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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 82 KB, 400x400, MIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7941588 No.7941588 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we post open courses, youtube series, pdfs of math and science courses to help our fellow anons in the pursuit of knowledge.

>> No.7941600

Yale Astrophysics 160, Pr. Charles Bailyn

Lectures: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD1515420F4E601A4

Problem sets, midterm & final: http://oyc.yale.edu/astronomy/astr-160

>> No.7941602

>Differential Geometry
>Real Analysis
>Functional Analysis
>Algebraic Topology
>PDEs (Not Theory)
>Geometric Analysis

>> No.7941606

Do these have problem sets, exams and such?

>> No.7941610

nvrmnd found it

>> No.7941629

Yale Fundamentals of physics I & II, Pr. Ramamurti Shankar

Lectures 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOKnWaLiL8w&list=PLFE3074A4CB751B2B
Problem sets, exams 1: http://oyc.yale.edu/physics/phys-200

Lectures 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NK-BxowMIfg&list=PLD07B2225BB40E582
Problem sets, exams 2: http://oyc.yale.edu/physics/phys-201

>> No.7941640

Yale Game theory, Pr. Ben Polak

Lectures: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6EF60E1027E1A10B
Problem sets, exams: http://oyc.yale.edu/economics/econ-159

>> No.7941934

bump desu senpai

>> No.7941975

bump for awesomeness

>> No.7942083

Finally, a worthwhile thread. Bump.

>> No.7942094

Always a good one, MIT opencoureware:

Introduction to Chemical Engineering, by a professor I really wish I had the pleasure of learning from:

That second set is what made me want to pursue Chem. E, Professor Channing Robertson is just so entertaining and insightful.

>> No.7942106

thank you based anon

>> No.7942423

fundamentals of electrical engineering textbook


>> No.7942546

How is listing courses directly from another website a worthwhile thread?

>> No.7942573
File: 10 KB, 733x203, mushscience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7942575

David Tong has excellent lecture notes on classical mechanics

list of MOOCs

>> No.7942746

The chem eng lecturer has an interesting life story, look up "why do students call me yoda" on YouTube.
Does anyone know of any ocw that deals with applied math:heat and wave equation?

>> No.7942901

I didn't ask for his life story.

>> No.7942946

Shit poster identified.

>> No.7943505

Does anybody else have any other Astronomy/astrophysics classes? I literally just finished this one

>> No.7943589

Reading off the listings on a publicly available website isn't "quality posting."

>> No.7943705

David Tong has superb lecture notes on every class he takes. Classical Mechanics as well as QFT and String Theory. Really good lecturer.

>> No.7943727

Are there any other free courses worth a look besides the Yale website?

I'm interested in diesel locomotives/ marine engines and electrical theory and it's associated math.

Also automotives. Sick of consulting some rednecky fag on youtube with a 47 minute long video on how to change sparkplugs or whatever.

>> No.7944375

Then why the f are you in this thread?

You must be the weeaboo posting Pepe threads and homework requests.

Also, lurk more.

>> No.7945827


>> No.7945838

What do you guys say about Susskind's lectures?

>> No.7945868

Great for the intro level stuff.
i.e. Classical Mech., Quantum Mech., Stat. Mech., Special Relativity

The higher level stuff gets less and less like actual classes
- GR is pretty good for an intro, but barely touches on any true geometry. Just a bunch of tensor calc.

- His particle physics courses try to teach graduate level material with undergrad level math knowledge.

- His String Theory course borders on popsci

>> No.7945890

Thanks for the confirmation. Started watching his lectures on Classical Mechanics a week ago.
Probably going for bachelor's degree in physics.

>> No.7945904

Mates. Listen up here now. I've taken upon myself to learn maths and physics in about half a year (I've been doing maths for a while before), until the Matura test so that I can use those to get into university next year. I haven't touched maths during my entire schooling carrier (hs ended, gap year now) and I'm doing fine now, just about to end first grade hs maths.

I need to learn high school physics in this time span, and would anyone have a recommendation where else to study physics aside from Khan Academy, or would Khan be enough? I want to pursue a physics degree.

Thank you phy/s(i)ci/sts.

