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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7914691 No.7914691[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>First year enrollment into university. Need to pick my classes and schedule which is a process done online
>Database fuck up. Turns out that the DBA had not toggled my status as accepted yet
>To find this out and to fix this I have to go to the faculty's office
>When I arrive there is a long line of other first enrollment students, most of them with the same problem, most of them women
>I can see the papers of the girl in front of me which say 'Marine Biology'. Turns out literally every single girl there was some kind of biology.
>Get to the front of the line where the administrators fixes your shit
>Logs in to my account
>'Oh, mathematics'.
>He fixes what needs to be fixed and then explains me how to complete the process
>Stops me from going and says 'You know what, because you are mathematics I will do it for you
>Right there in his laptop I pick my classes and he does all the clicking and saving until the last class
>Hands me my printed schedule
>'Good luck!'
>Literally everyone else in that line was told to go their house or to the library and complete the process themselves
>Not even my first day of class and I already got my first taste of pure math privilege

So turns out I am superior that everyone. I now consider any other major to be second class citizens, basically disgusting pigs.

Anyone else got stories of pure math privilege? Will this be an every day thing? Will people just do shit for me because I am a genius and superior to them?

Feels good to not be second class scum.
>btw, not female so this was not a case of female privilege, just pure math privilege.

>> No.7914692

nice nice

>> No.7914695
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>> No.7914698

Yes. Welcome to the club, OP.

>> No.7914737

Yes. Actually, in many unis, after each exam period, the student who ranked first is allowed to mate with a bio student of his choosing

>> No.7914741

>To find this out and to fix this I have to go to the faculty's office
Why is biology in the same faculty as maths?

>> No.7914745

why would an alpha math student ruin his genes by producing offspring with a filthy bio student?

No. All math students should engage in homosexual orgies and reproduce asexually via mind melding.

>> No.7914748

Because love anon.

>> No.7914753

Because he is a freshman who's intended course of study isn't his matriculated major yet

>> No.7914761

So this means that bio and maths gets mixed in?

>> No.7914774

All of the pure sciences are in one faculty. Math, chem, physics and bio.

I guess because we are all scientists, however each of the sciences has its own 'school' which means separate and unique buildings for everyone.

>> No.7914857

get the fuck out jesus christ

>> No.7914860


>Mathfags are literally so retarded the administration doesn't trust them to do what even a biologist could do

>> No.7914864

We have better placement in science than any of you fags.

The curriculum is not focused that much on it but throughout the degree you will do probability, statistics, programming, algorithm optimization and simulations/computational science.

They gave us a talk about how the various biology labs that reside here (South american country with huge ass forests and animal/plant diversity up the ass) hires plenty of maths and stats graduates from this school to work in research and then they brought in a couple of girls that work in meteorology or some shit and they are seniors, not even graduated, to gave us a speech about how it went for them.

So yeah, good luck getting hired in a fucking physics lab as an undergrad. I will meanwhile be highly trained in computational science and simulations and I will be the one getting that job at the physics lab, sperg.

Math is the strongest science.

>> No.7914866
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>undergrad freshman in math
>superior to everyone

>> No.7914869

>mathfags are so autistic that they think that this is a compliment for being a part of "math mustard rice" rather than the condescension it is
hahahaha OP has to be bait, im laughing way too hard

>> No.7914878

I am confirmed superior to you if you are non-math, even if you are a senior and know more math than me.

Anyways, because you brought this up I guess I can further explain why this happened.

There were about 200 new biology students this year... there were only 10 new mathematics students.

For chemistry and physics it was about 40 or 50 each.

Basically the brainlets just over crowd every single faculty so the rare and superior math majors get to be 'unique' in a way.

>> No.7914883

You really think a 9 to 5 worker is just going to waste his own time and the people in the line's time to make a condescending joke? Are you that dense.

There were probably about 20 pissed off biology girls behind me.

>> No.7914927

No disrespect intended, but at my uni math is one of the few majors that isnt competitive to get in. All the engineering majors and css are insanely competitive and those who dont get in usually end up in math. /sci/ is the only place I've ever seen act like math is some secret illuminati god knowledge. I find it interesting pure math is so praised here, since the career outcome of a math major isnt usually immediately clear for most.

>> No.7914928

I'm a mathematician and I can assure your demented ass you don't know shit about fuck
You have no business in a Maths program anywhere
Stick to your baby calculus faggot

>> No.7914934

back at it again, Daniel

>> No.7914940

Payscale research into math career options would say otherwise.

