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7908221 No.7908221 [Reply] [Original]

I had an argument with a fellow researcher recently on whether music is a worthwhile field to pursue and whether universities should be allocating budgets in this fields direction.

His argument was that music is extremely important to society in many aspects including but not limited to communication, and is on par with theater and literature and so studying it to improve music pieces is beneficial to society.

I'd like to hear your thoughts about this subject, your field and any other related background would be appreciated.

>> No.7908234

You can certainly argue that if literature gets a department, music should get something.

>> No.7908551 [DELETED] 
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it should be split in music theory and 'applied music' like art and art history are seperated.

come to think graphicdesign can be considered art theory but I guess noone ever bothered to make this connection

>> No.7908561

it should be seperated in music theory and 'applied music' at least like art and art history are seperated.

come to think graphicdesign could be considered art theory but I guess noone bothered to make this connection

>> No.7908568

If fucking women studies and all of that useless crap gets their own respective departments, music should, too. Music theory is definitely not something you can entirely learn overnight.

>> No.7908591

actually, you can become a superstar over night.

no need to learn that faggy classical shit.

You wanna get girls tweking? make some beats.



>> No.7908592


For the sake of the argument let's assume let's assume we're at the process of deciding what fields can enter the list, so each field has to pull it's weight without if XXX get's a department then XXX gets one too.


What are the virtues of studying music theory? When is a phd in music needed, which problems does it solve, which questions does it tackle? I'm quite ignorant on the subject to be honest, to my uneducated opinion the current level of music is satisfactory to our society, what do we have to gain? Taking budgets from more influential fields for this one seems counter productive for human progression.

>> No.7908606
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wave propagation and vibrational forces on different bodies are things a sound designer should be able to calculate, and a musician should be able to understand imho. that's what I would hire them for.

and mentioned calculation are not only applicable to music but much rather to every physical phenomena

>> No.7908607

>What are the virtues of studying music theory?

i guarantee that if the incentive for going to a university was to learn and become worldly rather than making more money than non graduates, the business would disappear.

I'm pretty sure that the virtues of going to a university did not come to mind other than making that bread when you get out. In fact, there are no virtues at all in that case. I mean you still have students from top universities chanting racist remarks that will be your future teachers, lawyers, doctors, ect.

i learned more from the internet than what teachers have planned out in a curriculum, uncensored and unfiltered, lets also mention there are no bullshit prerequisites like calculus needed.

>> No.7908621

Yes it's important.
Without people schooled in music it wouldn't take long for every form of music to degrade into /mu/ level >music is muh life

Universities help keep decent music alive.

>> No.7908627

Music theory is mathematical. Performing music is not.

>> No.7908633

We are talking about serious music not nigga music.

>> No.7908640

Pretty cool explanation over 6 lectures of why music is important in itself.

>> No.7908643

And what problems do "creative writing", philosophy, political science, history, graphics design, literature, sociology, and art majors solve? Just like music, absolutely nothing.

>> No.7908647

When there are a billion other people doing the same?
>hey I am 12 year old romanian boi who pirated ableton live xddd i wan b famis pls subcribe mai soundcloud XDDD

>> No.7908654

I saw the whole 6 lectures once. What an educator Bernstein was, it makes you wonder if music as an expressive language in itself at the same level of mathematics.

>> No.7908666

For the lazy ones:

>> No.7908692

>serious music
>serious troll

>> No.7908707

If anyone is interested in a cool/really interesting rhythm


dude has a fucking titanic grip on rhythm, alien groupings

>> No.7908708

music is muh life
u going to the show?

>> No.7908738
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I'm not trolling. I suppose that you enjoy rap and that nigga shit. Sorry If I offended you.

>> No.7908753

Bach had a higher I than all of you faggots together

>> No.7908756

>is on par with theater and literature
Indeed it is on par with these subjects because literature and theatre are also non-professional, non-technical pursuits that shouldn't be taught at university but at fucking kinder.

>> No.7908758

I would support a university music program that taught classical music with big symphonies and shit nawmean

>> No.7908769


>> No.7908786


Music theorists are almost as bad as chart chasers.

>> No.7908789

why should i be offended if you dont get pussy? I'm just pointing out one of the reasons why you dont. Classical music is for fucking queers.

>> No.7908794

>hur dur I listen rap, I'm alpha.

I read this.

>> No.7908855

Thanks dude, enjoying this dude's stuff. Reminds me of some of my favorite jazz metal/prog metal bands.

>> No.7908868

I like the idea cross-disciplinary collaboration.
How music and lit and other liberal art stuff people don't really consider in the sciences and whatnot
might contribute something totally new.
Of course, none of this is guaranteed.

But as long as there is possibility and low level results, then yes money should be allocated. The amount is the main concern.

>> No.7908881

No... I'm an ex music major. a BA in music is worthless.

Musicians have their own conservatories which spew out all the good minds, no need for it to be in university bureaucracies to be involved.

>> No.7908888

* or bureaucracies.

If you can't get into a conservatory, you're wasting your money.

University music is like "Hey we've got these tenured teachers who have been out of the field for 30 years, but they can tell you how to perform", but Conservatories are like "Hey we have Hawkings just waiting to give you private lessons"

The people who go through the university programs end up spending 60k to make a 30k salary, while the people who go through conservatories get into orchestras or solo albums.

>> No.7908892

There are too many layers of irony in this post for a normal human to understand.

>> No.7908928
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>His argument was that music is extremely important to society in many aspects including but not limited to communication, and is on par with theater and literature and so studying it to improve music pieces is beneficial to society.

Absolutely music is important to society. It gives inspiration in many forms, and is great recreational. Personally, my quality of life would be a lot less enjoyable without music. I don't think arts need to be studied in a rigorous setting such as university. Mostly because art is so subjective and dependent on the artists expression.

Also, kind of related, I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants a more "scientific" analysis of music theory. My piano teacher gave me this book, and it's super fun/interesting book that really gets into the physics of sounds/scales/pitch etc.

>I'd like to hear your thoughts about this subject, your field and any other related background would be appreciated.

Mathematics major, and double minor in physics and computer sciences.

>> No.7908938


>> No.7909574


I had no idea musical theory was so interesting.

Jesus Christ.

Still isn't a science, though.