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File: 60 KB, 396x458, Mae-Jemison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7934901 No.7934901[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'll start with her.....

An avid student, Mae Jemison earned dual degrees in chemical engineering and African-American studies at Stanford University, while becoming fluent in Japanese, Russian and Swahili. She received a doctor of medicine degree from Cornell University and then served in the Peace Corps in Sierra Leone and Liberia. Upon her return to the United States, Jemison applied to the astronaut program at NASA.

Thoughts /sci/?

>> No.7934908
File: 475 KB, 630x344, hot nun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's cute, I'd want to make babies with her tbqh

>> No.7934915

Mods please delete before this goes to 300 replies for no fucking reason, drowning out all other real science threads.

>> No.7934918

so an average good engineer.

I mean it's superior to american standards, but it's average for a good european engineer.

>> No.7934925

And it begins.

>> No.7934926

Can a burger please explain to a europoor what is the typical curriculum of "African-American studies"?

>> No.7934937

It's an easy humanities program, that local /pol/ types will use to dismiss the fact that she has ChemE, MD, 4 languages, etc.

>> No.7934956

I'm happy for her but I still feel like a failure. She just blew my entire life out of the water.

>> No.7934968
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Are you serious?

>> No.7934972
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On the topic of black astronauts...

>> No.7934974

there's always someone who's vastly more accomplished than you

>> No.7934977

>Thoughts /sci/?
Would bang.

>> No.7934985
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>> No.7935003

How do you get a scheme and a MD ? Doesn't that take like 16 years of studying ?

>> No.7935006


>> No.7935008

That guy who invented digital clocks

>> No.7935010

An MD takes 4 years, a BA takes 4 years. I really don't get why she would waste 200000 dollars on a medical degree if she isn't a doctor

>> No.7935012

>Thoughts /sci/?
Thoughts on what? She is extremely accomplished, obviously very smart, a worthy candidate for an astronaut and she got in? What's there to say?

>> No.7935019

shes black

>> No.7935023


>> No.7935042

Apparently it's so rare or something that we need to draw special attention to it. I don't know, people keep telling me I'm so racist for not really knowing or caring what race someone is when I define their caliber as a person so I ain't the best person to ask about why this is important.

>> No.7935070
File: 66 KB, 306x226, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you don't see that often tho, after 250 years of oppression that her ancestors endured and countless other racial and sexist obstacles she did great for herself.

>> No.7935074
File: 108 KB, 850x440, Booker G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>250 years of oppression that her ancestors endured
How do you know that? There are more Black immigrants in the US then there are people of slave decent

>> No.7935082
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<<<Another smart dude that deserves more credit

>> No.7935089

O yeah, it's so hard to succeed as a black women in STEM. It's not like there's a million scholarships specifically for you, affirmative action programs specifically for you, or constant propaganda that tells you you're a special snowflake.

>> No.7935090
File: 71 KB, 680x583, 307188_10150888635865092_438375240091_21378220_1629462035_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread triggers the newfag /pol/tards who came to 4chan because "its like this underground hacker free speech website where they support trump and post celebrity nudes xDDDDD"

>> No.7935105

Of course you don't see it as often. There's better than 7 whites for every black and yes there was a lot of oppression and the like but to say that there's "oh so many obstacles" when there were black congressmen within a decade or two after the civil war, and about a hundred years ago the black employment rate and black crime rate were both better than the white ones on average doesn't really hold that much water. This idiotic idea of overglorifying successful blacks simply because of their race is still racism, and in fact is somewhat condescending.

>> No.7935112

> muh selection for dumb black slaves :^(
> lol why are blacks dumb?

>> No.7935113

I can't believe I agree with a weeaboo.

>> No.7935114
File: 682 KB, 1018x1346, Ben_Carson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7935116

If you're gonna stereotype at least do it somewhat accurately. I don't support Trump (although I would support him over any D candidate easily), I don't come here because it's some fancy "hacker underground blah blah" website, I come here to laugh and be entertained. And I certainly don't come here to really talk politics when there's a hundred other websites to do that on.

But yeah apparently thinking that a politically minded thread that praises competent black people more for being black than for being competent is above criticism simply illustrates your own biases and lack of critical thinking.

