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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 193 KB, 500x375, plaque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7906018 No.7906018 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't gone to the dentist in 2 years, and I'm worried I have way too much plaque, but there's no way I'm going to pay some idiot $250 to scrape my teeth. Are there any chemicals that loosen plaque from your teeth, make it easy enough to remove that I could just do it myself? I do brush regularly, so it's not yet at the point where it's visibly disgusting or anything (pic is nowhere near related).

>> No.7906040
File: 88 KB, 298x332, 1364735539499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just go to a fucking dentist
they do more than just scrub plaque off your teeth

seriously why are people so fucking stupid when it comes to dental health?

>> No.7906050


Or anything really. This is the board that genuinely believes there's a difference in the intelligence between human races.

>> No.7906066

Stop being British.

>> No.7906093

go on Amazon you can buy the dental tools they use to scrape the plaque off your teeth for around $10. DIY

>> No.7906095

You definitely need to go to the dentist, you probably have gingivitis if not periodontitis since you never mentioned flossing.

>> No.7906097

Dentistry is a jew scam. There is literally nothing wrong with plaque. Plaque has many important functions like the entero-salivary nitrate-nitrite-nitric oxide conversion. It protects your teeth and doesn't lead to decay until you do like a good goy and drink fluoridated water, gargle fluoridated mouthwash and brush with fluoridated toothpaste killing all the good bacteria like Dr. Shekelstein, DDS tells you to.

>> No.7906098

dentists are a scam
just brush your teeth and floss and mouthwash, thats all you need to do

>> No.7906101


2 years or 20 years since a dentist visit doesnt matter

If you
-Brush teeth twice a day
-Floss after every meal
-And rinse with antiseptic

guess what your teeth and gums will stay in great shape.
but too bad you're a dumbfuck slob piece of shit who cant even take care of themselves at a basic level.

>> No.7906134

>le dental hygiene meme
i literally go months without brushing and not one cavity

>> No.7906384

dentists are no scam

get your teeth cleaned

orthodontist, vetrinarians, now those are scams.

>> No.7906394

Well, not if your teeth are fucked up

>> No.7906421

You can't remove plaque with chemicals, it would destroy your enamel. Dentists use ultrasonic device to remove it.

>> No.7906422

>implying 3 posters make up all of /sci/

>> No.7906427

And btw,
1) A PhD in Dentistry is harder than whatever shitty degree you're getting.
2) You're in for a world of hurt.

>> No.7906428

You should really go to a dentist. Don't know if you know, but plaque left alone will cause progressive tooth decay.

You're going to look like a crack addict if you keep up this shitty maintenance, OP.

>> No.7906433


HEY,my late aunt is an orthodontist and she's poor as fuck

and no,we're not cubans

>> No.7906446


those are pols who misclicked sci and decided to have some fun with it.

Seriously though,those guys who believes that says that the reason biologist are not touting their line is because of same grand conspiracy that will destroy their careers and it will "distrupt" the social system.

What those motherfuckers have to realise is if something as groundbreaking as race-physiological difference is found,the biologist would jump in happiness because they found something that changes our current knowledge

>> No.7906448


That's because you are young. Enamel wears out with time and it doesn't grow back. One can go for years without problems, but soon, once that hard surface has worn out, those cavities start to appear.

A fluoride ion needs to be added in every turn to strengthen your teeth. You get this from toothpaste. Acids that erode that surface, needs to be stopped. That's why you shouldn't drink lemonade all the time and you should take xylitol after eating. You know, eating causes acid attack in your mouth afterwards.

Just telling you this, so that you can't say that nobody told you. You will be sorry, false teeth are not as good as original.

>> No.7906453


I thank jesus and my parents bank account every day that some faggot told me I needed braces

>> No.7906454

I really don't understand how people like OP still exist. You know you're supposed to brush twice a day, floss, etc yet you don't do anything? Are you so fucking lazy you can't take 5 minutes out of your day to brush your fucking teeth. Disgusting.

>> No.7906456

Heed this, OP!

We are a long way away from enamel regeneration


>> No.7906460

...and then they wonder why they are single and think that all women are whores.

>> No.7906506

It could also have to do with his diet. If he's eating fruits, berries, meat etc. Is well hydrated, and avoiding things like sugar, and acids his teeth may very well be okay. Diet has a tremendous amount to do with dental health, to the point where I believe someone could absolutely get away without brushing provided they had the proper diet.

