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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7928075 No.7928075 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7928079

the A card, The K card, And the 2 card.

>> No.7928080

Sorry, got I have this one wrong. ALL of them must be checked. Ya got me.

>> No.7928082

This exact same post was posted weeks ago
fuck off

>> No.7928083

just the 'A' card, I think.

>> No.7928088

I hope these other responses are trolling. A and 7.

>> No.7928114

Why the 7? Anything at all on the other side still follows the rule.

>> No.7928118

Because if the card is 7, E then it doesn't follow the rule of vowel on one side, even on the other you drooling tard

>> No.7928121

A is the only vowel, and K isn't, so we don't have to check K. 2 is irrelevant because if there is a vowel on the other side, it doesn't break the rule, and if there isn't, it doesn't break the rule. 7, however, may break the rule. So only 7 and A you have to check.

>> No.7928146

"If a card has a vowel on one side, it must have an even number on the other side."

A, K, and 7.

If A is not a vowel then there is a contradiction.
K, because the inverse is not logically equivalent, so K could have a vowel on the other side, thus being a contradiction of the statement.
2 is allowed to be anything, because the converse does not need to hold true.
7, to see if not a vowel, else contradiction

>> No.7928156

A and 7

This is basically just testing if you know what a conditional statement is

>> No.7928161

*If A is not an even, than contradiction

>> No.7928166

K as well, the statement doesn't define letter/letter pairs, i.e. K could have an E.

>> No.7928175

There is no reason to check K. We only care about if vowels have an even number on the other side. The back of the K card might be a consonant, vowel, odd number, or even number but it doesn't matter. The only condition is that vowels must have even numbers on their back.

>> No.7928191


>> No.7928218

Turn A over it must have an even number
Turn 2 over it must have a vowel.
How are you people not getting this?

>> No.7928229 [DELETED] 

I thought this at first, but if you don't flip the K then you can't verify the possible contradiction that a vowel card does not have a number on the back. If you flip the K and it shows a vowel, you just contradicted the rule and disproved it.

However, I'm pretty sure the intention is that every card has a number on one side and a letter on the other.

>> No.7928230

If A has a vowel behind it, the statement is false.
If K has a vowel behind it, the statement is false.
If 7 has a vowel behind it, the statement is false.
If 2 has a vowel behind it, the statement is true.

>> No.7928429

You have to turn K over...
What if it has a vowel on the other side...

>> No.7928521

I got this one so so wrong in the first thread.

>> No.7928533


A, 2, 7

A to see if the number is even or not
K is irrelevant
2 to see if there's a vowel or not
7 to see if there's a vowel or not

>> No.7928536

They all have to be checked

>> No.7928565

I thought about it, and I don't think not vowel = odd by extension, so K and 7 are irrelevant; you only need to support the clause of the statement, not the extrapolated clause

So A2

>> No.7928571


What if the K has a vowel on the other side you droolling tard

>> No.7928646

A, K and 7.
Some people take more time to get this.
There is a lot of things you can have on the other side of a card. Lets see some:
-Integers (odd, even)
-Characters (vowels, consonants)
-etc, etc, etc
So, you must to check:
* A (it must have and even number on the other side)
* K (if have a Vowel on the other side, the rule hasnt been followed)
*2 (Irrelevant, you can have whatever (even a vowel)
* 7 (same case as K)

>> No.7928666

its irrelevant because the rules dont state that consonants cant have even numbers. if K has an even or odd, neither breaks the rule

you drooling retard

>> No.7928677

only A.

K is irrelevant, 2 is irrelevant too (since nothing is said about the case when there is an even number on the first side an a vowel on the other), 7 is irrelevant too...

>> No.7928686

This one's right.

>> No.7928709


>> No.7928757

Only acceptable answers are A and 7, or all of them if you're being pedantic and saying anything could be on the other side, i.e. just because a letter is on one side doesn't mean a number is on the other and vice versa.

>> No.7928777

What if the 2 card is a prism with numbers/letters on 4 of the faces? You have to check them all.

>> No.7928785

there is no casting shadow

>> No.7928816


Why would 7 need to be turned?

>> No.7928820

If a vowel is on the other side it broke the rule.

>> No.7928857

This is wrong
It's not if you can see a vowel on one side, there must be an even number on another side, it's vowel on one side = even on the other.

And assuming the converse must be true is an extrapolation that may be intuitive, but is not based on the given information and is irrelevant

So just a2

>> No.7928861

You're assuming the converse is true,which is not actually stated

>> No.7928865


Read my post again, fucking moron

>> No.7928868

No, I'm not. This is really simple. Go through it card by card. The A is straightforward. The king isn't a vowel. The 2 is even so no matter if it's a vowel or consonant on the other side the rule is satisfied. If the 7 has a vowel on the other side, then there is a card with a vowel that does not have an even number on the other side and the rule is broken, so it has to be checked.

