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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7926766 No.7926766 [Reply] [Original]

Why are /sci/ geniuses generally very old school?

>listen to classical, barbershop, jazz and pink floyd
>into old school films before the 70s
>still buy physical books rather than use e-reader
>still have yet to make the transition to touchscreen phones and tablets
>have this obsessive fascination with pre-90s games and 8-bit
>own ancient game consoles
>collect retro cards stamps
>use a non-updated version of linux
>use latex instead of word
>use latex for drawing diagrams than on photoshop
>use latex for literally fucking everything

>> No.7926782


Because that's the stereotypical characteristics of geniuses. /Sci/ autists want to project that image.

>> No.7926788
File: 147 KB, 800x601, 2006-12-25-what-would-richard-feynman-do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its because they are insecure about their intelligence, and so surround themselves with the traditionall trappings of intelligence to boost their image.

Actual geniuses dont care about that shit, they just do what they want.

>> No.7926793

Who are you even talking about? None of that describes me, except for the genius part.

I listen exclusively to anime music

I don't watch films, specially not mainstream american ones because when you have read and watched anime like Berserk, any other piece of media cannot even compare.

I download PDFs and read them on my laptop, phone or iPad.

I did, as previously mentioned.

I don't play videogames that are not competitive and even then I don't even attempt to get too far. I just do it because it is fun to know that you are better than someone else.

I don't play game consoles because I have a fucking PC.

I don't collect cards or other gay shit like that

I use windows.

I barely know any latex.

I barely know any latex.

I barely know any latex.

>> No.7926800

>/Sci/ autists want to project that image.
Truest thing ever said in this board. This.

>> No.7926813

>listen to classical, barbershop, jazz and pink floyd
Jazz and Pink Floyd are hardly "old school" or marks of genius
>still buy physical books rather than use e-reader
They're easier to read.
>still have yet to make the transition to touchscreen phones and tablets
I don't know where you're even coming up with this.
>have this obsessive fascination with pre-90s games and 8-bit
I've never met anybody that has an obsession with 8-bit, even on /sci/.
>own ancient game consoles
Most "nerds" only play PC games, and most productive people don't bother with vidya.
>collect retro cards stamps
>use a non-updated version of linux
Linux is the cheapest Unix available, and is used by many people for that reason.
>use latex instead of word
That's like saying "use a hammer instead of a saw."
>use latex for drawing diagrams than on photoshop
Nobody would use photoshop to draw arrows.
>use latex for literally fucking everything
It's the easiest way to create technical documents.

>> No.7926830

Why are these autists also so defensive?

>> No.7926838

>listen to classical, barbershop, jazz and pink floyd
>into old school films before the 70s
Not really
>still buy physical books rather than use e-reader
I like flipping pages a lot. But I don't read a lot anyway
>still have yet to make the transition to touchscreen phones and tablets
>have this obsessive fascination with pre-90s games and 8-bit
>own ancient game consoles
Nope, never havd
>collect retro cards stamps
>use a non-updated version of linux
Don't have a computer
>use latex instead of word
That's just common sense
>use latex for drawing diagrams than on photoshop
>use latex for literally fucking everything
It looks good and it's not that complicated

>> No.7926921

>I listen exclusively to anime music

Kek, and he claims to be a genius

>> No.7926933

When anime is the only type of media that even comes close to your standards then it is easy for that media to monopolize your interests. I will always like a song from an anime I like, provided the song is not objectively shit.

Even then, most anime is mediocre at best so I feel bad for people who only watch non-japanese entertainment. I can only imagine they want to kill themselves.

Anyways, I am not a music person. I don't ever go around looking for music of any genre because I don't enjoy any genre in particular. I just like stuff that sounds good and because the only things I listen are anime openings and endings, those are the things I end up listening exclusively.

You are telling me that you actually go out of your way to look for music that specifically fits your taste? How do you get time to do maths 10 hours a day then?

topkek brainlets.

>> No.7926982

>use latex for fucking everything
Using something useful is not bad. [math]\mathfrak{FAGGOT}[/math]

>> No.7927016

>barbershop, jazz and pink floyd are intelligent
>barbershop, jazz and pink floyd are anything but stoner-tier
Nice meme

>> No.7927025

>How do you get time to do maths 10 hours a day then?
>calls other people brainlets
>claims he's a genius
>listens to anime music
>has to do math for 10 hours a day instead of Instantly grasping the concept, making your own conjecture and the solving it
Topkek brainlet

>> No.7927086

Try to write a real maths paper in world m8

>> No.7927252
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>thesis supervisor listens to 70's blues
>a colleague I'm collaborating with listens to 19th century pianists, like Rach or Profo
>I listen to 17-18th century Baroque music

>> No.7927256

Because they're not geniuses. They want to feel like special snowflakes.

>> No.7927267

>only 90's kids, amirite guiz?
This is how you sound right now.

>> No.7927908
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>no anime music

>> No.7927926

>pink Floyd
P l e n

>> No.7928237

I'll answer the ones that actually apply.
>still buy physical books rather than use e-reader
Reading off a screen for hours on-end is painful.
>still have yet to make the transition to touchscreen phones and tablets
Touchscreen phones and tables terrible for any sort of real work.
>use latex instead of word
Microsoft Word is hilariously fucking terrible for typesetting.

