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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 85 KB, 940x627, ceres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7946134 No.7946134 [Reply] [Original]

>Ceres DAWN has been in LAMO for months
>here have this nice closeup of some random crater
Um, I'd like to see some high detail of the Occator bright spots.
>haha we already told you they're salt (probably) didn't you see that heavily manipulated image we put out in August :^)
Why can't we see a raw image like all the rest of the features.
>because it's salt we told you what are you a tinfoil :^)

Why can't we see some pics of this interesting feature? I just want to see them, what's the big deal?

>> No.7946137

Tell me, do you honestly believe it is ayy lmaos? Not trying to discredit your post, just curious.

>> No.7946146

Denying the strong possibility (pretty much certainty) of alien life is super retarded.
Its like going to the ocean and scooping up a cup of sea water and saying "obviously no whales live in the ocean, heres the proof"

>> No.7946151

Not that dude but obviously he's asking if you think proof of aliens is in that image, not if they exist entirely.

You're going "this whale could be in this cup of water"

>> No.7946160

Who said anything about that? He just wants to see the landmass.

>> No.7946161


That's not relevant. What I want is to see some pics of this interesting feature.

>> No.7946175

You don't even know what a whale is, but you think everything is evidence of whales.

>> No.7946177

There haven't been any pics of occator since August I think. The only pic released at that time were the computer generated flyby in OP pic and a heavily processed composite, where the bright feature was processed and overlaid on the crater image. Why not release a raw picture?

>> No.7946207

>Why not release a raw picture?

Because their GoPro is broken.

>> No.7946306
File: 166 KB, 1024x1024, wow hi res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ceres DAWN blog
>wow bright spot look at this pic!
>wow bright spot look at this pic!
>wow bright spot look at this pic!
>umm it's just salt nothing really here's a doctored photo from a higher orbit
>wow look at this hires pic of a generic crater from LAMO :^)
>ok thanks for following no more news :^)

>> No.7946323


>> No.7946332

Seriously why hasn't there been any real photos of the bright spot?

Also what about that fucking huge unnatural mass in deepspace creating its own light? Whatever happened to that as well?

Why does nasa doctor the FUCK out of their images to begin with?

>/sci/cunts don't question nasa because it goes against their own narratives they cling to

>> No.7946335

Just because there could be a conspiracy, doesn't mean there is one. If you have evidence, then present it.

>> No.7946337

>what are composite images

>> No.7946340


hires for 1995 maybe

>creating its own light?

It isn't. What you see int he OP isn't actually "light".

>> No.7946342

Doesn't take away from the fact that they have the capabilities to take better pictures of the bright spot but refuse to.

>what is blatant editing on non composite images

get the fuck out kike

>> No.7946344

>It isn't. What you see int he OP isn't actually "light".

He's talking about the impossible mass which was discovered a while ago which has been completely forgotten. Not ceres.

>> No.7946345

It's nothing but conjecture then, and what can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

>> No.7946349

>I will hide behind the fact that nasa refuses to give any facts and just follow their public statements and doctored photos.

top cuckerino

>> No.7946350

Can you prove is it one giant salt deposit?

>> No.7946352

Because they're hiding the discovery of alien life from the public, obviously.

>> No.7946359

There's still observation info coming in about the spots but Dawn mission is just not giving us anything. This is an interesting feature aren't you fags interested in geology?

>> No.7946360

>goes straight to tinfoil shit in order to deflect from the fact that nasa is keeping information away from the public

>> No.7946363


And linky.

>> No.7946384

This ain't /x/, it's /sci/. And in /sci/, when you make a claim, you present your evidence, if you have any.

>> No.7946386

The burden of proof is on the one bringing the claim.

>> No.7946393

There is more observation data being supplied by Earth stations than by Dawn mission. Why is this so?


>> No.7946406

Why do you think it's so?

>> No.7946421

Yeah nasa claims it is salt you kike.

Prove it.

>> No.7946428


I have no explanation. A crater is a crater is a crater, how many closeups does Dawn need to make of random craters? Why not focus on studying this unique bright feature which is so interesting that several teams are studying it from Earth observatories. All we've had from Dawn is a handwave "could be" paper, presented before Dawn even got to final LAMO observation.