>> No.7946370

Here mate: https://youtu.be/wWnfJ0-xXRE

This channel is maintained by Walter Lewin himself. His lectures were removed from MIT OCW. But you can find first three undergrad courses (8.01, 8.02, 8.03) there. All notes and assignments are given in description of videos. Be advised, he won't chew things before feeding them to you. He won't derive anything on board. Sometimes he'll cover one whole topic in one lecture. There are recitations too, on his channel. Just browse playlists. Study from some good notes (posted by anons above), buy/pirate and standard undergrad textbook (I'll recommend Resnick Halliday Walker), solve each and every problem given there. Also have a look at this page:

It's written by a nobel laureate Physicist. There are actually good resources there. Check out: MIT OCW, edx. Good luck mate.

>> No.7946398

>that quora post
That seems like a really hard way to browse free courses.

I use class-central. It's like a big aggregaor/search engine for mooc courses.

That quora post referenced a place called mooc-list that I'd never heard of before. I don't know if it's any good but it looks somewhat similar to class-central.

There's are also sites like

>code school
>code academy
>free code camp

for people who just want to learn programming interactively.

The company that owns code school is called pluralsight
they offer more comprehensive courses (code school is intro stuff for beginners) but these courses are not free. However, Microsoft has a visual studio thing that comes with so many months of free Pluralsight access amongst other stuff.
>Pluralsight (3-month subscription)— for limited time only 6 month**
>Xamarin University mobile training*
>WintellectNOW (3-month subscription)*
Microsoft Virtual Academy

My understanding is that university students can use their university e-mail address to get access to this stuff for free or cheap or something. I haven't tried it myself.

>> No.7946402

>maintained by Walter Lewin himself.

Are you sure about that anon? I thought those were just put up by other people once the lectures started circulating in torrents. I'm only asking because I'm wondering it there's a risk they'll be taken down later.

>> No.7946417

>Tensor Calculus

Watched a bunch of this last summer. Enjoyable for the applied math types.

>> No.7946427

>Mathematical Physics

Not rigorous because the lecturer doesn't like rigor so I personally didn't care for it but here's for you physics folks.

>> No.7946432

>Complex Analysis

Looks like a second course.

>> No.7946450

Yup, I've talked to him through email. He's real.

>> No.7946479


>> No.7946485

He could still be anatural language processingchatterbot. There's no verifiable method to be sure this is the real deal.

>> No.7946487

Sorry I replied to the wrong thread. Squeeze me.

>> No.7947906

You really gave me a thorough answer, and I thank you so much for it, mate.

>> No.7948308

OER Commons is an interesting resource

>> No.7948330

thanks dawg, I've been looking for a more summarized book to help me out

>> No.7949575


>> No.7950794

Introduction to Human Behavioural Biology

Not exactly a course but nice to listen to and learn a thing or two about humans.

>> No.7950840

I love this course, finished it in about a week or two, everyone should really watch it since it's so fucking fascinating and engaging.

>> No.7950845


Not exactly lecture courses, but really really good lectures and speeches.

>> No.7950858


For all you linguistics autists

>> No.7950869


All of these books are free in PDF format.

>> No.7952487


>> No.7952988
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>> No.7953004

audit courses for free
dope shit

>> No.7953540

keepin' it alive

>> No.7954021

don't let this die, are there any courses for math, econ, philosophy?

>> No.7954301

CS Degree in a nutshell


Introduction to Computer Science and Programming: MIT (ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-00sc-introduction-to-computer-science-and-programming-spring-2011/)
Intensive Introduction to Computer Science: Harvard (www.extension.harvard.edu/open-learning-initiative/intensive-introduction-computer-science)
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Methodology: Stanford (see.stanford.edu/see/courseInfo.aspx?coll=824a47e1-135f-4508-a5aa-866adcae1111)
Programming Abstractions (Second Course in Unit): Stanford (www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=FE6E58F856038C69)
Mathematics for Computer Science: MIT (ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-042j-mathematics-for-computer-science-fall-2010/)
Discrete Mathematics: ArsDigita (www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_9WjWENWV8&feature=share&list=PLTdIp1DywMlUpLHEg3ADhE6rrxhW_T5Rx)


