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File: 42 KB, 750x500, Donald-Trump-Bane_750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7938591 No.7938591 [Reply] [Original]

Explain this man with science. Why is he unstumpable? 40 million was spent on just two weeks worth of attack ads against him and his numbers increased.

>> No.7938593

Fascism is hardly a unique or new phenomenon.

>> No.7938595


>> No.7938597


>he thinks trump is a fascist in any meaningful way

If Trump is a fascist, then the word is utterly meaningless.

>> No.7938601
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>mfw sci is filled with dumb people like this

>> No.7938614

Depending on the definition of fascism, Trump and his rhetoric certainly contains aspects of fascism.

Umberto Eco's definition has 14 points.

>The Cult of Tradition , combining cultural syncretism with a rejection of modernism.

>The Cult of Action for Action's Sake, which dictates that action is of value in itself, and should be taken without intellectual reflection. This, says Eco, is connected with anti-intellectualism and irrationalism, and often manifests in attacks on modern culture and science.

>Disagreement Is Treason - fascism devalues intellectual discourse and critical reasoning as barriers to action.

>Fear of Difference , which fascism seeks to exploit and exacerbate, often in the form of racism or an appeal against foreigners and immigrants.

>Appeal to a Frustrated Middle Class, fearing economic pressure from the demands and aspirations of lower social groups.

>"Obsession with a Plot" and the hyping-up of an enemy threat; This often involves an appeal to xenophobia (such as the German elite's 'fear'of the 1930s Jewish populace's businesses and well-doings, see also anti-Semitism) with an identification of their being an internal security threat: He also cites Pat Robertson's book The New World Order as a prominent example of a plot obsession.

>"Pacifism is Trafficking with the Enemy" because "Life is Permanent Warfare" - there must always be an enemy to fight; Both fascist Germany under Hitler and Italy under Mussolini worked first to organize and clean up their respective countries and then build the war machines that they later intended to and did use, despite Germany being under restrictions of the Versailles treaty to NOT build a military force. This principle leads to a fundamental contradiction within fascism: the incompatibility of ultimate triumph with perpetual war.


>> No.7938620


What's wrong with fascism?

>> No.7938621

>"Contempt for the Weak" - although a fascist society is elitist, everybody in the society is educated to become a hero; for example: the 1930s Germans, especially Hitler labeled Jews inferior humans thus weak as well as the physically disabled, the mentally retarded and mentally ill as weak—thus these "weak" or unwanteds were eliminated (executed) or "exterminated" (the Jews, or even Germans with disabilities).

>"Selective Populism" - the People have a common will, which is not delegated but directed by a dictator; This casts doubt upon a democratic institution, because the leader and government "no longer represent the Voice of the People".

>"Newspeak" - fascism employs and promotes an impoverished vocabulary in order to limit critical reasoning.

You look me in the eye and tell me Trump advocates or uses or embraces none of these properties.

>> No.7938622


Some of these points could be applied to nearly every prominent politician in the western world. The schematic is retarded.

>> No.7938623

If you're an authoritarian boot licker, then nothing is wrong with fascim.
But if you like to live in a society that's free and allows freedom of thought and speech and religion, then fascism is bad.

>> No.7938625


>he things fascism is a bad thing


I really wish trump was a fascist. It's a damn shame he isn't.

>> No.7938627


Trump is an American populist, like teddy roosevelt. Don't be a retard.

>> No.7938629

The schematic was created to point out properties that historical fascism has coagulated around.
The presence of the properties merely allow fascism to grow and thrive.

>> No.7938630
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>> No.7938633
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Depending on the people you talk to, a lot of things. However, >>7938593 and >>7938614 simply pointed out that Trump is at least partly fascist.

pic related
He didnt say fascism is bad. He said Trump is fascist. You're /pol/ and you want to advertise how alt-right and how much of an alternative thinker and enlightened you are. >>>/pol/
/sci/ requires at least basic reading comprehension.

>> No.7938672




The spectrum has gone so far to the left, anything slightly beyond the centre is cried about as fascism.

>> No.7938678

>The spectrum has gone so far to the left
>He thinks America has a left wing

kek, you have a right wing and then a really right wing. What you see as "left wing" is actually just a cynical ploy to increase a voter base.