>> No.7946451

NASA psyop detected

>> No.7946452

I ain't NASA, and I don't know enough about it to prove anything. All I'm doing is sharpening my logic on your dullness.. you jerk.

>> No.7946456

It seems like you're obviously implying there's a coverup. Are you sure that your explanation is not that "it's a coverup"?

>> No.7946460

>32 replies
>10 posters

You know, /sci/, the rest of 4chan probably wouldn't come here to troll you constantly if it weren't so fucking easy.

>> No.7946467

You believe whales exist?

For all we know they are an advanced organic hologram invented by an ancient insectoid species.

>> No.7946470


I'm not implying anything just stating a fact that there is more interesting Ceres observation data being supplied by Earth teams than by the Dawn mission.

Nice try at implying some ad-hominem at me though.

>> No.7946474

You make a hypothesis before you test it.

>> No.7946476

>implying some ad-hominem
I wouldn't imply ad-hominem, I would just say 'You're retarded' and be done with it.

>> No.7946477

Bandwidth is very limited, important science data takes precedence.

Why don't you look at the spectroscopic data? pictures are pretty meh science wise.

>> No.7946482

Yeah there you go, here's a reasonable explanation, one of many possible explanations, so I ask again: why do YOU think there is more data from Earth teams than from the Dawn mission?

>> No.7946488


There is literally no data on the bright feature though, not even one picture from LAMO observation has been supplied. Are you implying that there are absolutely no photographs of the Occator feature from LAMO?

>> No.7946489

Didn't we conduct a pH analysis?

>> No.7946495


Where's the data? Why not even one photo? What's your deal aren't you interested in this unique feature on Ceres? I've seen craters in the flesh I don't need a photo to believe that they're on Ceres, nor are they special in any way. Why not share even one picture of the Occator feature?

>> No.7946496

I replied to the wrong person.

>> No.7946501

The bandwidth is very bad. So bad Dawn has to spend like a dat transmitting data back. When it transmits data back that is the only thing it can do.


>> No.7946509

That's not what he has saying at all. It's a fair and simple question.

>> No.7946511


Are you implying that the Occator feature is less important than the many generic craters that do have public photographs? The Occator bright feature is the single most important geological feature on Ceres, which would supply important data to the internal makeup of that world along with implying that it's still geologically active; fairly unique amongst bodies that small.

The full spectroscopic data hasn't been released either, only from one instrument and only within context of the published paper.

>> No.7946566

All I'm getting from this thread is
>omg asking questions is bad, are you a tinfoil? It isn't ayy lmaos, curb your curiosity

Science is about being curious. If something piques your curiosity, investigate to satiate the need.

>> No.7946571


Speculation aside, the lack of Occator photos is starting to get ridiculous. Dawn has been in Low Altitude Mapping Orbit for four months now, and I refuse to believe that they have no good images of spot 5 by now. What's the freaking holdup?

>> No.7946598


It could be that they are concerned about speculation and want to release good and relevant data that cannot be misconstrued beyond a certain degree.
Or maybe they found something.
Who knows.

>> No.7946605


OP here, I just want a good pic of the Occator feature is that too much to ask? Dawn mission were the ones hyping the fuck out the feature for nearly a year and then just handwaved it away as they think it might be salt. Mainstream ran with that "ayy lmao it's not aliums it's salt no more to see" and Dawn has not said a single thing since or released any further information.

I note that Dawn reconfigured their orbit earlier this month, around the time of the ESO observation announcement on the bright feature.

>> No.7946606
File: 33 KB, 400x400, Troll-face-problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they're trolling everyone.

>> No.7946610


You'd think at this resolution the feature would be pretty clear. If it's salt or ice or any other geological feature it should be clear. The earlier paper was pretty solid, what's the big deal? Just release a pic.

>> No.7946639

Plasma from something on the surface being released from being heated? Maybe something frozen in the ice and once it becomes available it reacts to its new environment or itself or something.

>> No.7946642


Plasma? Heated? Nobody cares about your stupid fucking theories christ no wonder this board is just shit science and homework.

>> No.7946645

I note that Dawn reconfigured their orbit earlier this month, around the time of the ESO observation announcement on the bright feature.

could you expand on this, anon?