>> No.7906541

While I don't argue against diet having any effect on dental health. No matter what you eat, it will cause acid attack afterwards. Also citrus fruits have acids and so on. Acids shouldn't be avoided entirely, because we need vitamins from acidic sources, but it will have negative effect on our teeth. Moreover, cavities are caused by bacteria. Fruits and berries do contain mainly sugars which is good energy source for bacteria. Flossing and brushing decreases amount of bacteria in our mouth.

Based on these counterarguments I strongly reject your argument that person could go without brushing entirely, it is simply nonsense.

>> No.7906663

In my experience, lowcarb drastically reduces the need to brush (as in teeth don't tend to feel gunky). Sugar is bad, but I don't think starchs are much better, if at all.

>> No.7906669

Yeah James Watson got treated really well for even implying that there's a possibility for differences in intelligence. It's just a wild conspiracy, nothing more. Probably involving lizards and jews for maximum strawman.

>> No.7906676

So basically, what you are saying is, that based on your gut feeling, scientists are wrong. In times, I'm little envy to such people, living in their magical fairy tale world, but not when the reality kicks in.

>> No.7906710
File: 26 KB, 451x234, q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think H2O2 will loosen plaque if you apply it in safe, low concentrations however there's a risk it will damage the gums and enamel so not sure about that. I tried it once and it seemed to work but then I had second thoughts and stopped. Some toothpastes advertise "peroxide" in them as well. Then there's pics you can buy at pharmacies with mirrors which is the tech dentists use when they aren't using the ultrasonic tools.


You can buy them for less at a pharmacy or dollar store type place.



>Dual discoveries in tissue regeneration at the University of Southern California propose a promising method to regrow nonliving hard tissue, lessening or even eliminating pain associated with tooth decay, which the National Institutes of Health calls the most prevalent chronic disease.

>Janet Moradian-Oldak, a dentistry professor at the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC, has investigated methods to regrow tooth enamel for the past two decades. The process is especially tricky because unlike bone, mature enamel cannot rejuvenate. Tooth enamel is a nonliving tissue.

>The a-ha moment came October 22 when, in collaboration with lead author Sauma Prajapati of USC and other colleagues, she published a study in the Biomaterials journal saying matrix metalloproteinase-20, an enzyme found only in teeth, chops up amelogenin proteins, which facilitate organized enamel crystal formation. MMP-20 clears the way for hard material to usurp vacated space.

>> No.7906744
File: 355 KB, 1024x697, E0ohS5r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op you dumb fuck I haven't gone in 12 years
All you have to do is take something akin to a plastic credit card and scrape away at your teeth.
Then eat it, that's delicious food you were unable to swallow it's tasty, like the taste of a thousand flavors all balled up nicely.
Don't let microbes feast on it, they don't pay rent.
Picture related it's my teeth after brushing them for the first time in 4 years. I do it every couple years they stopped bleeding about 8 years ago. Used to be like a waterfall and now it's nothing more than a trickle.

>> No.7906792

Would you say that carbohyrates don't play a crucial role in tooth decay?

>> No.7906802
File: 12 KB, 400x174, 1263568494272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a short debate, it has been decided that this is the grossest thread on /sci/.
Congratulations, I guess.

>> No.7906819
File: 15 KB, 333x347, G O O S E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this guy talks about how delicious plaque is
>mfw plaque is basically the feces from bacterium in the mouth
>mfw this guy is literally talking about how much he loves eating shit

>> No.7906859

It could have some mild effect, but I believe bacterial mass has enough food to grow and prosper regardless. I'm not an expert though.

More importantly, people need carbs and avoiding them in long term is not healthy. I would say that better option would be to brush your teeth and eat carbs. Vegetables produce sugar naturally. Unless you are avoiding vitamins too, you are going to get carbs. Avoiding carbs would mean that most of the nutrients come in form of proteins and fats. Excess protein will damage your kidneys. Excess fat will cause atherosclerosis and all other fun stuff.

Other way would be sacrifice your overall health to protect your teeth and that hardly makes any sense.

>> No.7906862


Like the rest of your body, your mouth depends on overall good nutrition to stay healthy. In fact, your mouth is highly sensitive to poor nutrition, which can lead to premature tooth loss, serious periodontal (gum) disease and bad breath. Many nutritional problems will affect the mouth before the rest of the body. This is because the cells in the lining of the mouth — called the oral mucosa — are constantly being created and destroyed. In some areas of the mouth, cells completely turn over, with a whole new group of cells taking the place of old cells, in three to seven days.