>> No.7928870

I meant the K isn't a vowel, obviously. Poker has conditioned me.

>> No.7928916

Nowhere is it stated that cards have letters on one side and integers on the other.
The K card might have a photorealistic pencil sketch of that growth on your mom's anus.
Or it might have a vowel. In which case the rule is broken.

>> No.7928924

read: >>7928757
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to point out your stupidity. You almost made it too obvious on your own with that post too.

>> No.7928932

I read it.
This is supposed to be a logic puzzle.
The precise wording is important.
Get your panties in a twist and crying about people being pedantic doesn't change the fact that you are objectively wrong.

>> No.7928941


Could it be that getting a 140 on an online IQ test is actually NOT proof of being a genius?

>> No.7928942

Uh oh, I hurt your feelings. If it makes you feel better, even I know you know what you're saying is stupid and that you're just trying to save face.

>> No.7929151

For fuck sake, how are you guys having problem with that question?
t is a proposition for the vowel problem
r is a proposition for the number problem

t can be true or false, thus
r can be true or false, thus

"(...)Whenever there is a vowel, it must have an even number on the other side of the card(...)"

Or: If t, then r; and t is true, implies r must be true.
(t->r )^t => r


V(t,r) = T

Can there be a vowel card without an even number on the other side?

The only instance where it can be false is when Vowel does not have an even number on the other side or if the odd number has a vowel on the other side of the card.
So we should check the vowel A and we should check the number that is not even.
So the answer is A AND 7.

>> No.7929161

other anon. the initial riddle stated that every card has a number on one side and a letter on the other. this is missing from op's image, so you're right if we don't consider the missing rule

>> No.7929360


All that autism and you still can't figure out you need to check the K

>> No.7929390
File: 40 KB, 380x378, Chosen_one_bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7929437

You need to check the A card because it has a vowel on the front, so if it follows the rule it should have an even number on the other side. It might have an odd number or a letter on the other side, so you need to check it.

You need to check the K card because it might have a vowel on the other side, breaking the rule that states that cards with vowels on one side must have an even number on the other side (K is not even a number, let alone an even number).

You do not need to check the 2 card because no matter what's on the other side, it doesn't break any rules.

You need to check the 7 card because there might be a vowel on the opposite side, which breaks the rule.

TL;DR: A, K and 7 must be checked.

>> No.7929462


These threads always make me cringe so hard at people not understanding basic logic.

>> No.7929466

For all vowels there is an even number.

That statement says Vowel -> Even
The converse is not always logically equivalent, Even -> Vowel, so an even number such as 2 is allowed any pair.

Check A because if it is a consonant or odd number, the rule has not been followed

Check K because if it is a Vowel, the rule that All vowels have evens has not been followed.

2 does not need to be check for the converse is not equivalent, for something to be even does not necessitate that it be a vowel.

For all vowels must have evens, but for all evens need not to have vowels

7 is checked for the same reason K is checked
>The only instance where it can be false is when Vowel does not have an even number on the other side or if the odd number has a vowel on the other side of the card.

K is not even nor odd, so you would check it for the same reason you checked 7. If it had a Vowel on the other side, it would be a contradiction to the statement.

>> No.7929470


>> No.7929690

if r is false, then it can be a odd number or a freaking consonant. It's only true when it's a even number.
the t proposition is always going to be about the vowel. If it's not a vowel, then the implication is going to be a true one and the P((t->r)^t) value is going to be true only if the fucking t is true ....................


>> No.7929727

I'm here again. I understand what you are talking about. You are correct when you assure that one should check the K card if there's not a rule about two letters on a card. If P(t) = F and Q(r)=F, then the statement is true, but the rule is not.

So it's A and 7 if a card can't have two letters on it; it's A,K and 7 if a card can have two letters on it.

>> No.7929775

Right. And it isn't stated anywhere that a card can't have two letters on it, so you were wrong.

Now apologize.

>> No.7930065


Nigger, check all of them
any of these could be wrong
what makes you assume that a vowel causes an odd number but not the other way around? It wasn't stated

>> No.7930083

the card with the vowel and the card with an odd number

>> No.7930147

A, K, and 7
A might not have an even number
K might have a vowel
7 might have a vowel
if 2 has a vowel its fine, and it doesn't say it has to

>> No.7930150

This you fucking tards

>> No.7930154

It does say even numbers can't have consonants, so that would break the rule.

>> No.7930159

Ill repeat what was said in the last thread
"we have to check them all because there could be smaller cards hiding underneath them and we have to check those too"
I do not claim responsibility for this joke.