>> No.7946649




>> No.7946657
File: 1.94 MB, 245x295, PdCjkMe[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> its emitting light
> its salt guise :^)
da phuc ? Was "salt" actually the official NASA explaination for glowing cum cocaine we saw on mars ? What is this rain of bullshit coming from NASAs way for anything they can't or don't wanna explain.

>> No.7946659

by Mars, I mean't Ceres

>> No.7946660

That's a pretty bad comparison. We know that alien life probably exists somewhere in the universe, maybe even in this galaxy. But there are so many factors that make life improbable (distance to star, chemical makeup, size of the galaxy, position in the galaxy, enough mass to hold an atmosphere...) that life, especially technological life, could be very sparse. We might be alone in this galaxy or even alone within the next 100 million light years for all we know. And even if there was an alien civilisation only 10ly away from us, they'd still take a massive amount of time to get here if they do not have access to worm holes or warp drives which, for all we know, require the existence and isolation of negative matter, which contradicts our 2nd law of energy conservation.

>> No.7946673

That's not an unrealistic ratio of posters to replies when people are replying to one another.

>> No.7946735
File: 20 KB, 420x420, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are pathetic, tbqh

>> No.7946738

>what is reflection
>what is photocapacity

>> No.7946755

> only salt is reflective
> it reflects inexistent light where entire planet surface is under a shadow
Nice try NASA :^)

>> No.7946772


It was never emitting light...

>> No.7946774

While Occator is undeniably prominent and the photo is intriguing, all of the other observations are important. The mission isn't to "go look at neat stuff," but get as much broad data as possible with finite resources in order to provide context.

Probably a decision was made not to waste valuable mission time gathering redundant data. It's possible they are waiting for more certainty about some extraordinary claim before going public with it, but usually these sorts of things are PR fodder.

That is why prettified photos of an unusual feature were publicized to begin with, without first knowing or revealing what the fuck it is.

If there were a conspiracy to hide something from the public, why show it off?

>> No.7946775

Then why was it emitting light when that part of the planet surface was entirely in shadow ?

>> No.7946777

>only salt is reflective

It's four times as reflective as the surrounding surface.

>> it reflects inexistent light where entire planet surface is under a shadow

It never did that.

>> No.7946781
File: 16 KB, 658x329, 20151210-PIA20181_hires-detail-658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

light is coming directly from above
> its reflecting from that angle
light is coming from the side
> its reflecting from that angle too
light is coming from 90 degrees
> i-its just a reflection
no part of that planet is recieving light
> i-its salt guise

you're trying way too hard you dumbfuck

>> No.7946784

I can't see anything weird in that image. High albedo areas are brighter than low albedo areas. So what?

>> No.7946788
File: 31 KB, 952x408, Ceres_Dawn_Feb19_2015_bright_spot_frames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you post source?

In this picture it's due to elevation, much like the rim of the crater.

>> No.7946789

The population explosion of humans is already an event comparable to the impact which killed the dinosaurs, and it is not over, it is accelerating. Luckily humans themselves possess the forethought to consider long term consequences, and the ability to mitigate them. Or at least, some of us do...

>> No.7946791

reflection indicates the light is bouncing off from a light source with a specific vector and hitting the camera lens. if its bright from all angles, it's not a reflection

>> No.7946809

You're either trolling, or maybe don't understand exactly how cameras work.

It would be possible to take almost exactly the same pictures with nothing but starlight if you exposed long enough.

>> No.7946811

Sorry, misclick.
Meant for

>> No.7946814


Exactly, why not release a photo after hyping it up so much? The mission itself was excited for the feature too, undeniably. Are you actually implying that there is not one single LAMO photo of the feature?

>> No.7946824

>reflection indicates the light is bouncing off from a light source with a specific vector and hitting the camera lens

Only from a polished mirror. Obviously this specular reflection. When you're outside in the daytime you can generally see objects from all angles, even though you're seeing them with reflected sunlight.

