are limits rigourous? They seem to just be "oh, just eyeball where that function seems to be going"

>> No.7946277

Are you still in Calc 1?

>> No.7946280

>he has never done an epsilon delta proof

>> No.7946281

Yes, the limit is well defined. The limit is defined as follows:
\forall \epsilon > 0 \exists \delta \text( s. t. ) x \in x_0 \pm \delta \implies | f(x) - L | < \epsilon
which means the limit as x approaches x0 = L

>> No.7946284

Is the definition of shitposting rigorous?

saged and hidden/

>> No.7946288
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>what are epsilon-delta proofs

>> No.7946310
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Mfw sages get overridden

>> No.7946314
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kawaii ether

>> No.7946320

any functions that appear to converge then just flip out and do something else?

>> No.7946326
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I have no shame

>> No.7946328

something like
[math]f(x)=\sum_{n=100}^x\frac{1}{n*log(n)*log(log(n))}[/math] diverges unbelievably slowly.

>> No.7946334

[eqn]f(x) = \sum_{n=100}^{x \frac{1}{ n * log(n) * log( log(n) )} }[/eqn] You're welcome.

>> No.7946336

looks like one of those final fantasy things

>> No.7946338

ok i laughed

>> No.7946346
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>> No.7946354
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[eqn]f(x) = \sum_{n=100}^x \frac{1}{ n * log(n) * log( log(n) )}[/eqn]

>> No.7946355
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Thank you magic anon

>> No.7946368


>mfw plebs think you need epsilons and deltas for limits

top kek, enjoy being freshmen

>> No.7946376
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I a-actually enjoy it!!

>> No.7946481
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>implying limits can be defined at all
>implying you can make uncountably infinitely many statements
>implying you can even define [math]\mathbb{R}[/math], let along topological spaces
Fucking kek. Enjoy your shaky fundamentals.

>> No.7946701
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>> No.7946704
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>> No.7947087
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>he uses metric crap

>> No.7947092

>/a/utists think this is their pedophilia spamming board

>> No.7947098

you don't know how to use the
meme at all. you don't need anything remotely weird (including countable infinity) to have topological spaces.

>> No.7947118

You need it for the basic limits

>> No.7947122

As they're done in first year calc, absolutely not. In a first complex analysis class, you can't even evaluate infinite limits directly. You prove f(z), z to infinity is equal to f(1/z) z, z to zero and use that instead.

>> No.7947247

>not using the extended complex plane

>> No.7947285

>impling proving anything about it doesn't involve looking at the function in charts, ie. doing exactly what he says

>> No.7947287


>> No.7947367

what does s.t. means

>> No.7947378

that is still just eye-balling where the function seems going, epsilon can just get smaller, and smaller, how is that not eyeballing where the function is going

>> No.7947384

Suck titties

>> No.7947391


if for all epsidol larger than 0 exists delta of s.t. x in x0 plus or minus delta implies that absolute value of f(x) - Limit is smaller than epsilon.

Makes no sense, you call that rigorous? Go to jail.

>> No.7947404

That was the shittiest thing I ever read. Do you even know what your words mean?

>> No.7947424

I just translated that guys' definition of limits into human speech.

That is what those symbols mean, except for maybe the thing with delta and s.t.

>> No.7947438

Ah alright. I'm on mobile so latex isn't displaying and I didn't bother translating his post.

A good definition is as follows

We say the limit of a function f as f approaches x0 is L if for all positive M there exists a positive N such that for all x in (x0-N,x0+N), we have that |f(x)-L)<N.

>> No.7947441

Also, "s.t." stands for "such that"
You might also see "WLOG" which is "without loss of generality"

>> No.7947442


>> No.7947443


>> No.7947444

Why don't we have a fancy korean alphabet symbol for 'such that' like we do for 'in all' and 'exists'?

Can we sue the oxford dictionary?

>> No.7947503
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>> No.7947517

That's s/t

>> No.7947569

I don't understand what you're trying to ask.

Don't you know the definition of a limit? Just check the wikipedia

>> No.7947583

You use a vertical bar | for "such that".

>> No.7947771

You are talking about something completely different. If I understand you correctly, you're referring to taking the residue at infinity, which is Res(f, inf)= -Res((1/(z^2))f(1/z), 0). How you connected this with limits of a function is beyond me.

>> No.7947806

It means "such that" anon. Ignore these trolls, this board should be for learning, not incessant shitposting

>> No.7947826
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>/sci/ is for serious discussion

>> No.7947828


>> No.7947836

>can't define topological spaces

you mean a set X along with a collection T of subsets of S such that the three axioms of a topology are satisfied

Huh I guess I can't

>> No.7947844

>yfw the first guy literally wrote that

>> No.7947854

Yes. You can take the analytical approach:
Show that for each epsilon > 0 there exists a delta > 0 such that for all x within distance delta of x_0, f(x) is within distance epsilon of y, then the limit of f(x) where x approaches x_0 is equal to y. In other words: if to be close to the proposed limit just requires you to be close to the argument, then the limit is as proposed.

Then you have the topological approach, where you talk about opens around a point, and a sequence which converges to that point if there is, for every open containing the point, always some term after which every term in the sequence is in the open.

There are more ways of doing these things when you get out of the reals. There is a whole field of complex analysis concerned with stuff like that on spaces like C.

>> No.7948318

basically, yes, you eye-ball where it converges.

>> No.7948324

How do you solve for L from there?

>> No.7948325


>> No.7949205

[math]\lim_{x \rightarrow c} f(x) = L[/math]

>> No.7950150

u dont

>> No.7950176

With all honesty, no u

>> No.7950457

>he hasn't taken analysis


>> No.7950481

You just eyeball where the function is going

>> No.7950925

actually, you just eyeball where the function converges

>> No.7950935

way to look silly, post went over your head. taking introductory analysis doesn't make you an expert, so you might want to consider there are reasons people say the things they say

read the other replies and you might get a hint to what it means, newfriend

>> No.7950938
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>>7947826 here
>>7950176 is correct, you should leave.

>> No.7950952

hurr durr, the difference between the actual limit and a value very close ([math]f(x)[/math]) to it its very small.

this doesnt prove shit

>> No.7950955

hey math teacher
when am i gonna use limits in life?
like its just a bunch of numbers

>> No.7950958

Read Analysis 1 by Tao

>> No.7950979

limits are useful in derivatives, for finding slope of functions and areas of functions, you can use that knowledge for most of physics. Do calculations, economics, literally everything.

>> No.7950984

Did my bait taste good?

>> No.7951001


Just fuck off with your le smug anime face

>> No.7951041
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Not that guy but...
tfw redditors really do come on here

>> No.7951567

fuck off to reddit

>> No.7951608


>> No.7952980


>> No.7953138

wow you saved a beatiful thread from dying

>> No.7953158

Was well worth the read