>> No.7954304


Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms: UNSW (www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpRRUQFbePU&list=PLE621E25B3BF8B9D1)
Introduction to Algorithms: MIT (ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-006-introduction-to-algorithms-fall-2011/)
Operating Systems and Systems Programming: Berkeley (www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgQo4JkN4Bw&list=PL62A66DDD3B3CC0B7)
Programming Paradigms: Stanford (www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9D558D49CA734A02)
Computer Architecture: Carnegie Mellon (www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5PHm2jkkXmgDN1PLwOY_tGtUlynnyV6D)
Fundamentals of Computer Networking: Manhattan College (www.youtube.com/channel/UCb1OiccPJ0wbMZMOleCvhWQ)
Introduction to Data Communications: Thammasat University (www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvifRcqOOwF8u4iC7hFTMVC_WD6SEpnkx)
Introduction to Cryptography: Ruhr University (www.youtube.com/channel/UC1usFRN4LCMcfIV7UjHNuQg)


>> No.7954306


Building Dynamic Websites: Harvard (cs75.tv/2012/summer/)
Advanced Data Structures: MIT (ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-851-advanced-data-structures-spring-2012/)
Computer System Engineering: MIT (ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-033-computer-system-engineering-spring-2009/)
Principles of Programming Languages: IIT (freevideolectures.com/Course/2249/Principles-of-Programming-Languages/1)
Introduction to IT Security: Thammasat University (www.youtube.com/watch?v=bx5CPmNbblI&list=PLvifRcqOOwF89bqRiJEWyu5k7qJaTNMRj)
Security and Cryptography: Thammasat University (www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvifRcqOOwF-b74gWV5TpyMFFs2dVlqTt)
Bilinear Pairings in Cryptography: BIU (www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXF_IJaFk-9C4p3b2tK7H9a9axOm3EtjA&feature=mh_lolz)
iPhone Application Development: ITU (www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1D5B07DD840FB46D)
Android Application Development: ITU (www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1E8E7D2B6EB11301)
Artificial Intelligence: HRW (www.youtube.com/watch?v=katiy95_mxo&list=PL39B5D3AFC249556A)
Artificial Intelligence: Berkeley (www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZ23-HrWyUE&index=10&list=PLF1A9D9034225FC92)
Computer Graphics: Berkeley (inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs184/fa12/onlinelectures.html)
Statistics and Probability: Harvard (www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2SOU6wwxB0uwwH80KTQ6ht66KWxbzTIo)
Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability: MIT (ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-041-probabilistic-systems-analysis-and-applied-probability-fall-2010/index.htm)


>> No.7954536

More courses pls

>> No.7954558


>Abstract Algebra

Very accessible/non-rigorous. Large part devoted to Galois theory/general unsolvability of fifth and higher order polynomials with radical.

>> No.7954588

Can't we just teach everyone the heuristic for identifying sound epistemological content and let everyone filter for themselves? Sounds like we're on a road to proliferating pseudounderstanding.

>> No.7954596

Go ahead.

>> No.7954604

Because when everyone searches in aim of a general goal, a lot more resources surface since certain things are lost to things like the type of search engine, connectivity, etc. Also, if the lectures are from institutions like Stanford or MIT you're not going to find anything more accurate since these are the places researched knowledge distributes from.

>> No.7954606

Okay, but who's going to read a paper that starts with, "I've been studying magical thinking for quite awhile now"?

>> No.7954610

Thank you for this, I will watch this with intent.

>> No.7954613

"proliferating pseudounderstanding"

only on /sci/

>> No.7954948
File: 21 KB, 375x375, implying reals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good shit anon

>> No.7954961
File: 3.03 MB, 4320x2432, IMG_20160314_160916106_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fundamentals of neuroscience from Harvard.

>> No.7955486

Should I watch all of the intro lecture series?

>> No.7955765

>Compiling scholarly sources from across the web not a worthwhile thread
ayy lmao

>> No.7955770

>M,C&T Biomechanics
Hook an anon up senpai

>> No.7955795

is that a lab grown hair of Trump ?

>> No.7955843

Does anyone have any video (or even audio) lecture resources for high level thermodynamics ie beginnings of non equilibrium thermodynamics etc

>> No.7955920

haha, upvoted :)

>> No.7956260
File: 46 KB, 480x690, are you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girls Who Build

>> No.7956264

>non equilibrium thermodynamics
you mean Heat & Mass Transfer?

>> No.7956582

What video was this guy in?

