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7938249 No.7938249 [Reply] [Original]

>he struggled with calc 1

>> No.7938306

Common, no body can be that stupid or los.

>> No.7938309

So you hope, anon. But I know someone who dropped out in first year because they couldn't pass Introductory Physics, literally high school physics with some calculus.

>> No.7938312

I actually struggled with Calc 1 since it was my first step out of ultra baby math. Curiously enough, I actually thought it was harder than the other calc classes, as well as harder than diffs or linear algebra

So far, every math class after that has been much easier. complex analysis is kinda weird, though.

>> No.7938317


Your brain got accustomed to working at a higher level.

>> No.7938319
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>don't have a single problem with Calc I
>have the hardest time in the world with Calc II
>breeze through Calc III and diff eq

>> No.7938322

Are you me? I went from A+ to B+ to A+

>> No.7938327

No problem with any of the engineering maths courses either. You know American Calc I - III, differential equations, linear algebra.

>> No.7938328

How did they get in in the first place?

>> No.7938332

> American Calc I - III, differential equations, linear algebra.

Too be fair this course sequence is pretty fucked up and relic of a past time.

>> No.7938333

Calc 1 is the only calc i need to take, i finished stats, trig, discrete 1 and am in 2. Is calc any hard? Should i be worried? I average a B+ in these math classes, admittedly not my strong suit

>> No.7938335

No fucking idea.

>> No.7938336

What would be a more advantageous course sequence for an engineering student?

>> No.7938339

bruh you'll be fine. its very rare to come across courses that you simply can't do. especially in undergrad - your grades will be determined by how willing you are to put yourself through the work required.

>> No.7938344

I tend to work myself up and always do fine, youre right. Thanks senpai

>> No.7938345


But I think because I am lazy and did no homework.

I got 94% on the pre-cal test on trig, log, algebra, and functions we did at the start of the course. It couldn't be because I didn't have a strong base..

>> No.7938356


Name a good sequence then faggit

>> No.7938358

Who didn't?

>> No.7938361

>never had to take calculus
>highest level of math is STAT 351

I honestly feel like I'm an inadequate scientist.

>> No.7938363

Im in calc2 right now with straight As. I even got an A on this weeks series quiz.

When does it get tough? And how can calc3 be easier?

>> No.7938370

This was how precal was for me. Worked home work problems one or two hours a day 7 days a week and still barely got a C. But the professor was ridiculously hard. He said on the first day, "if you want an to be a better math student, this is the place to be. If you want an A... no one ever gets an A in my classes." We started with 12 students, 7 withdrew and another guy and myself were the only two to pass with Cs.

>> No.7938375


How the fuck can you get a c on pre calc? Sounds like his grading system is retarded for the sake of "muh I'm so hardcore".

>> No.7938376

integrated lin. alg. with calculus

cambridge tripos

>> No.7938382

He provided quizes and assigned homework every week. Then on the test, he gave algebra problems that were the most difficult Ive experienced, worse than anything in calc1 or 2. Then we rushed trig, only 2 weeks for trig, so we could study series more thoroughly. Then on the final, it was half trig, half everything else.

>> No.7938383

>one or two hours a day
lol if you think this is a lot

>> No.7938396

I never said it was a lot, but im acing calc 2 bare studying 3 hours a week and calc 2 is supposed to be the worst of it before you go into higher maths.

>> No.7938398

Isn't that what calc I-III, linear algebra, and differential equations end up being?

>> No.7938411

Not all uni require certain grades at high school, some will let enter anyone who finished it.

But you are all muh only MIT tier exists.

>> No.7938429

I have a question: What is the difference between real analysis and calculus? Some universities offer real analysis in place of calculus.

>> No.7938439
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>He has clinical depression and THIS is how he copes

>> No.7938442

So he was a dickhead. Figures. Dickheads, man. They never learn.

>> No.7938445
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>he struggled with running 1 mile

>> No.7938457

calculus is calculations/computations. real analysis is mathematics.

>> No.7939322
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>he struggled with an undergraduate course

>> No.7939345


>> No.7939360
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>> No.7939367

Real analysis was the first class I struggled with in math. I had to take it again and every math class afterwards has come to me as easily as the stuff before it(obviously with more work due to the increased difficulty/quality of work expected). I think everyone hits some wall in academics at some point, whether it's in grad, undergrad or even high school.

>> No.7939400

Analysis was hard until I stopped playing phone games and started paying attention
hopefully that's true of time series and operations research

>> No.7939487

dubs checked