>> No.7906886

>that's the only thing wrong with that post

>> No.7907006

>chemicals that loosen plaque from your teeth
don't be afraid if you swallow some - the chemicals will make their way to your teeth through digestive system, and help to lose the plaque

>> No.7907179
File: 138 KB, 1800x820, 1457104490432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ fag here. I used to be like you, thinking that race didn't exist and was just skin deep. But it's not.

It's common knowledge now that modern man came out of Africa, and interbred with Neanderthals in the Europe and Asia areas. The neanderthals had larger skulls, and it could be argued they had higher intelligence but didn't breed as much as modern man, hence they were completely bred away.

Take this into consideration. Sub-Saharan Africans are the only people on earth that do not have Neanderthal DNA in them. The Egyptians who built the pyramids, had it, the Romans had it, the Chinese that built the great wall had it. And the sub-saharan Africans who haven't built anything more than a mud hut in their entire existence, DID NOT HAVE IT in their DNA. Is it just coincidence that they haven't contributed anything to Humans in over 40,000 years? Why did other races move on, and contribute to the advancement of Humans?

Now we can talk modern humans. Those same sub-saharan Africans are around the world now. And when comparing their IQs (even if they've lived generations in the US) they are still incredibly below average. But that's not to say they don't have their advantages. They are superior athletes, and they dominate American sports, like basketball and football.

And why is that? Is it that they just HAPPENED to be able to jump higher or run faster? Or was it their genetics that allow them to? If their genetics allow them to jump higher and run faster, wouldn't it be reasonable to expect they might not have the same cognitive abilities of other races?

If you disagree with that, you're being as ignorant as a sub-Saharan African.

>> No.7907319

Listerine mouth wash

>> No.7907344

>haven't gone to the dentist in 2 years
>I'm worried I have way too much plaque
What the fuck? Just check my card and its been literally over 6 years since I last went to dentist... it was 11.01.2010.
>My teeth are as white as milk, I don't have any cavities. I brush my teeth 2min in the morning, 2min before sleep and after a big meal like lunch or dinner.
How did you manage to get so much plaque?

>> No.7907350

>being this ignorant

>> No.7907370

>/pol/ fag here
Stopped reading right at that point.

>> No.7907400
File: 480 KB, 206x196, laughreaction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you aren't actually interested in science. Just because I came from a different board, doesn't mean my opinion is invalid.

If anything, you're the idiot because you can't stand that someone has a different idea than you. Just read my point, and refute it if you want.

>> No.7907405

I bet you believe in god too

>> No.7907428

I haven't brushed mine regularly in the last 15, I'm fine you prob are too.

>> No.7908010
File: 341 KB, 1000x1000, cet-toothpaste-for-dogs-cats-cet-toothpaste-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go OP. Buy some dog toothpaste, it has enzymes to break down plaque.
I'll also give you a tip, brush perpendicular to your teeth. People say its bad for them but teeth are designed for a bit of a abuse as the chew up shit, brushing perpendicular ain't going to do shit.

>> No.7908022
File: 151 KB, 712x700, 1437343989536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7908111


But racial differences in intelligence exist and people on /pol, despite being idiots on average, are more correct than people on /sci/ about this. This is explainable by the fact that average posters on /sci/ are not smart.

It is generally undisputed that blacks score approximately one standard deviation lower than whites on intelligence tests of all kinds:


This is just for IQ studies. We can also examine SAT scores. If one, as in IQ studies, sets the white mean SAT score to 100, and then sets the standard deviation to 15, blacks score 85. We can also examine ACT scores. Again, setting the white mean to 100 and then scaling the distribution to have a standard deviation of 15, blacks score 85. TIMSS and PISA tests show the same thing.

Before somebody criticizes the link because "it's a blog", check the references listed for yourselves. What the debate is actually about is whether the difference is caused by genetic or environmental factors. Even egalitarians such as Flynn, Wickerts, and Nisbett concede that there is an IQ gap of approximately one standard deviation between black and whites in the United States. What they are disputing is whether the gap, whose observation is a robust result, is genetic or environmental in cause. The existence of such a gap is not disputed.