>> No.7935126
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>> No.7935138
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>european engineers
where have you been like the past 50 years bud

>> No.7935159

I know, it's not a burst ego I felt like shit reading her accomplishments because I've been on autismbux for 5 years.
IIRC she was hired as an astronaut to do medical experiments in space.
>Affirmative action in the 1970s
What planet are you on?

>> No.7935171

It's only racist if you celebrate white people you fucking shitlord check your privilege.

>> No.7935177

>person is smart and/or a "genius" because they know more than multiple languages
When will this stop? Can someone enlighten me about what is so fucking hard about learning a different language? It's much more dependent on effort than intelligence

>> No.7935193


>> No.7935196

Her degrees speak more about her intelligence than the languages desu. The thing is, being curious and learning a lot of things usually correlates with intelligence, which is why we often make the assumption you described, which isn't necessarily true.

Becoming an astronaut though isn't about intelligence, it's about the effort you are willing go to.

>> No.7935199

>4 languages
only impressive for ameriturds

>> No.7935203


>> No.7935204

back to

>> No.7935417


I can feel the shockwave from the assblast.

>> No.7935478

Saw him talk at the Nobel Conference. Smart man.

>> No.7935489

>black person robs people and screams "dindu!"
>ends up in racebait thread
>black person gets two stem degrees and becomes an astronaut
>ends up in racebait thread

>> No.7935495

Ya'll niggers posting in a nigger thread

>> No.7935497


bill gates is the richest man in the world.

>> No.7935502

Motherfucker most Europeans only speak two languages, very few speak three, and it is extremely rare to find someone fluent in four different languages. Don't be stupid.

>> No.7935513

>Motherfucker most Europeans only speak two languages

Only if you're French or a Brit. Literally everyone else will have their own language, english and one of italian/spanish/french/german. Most non-brit/frog yuros I know speak 3+ languages.

>> No.7935522

how about sub-Saharan Africans tho
I've got a Ghanaian classmate, and he speaks like FOUR OR FIVE languages, and that's just barely enough to be able to go anywhere in Ghana and be understood.
he's a cool dude, and his English is breddy gud/10


>> No.7935542

>how about sub-Saharan Africans tho
even super-saharans actually
they know arabic, french, english and usually spanish or german at least from school

>> No.7935543

Is this the day that /sci/ racebait threads went too far? Most of the replies are defending her.

>> No.7935546
File: 50 KB, 600x560, BzkKSm_CYAADCuI[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Motherfucker most Europeans only speak two languages
pic related

engineers are way more educated than the average population though.

>> No.7935553

>England so predictable

>> No.7935568
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>> No.7935600

>African-American studies
into the trash it goes

>> No.7935610

> went to stanford at 16

>> No.7935615

well yeah

most of the other countries are learning english

>> No.7935626

Kek the newfag /pol/tard took the time to type that out

>> No.7935670

I don't even care if she's black, but
>short hair
Why are even smart women so dumb, they think it's attractive to anyone?

>> No.7935687


this guy is smarter than I will ever be, I have a lot of respect for him

stanford has a lot of impressive people who are black, they must recruit outstanding blacks pretty heavily

>> No.7935724
File: 70 KB, 600x350, the flaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7935725

short hair is cute

>> No.7935730

>Not being in college at age 16
How does it feel to be inferior

>> No.7935733

>African-American studies
doesn't matter , who the fuck studies 'African-American studies'
seriously what the fuck americucks how is this a thing .

>> No.7935734

if there was any actual oppression
the blacks would have left the country

>> No.7935738

>being in college at all after they became a meme in 1950s
enjoy your debnt and nojobs :^)

>> No.7935780

>being American or a Brit


I enjoyed my free two masters degrees, as well as countless job opportunities.

>> No.7935790

>blacks would have left the country
... and gone where?
Try to think in terms of reality, fgt pls

>> No.7935909

The french are barely bilingual

>> No.7935914

I doubt Ben Carson is like this. Obama mostly evaded the racial issues in the US aswell, besides making remarks about it here and there.

>> No.7935919

The right thing to do is to report these shit threads and hide them.