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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7941330 No.7941330 [Reply] [Original]

Is computer science the assembly line worker of STEM?

Its the profession you do if you're not good enough at what ever you studied to be employed in it.

It consists of repetitive, routine application of basic ideas you can become competent at within 6months of practice.

I can't understand why anyone would want to be a programmer on purpose.

>> No.7941335

Programmer? Yes.

Proper computer science topics are not a joke though. Thinking especially cryptography, complexity, computability, algorithm design, queueing theory, type theory, etc.

>> No.7941458


99% of CS jobs literally consist of doing what is described in the OP.

>> No.7941470

>99% of CS jobs
>CS jobs
>what's in OP
OP's description and CS are mutually exclusive. Not my fault universities won't separate software engineering from computer science.

>> No.7941473


Pure CS is about as in demand as pure math.

Get a degree in CS, most likely you're going to be doing what the OP described.

>> No.7941500


A CS degree won't really help you get a software engineering job either.

>> No.7941574

No, but having social skills , being able to speak different languages (both natural and formal) and having a decent portfolio will.

Is /sci/ really this autistic?

>> No.7941580

Are engineers and chemists the assembly line works of STEM?

Its the profession you do if you're not good enough at whatever you studied to be employed in it.

It consists of repetitive, routine application of basic ideas you can become competent at within 6 months of practice.

I can't understand why anyone would want to be a chemist or engineer on purpose.

>> No.7941581

>I can't understand why anyone would want to be a programmer on purpose.

Do you want a job?

>> No.7941585

> A CS degree won't really help you get a software engineering job either.

What is the difference between a degree in software engineering and CS? They seem like the same exact thing.

>> No.7941589
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>competent at within 6 months of practice

You've never met a professional engineer or Ph.D of Chemistry

>> No.7941598
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>he thinks there's more to chemistry than just dropping one liquid into another

A monkey could be a chemist. I guess that's why they're called lab monkeys ;^)

>> No.7941611

>Is computer science the assembly line worker of STEM?

You know it is. It is a software engineer degree wearing science's mask. You see in those curriculums a lot of useless bullshit for people who want to work in software, like the tough theory. The problem with that is that people with CS degrees only get programmer jobs, so they don't need that theory, and people who do end up doing research in those theoretical fields either did pure math as a double major or as the single major that is still accepted for a CS PhD or masters.

By the way, that should be the first sign that Bachelors CS != Computer Science.

All of your criticisms are correct because of the sames reasons.

>I can't understand why anyone would want to be a programmer on purpose.

As someone working part time as a programmer I can say that doing this is not really fun in the corporate environment. The only bits of it that are any fun are when you have to do something that is mildly complex but because of past experience or simple intuition, you already have every single thing you are going to code visualized in your mind and you just start rocking the keyboard.

I get these moments at least once a day and they last no more than 5 minutes because I can type 120 words a minute, This is why you will see me coding slowly, then stop to get my head phones, put some anime music on and then start punching the mechanical keyboard like it was a dumb slut asking for it.

It is not the best job but it is certainly not the worst. At least I get to do math in it and I am just glad that I am filling my CV while also studying the most hireable and powerful university degree, pure mathematics. I'm not even joking about that.

>> No.7941668
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>be a programmer

theres a difference between programming and software engineering

also, you can do many things with the degree e.g. sales engineering

>> No.7941672
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> At least I get to do math in it and I am just glad that I am filling my CV while also studying the most hireable and powerful university degree, pure mathematics. I'm not even joking about that.

Math is only good if it actually helps you with some applicable skill. otherwise it's just a nuisance

>> No.7941744

Why the hate on CS? All CS grads from my school go on to get pretty good jobs, but I go to an Ivy so we aren't really comparable to some shit state school

>> No.7941752

I go to shit state school, and anyone who has a CS degree gets a comfy job. That may be because of the economy in WA, though. I have no idea if it's the same across the US.

>> No.7941754

>theres a difference between programming and software engineering

That's as dumb as the edgy 13-year olds who say there's a difference between bisexual and pansexual

>> No.7941779

Computer Engineer here, I dont know that people graduating with computer science degrees actually get employed.