Anybody who does not know this cannot even feign mild interest in this debate. Even an hour of perusing papers on this subject will reveal this very clearly.


Concerning the consensus on race, there is none in the west and most biologists accepted race while physical anthropologists did about half the time:


>> No.7908247
File: 339 KB, 1536x2048, 1457135717851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this guy. And I agree

>> No.7908526

Regardless of what you believe to be true,
the idea of race based discrimination opens up the door to talks of racial inferiority and the consequential white supremacists who take advantage of the idea to push an agenda.

Of course, this is assuming you are right,
Which you are not considering your push on the validity of IQ tests, SAT scores and statistics as a decider of aptitude and not numerical representations of success/failure such as number of blacks in the workplace or number of black entrepreneurs vs US population.

Your numbers and the validity of test scores can easily be contradicted by many other studies from better known researchers than a fucking blog site (your article can't even be cited because it has no full name attributed to it).

>> No.7908567

Even if the reason of the gap is genetic it would be disgusting to treat a human being differently due to aspects of themselves they cannot change.

>> No.7908760


It may, but suppressing the information allows ideologues to force people to do things under the false pretense that variance between blacks and whites in life outcomes is due to something that is nefarious or unfair. There is a lot of incentive to keep this belief up.

>Which you are not considering your push on the validity of IQ tests, SAT scores and statistics as a decider of aptitude and not numerical representations of success/failure such as number of blacks in the workplace or number of black entrepreneurs vs US population.

I explicitly didn't consider it. Some others had posted that they 1) didn't think that a racial gap in intelligence existed and 2) the consensus on race was that it doesn't exist. I falsified both of these claims.

As for the validity, google Hunter/Schmidt 1998 for a study that shows that IQ is the best predictor of job performance, and find Tarmo Strenze's meta-analysis confirming that IQ is a better predictor of positive life outcomes than nearly everything.

>Your numbers and the validity of test scores can easily be contradicted by many other studies from better known researchers than a fucking blog site (your article can't even be cited because it has no full name attributed to it).

Funny that you would add this, given my verbatim suggestion: "Before somebody criticizes the link because "it's a blog", check the references listed for yourselves."

It's also more citable (the fact that you are focusing on it's formal citability shows that you have no actual retorts of substance) than your sources that you used to show contradictions to these studies: ~*~NOTHING~*~ :)

>> No.7908846

I went to the dentist last year for the first time in 15. There was a little plaque to clean up but I had no cavities and my teeth were otherwise in perfect health. You got lots of time OP. Just brush several times a day and watch the shitty food. Dentists are out to make money like every other business. You don't need to visit them every year like they try and tell you

>> No.7908862

If they are genetically inferior IQ wise, and they are predisposed to have a lower IQ. How are whites and asians equal? One group is naturally superior to the other, no matter how you want to pretend like it's not that way. Blacks are better athletes and I can accept that. But once it's the other way around "OH NO! THATS RACIST! WE'RE ALL EQUAL IN EVERY WAY! YOURE A LITERAL NAZI IF YOU THINK THAT GENETICLLY LOWER IQS ARE GENETIC" Fuck off with that shit. THAT's the reason there can't be any reasonable discussion into the situation.

So then are you against affirmative action? That's being treated differently because of skin color. Are you okay with Blacks having lower SAT scores to get into colleges? Are you okay with those things?

Are you just going to pretend like these things don't exist? This is /sci/, you're supposed to be objective, not biased because things make you feel bad. Fuck

>> No.7908905

If a piece of work has no name assigned to it, it has no credibility and you shouldn't put it into an argument.

And to believe such ideas that IQ is the best indicator of success only shows how ill informed you are and willing to tail the end of right-wing mainstream dogma.


I posted a certifiable person, Dr. Maynard Brusman. You posted Daniel.

IQ is not a determinant of success, certain models indicate 8 different types of intelligence,
EQ and IQ being two of them.

The strength of your brain is not just its logical strength. You want to discriminate an entire ethnicity on the basis that logic is the most important trait in the 21st century.

>> No.7908918
File: 39 KB, 548x442, 1442207321294-1-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like women are the exact same as men! Thanks for reminding me that evolution is a social construct, anon

>> No.7908920

Isn't the female mean higher now? Male variance is greater from what I've read, thus more male geniuses and idiots.