It is not my fault that you are an underachieving 2.0 GPA sperg who didn't take any internships while studying.

Don't rub your failures onto me, don't rub your failures on anyone else really.

>> No.7914948

Math isn't competitive here either but that is because so few people even dare to choose it.

I haven't met anyone who had math as their second or third option. If I could I would have put math in all my options but I was forced to put different careers in the options.

The competitive ones are engineering, biology and medicine because literally everyone signs up for them but the ones who fail usually just go to physics (in the case of engineering), psychology (in the case of biology) and chemistry/biology (in the case of chemistry).

Nobody drops down to science. That would be suicide.

Just found out that med students have 21 hours a week of work. I have 24 hours a week of work. This is the toughest and heaviest degree.

>> No.7914967

You keep talking about your faggot science and your useless "pay scale" while failing to realize that Mathematics is NOT a Science
You are beyond saving and may God have mercy on your soul

>> No.7914985

Say what you want, the dictionary definition of science includes maths.

Furthermore, as I have stated the reasons for why, math majors have better placement in science labs.

>> No.7914994

Math major doesn't mean shit.
80% of the people drop out before the end.

Once you get the paper, then you can brag.

>> No.7914995

I'm not sure how this thread transitioned from math freshman cringe, to biology-hating, to math freshman hating, to math freshman desperation at their future... Not really sure why this thread is still alive either.

Since we got on the topic though, why do I keep hearing about biology having a lot of extra students and such? In my country every faculty has about the same number of students in each stem course (I'm EE) and there is no such hate on biology... I remember talking to some MechEs who said they couldn't understand anything in biology in school and didn't explore it further, without shitting on it or anything... Is this some /sci/ thing? Anyone who knows what's up telling me about this bio-hating meme would be appreciated.

>> No.7914996

>I'm an irreparable faggot and can't grasp simple definitions like empiricism and idealism
>hurr let me tell you about my science degree
Enjoy your arts degree, homosexual

>> No.7914999

They only do that because they feel bad about the horrible life you will have to live

>> No.7915046

Does Computer Science privilege exist?

>> No.7915052

Not really, infact it's a pain in the ass to explain the major to anyone outside of engineering or physics, normies don't know what a proof is or why anyone should care.

A typical conversation involves one either giving unrelenting disgust for my major ( "ugh eww I hate math!" ) or they pull the retard card ( "oh my god, I failed college algebra before!" ). Either way you gotta unpin yourself from being an elitist asshole or move on from their disgust. I find it annoying. Tempted to lie and say physics, at least there is some pop sci out there so people can normally relate.

>> No.7915058

This is one valid definition
>a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths


But that is not important. Allow me to remind you how this all started. Someone asked me why bio was in the same faculty as math and I said that we are all scientists in a sense. I am just trying to justify the decision of not having math in a separate faculty, which was a decision from the administration, not me.

Why did you get so butthurt about it?

It is not like I want to call myself a scientist. Fuck that. Science includes pityful pseudo voodoo magic like biology. I'd rather have my own category but I guess this is just how things are. I am grouped with bio, physics and chem, nothing I can do about it.

>> No.7915065

-Read any psychiatry textbook from the 1950's and try not to laugh aloud.

Basically any biology, medecine, psychology or business...etc textbook from 50 years ago is utterly obsolete.

Any psychiatrist,psychologist or engineer trained in the 1950s that would travel through a time warp to our era would be unable to find employment in his field.

Read any book from the 1200's and try to understand the English that's written in there.

FACT: Math transcends time and culture. All the rest just shrivels away and is replaced EXCEPT MATH. It's immortal. The math of 2000 years ago is still valid and taught in our high schools.

>> No.7915073
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Tfw in pure math

>> No.7915077

>Anon what's your major
>Pure math
>Oh *pussy dries up like the Sahara*

>Anon what's your major
>Computer science
>That's so cool! *pussy turns into Niagara falls*

>> No.7915092

>Oh *pussy dries up like the Sahara*

You are assuming that people get sex while having academic discussions while in the fucking cafeteria. CS sperg, go to your first party and find me a girl who is sober enough to even remember what a major is.

For fucks sake, is there a better way to show that you are a virgin?

If anyone asks you your major it is either a family member or a friend of varying degree.

But if this even happened, why would her pussy dry up? A major is a major. She just asked to push the conversation, probably expecting you to ask her major then and to start discussing about random shit to keep it flowing.