>> No.7930165

"cant" is not written anywhere

thanks for everyone here showing me how deluded the intellectual archetype can be. ill be sure to never trust the word of someone confident again. i have ascended

>> No.7930174

A, K, and 7.

If A has an odd number, you've broken the rule.
If K has a vowel, you've broken the rule.
If 7 has a vowel, you've broken the rule.

However, if you turn around 2 and it has a consonant, or another number, you haven't broken the rule. The rule states that all vowels have even numbers on the back, not that all even numbers have vowels on the back. So the only ones that need to be turned over are A, K, and 7.

>> No.7930177

I never said it was you retard, all it says is if one side has a vowel, the other must have an even number, so if you flip over K and its a vowel then one side has a vowel and the other DOESN'T have an even number, therefore the rule is broken.

>> No.7930184
File: 1017 KB, 170x247, 1452720873465.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sci/ failing literally basic logic
you can't make this up.

>> No.7930192

I'm pretty sure that happens at least twice every day.

>> No.7930215
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, i seent it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is incredible that of all places it is 4chan who fucks up the simple concept of an implication.


>> No.7930238

You are all dumbasses.
It is A and 2.

>> No.7930246
File: 5 KB, 345x283, 1424225803520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm fucking cracking up. I never come here but decided to pop in on a whim, and this is what I find. The answer seems so simple to me, but so many people are making assumptions and fucking it up. I feel pretty good for an English major who dropped out of college after one semester. My answer is here, by the way: >>7930174

>mfw people think K is an even number

>> No.7930268


wrong you fucking retard

It's fucking incredible that 4channers cant grasp the concept of implication.


Please just stop having opinions.

>> No.7930292

>It does say even numbers can't have consonants, so that would break the rule.


READ IT AGAIN. It says a vowel must have an even number, not that an even number must have a vowel. Here's another similar statement:

>All cats must be mammals.

Compare this to the statement in the riddle:

>A vowel must have an even number on the other side.

You are assuming, based on no evidence, that since a vowel must have an even number on the other side, then an even number must have a vowel on the other side:

>A vowel must have an even number on the other side.
>Therefore, an even number must have a vowel on the other side.

However, if you apply that logic to the cats, it makes no sense:

>All cats must be mammals.
>Therefore, all mammals must be cats.

You can't assume, with the scant information given, that just because all vowels have evens on the back that means all evens have vowels on the back. That is flawed logic.

>> No.7930300

2 doesn't actually need to be turned over. If it does have a vowel, fine, that fulfills the conditions. If it doesn't? There's nothing about ONLY vowels getting paired with even numbers, so that would be fine too.

>> No.7930303

Why don't you specifically point out where I went wrong instead of linking a Wikipedia article?

>> No.7930326

If we assume all cards have a letter and a number, you are right.

>> No.7930375

A and 7.

A to confirm the rule, 7 to attempt a contradiction.

K and 2 are irrelevant and provide no information to solving the question.

For the people assuming that K can have either digits or letters on the back of it: why do you assume this can be possible when there is no mention of it in the problem?

Do you really think someone made this problem and was thinking "oh boy I can't wait to fuck someone's day up because I intentionally didn't mention that cards could have either numbers or letters on the back of them!"

>> No.7930386

why do you assume this must be impossible when there is no mention of it in the problem? is there some law of physics I don't know about that says a letter can't be opposite another letter on a piece of paper?

>> No.7930410

>law of physics
wew lad

I never said it was impossible, I'm just saying it's idiotic to think that whoever made this problem is trying to fuck with people on that level.

It's obvious that the logic of the problem is hard enough for most people. Throwing a "gotcha" by allowing for letters to have letters on the back is pointless as it doesn't actually prove you are any more logical than if you were to just answer A and 7.

If anything, it shows you are unfamiliar with inductive reasoning w.r.t. conditional propositions.

Think about it, what do you really prove by adding K? That you can make up some random situation that could *possibly* occur and test for it?

Well, guess what, nothing in the problem says that the cards can't have pictures of elephants on the back of them. You don't see people answering that one of the cards could have a picture of an elephant on them that contradicts the proposition.

>> No.7930417

>why do you assume this can be possible when there is no mention of it in the problem?
There's nothing saying that there has to be a letter on the other side of the number or a number on the other side of the letter
There's nothing saying that the other side of the cards can't be blank either
The other side of the 7 card might just be blank and then it doesn't offer the contradiction
>Do you really think someone made this problem and was thinking

>> No.7930420

>There's nothing saying that there has to be a letter on the other side of the number or a number on the other side of the letter
Other than the only rule stated concerning vowels

>> No.7930423

>I'm just saying it's idiotic to think that whoever made this problem is trying to fuck with people on that level.