>> No.7946828
File: 159 KB, 1024x1024, PIA20308-Ceres-DwarfPlanet-Dawn-4thMapOrbit-LAMO-image18-20151224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Here's one now

>> No.7946834


Er, sorry. Misread. Just a photo of another high albedo feature

>> No.7946839

It looks like there very much is a fucking coverup

Doesn't mean its goddamn aliens or something
But it IS a coverup

>> No.7946850

>But it IS a coverup

What makes you think that?

>> No.7946852


Occator is easily the most important feature of Ceres. Besides being a nice popsci fodder, if what the published paper says is right, along with other observation, the feature implies that Ceres is geologically active. This raises more than a few questions such as how is it energized.

Occator isn't some neat feature they tripped over but have been actively hyping it since the mission launched. Why has it gone so quiet?

>> No.7946854

because they haven't talked about it

>> No.7946860

>because they haven't talked about it

They've got mountains of data to look at. Be patient.

>> No.7946875

>if its bright from all angles, it's not a reflection
Go outside on a sunny day and stare at some white paint.

>Why has it gone so quiet?
Could be any of a bunch of reasons.

>> No.7946886
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a sunny day on ceres. the light source is coming from the side. Also I've yet to see any proof of it being salt, and not a copout

>> No.7946889

Interesting how this topic gets shitposted so hard.

>> No.7946890


All OP is asking about is a pic. Not unreasonable.

>> No.7946902

>It's not a sunny day on ceres

Yes it is.

>> No.7946904

>All OP is asking about is a pic. Not unreasonable.

There will be plenty of pics. What's unreasonable is demanding it immediately.

>> No.7946910

its not sunny anymore if the sun is out buttkid

>> No.7946926
File: 91 KB, 903x552, bioluminescence-tasmania-rovsengiffard4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a bioluninescence pic. (There may even be whales).

>> No.7946928


Dawn has imaged 99.6% of Ceres in its Low Altitude Mapping Orbit as of February 29th. They have the pictures. Compared to the previous orbit image releases, this delay is unreasonable.

>> No.7946932
File: 213 KB, 400x400, 609c0452349405f0d1133c4d484f8a91_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you addressing this to and what is your point?
You are clearly mentally ill, seek help.

>> No.7947230

>That's a pretty bad comparison

Neil Degrasse tyson is the one who originally said the things about whales in the ocean
I highly doubt you are as smart as black meme science guy so go fuck yourself

>> No.7947399

I haven't failed a single math exam this far, so I think I might be a bit more intelligent than him.

>> No.7948353


They didn't even release a raw image from the higher orbit.

>> No.7948390

>Neil Degrasse Tyson is the one who originally said the things about whales in the ocean
That doesn't make it relevant here.

>> No.7948682
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, occator party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ;w;

>> No.7948756
File: 27 KB, 259x188, ayfkm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Autists so desperate for evidence of ayy lmaos they think NASA is hiding something on Ceres, but won't openly say it because of how ridiculous they know they are being.

Its almost sad they cannot accept such a simple reality that NASA has a whole dwarf planet to study in a limited time frame, and cant just focus on something with a higher albedo in a couple craters.

>> No.7948764
File: 1.25 MB, 1403x1400, tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an artist creating a glowing illusion by carefully placing the leaves around the roots. He placed gradually brighter leaves around the tree trunk to create an illusion as if there is light emitting under the tree. As this example depicts its very easy to cheat the eye with simple light play.

It's quite understandable that people are tricked by this and think its an emissive material, but it's simply brighter than the dark soil around it and thats all there is.

>> No.7948767


>can't release a single photo of the most geologically significant feature

Do you even science?

>> No.7948777


Would be nice to see a photo.

>> No.7948778
File: 66 KB, 507x476, 1339285400204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Remind us of the reason NASA has to release images on a schedule you approve?

>> No.7948839

>shut it down

>> No.7948880

Yet this same atheist will talk shit about Christians making this same argument.

>> No.7948884

get woke stay woke

>> No.7948887

Science is about finding the truth together and having fun, it's not a competition.