I now think that not only have you never been to a party, but you also haven't ever talked to a woman.

>That's so cool! *pussy turns into Niagara falls*

>xD computer stuff? Okay lol!
>Oh so can you make this app for me?
>What do you mean by science? I understand computers just fine!


You have a very plastic idea of what women are and what 'clicks' with them, which also makes me think you are a full blown mysoginist.

>> No.7915094
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I don't care girl, I'm far too handsome for you anyway.
Proud to be in math!

>> No.7915096

Your insecurities are showing.

>> No.7915098

Please tell me you are a PhD student and not an undergrad.

>> No.7915103

Just like your misogyny.

Of course women are magic boxes. Say to her the right things and she will fuck with you! Just like a robot. Of course they don't have analytic skills or feelings, or anything. Just say the magic words for sex!

Can you go the fuck back to /r9k/?

>> No.7915117

Jesus it was just a joke. Calm the fuck down.

>> No.7915127


Women are parasites.
Women depend on men for everything, it's ingrained in their dna.

99% of everything is made by men.
The IT and computer revolution which is transforming our society and economy is was the work of men probably 99.99999999% male.

Women have no initiative,
they just care about looking pretty.

>> No.7915129


>> No.7915142
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One of the most embarrassing posts I've ever read on /sci/ on pretty much all counts. You do realise you are the laughing stock of other math posters on /sci/ right? You're not representing them or their "superiority", you're just plain embarrassing. Get off /sci/ and back to /b/ where your cringy arguments belong. Please.

>> No.7915164


FACT: To pass down their genes to the next generation, men have constantly adapted themselves to new environments and situations, they are expected to succeed and achieve.

To pass down HER genes, all she has had to evolve to do is to spread her legs open.

>> No.7915176
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>superior because of what i started to study

I'm not even sure if OP is serious.

>> No.7915193

OPs is either trolling or actually fucking autistic by definition.
>superiority by somethong not even accomplished yet

>> No.7915241

This, literally, what the fuck.

>> No.7915249

To all the gaylords saying math ain't science, stop being autistic or go back to Tumblr. I can't believe newfags are so shirty now that they'll ruin threads with philosophy buckshot. BTW I'm a mathematician xfd

>> No.7915253

Woops auto-correct isn't updated baka...

>> No.7915257

Are you a freshman? You're fucking cringy. I won't believe you're a year into a math degree

>> No.7915261


Fool, I can read baby rudin like it's a bazooka joe gum wrapper.

>> No.7915275

>pure math
Undergrad shits thinking there's an actual distinction that can be drawn between "pure" and "applied".

>> No.7915318

a math major's fingernail is worth more than a thousand art major.

>> No.7915371

>I started to study

Wait, you all faggots begin studying university tier topics when in undergrad?

>not even accomplished

Wait, you faggots actually see 'failing' as a considerable possibility?

So I was right about everyone here being an underachieving sperg projecting their failures onto me.

In my senior high school year I self studied everything that I will be doing in my degree up to this level. Calc I is completely covered and even passed as I am doing multivariable calculus at the moment. Geometry is just covered, I don't like the subject that much so I just read a standard geometry book and I skipped all the chapters about constructions, drawing is for faggots, I just did proofs and shit.
Algebra is passed completely too as that is what the proofs book I got myself was all about working with polynomials and other expressions and I even went as far as getting a linear algebra (not even a freshman topic) and I am all the way up to eigenvalues, eigenvectors and eigenspaces.

I can just assume that I will pass with the most honors obtainable.I won't even have to study so I can focus in learning next years curriculum this year.

>> No.7915451

Ya. Computer Science priviledge is being able to complete one month's tasks within a week and being able to play WoW for the rest of the month.

>> No.7915472
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love is just a social construct

>> No.7915509

It also makes your cock hard.

>> No.7915555
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There is truth to what someone said about pure vs applied (about the supposed equality) above, but I can boil it down for y'all. Applied = Pure + Statistics + CS. You're welcome :^)

>> No.7915569

>posting three paragraph responses to a 4Chan comment
>being this pathetic

>> No.7915587

If you take a Math degree for anything other than computing or game design then you're a fucking retard. We have computers now, we don't need wastes of effort known as human calculators.

>> No.7915592

Lmao what a retard

>> No.7915642

So you are saying through hard work you can complete the assignment on your computer science class early and chill the rest of the time, or work on other stuff? That sounds awesome, assuming you are gifted and know how to complete the task easily.

