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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7914174 No.7914174 [Reply] [Original]

>Experimental evidence of superconductors with critical temperatures above 373K is presented. In a family of different compounds we demonstrate the superconductor state, the transition to normal state above 387K, an intermediate 242K superconductor, susceptibility up to 350K, I−V curves at 4.2K in magnetic field of 12T and current up to 60A, 300K Josephson Junctions and Shapiro steps with radiation of 5GHz to 21THz, 300K tapes tests with high currents up to 3000A and many THz images of coins and washers. Due to a pending patent, the exact chemical characterization and technological processes for these materials are temporarily withheld and will be presented elsewhere.


>> No.7914205

At what pressure though? IIRC this is the reason why other high temperature superconductors have failed.

>> No.7914206

Can't read now, but damn this would give me a boner if legit

>> No.7914241

>Due to a pending patent, the exact chemical characterization and
technological processes for these materials are temporari
ly withheld and will be presented elsewhere.

>> No.7914245

Why can't people just fucking let this happen.

>> No.7914255


>All experiments of this type were performed at room temperature near 300K and at normal atmospheric pressure of 760mm Hg in open air.

so basically the average room in doors

>Many of the initially studied samples were compacted to form circular pellets at a pressure of about 5−10 kbar/cm 2 of about 1cm diameter and about 2mm−3mm thickness with four contacts attached made of In-Ga eutectic composition. Other size pellets were also pressed at a pressure of 5−10kbar/cm2 and studied.

>> No.7914269

>Ivan Zahariev Kostadinov
a nobody with no publications has put out a preprint onto arxiv for a room temperature superconductor

in other news: pigs can fly and the moon is made of cheese

>> No.7914272

>From: Ivan Zahariev Kostadinov
Fucking shit Russians again. Gibe now, assclowns

>> No.7914282


It really does look way too good to be true, doesn't it.

>> No.7914287

>being butthurt
how does it feel to see american universities spend all their money in affirmative action instead of superior science?

>> No.7914291

On the other hand, arxiv isn't very kind to bullshitters, that's what vixra is for, with all the invite only kinda stuff, so who knows. High-Tc superc. mats are being hunted on for a long time now, wouldn't be all to surprised someone found the holy grail.

>> No.7914333

Could be someone from industry. People from industry don't often publish shit, not unless it's seriously groundbreaking. Such as, for example, room temp superconductors.

>> No.7914376


i want to see it happen, but if it's true it's going to be pretty amazing, not "steam engine" levels, but possibly CMOS levels.

>> No.7914456

Room temp, pressure-less superconductors is a fairly well trod quack subject. It's the new cold fusion.

>> No.7914492

Am I retarded or what, but isn't the space cold? If humanity moved to space we could get all the superconductors we desire.

>> No.7914495

>isn't the space cold?
No, that's a misunderstanding. Space is a vacuum.

>> No.7914505


>> No.7914514
File: 1.29 MB, 900x675, IT'S HAPPYNING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could be legit.
IZ Kostadinov seems to have quite an illustrious publication history in superconductors.
>>7914269 clearly can't be bothered to google scholar anything...he's been publishing since the 80s at least

>> No.7914519

I'm willing to bet anyone $100 that this is a crank and we see nothing come out of it. It's full of red flags.

>> No.7914521

>at normal atmospheric pressure of 760mm Hg in open air.
Holy shit. If this is legit it's exactly what we've been looking for.

>If humanity moved to space we could get all the superconductors we desire.
How Can Superconductors Be Real If Cold Isn't Real?

>> No.7914814

He (claims) he did the obvious tests like electrical and magnetic characterisation. If this works (even at the boiling point for water!) he will be golden. If not he has destroyed his career.

>> No.7914834
File: 23 KB, 304x393, 1315548796371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally room temp superconductors


>> No.7916463

if it turns out to be true, reasonably easy to produce and reasonably flexible then it's going to be simply amazing in so many ways.

i hope this is applicable to things like semiconductors, no heat-loss processors ? we're going to scale this bitch to infinity! :o

>> No.7916479

what field is this guy coming from? condensed matter physics? or is this electrical engineering? i'm curious about studying superconductors someday.

>> No.7916483
File: 260 KB, 2048x1536, average weald encounter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when in doubt, call bullshit

>> No.7916916

sounds to me like they just want to attract potential sponsors into giving hem shit load of money into perfecting a technology that wouldn't lead to anywhere

>> No.7917530

No, this is not the case

He's just a crazy dude looking for some attention

>> No.7917883

>it's fake because i say so

how about you show some evidence you cucks

>> No.7918922

How about he does?

I didn't put a paper on arxiv claiming to have a ftl starship and providing no evidence for it

>> No.7918930
File: 1.82 MB, 300x180, 1334181626.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ftl starship
I have one, but I will wait with making the schematics public until my patent has gone through.

>> No.7919330

did he died?
>also, Stanfurd....

>> No.7919419

If this is true what are the applications?

>> No.7919434

Everyone will suddenly learn how to google

Pretty impressive tbqh

>> No.7919741

He has a publication on Tl-based ceramic high temperature superconductors so he should be quite familiar with the methods for characterizing superconductivity.

Even though the title raises red flags like a matador the rest seems rather careful and un-tabloid.

>> No.7919784


>> No.7919806

Underage pussy

>> No.7919820


>> No.7919839

Just how absurdly lucrative do you think this discovery is going to be if it turns out to be legit? I can see applications in nuclear technology, power production and computing.

>> No.7919846

How's high school treating you?

>> No.7920344

>comparing ftl to superconductors

here's a hint: one is real the other isn't. wow, that was hard to debunk!

>> No.7921017

Why hasn't this exploses yet?

>> No.7921321

because /sci/ isn't reddit. not as big of a meme budget.

>> No.7921418

Will we get flying cars?

>> No.7921539

He actually became paralyzed.

>> No.7921588

man that sure sucks...

>> No.7921814

human beings are very fragile

>> No.7921910

human beans are

>> No.7922047

Only the real ones

>> No.7922104


>Capitalism holding back humanity.

>> No.7922869

So is it REAL?

>> No.7922884

>Innovators should innovate for free

>> No.7922918


>> No.7923068


>> No.7924154

you guys are idiots. you think i'd release my room temperature god material for you dick sucking noglets?

tell you what. all of you partake in a deathmatch and stream it. winner gets to see the full paper. no rules only death. show me you are worthy of the conductivity.