>> No.7938683

This, so much. I can't believe there are people who think America has 'leftists'.

>> No.7938693


Bernie is centre-left.

>> No.7938694

> uhh /sci/ is not a diverse place where people have opinions and options
Typical Berniefag. Do America a favor and kill yourself.

>> No.7938717

> Explain this man with science


>> No.7938721


Judging from your reading comprehension (or lack thereof) I assume you're referring to the second part of my post. This guy >>7938614 literally used definitions to define fascism and prove that Trump is a fascist. No opinions. There was literally no mention of anyone wanting to suppress anyone's view, and yet you still mentioned it because you're 'ENLIGHTENED !!11!' and want 'freedom of speech'. Ironically, your god Trump doesn't. Finally, I'm not American so thank god I won't have to participate in your farce elections.

I can't stress this enough. Your lack of reading comprehension, assumptions, and willingness to spout irrelevant crap belongs to:


Piss off and never come back unless you actually start reading and critically examining other people's posts without exhibiting all the hallmark characteristics of the uneducated /pol/ stereotype.

>> No.7938728


His definitions are shit and can apply to nearly any modern politician. If Trump is a fascist, fascism is meaningless.

As it has already been pointed out, he's a populist in the tradition of teddy roosevelt.

"Trump is a fascist" is an empty buzzword that is good for nothing. It's not even a good way to assassinate his character. His numbers and victories just grow even more.

As a big admirer of fascism myself, I'm telling you he is not a fascist.

>> No.7938731

Define fascism then, if you're such a large admirer of it.

>> No.7938736

Trump wants to
>expand the police
>expand the military
>expand NSA spying
>push censorship of "dangerous" ideas
>impose restrictions on freedom of speech
>increase the role of business in the country
How are those not the hallmarks of a fascist? For fucks sake, you faggots on /pol/ are even throwing around memes that depict him as Adolf Hitler as if it's a good thing.

>> No.7938742
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>mfw someone is a berniebot around me
fuck off berniebros

>> No.7938743

Wow, nice one. You sure showed us.

Go back to your hugbox.

>> No.7938744

>Anyone who thinks Trump is incompetent is a Berniefag

You /pol/fags are adorable.

>> No.7938745

>For fucks sake, you faggots on /pol/ are even throwing around memes that depict him as Adolf Hitler as if it's a good thing.

He doesn't know /pol/ is satire.

>> No.7938746
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Jeez, oh man. I wonder who these guys are voting for.

>> No.7938747
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>Umberto Eco
>was an Italian novelist, essayist, literary critic, philosopher and semiotician.
in other words a guy with opinions.


>> No.7938748


Many different presidents have done exactly that. Most of them. Are most of u.s. presidents fascist? Or does your shitty definition only extend to Trump? Is it pick n mix?

>> No.7938750

>le gb2 reddit maymay


>> No.7938751

Reddit has been the center of the alt-right community for years now

>> No.7938753

>sanders not mentioned in a single post
>still brings him up and uses a /pol/ image
>>>/pol/ and fucking stay there you cancerous shit.

I wish pol was satire. I really do. I really really really wish it was satire.

>> No.7938756

Every big time politician uses these tactics, either we're already a fascists state or it's a really shitty way of describing fascism.

>> No.7938758

>I-I was just pretending to be retarded
>I-it was just an elaborate ruse

>> No.7938759

Trump is closest to teddy roosevelt and FDR, if you think otherwise, you're a retard.

>> No.7938760

Alright, here's another definition from a political theorist

>Roger Griffin describes fascism as "a genus of political ideology whose mythic core in its various permutations is a palingenetic form of populist ultranationalism". Griffin describes the ideology as having three core components: "(i) the rebirth myth, (ii) populist ultra-nationalism and (iii) the myth of decadence". Fascism is "a genuinely revolutionary, trans-class form of anti-liberal, and in the last analysis, anti-conservative nationalism" built on a complex range of theoretical and cultural influences. He distinguishes an inter-war period in which it manifested itself in elite-led but populist "armed party" politics opposing socialism and liberalism and promising radical politics to rescue the nation from decadence.

>> No.7938761
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Man child detected. Run back to srs and circlebroke you useful-idiot, beta cuckold. Don't you have a bull to prep with Bernie Goldberg Sanders?