>> No.7928250

>Microsoft Word is hilariously fucking terrible for typesetting.

>> No.7928254

The real geniuses are
>into ether physics

>> No.7928258
File: 2 KB, 422x89, kawaii ether.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7928287

>listen to classical ...
Classical music is beautiful, and Pink Floyd is good enough to have survived 50 years into the future. I also listen to a lot of new music, mostly indie stuff.

>into old school films ...
I prefer contemporary films. There are classics that are classics for a reason, but a lot of old films would fall into "B movie" category today because film just wasn't very mature during that time.

>still buy physical books ...
I read faster on e-readers, but I don't retain as much. I prefer to read on physical copies for this reason. I also like jotting notes into nonfiction books to better understand the material being presented, which is a lot easier on physical copies.

>touchscreen phones ...
I couldn't live without my touchscreen phone. Do you realize how convenient it is to dictate text messages and being able to call any business just by telling my phone to call them?

obsessive fascination with 8-bit ...
8-bit games are usually crap. The games that come out now that emulate those older styles end up being way better than any of the games that came out during the 80s.

>ancient consoles ...
You can't emulate everything. I don't own any because I don't care about retro video games, but I can see why people would do this.

>collect cards ....
I don't see how you can classify a particular hobby to an entire group of people. Everyone is different.

>non-updated version of linux ...
That's indicative of stupidity, not genius. Operating systems must be kept up to date, or you are risking swift infection. Sufficiently old machines that are unpatched are infected within minutes of connecting to the internet. (Source: I run honeypots)

>use latex ...
It's just a bit nicer for typesetting. Ultra customizeable compared to Word. But yeah, unless you're publishing something, there's no reason to not use a regular word processor.

>use latex for diagrams instead of photoshop
Ew, why wouldn't I use Microsoft Visio to draw diagrams?

>> No.7928295

Oh LaTex. I do use that for fucking everything.

>> No.7928298

[eqn]\mathfrak{I \; USE \; LATEX \; FOR \; MAKING \; MY \; COFFEE \; EVERY \; MORNING}[/eqn]

>> No.7928388

Good job getting baited by the most obvious shit, which one of your middleschool buddies told you about 4chan

>> No.7928401


>> No.7928411

>I use windows.

>> No.7928416
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>> No.7928430


>> No.7929414


>> No.7929643

Whos your fav violinist, fag

>> No.7929705


>> No.7929709


>> No.7929760

>listen to classical, barbershop, jazz and pink floyd
Only pretentious dipshits listen to classical. Only boomer faggots and people who want to rebel by immitating their parents listen to floyd. If I want to relax I listen to whitenoise. If I listen to music at all it's mostly modern alternative/rock.
>into old school films before the 70s
I like some niche films with good plots in the same way that I like golden age sci-fi more than most modern works. Filmography was terrible back then though, most if it is unwatchable.
>still buy physical books rather than use e-reader
Because I can make the annotations I need faster than electronic and I read/learn more actively when it's not on a screen. I buy more books electronically nowadays and only buy hard copies for introductory texts or when I want to really study the material in-depth.
>still have yet to make the transition to touchscreen phones and tablets
I have a smart phone. Tablets are pointless and retarded hipster garbage. Laptops are good enough for mobility and I use a PC at home/office because I actually use my expensive processor, 16 GiB RAM and swap partitions.
>have this obsessive fascination with pre-90s games and 8-bit
>own ancient game consoles
>collect retro cards stamps
I don't play video games.
>use a non-updated version of linux
Arch, I need to be bleeding edge because I do some dev work.
>use latex instead of word
Because large papers are impossible to write without the modular capabilities of latex. And it's easier to use in general. And it looks better.
>use latex for drawing diagrams than on photoshop
Because if you don't provide a journal with vector graphics they will fuck up the rendering.
>use latex for literally fucking everything
People have complained to me about this. It's because it's much easier to convert LaTeX source code of, say a report into a presentation template, than it is with any other platform.

>> No.7929767

Bernie is a racist asshole who hates white people and thinks black people need to be babied on welfare forever. That's why everyone except white upper class kids hate him.

>> No.7929791

I have found that in general STEM people don't like jazz. It's too abstract and random for them. Autists prefer the predictability of classical. Same reason why everyone oh here wanks to Michelangelo yet hates Matisse.

>> No.7929800

>listen to classical, barbershop, jazz and pink floyd
ricercars are interesting to think about, like mini computer programs that move around as voices
>into old school films before the 70s
they were better and required appreciation of film language/technique
>still buy physical books rather than use e-reader
vanilin compounds smell like bitches; are you gay
>still have yet to make the transition to touchscreen phones and tablets
cause ADD and autism
>have this obsessive fascination with pre-90s games and 8-bit
3d games are just reimplimentations of the same opengl calls with different textures
>own ancient game consoles
inherent n-back memory thing
>collect retro cards stamps
>use a non-updated version of linux
slackware doesn't have apt-get
>use latex instead of word
word a shit
>use latex for drawing diagrams than on photoshop
PS a shit
>use latex for literally fucking everything
\meme is more interesting than using ms-symbol fonts, painfully in any application

>> No.7929853
File: 51 KB, 392x599, Itzhak-Perlman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.7929894

You forgot
>Wear a herringbone sport coat and corduroy pants erryday