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7942000 No.7942000 [Reply] [Original]

Lets have a thread about PhD level chemistry.

What are you all working on and how are your papers going?

Any particularly stupid people in your labs?

Worst fuckup recently in your department?

Ever wreck any expensive equipment?

About to start work on my third paper. Hope to be out by year 6.

>> No.7942002

Well it's time someone told you...
It's just high schoolers here

>> No.7942005


I was in a thread just a month or two ago filled with PhD candidates in chemistry.

>> No.7942008

>its a lets steal an image from lit and make a post spread basically existing on Sci but I'm too fucking lazy to use the catalog thread

>> No.7942962


>> No.7943286

literally this

>> No.7943324

What's your favorite smelling solvent? Mine is toluene.

>> No.7943337


>> No.7943338

anyone's got other pictures like OP's one?

>> No.7943475


Not a solvent but, acetic acid.

Most shit I use / smell from others using just smells like pure cancer.

People do polymer synthesis in my lab and those monomers are enough to make you want to sit in the office all day and do data workup instead.

>> No.7943497

I know that feel. Everytime the polymers group in my lab open up the fridge it smells like I am in a Vietnamese nail salon

>> No.7943518


My fridge is pure cancer-fumes. I literally take a big breath and hold it until the door is shut and I have walked over to the other side of the lab whenever I need to go in there.

>> No.7943562


>> No.7943818

>starting a PhD in organometallics or natural products synth next year

Which project should I join?

Also, just made a breakthrough on my computational project for undergrad. Two months before I graduate and I'm starting to write the publication. Gonna be a rush. Also

>job feels
We're all gonna make it, right fellow chemists?

>> No.7943831

I can't see the marker for chemist to be as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Most people I know hate chemistry. I live in California and there is a YUGE bio-tech industry spanning all across the coast line. This industry is comprised of a fatal solution of chemist, biologist, and biochemist.

If this doesn't work out, teaching credential.

>> No.7944256

I would probably go with ethyl acetate or diethyl ether. I like the sweet smells.

Depends, what are you trying to get out of your PhD? Do you want a future in industry or academia? How famous/well known are your potential advisers, or do you value having a younger, more engaged PI? What are the differences between the schools, is one more renowned than the other? There's a lot of variables involved. I guess all else being equal, go with the lab that has happier grad students.

>> No.7944273

I'm a first year PhD student in chemistry. I haven't joined a group yet (in my uni you generally don't until roughly may in your first year). I am probably going to join a computation chemistry group, although I have enioyed the little mini-project I did with an inorganic/analytical guy, so maybe I will consider that as well.

>> No.7944274

Those are just tryhard high schoolers

>> No.7944277

I want to make some PhD-level chemistry with my professor

>> No.7944278

Chlorobenzene or benzene

>> No.7944282


Computation is sooooooooo boring though compared to 'real' chemistry where you actually go in a lab.

All the conversationalists I know are really, really, weird too.

>> No.7944287

Realtalk, how bad is benzene / toluene vapor for you in reality?

I never use any really 'bad' solvents in lab (worst is probably ether on the MSDS pictogram charts at health level 2), but I always have a lurking fear that di-chloromethane and up will just fuck me up 30 years from now.

I think my lab parter in undergrad sprayed my labcoat with a little bit of tri or tetrachloromethane but I can't really remember, am I fucked?

>> No.7944301


Don't do anything involving synthesis, especially organic chemistry related.

I'm a physical / analytical chemist, and as far as I can tell organic chemistry jobs will be completely replaced by machines that can do hundreds of reactions in an hour.

>> No.7944305

this is true for most of the sciences

>> No.7944311


Yeah but I feel more comfortable with nearly every other chemistry sub-field besides orgo as having good, solid job prospects for at least several more decades.

The only chemistry job that can (and already is) easily automated is organic chemistry.

I have seen the machines that they're building at conferences that can run massive amounts of syntheses and even characterize them too with attached instrumentation.

Sure, there need to be people that run these instruments, but they'll probably be people with only a B.S.

>> No.7944615
File: 53 KB, 625x469, 1402949675822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U wot m8
Organic is more than just
>make me this molecule
What if you wanted to study wacky reactions and shit
What it you used it to synthesise molecules with interesting functional properties i.e dyes, chelating agents, molecular machines, etc
Stop being bitter familia, some people are good at different things

>> No.7944634

>Molecular machines

Meme topic desu senpai

>> No.7944635
File: 174 KB, 2000x600, 1371918829695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love doesn't exist because women are bitches and whores.

We will make love real.

>> No.7944919


Why do all those chemicals smells so nice?

>> No.7944942

What grade of acetone do you deal with? I think acetone is not the best smelling. It does smell nice when you're away by a few meters though. It's one of those smells where it's not bad unless it's concentrated as fuck.

>> No.7945150


>> No.7945520

how haven't you died yet

>> No.7945676

>Mine is toluene
youre sick in the head

>> No.7945802

>Lets have a thread about PhD level chemistry
>Lets sniff solvents

I love you /sci/.

What do you think the future of organic chemistry is?

>> No.7945813

>What do you think the future of organic chemistry is?
Too many degrees being handed out than jobs being created.

>> No.7945833

I'm trying to break into industry. most likely materials if I go organometallics, though catalysis is another avenue and i hear organic - metal reactions are becoming more desireable for pharma...

my back up plan is to use my PhD to become a patent attorney. I hear its boring work, but it pays well and I would prefer to stay in chicago.

>> No.7945901


>> No.7945932

>Lets have a thread about PhD level chemistry.
>What are you all working on and how are your papers going?

Synthetic inorganic and materials chemistry, transition metal clusters and shit, probably gonna start writing a few papers soon. One that I am a co-author on is being written by a total space cadet and is taking for fucking ever.

>Any particularly stupid people in your labs?

I am in a pretty small lab and everyone is pretty good, but this one dumb cunt who does more analytical shit was giving group meeting, had a few slides where they didn't know what was on them. Literally was like, "yea i got this slide from ____, i can't really explain it" we all looked at each other like wtf.

>Worst fuckup recently in your department?

a few months ago, someone spilled a vial of S(TMS)2 and caused a major evacuation of most of campus.

>Ever wreck any expensive equipment?

Thankfully no

>About to start work on my third paper. Hope to be out by year 6.
>year 6
shit anon, we're forced to graduate in 5

>> No.7945947

diethyl ether or THF

>ethyl acetate
fuck that shit makes me want to gag, it smells so awful

Benzene probably isn't the best idea to be inhaling, toluene ain't that bad.

>Not a solvent but, acetic acid
uhhh... I have to use glacial as a solvent for a few reactions.

>I have seen the machines that they're building at conferences that can run massive amounts of syntheses and even characterize them too with attached instrumentation.
they can do known reactions, they can't really develop new reactions/methodologies

>> No.7946079

How's the job market guys?

Noobie low level scum here that has to declare a major soon.

>> No.7946296

Go to grad school

>> No.7948248


>> No.7948327


>> No.7949379

Fucking this, doing thermochem labs Mixing HCl and NaOH, and Acetic acid to be mixed with NaOH to compare enthalpy of neutralization. All I can think about is salt and vinegar chips, I was fucking starving.

>> No.7949879