Anyone have real arguments?

>> No.7938765


>oh look, it's the same type of retard that said George w bush was a fascist

>> No.7938767

It's like you're vomiting but random nonsense phrases come out instead. I honestly don't even think there are any mental processes behind it.

>> No.7938773
File: 66 KB, 610x400, bbbut muh executive orders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you expect from absolute fucking morons?

Not an argument. I thought this place was filled with rational people?


>> No.7938774


The key word is revolutionary. Trump is not a revolutinary.

Trump is a liberal with some conservative views on the military and borders.

>> No.7938775

Or rather, the US is one of the few developed nations that still has a center and a right-wing at all. In Europe and Australia even so-called right-wing parties favor policies traditionally considered left-of-center, or even downright socialist. The fact that unassimilated immigration is considered at all as a viable solution for declining birthrates is evidence of this.

>> No.7938776
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The funny thing this can be applied to the modern left.

>The Cult of Action for Action's Sake, which dictates that action is of value in itself, and should be taken without intellectual reflection.
Hope and Change.

>Disagreement Is Treason
It's 2015

>Fear of Difference
either you're a feminist or a bigot"

>Appeal to a Frustrated Middle Class
Bernie's campaign

>"Obsession with a Plot"

>"Pacifism is Trafficking with the Enemy"
"We must stomp out the fascists."

>"Selective Populism"
The whole diversity schtick.

cis, gender fluid, islamophobe, ableist, sexist, racist, etc

>> No.7938777

>Umberto Eco's definition
Oh great, let's depend on a socialist fiction author.

The first rule of defining fascism is that you don't let socialists do it. Socialists know that a "fascist" is something that non-socialists don't approve of, so they try to apply the label to anything that opposes them.

Case in point:
>Appeal to a Frustrated Middle Class, fearing economic pressure from the demands and aspirations of lower social groups.
Socialism is all about using the rhetoric of distributing power to the people, for the actual purpose of arranging all of society into a single totalitarian hierarchy, with the largest segment being a propertyless, powerless slave pool at the bottom.

The middle class is an actual example of distributed power. The opposite of socialism is for the middle class to grow until it encompasses the entire population, with everyone having a fair and adequate slice of the means of production under their management. This is the one thing socialists are bound and determined to prevent.

The actual middle class is largely composed of decent people who want it to grow by promoting the poor to its ranks, but the Marxist strawman middle class is a group of evil parasites who need to be dragged out in the street and shot.

>"Obsession with a Plot" and the hyping-up of an enemy threat;
Socialism always seeks to advance itself by conspiratorial means. It's fundamentally about deception, plotting, infiltration, and subversion. So of course they want to ridicule their opponents as paranoid and delusional.

>> No.7938778
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George w bush did all that shit. Is he a fascist too?

>> No.7938779

Wow, nice strawmen! If there are any ten year olds reading this thread right now, you just convinced them! Good work!

>> No.7938780

Not an argument.

>> No.7938781
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Oh wow another guy with an opinion.
>Roger D. Griffin (born 31 January 1948) is a British professor of modern history and political theorist at Oxford Brookes University, England.

>> No.7938782

Obama did all of that too, other than increasing the size of the military. Everybody must be a fascist! Who'da thunk, eh?

>> No.7938784

Bush did it because of the public outcry after 9/11, and it later turned out to be unnecessary. Trump is running on doing those things just because.

It's amazing how badly you cucks want to give up your rights. You're over eight times more likely to be shot to death by police than to be killed by a terrorist in the US.

>> No.7938787

Neither is yours, it's just criticizing a bunch of made up positions that very few people, if any, actually hold.

>> No.7938794
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But on the off chance you're sincere:
Tell me then, faggot, who defines what fascism is? What definition is acceptable to you?

>> No.7938798
File: 33 KB, 976x548, 1457656795093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what made up positions? Each one of those are easily referenced.

>Hope and Change

>The Cult of Action for Action's Sake, which dictates that action is of value in itself, and should be taken without intellectual reflection.
Hope and Change.