>> No.7948900

Never A Straight Answer, what do you expect?
>Why does nasa doctor the FUCK out of their images to begin with?
This. I only found out Europa was half blood-red while watching some cable pop-sci last night. It's like they want to hush that up because then people would start asking questions as to why the ice on Europa looks just like bacteria-laden ice on Earth

>> No.7948955

hey NASA how about a closeup pic of that cool feature you've been hyping for that past year and even put up a web page devoted to it?
>no what are you a tinfoiler it's not aliens there's nothing to see here look at this picture of some rocks

>> No.7948961

OK here's a reasonable account:


>"Dawn began mapping Ceres at its lowest altitude in December, but it wasn't until very recently that its orbital path allowed it to view Occator's brightest area. This dwarf planet is very large and it takes a great many orbital revolutions before all of it comes into view of Dawn's camera and other sensors," said Marc Rayman, Dawn's chief engineer and mission director at JPL.

>Researchers will present new images and other insights about Ceres at the 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, during a press briefing on March 22 in The Woodlands, Texas.

So, will they release Occator pics? Let us see.

>> No.7948963

>implying there's a strong possibility of a magic superman in the sky who conspicuously and consistently fails to lift a finger to prevent such things as the holocaust, pacific tsunami, etc, yet has a special interest in your personal welfare

>implying it's even the same argument

>implying christians aren't gullible idiots with no critical thinking skills

>> No.7949003

Heathen gooks
Why would Christian God care about these people?

>> No.7949058

Well I guess if people actually expected NASA to do things in space they would get upset when all their money is wasted.

>> No.7949081

Dear Musk dick sucker, what exactly has SpaceX discovered in outer space?

>> No.7949152

Maybe they haven't released any more pictures because they know it's fucking salt and not interesting or worth investigating? Why would they reroute their probe or waste time getting high res pictures of an uninteresting feature just to satisfy autists who think it's aliens?

>> No.7949154


You clearly don't understand why salt would be interesting. Please refrain from commenting further.

>> No.7949161

What would a picture tell you about salt that a spectrograph wouldn't

>> No.7949172

>uninteresting feature
>the only interesting feature on yet another grey rock
They haven't even got conclusive spectroscopic data, that's the worst part. They just said "it's probably salt, case closed"

>> No.7949177


>here have another 100 photos of craters

>> No.7949236


Here's where your wrong retard.

>> No.7950555
File: 56 KB, 1024x522, occator close.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual unmanipulated closeup image :^)

>> No.7951191


I wish they'd release the raw one, like they did for the other features. :<

>> No.7951193

Like this one?

>> No.7951204


Nice. I wonder if that has any overlays like previous pics to deal with the brightness difference? Good detail though, now how the fuck does that feature even?

>> No.7951213

I think the leading theory is "salt deposites from impacts or geological activity" but hopefully time will tell.
Or, if you are into the whole "NASA made it unclear-therefore aliens" and the subsequent "NASA made it so high-res that it has to be photoshop'ed aliens", then....aliens.

>> No.7951214
File: 247 KB, 599x825, Ceres Salty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its time for some space OC :^)

>> No.7951219

Ok, thats one of the first times i've kek'ed on this page.

>> No.7951251


What's with the snarky dig, this is /sci/ right? I wonder what would power the geological process out there>

>> No.7951254



>> No.7951279

Snarky dig?

>> No.7951331


The alien thing. I don't see anyone seriously "gotta be aliens" here.

>> No.7951354

how are these salts created? Could they be formed by organic life? (there's probably no life on ceres, but maybe there once was?)

>> No.7951363

popsci faggot detected

>> No.7951437

>I have become reddit, the destroyer of worlds

That said, you have a point

>> No.7951462

Yeah, fair point, and if >>7951204 is you then I only meant it in a joking sense. In any case, sorry.
I tend to frequent the cesspool that is NASA's facebook page, and the comments there on things like these are generally in the area of
>"NASA made it unclear-therefore X"
> "NASA made it so high-res that it has to be photoshop'ed X"

with X usually referring to their
-NASA's secret base
-space is fake because reasons
-Obama's birth papers.

In general, people seem to lack the understanding that just because a probe sees something with a certain "wow, wtf is that"-factor, it has limited possibility to focus only on that. DAWN has a limited amount of fuel, the whole flight-plan is planned years in advance, although with some leeway. There are thousands of pages in instructions on how the probe will study Ceres, coverin such as altitudes on the orbits, which sensors/cameras are used when, and so on. Then you have the limitations of tech, and choosing between high-altitude pics showing lots of stuff in little detail, and then you have the lower-altitude high-detail pictures that are currently coming in. Just because you notice something really cool in the low-res pictures dont mean that you should say "fuck it" to several years of pre-planned observations(although i wish we could).

