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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7907813 No.7907813 [Reply] [Original]

Why are their no legit scientists doing "mad science"?

Human cloning, making catgirls real, and other things deemed too unethical, immoral, illegal, or safe for polite science.


>> No.7907827

> Human cloning
its coming
> catgirls
hard to find a furfag scientist
> unethical, immoral
those social constructs have zero influence on scientific process

>> No.7907851

>hard to find a furfag scientist

Went to my first furcon and within 45 minutes I met a chemist, virologist, and a nuclear engineer.

Smart furfags don't parade their fetishes in public, so you would never know unless you knew them personally.

>> No.7907855

They don't get to be successfull or famous either so they never get to a position to make their fantasies dome true

>> No.7907860

The problem is that you need money for that. Especially because you have to set those things up in foreign countries that don't care about ethics.

Sergio Canavero is the only one I can name.

>> No.7907869

cloning mammals is such old tech.

you would think China would have done it and made it public by now.

>> No.7907885


Science is expensive and most places have laws against the sorts of research you have in mind.
Since it is illegal scientists interested in it can't get governmental funding, and the risk of funding illegal research would be too high for legit big business (in fact big business would just lobby for some loophole as usual).

The funding would have to come illegally, or the facility would need to be somewhere outside the jurisdiction of strong western states opposed to it, say, if King Abdullah decided he wants some catgirl waifus for his harem, or someone made a research facility in international waters.

>> No.7907942

But what is the point of cloning people? There is no economic incentive to do it, and it stopped being scientifically interesting a while ago.

>> No.7907947

Human guinea pigs galore, you no longer have to kidnap people to test new shit on.

>> No.7907956

Aren't they doing most of that shit in Korea already?

>> No.7907963

replacement parts.

>> No.7907984
File: 41 KB, 500x369, mad-scientist-mad-engineers[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7908409

posting madness: inbreeding rabbits to the point they can take grafts and blood from each other, using peristatic pumps and a glass container attach a disembodied rabbit womb to the blood flow of several rabbits, aeration, filtration, heat source, and you could black-out the container or not if you want your rabbit humunculi to see or not as its eyes develop. really the choice is if you want to watch it develop at the cost of it ever seeing.

>> No.7908421

posting madness: there is a lab created breed of pig that has no protein markers on its cells to allow transplants to have less risk of being rejected. make this of horned or winged beasts and transplant your new edgy body mod.

>> No.7908423

>What mad hypothesis re you making
Can a single man take over the world
Ow my head hurts bullets aren't nice fuck ow

>> No.7908430

posting madness: http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2014/05/young-blood-renews-old-mice go to third world to retire pay young locals for blood transfusions.

>> No.7908438


>> No.7908843
File: 76 KB, 528x565, 1456224902121_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Went to my first furcon

>> No.7908980
File: 78 KB, 500x312, tumblr_ly1vxyyU1e1rnai0so1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting irl dirty thieving gypsy catpeople
If I find your hand in my pocket, I'm going to cut it off

>> No.7909079

expensive, expensive expensive

>> No.7909083

>unethical, immoral
>those social constructs have zero influence on scientific process


>> No.7909091


>> No.7910461


>> No.7910471
File: 1.09 MB, 1400x1400, Horo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will science ever give me my own horo?

>> No.7911661

The lack of creativity and dynamic is disappointing. you guys are thinkers but not do-ers huh? It happens, meh.

>> No.7911684

VR will, if anything

>> No.7911706
File: 16 KB, 297x255, base 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this comic made by the smae guy who made this? Where is it from?

>> No.7911711

A while ago I saw someone on /sci/ talk about how there's loads of private life science labs in south-east asia/oceania but I don't really know anything about it.