>> No.7956591

Mathematically Rigorous QM

>> No.7956603


>> No.7956634


Maybe a bit advanced for /sci/, but it might interest some people here

>> No.7956787

Bumping as I don't want thread to die.

>> No.7957449


>> No.7957679

>intro level courses

>> No.7957877

It's a /pol/ me me.

>> No.7959202

Please don't die

>> No.7959204

Anyone know any good tutorials for R?

>> No.7959247

give me a few hours

>> No.7959288 [DELETED] 

*tips fedora* I have le mastery of le English >:-)

>> No.7959840

>a few hours

>> No.7960178


>> No.7960188

If everyone could learn anything, it'd be worth nothing; open courses have no value.

>> No.7960585

Wrong. In the courses are also exams, teachers and a certificate. These can be the make or break thing for people with low motivation and the certificate is always useful for one's resume.

Open courses allow a genuinely curious person who wishes to learn to have access to material although it'll be unaided learning. In the older times, this would have been known as buying a very in-depth book and learning without a teacher. Today, we've open courses.

Welcome to 2016.

>> No.7960594

>People are rational.
Wrong premise.

>> No.7962059


>> No.7962084

Why are you on every board.

>> No.7963295

Such an amazing thread, wish I could contribute but the little I know is already been posted in here just wanted to thank everyone, also bumping a little in hope that someone else see it

>> No.7963530

never seen someone on this board say "Cool!"
So refreshing

>> No.7963546


> if everyone could learn anything it would be worth nothing

That's some really deep armchair philosophy, mate. You're gonna have to elaborate.

>> No.7964494

Last bump from me lads. If the thread was meant to die with no more content, it was meant to die.

>> No.7964836


>> No.7964837

rest in peace, thread
you were one of the few good threads on /sci/
you will not be forgotten

>> No.7964851

No I mean things like the jarzinski equality etc

>> No.7965100

some guy a while back posted his public onedrive where he kept all the textbooks he's had over the years. not quite courses but meh theyve been useful.


>> No.7965110

This thread lives on.

>> No.7965137

Clearly the highest level math i could find. All these guys are top-tier researchers.

I think there were some lectures of Tao, Gromov, Thurston at the IHES.

It's a shame many of these confs are in French, I have to pause every minute to understand

>> No.7965141

this person is an excellent expositor.

>> No.7965156

Guy should probably remove his resume from the shared part of the drive. Has some pretty revealing stuff on there

>> No.7965210

Bumping with a pretty good introduction to GR from a more mathematical perspective that was posted a while ago on /sci/ and had a general good response from here.


>> No.7965399
File: 40 KB, 425x516, kate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Course (Diploma Level) : http://www.sp.edu.sg/wps/portal/vp-spws/scheee.cse.ftdip.computerengineering

Notes :
Network Management : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1e0JkaAVHf7aTJGSGx5c2VzX00/view?usp=sharing
Operating Systems :
Wide Area Networks :

System Virtualization/Client Server Systems/OOP in Java :

>> No.7965418

Continued ...

Network Vulnerabilities & Security Tools (heavily outdated imo) :
Network Security Systems :

>> No.7965520

>machine learning
>0 results

>> No.7965536


>> No.7965579


Coursera has a good beginner course
Udacity has a three part series on supervised and unsupravised learning

>> No.7966212
File: 446 KB, 2000x2000, 2000px-seal_of_university_of_california_berkeley-svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's course lectures for basically everything


>> No.7966214

What a mess it is though. Wish it was well organized

>> No.7966230
File: 22 KB, 175x175, California Golden Bears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go: http://webcast.berkeley.edu/

I just had the youtube channel one bookmarked

>> No.7966514

Thanks senpai

>> No.7966727

Bumpin ebin thread
Mods sticky pls

>> No.7967486


>> No.7967647

fuck off

>> No.7968448

Nice thread.

>> No.7969074

Great thread

>> No.7969560

Last bump

>> No.7969590

Susskind lectures at Stanford.


>> No.7969661

Are you retarded

>> No.7970030

A lot of introductions to a variety programming languages


>> No.7971769

Keep it alive

>> No.7971933


>> No.7972784

And what? We're not getting any new content

>> No.7973398

For those of you who don't know about this:


It's Gerard t'Hooft writing about what you need to know to be a good theoretical physicist. He provides some material to learn from.