Now, on top of that, you need time to process the data, analyse it, work out theories, and so, before releasing pictures/papers.

I consider myself a popsci-fag, and love watching stuff like this, and honestly i want it as fast as possible. Its the whole "NASA isnt showing the pictures due to X" as i mentioned above that i cant stand.

>> No.7951534

>if its bright from all angles, it's not a reflection

So snow is autolumiescent because it can't be reflecting light?

>> No.7951545
File: 170 KB, 883x857, PIA20350 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's clearly cocaine. You can even see the razor scratches in the terrain around it .

>> No.7951573

Soo.....the cartels have a stash-house there. Surely we can get DEA to fund a rover-mission? They can even paint the rocer in tacticool black if they want.

>> No.7951621

top kek

>> No.7951670

Nah man that tree must be an alien.

>> No.7951724
File: 120 KB, 387x357, 1458715561715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believing in extraterrestrial life doesn't require suspension of disbelief though.

>> No.7952777


You're a bit of a dickhead man, I recommend you interact with more people IRL.

>> No.7952787

>quoting neil smokedagrass tison

>> No.7952790

that's pretty cool

>> No.7953205


There's 100% certainty that life exists in the universe. You can't prove any god exists.

>> No.7953226
File: 55 KB, 322x249, Alien Thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a superior version of that

>> No.7953236
File: 210 KB, 1704x868, pia20355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everyone just asserting that there aren't any new images coming out? This one was posted just yesterday, and there are plenty of others.

>The view was produced by combining the highest resolution images of Occator obtained in February 2016 (at image scales of 35 meters, or 115 feet, per pixel) with color images obtained in September 2015 (at image scales of 135 meters, or about 440 feet, per pixel). The three images used to produce the color were taken using spectral filters centered at 438, 550 and 965 nanometers (the latter being slightly beyond the range of human vision, in the near-infrared).

>> No.7953247
File: 326 KB, 1293x513, Occator aliens confirmed by NASA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alien artifact buried under the sand confirmed.

>> No.7953317


Not as dank.

>> No.7953323


Pic was released after this thread started.

>> No.7953326

twice as dank

>> No.7953345

I know, but these threads go on for a while and I figured SOMEONE ought to have checked.

>> No.7953369

people are too concerned with complaining to check.

>> No.7953420


Should have looked harder yourself retard.


>> No.7953457
File: 117 KB, 1041x1041, pia20350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I saw that.
Oh well.

>> No.7953501
File: 2.88 MB, 3414x1756, Occator_DepthReliefMS30RTA_jpl_reconstructed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the Occator's elevation data and I can't see anything out of ordinary. My guess is it's either salt deposits or ice

>> No.7953508


Well that's a nice popsci brainfart, but the scientist wants to know: how?

>> No.7953750

Looks like something is buried under the creater t̨bh f̨am

>> No.7953786

>Why does nasa doctor the FUCK out of their images to begin with?
I get this, they just want nice stitches and cool colours and shit. But isn't it basic science to also release the raw data, any raw data they gather, for everyone to play with?

>> No.7953791

Nice series of pics, so there is a mountain of salt inside the crater that's higher than the crater is deep?

>> No.7955249

So the bright spots are variable, what a bizarre feature! There must be some significant geological activity down there.

>> No.7955257

They do. The NASA website itself usually isn't where they put the actual data; it's mostly a PR interface, not where the scientists go.

For raw Dawn data, see http://sbib.psi.edu

>> No.7955261
File: 212 KB, 600x473, ceres-white-spot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is them close up high res from NASA, learn to google OP

>> No.7955268


>released after thread started

Learn to read, stupid.

>> No.7955309


people posting in the thread today not mentioning these images, learn to read retard

>> No.7955318


Pic clearly refers to OP, shitlord.

>> No.7955325


OP you already look silly because all your conspiracy theories from your post got proved wrong by this pic, dont make it worse...

>> No.7956562
File: 607 KB, 2160x1920, 1457386012768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