>> No.7915645

>Turns out literally every single girl there was some kind of biology.
pretty common

women are generally not smart enough for real science so they stick with borderline soft science like bio so they can get into a nursing program

>> No.7915646

Except you end up with a bunch of smelly Indian coworkers when you finally get a real job. Or become hikki haha!

>> No.7915655

Or work from the comfort of your own home

>> No.7915657


>> No.7915730


One problem with women is that they lack dedication. Deep inside, women know that they will always be able to rely on men to attain a comfortable middle class life. They lack the motivation to go that extra mile.

>> No.7915739

I want /r9k/ to leave

>> No.7915747

just stating the facts, homie. I've never met a female math/phys/chem major who got good grades and didn't bail for an easier major early on

>> No.7915752

Then you go to a shitty uni, or you are trolling (or you live in the US).

>> No.7915756

>caring what an admin monkey thinks
why man?

>> No.7915757

or (and this is the correct explanation) women aren't cut out for rigorous STEM subjects

>> No.7915759

Why is talking to more females so hard for you?

>> No.7915769

Why are you projecting, anon?

>> No.7915775

an unproven delusion to which I respond with my original statement
>I want /r9k/ to leave

>> No.7915777

>anything that upsets me is delusion
sorry, it doesn't work that way

>> No.7915788

fucking trips...

>>anything that upsets me is delusion
No, anything you strenuously believe in without proof is delusion. Science might not be your cup of tea if you don't agree.

>> No.7915803


Nature has given women the only tool she will ever need to survive and pass on her genes: her vagina.

Men, on the other hand, need to excel and surpass others if they ever hope to attain prestige and accumulate resources in order to attract a female to mate with. A male's reproductive success is directly proportional to his initiative and success in society.

Brad Pitt look-a-like with a heart of gold and a poet's soul but works at the gas pomp or as a janitor? You are not even considered human to women of reproductive age.

Short, vulgar ugly men with absolutely zero sensibilities or morals but with a high social status and a lot of money (Ex: Bernie Ecklestone or Sepp Blatter) : beautiful young women throw themselves at them.

So there you have it.
That's why women never feel the need to achieve much in life. A man will come along and fix/solve it for them anyway.

>> No.7915804

>anything you strenuously believe in without proof is delusion
i.e. your strenuous belief that I am wrong based solely on how what I have to say makes you feel, which, unfortunately, is not proof of anything except your own overly sensitive nature

>> No.7915830

I feel bad for OP.
He just wanted to talk about the easy life of a pure mathematician-in-training, and it turned into a bunch of frustrated people hating on women.

>> No.7915833
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>attempting to implicate my feelings when I mention the unscientific nature of your 'argument' as an ad hominem

Should I be expecting your next answer to scream 'LIBRULS !!11' or 'The Jewz !1!!' as well?

Maybe you should experience the world more than through a few dates with bimbos/slags and then solely developing your world view based on /r9k/ memes. It's a spiral that's difficult to reverse.

>> No.7915838


Hating women?
He's just stating easily observable facts of life.

Do you ever leave your house?

>> No.7915852

>stop saying mean things about wimminz guys i hope to talk to one someday
>acting like women don't seek out high-status males as a default mode of action

>> No.7915853


I don't hate women but I see them for what they are.

Women use men and men use women. I think that pretty much sums up the vast majority of human relationships.

The world we live in is far too imperfect to be worthy of my consideration. I'll stick to math and live my life in it's crystalline grasp.

>> No.7915857

You're right, I'd love to talk to girls outside of uni.

>> No.7915862


Even the most die-hard greenpeace/social justice/vegan type female activist would ditch her loser greenpeace beta boyfriend if a bigshot tobacco firm lawyer came rolling by in his BMW.

She'd claim that they have drifted apart or that she needs some time off to think and "find herself".
Of course she'd never admit to herself the real reason why she did it for the very simple reason that she, herself, is unaware of her unconscious longing for flashy, high-status rich males. It's programmed in her genes and she is simply following nature's command.

>> No.7915863


This is your problem. You observe a woman with materialistic pursuits and extrapolate it to all women. It's called bad science. Instead of doing that, you could go out and, if you REALLY want it, find self-sufficient women with complete personalities. But you don't want that enough, I guess it's easier to get mad at the world for not landing a perfect woman right onto your dick.

You are not the norm when it comes to males either. Maybe you shouldn't expect to be satisfied with normal women either. Ever think of that?