>> No.7973943

Which do you recommend for web development?

>> No.7974265


>> No.7974477
File: 170 KB, 801x657, ea1329809357e0bb1033ce39f7932e7d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally everything you will ever need:

Math, engineering, science, business, econ, language, literature, history, medicine, etc

>> No.7974478

Literally an entire MIT undergrad education for free

Graduate level also

>> No.7974637

any advice on getting into pic related for grad school?

>> No.7974753

be smart

>> No.7976287

My last bump, everyone need access to this fantastic thread

>> No.7976472

I think octochan has a board devoted to this

>> No.7976507


this is not a course, it's really just popsci, but if you just started your studies or something, this could be fun

>> No.7977005

damn nvm then

>> No.7977028

Can you give more info on this? I also heard of it but never actually found that board

>> No.7977045

It looks like /freedu is still the most active one, but for some reason there's a bunch of leftist history textbooks and stuff posted. There's /edu too, but it has a third of the posts

>> No.7977076

..we could always make our own sci themed edu board, and migrate a lot of what's posted here

>> No.7977079

It's only popsci for the first half. The second half is pretty much impossible if you don't know linear algebra.

>> No.7977084

fuck I'm not actually TFQ, just sabotaging it

>> No.7977085

Please do not endorse illicit internet activity usage patterns under my name, thanks.

>> No.7977095

please FUCK off faggot

>> No.7977103

That and upload all of this and put a link in a wiki from the sticky

>> No.7977131

Please do not endorse imposters and I'd be happy to.

>> No.7977321

ok, sorry. I'll stop.

>> No.7977367

I love the smell of cum in the morning. When my boyfriend cums into my tight little asshole, I don't wash it but let his tiny sperm move around inside for hours on end.

>> No.7977562

>Introduction to computing science, algorithms, and data structures.

>> No.7977582

Looks like someone wants me to keep shitposting on /sci/. Luckily there are no rules for banning off topic posts. Every board is /b/ after all. Guess I'll have to keep monitoring for imposters or whatever.

>> No.7978069

well yeah, it's kinda popsci for math students, that's what I meant

>> No.7978098

what shall the board be named?

Laboratory is open

>> No.7978214

This thread is dying, so I guess I'll post more.

>Classical Electrodynamics (Griffiths Level)
>Every graduate level Physics course you could want
>Undergrad Solid State Physics
>Undergrad Real Analysis
>Complex Variables
>Baby Math
>God Level Math

>> No.7978988

requesting Reinforcement learning papers with continuous state/action pls

>> No.7980278

I found this to be an amazing resource, hope someone finds it useful too.

"MIT Challenge

Over the next 12 months, I’m going to learn the entire 4-year MIT curriculum for computer science, without taking any classes."

List of the courses and resources used in order and with reviews.


>> No.7980316

Which source should I follow:



I have 10 months and I want to do everything up to high school. Can I make it?

>> No.7980449
File: 139 KB, 706x784, algebra ii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to learn pic related in about 2 weeks. Is this possible? What open courses are there on this? It's abstract algebra course btw

>> No.7980473
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just get aluffi or something, all of that is basic shit

>> No.7980584

anybody have political science?
My majors are taking up too many course hours so I'll have to drop my polisci minor but I still want to learn the higher level stuff

>> No.7980593

Hope this thread will reach 500 reps

>> No.7980608

Thanks anon.

>> No.7980619

It's possible but whether or not you will pull it off depends on how quickly you're able to pick up math concepts and how hard you're willing to work.

I would avoid this book. It has the worst treatment of category theory I've ever seen and it then tries to use category theory to teach babby algebra in the most long winded way possible.

Just stick with something straightforward that you can read in a few sittings, like Pinter's Abstract Algebra.

>> No.7980652

>It has the worst treatment of category theory I've ever seen and it then tries to use category theory to teach babby algebra in the most long winded way possible.

It's not a book about category theory, it's an algebra book that uses the bare minimum of category theory to give the reader some idea of why it's useful, and those parts can otherwise be completely ignored. How many pages of it have you even looked at?

>> No.7980663

These links contain information on the subject, but do any of them contain any practice problems or ways to see if I am understanding the material?