But in computer engineering I would argue there is no more scientific feild around. I work in biotech with embedded systems and apply physics, math/logic, biology, chemistry, and many other sciences daily.

>> No.7941795

I guess nobody in this thread has heard of Computer Information Systems.

>> No.7941803
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College isn't an employability certificate mill.

>> No.7941808


>> No.7941809

>embedded systems
I hear that term a lot, can you explain what it means please?

>> No.7941811
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>being the sterotype

>> No.7941877

software engineering is design patterns, software architecture, project management and requirements

do you want to write documents all day without seeing a piece of code all day? thats what a software engineer/software architect does

>> No.7941911

OK let's stop pretending. We got this CS certificate to impress employers, they wet themselves when they think about a "scientist" working for them.
If you don't have a PhD, never mind calling yourself a scientist.

>> No.7941968

an embedded system is a low power control circuit that is embedded within something. Like cars having engine control units, reactors having thermocouples and temperature controllers, robots having servo controllers, or perhaps a space station having oxygen sensors and PID controlled tank.

It is a feild that combines hardware and software engineering into one catagory to handle various applications.

>> No.7942024

>mad script kiddie shitposts on /sci/

please crawl back to /g/ where someone might take you just a tiny bit seriously

>> No.7942049

This is why you do organometallics and not the other boring meme ion inorganic chemistry.

>> No.7942422

>did pure math as a double major or as the single major that is still accepted for a CS PhD or masters.

There is alot you don't know about academics. its the same for every BS to MS or even BS straight to PhD. You can get any higher level degree from an unrelated lower level degree after taking a selection of core courses.

>> No.7942428

>>theres a difference between programming and software engineering
>That's as dumb as the edgy 13-year olds who say there's a difference between bisexual and pansexual

Software engineers usually lead teams of programmers.

>> No.7942877

That's what 99.999% of engineers in the world do.

Source: Aero Engineer that worked for a bit over 3 years in the industry on military projects.

Glorified pencil pushers, the lot of my co-workers.

>> No.7942885

>College isn't an employability certificate mill.
When every middle class job lists a four year degree as a prerequisite, yes it is.

>> No.7942915

Do whatever the fuck you think is interesting.
Anyone telling you anything else are just projecting the fact that they want to kill themselves because after 10 years of careful though they realized that rimming themselves is a physiological impossibility.

>> No.7942993

This made my day thank you anon.

But for real though even if you don't believe that I am one, there clearly are serious computer scientists like Karp, Rivest, Blum, Levin and Lamport. Are most cs majors doing that kind of thing? No, most become code monkeys that glue APIs together.

A good example of practical stuff thats come our of cs research is a lot of the new things we're starting to see in computer vision. These were not hacked together by some 10x developer.

>> No.7943049
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using CS to solve scientifically relevant problems master race reporting in. pic very related, it's my curriculum. there's computability missing though which i took last semester

>> No.7943053


Why are you responding to the troll? Nobody said an undergrad degree taught anybody anything interesting. This is true in CS, math, physics, engineering, and any degree you care to name. People are picking on CS because they get morons like you to respond.

>> No.7943073

"Data processing is a new kind of science"

>> No.7943135


Theory of computation is one big thing, as well as a bunch of other courses focused on logic. The degree lures you in with "funtime program fizzbuzz yay!" And near the end you're putting grammars in greibach normal form or proving (/ disproving) IND-CCA security

>> No.7943170

IND-CCA is for plebs. Nonce misuse-resistant authenticated encryption (MRAE) at least or gtfo.

>> No.7943241
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>mfw still in crypto class haven't gotten to wtf that is

No spoilers mah nigga!

>> No.7943259

enjoy. Shit is dope. Crypto was one of my favorite classes I ever took.

> I mean, who doesn't want a (q,t,ɛ) IND-CCA secure alcoholic christmas cake gf?

(q is trials, t is runtime, ɛ is negligible win probability)

>> No.7943290


who doesn't want a q t epsilon gf?

>> No.7943539

This is the most retarded course schedule I have ever seen.

Is this compsci? You have like 5 courses which would be intro engineering courses depending on your major.

Anyone can pass intro courses!

This looks so easy I should have studied CS!