>> No.7915868

>you're not looking hard enough for the rare and remote cases that support me
>look past the overwhelming majority and find the outliers that I'm clinging to
yeah, nah, no thanks. that's called bad science.

>> No.7915875


There is no problem.

I masturbate once every two weeks and that takes care of all those bothersome urges.

"Better one handful with tranquility than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind."

Ecclesiastes 4:6

>> No.7915877
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>quoting the bible

>> No.7915883

>yeah, nah, no thanks. that's called bad science.

Not really, bad science refers to what I described, but whatever...

Your post pretty much confirms that you're not willing to put any effort into finding those outliers.

You are past the point of no return and on the path to become a grand wizard. Prepare to be ascended into a higher being, I guess.

Never said you always need to have a girlfriend, I simply highlighted that getting angry at the world because of stereotypic biased delusions about women does not make scientific sense.

Masturbation and life as a single for most of its duration is fine by me.

>> No.7915901

>go find rare aberrant cases which support me
>search for statistically insignificant deviations from the overwhelming majority of cases exhibiting the standard behavior
yeah, nah, no thanks. that's called bad science.

>> No.7915916

Except your weren't claiming an overwhelming majority of women were shallow, you were claiming all of them were like that in your first posts (you should have clarified it if you meant otherwise) and as such, any exception disproves the rule, which is significant. Anyway, if you meant majority, I think this argument does not have any ground to continue, since we both misunderstood.

On another note, keep in mind, the overwhelming majority of men are the same normies and chads we hate as well, shallowness is not exclusive to women.

>> No.7915941

I'm a mathematician and I think you offend both the mathematicians and the scientists when you call mathematics a science.

>> No.7915946
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>being a fedora tipping edge lord

>> No.7915947

the fact that there are poeple like this going in to pure mathematics depresses me. Apparently there are fucking pure maths major who don't understand how definitions work in language. Fuck.

>> No.7915952

Try doing prevet or something then.
A-A+ grades in Maths, Physics, Chem and Bio are all required to have a hope of getting through. And I tell you, the top grades are 90% women. Imo, girls are more likely to dedicate more time studying due to lack of hobbies.

>> No.7915965

>Math is the strongest science.
Because it eats the hearts of every other science that it kills and gains their power?

>> No.7915986


Grades are good indicators of docility and passiveness.

Just subserviently regurgitating force-fed dogma without ever so slightly deviating from the straight and narrow assembly line of middle class automatons.

Curiosity and critical thought are inefficient distractions in the pursuit of the highest gpa.

The truth is that the men (yes, men.) that have painted the canvas upon which we live out our lives with broad strokes of genius seldom were the GPA conformbots of today.

For example, take asians.
They have a very high capacity for docility and subservience without being plagued by the hormonal urges that afflict males of reproductive age of other races.

They are very well suited for assembly-line style learning and earn very high gpas...but that success seldom translate to anything tangible in real life. 99% of successful startups or new innovations that require thinking outside the box are made by nonasians and nonfemales.

>> No.7915987

Are you retarded? Before they are matriculated all students are handled by the Undergraduate Admissions office, regardless of major. Once they have officially joined the university, then they will report to their specific departments.

Oh and mathematics is usually in the College of Arts and Sciences where, guess what, Biology is as well.

>> No.7916061

Lmao the r9K levels up in here are so high
>being this new

>> No.7916068

College kids get shot because they're literal morons. Damn it America is so shitty ... So pathetic. Idiots discussing philosophy or women's issues get out. Go back to /v/

>> No.7916076

i can appreciate your disgruntled attitude because, yeah, college is kind of a hazing period where your professors just fuck with you, but to say its suffocating intellectual freedom is hyperbole.

>> No.7916101

>Stops me from going and says 'You know what, because you are mathematics I will do it for you'
He was literally saying he thinks you're too retarded to do it and you'll end up fucking it up if you do yourself, wasting even more of his time.

And you take this as a good thing lmao

>> No.7916129

Pretty sure that you, being you (ergo not being me), do not know what I was claiming.

>> No.7916133

>Oh and mathematics is usually in the College of Arts and Sciences where, guess what, Biology is as well.
wow this is wrong

If you go to a university that doesn't have a separate College of Science and College of Arts, protip: you're going to an extremely shitty university

>> No.7916144

He thought you were too autistic to handle picking classes yourself.

>> No.7916158
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>this thread