>Disagreement Is Treason
It's 2015

>Fear of Difference
either you're a feminist or a bigot"

>Appeal to a Frustrated Middle Class
Bernie's campaign

>"Obsession with a Plot"

>"Pacifism is Trafficking with the Enemy"
"We must stomp out the fascists."

>"Selective Populism"
The whole diversity schtick.

>It's 2015

>"either you're a feminist or a bigot"
Gloria Allred

Pretty much any feminist out there.

>"We must stomp out the fascists."
The EU

>The whole diversity schtick.

oh but these are insignificant names, am i right? you're full of shit. btw look at how much your side values freedom, it's laughable.

>> No.7938801

> Stumped by Trump
Stay mad burpiefag. Don't talk about America if you hate it so much.

>> No.7938805

You generally don't stump yourself preaching to the choir. The stump comes in the general when he realised he's done nothing but alienate the majority of people who wont vote for him.

>> No.7938808

but how likely am i to be killed by a black?

>> No.7938816

Pretty much this. If it were Bernie vs Trump there wouldn't be any attack other than Cuck and muh socialism.

Against Hilary though... We'll have to see..

>> No.7938817

Authoritarian populism. Adding all these bells and whistles is silly, reeks of tryhard liberal arts major trying to appear smart while muddying the usefulness of the term.

>> No.7938818

>Trump is not a revolutinary.

He wants you to believe he is. And "revolutionary" doesn't refer to violent overthrow of the government, if that's what you're thinking. Fascist regimes are usually voted in, historically.

But anyway, whether he's really a fascist is not really the issue. OP was asking about his appeal, and that boils down to blatantly fascist rhetoric (according to the above definitions), which is always a powerful strategy.

>> No.7938819

Doesn't Hillary have an approval rate in the 20s even among Democrats? It seems the only reason people vote for her is because she's not a Republican and they're not meme enough to vote for the Bern.

>> No.7938823

it's not always a powerful strategy.
the population either has to be in, or thinks it's in, a social/economic turmoil. People have to have the notion that they're suffering or be convinced that the current institutions are working against them.
with the current levels of labor-force participation, it's not hard to convince people of economic turmoil (especially those who are out of work). As for social unrest, anyone who's had their property destroyed by BLM protesters, or have been on the wrong side of a verbal hand-grenade is ready to believe that something is going wrong.

>> No.7938824

old people are voting for Hillary b/c she is very pro-establishment; and old people are now part of the dependent establishment. They have enough wealth for Burnie to sieze, but they still benefit (somewhat) from the social programs they think the Democrats instated and will defend.

>> No.7938825

Don't forget the feminist memes too.
But yes, an article said 30% of Sanders supporters won't vote hillary.

So give or take 15% of the dem voting base is down. she won't have an easy time

>> No.7938830

I'm not opposed to trump policy, just trump, it's entirely possible to sell republican solutions to democrats. But his only interaction with his opponents is telling his supporters to beat them.

A simple 'I support your right to say it' to those protesters would have won him at least some voters from the other side and lost him none.

>> No.7938835

>But his only interaction with his opponents is telling his supporters to beat them
Except for when he addresses their policies.

Look how much he railed on Little Marco about immigration, or Guac Man Yeb on military intervention. He's also hit Clinton on women and the second amendment.

I don't think you've watched a Trump speech in your life.

>> No.7938840

Not him, but fascism is when people with conservative values adopt the tactics of the left, generally in response to an existential threat, since this involves a serious compromise of values.

For instance, when the growing Soviet Union, supported by the academic and diplomatic classes of Western Europe, threatened to swallow up all of Europe, the original Italian Fascists and the German Nazis rose by the means of seizing power they saw work in Russia, in order to put their countries on a war footing.

Where the Marxists targetted the whole middle class for looting to provide enough short-term wealth to take the next country, the Nazis just went after middle class Jews. Where the Soviets set their sights on bringing the entire world under the banner of international communism, the Nazis just wanted to take a self-sufficient territory which could be defended against both military and economic attack (they were particularly concerned with seizing agricultural land). Hitler wanted security for the German middle class, and was willing to manipulate the German lower classes (hence "national socialist") and sacrifice anyone else to gain it.

Fascism: left-wing means, right-wing ends.

>> No.7938841

The democratic opposition.

>> No.7938845

Which candidate values science the most?