From a naïve standpoint:

The objective of logic puzzles is not to immediately discard possibilities that seem counterintuitive, or in your case "idiotic" and then try to reason your way about the puzzle

From a serious standpoint:

Literally any time someone posts some fucking puzzle-in-an-image shitpost to /sci/ (or anywhere else) the object is literally to "fuck with people on that level". Just like that one that was going around a while back equating fruit with numbers and doing sums and shit and the whole point was that the cluster of bananas had one fewer

>> No.7930428

Thread has reached maximum stupidity.

Posting solution video.

>> No.7930435

That's a different problem than provided in the OP though

>> No.7930442

0/10 not even trying

>> No.7930452

Let me guess the answers to

>In the following question the answer is not to be deduced but rather given as '5'; What is 2 + 2?

>What is 2 + 2?

are the same too?

Posing a question with and without an operative stipulation can result in two separate answers correct as an answer only to their respective question, obviously.

>> No.7930470

that's not how you spell AK-47, OP

>> No.7930506

>For the people assuming that K can have either digits or letters on the back of it: why do you assume this can be possible when there is no mention of it in the problem?

I assume BECAUSE there is no mention of it in the problem. If I'm not given any information on what is on the back of K, how can I possibly know what is on the back of K? See this post: >>7930292

You're assuming that a consonant follows similar rules to the vowel, simply because they are both letters.

>Vowels have a number on the back.
>Vowels are letters.
>Letters must have a number on the back.
>Consonants, which are letters, must have a number on the back.

Let's apply this logic to animals. Pretend you had never seen a fish before, but you had experience of cats:

>Cats must live on land.
>Cats are animals.
>Animals must live on land.
>Fish, which are animals, must live on land.

You can't assume to know the rule for consonants just because you know the rule for vowels. Since there is no hint of what might be on the back of K, you have to assume it might be anything, even another letter.

>> No.7930511

>Vowels have a number on the back.
says who?

>> No.7930524

>Think about it, what do you really prove by adding K? That you can make up some random situation that could *possibly* occur and test for it?


The WHOLE FUCKING POINT of the logic exercise is that you're not given information about what is on the back of K, so you shouldn't make assumptions that K has a number on the back. Therefore you should check K to make sure there isn't a vowel back there. Since you are given NO INFORMATION about what is on the back of K, you have to assume that it can be anything.

>> No.7930585
File: 391 KB, 859x493, cards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That video specifically mentions that all cards have a number on one side and a letter on the other side. The people doing that test were given TWO pieces of information: "cards have a number on one side and a letter on the other" AND "a vowel must have an even number on the other side". So the conclusion you are meant to come to is A and 7 only.


The OP image contains just one piece of information: "a vowel must have an even number on the other side". There is no mention of the cards having a letter on one side and a number on the other. Therefore, if given just the information in the OP of this thread, you must turn over A, K, and 7 to prove the statement true.

Essentially, the test in the video and the test the OP gave us are two different tests, since we were given two different sets of information.

>> No.7931581

Is this whole thread a bait, why do half of the people think that you don't have to flip K when you have to flip 7....


>> No.7931630

Interesting video, too bad the guy has some sort of speech impediment making it slightly difficult to understand his words.

>> No.7931714

Not the back, the opposite side. If K has a vowel on its other side then that vowel does not have an even number on its opposite side. A, K, and 7 must be turned over.

>> No.7931718

This guy gets it

>> No.7931720

If p then q does not imply if q then p. 2 doesn't need to be checked, K does

>> No.7931988

A and 7

>> No.7931991

The problem with this post is that the OP forgot to mention the other part where it is stated that numbers always have letters on the back and letters always have numbers.

>> No.7932307

a and 7 numb nuts

>> No.7932437

Why doesn't 2 break the rule if it doesn't have a vowel on the other side?

>> No.7932472

The rules specify only that cards with vowels on one side must have an even number on the other. Consonants can also have an even number on the other side. So the letter on the back of the 2 card could be anything, and the rules still work.

Its an if (A) then (B) set up, which does not nessicairily mean that if (B) then (A).

Where A is the card is a vowel, and B is the number on the other side is even.

There was a better way to explain that but i just got off 14 hour flight.

>> No.7932843

A and 7?

>> No.7932849
File: 42 KB, 640x391, 1456752215568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP forgot to mention the other part where it is stated that numbers always have letters on the back and letters always have numbers.
You mean the part you drew entirely from your OCD imagination because it satisfies your sense of ordnung?

>a and 7 numb nuts
>A and 7?
Nope, what if the K has a vowel on the other side?

>> No.7932950

Where do you get this "first" side from? There is two sides...if either side has a vowel there must be an even number on the other...there is no first side