>> No.7908929
File: 1.11 MB, 1092x1096, Screen Shot 2016-03-04 at 10.30.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ is not a determinant of success, certain models indicate 8 different types of intelligence,

So then it must be something ELSE that's making them consistently unsuccessful? They must lack the other 7 types of intelligence. Because nearly 1/3 of them are on welfare


Their unemployment rate is double anyone else's, reaching nearly 10% of their population.


And their crime rates are through the fucking roof in proportion to their percentage of America. Look at this information on this website, it really puts it into perspective. The results are so fucking extreme, it can't be explained away by just racist cops.

And don't say "BUT DEY WAS PREJUDICED AGINST DEMM!!!" Because the same shit happend with the Irish, the Chinese, and even right now Mexicans. But they aren't anywhere close to what blacks are doing to themselves.

And not to mention, we put the Japanese into CONCENTRATION camps during WW2. Did they complain? Did they sit on their asses and collect welfare till the end of time? No, Asians are some of the best memebers of society.

Why is it like this? Refer back to my original post I made here, and it will describe what you're seeing perfectly


Pic is also related, it shows what the crime rate would be like if the black and white rates stayed the same, but flipped their populations in America

>> No.7908946

It will never be higher than Males, that's the beauty of IQ. It's handed down through genetics. Women tend to do better in school because it's geared towards them, but around age 14-15 boys equalize with them, then surpass. Men's brains can grasp more advanced concepts than women's brains, they are actually structured differently physically.


>> No.7908985
File: 81 KB, 1300x866, you_made_dentist_sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a dentalfag this thread ruined my saturday morning good vibes.

>> No.7908991

>Not knowing the basic concept of sexual dimorphism

>> No.7908995

What does that have to do with what we're talking about here? I have posted that on a different thread recently. I'm talking purely about race right now.

>> No.7909002

I am in the gutter, the gutter of longevity in the societal means of democracy
The democracy that put me down in the ghetto when I was a child
Born into poverty in the means of creation of artificial wealth through the demeaning of a entire class of people
A class of people who don't have a voice
A voice that was taken away from the light of day
An idea that ceased to exist
You don't know the pain that was or is who I am
The life I choose to live is the stereotypical success of such a people
The only success that I have
Yet still you demean me and mistreat me
As your average nigger on the block selling the crack rock

>> No.7909011

>average nigger on the block selling the crack rock
And there's your problem.

Refer to my recent posts. You should embrace it, then at least you'd know it's not your fault, and you can keep on with the welfare and have a real excuse

>> No.7909015

>I'm a stupid racist fuck
I'm not even black and I wrote that when I was manic.

>> No.7909026

Nice, way to inject feelings into /sci/ Refute ONE piece of what I said in my other posts


Then we can talk. Until then head on over to /lgbt/ to get your SJW juices pumping, because it doesn't belong here. I'm more than happy to get into an intelligent discussion about this, but you're not bringing anything to the table

>> No.7909027

Oops, not >>7908905

Just these two

>> No.7909037

You're crazy.

In-fact you're probably a paid shill pushing an agenda. I've met a white man who'll crack your skull and I've met a black man who wouldn't hurt a fly. Go outside you fool.

>> No.7909044

So basically you're afraid to open up discussion and delve into the research of a subject that could either prove racial differences or equality out of fear of white supremacists inflicting pain and suffering to blacks?

Here's some fun facts you haven't heard of; there have been 25 000 murders in US in 2012-2013. In 2012 the race of the perpetrator was known in 10353 crimes out of a total of 14581. Of the former, blacks accounted for 5531/10353=53,4% of the total known. If we extrapolate the race statistics from all violent crimes to homicides, we will get the following:

Of black homicide victims we know that 60% were non-black in 2012-2013. So the total number of non-black victims of black perpetrated homicides was 10353*0,5342412827199845
*0,6=3319. If we extrapolate some of the data from 2012 to 2013 we will arrive at a number of 25000*0,5342412827199845
*0,6=8014 total non-black victims of black homicides from 2012 to 2013.

>> No.7909047


For reference the Ku Klux Klan resulted in the homicides of approximately 2000 people over its existence. The official number of hate crimes from that same period, including crimes perpetrated by not only Ku Klux Klan but various other hate groups combined, is 3446. This means that all of the 'white supremacism' combined over a period of 86 years, black on non-black murder rate recoups that in just one year.

This means that whites simply coexisting with blacks for just two years results in more pain and suffering to whites than the entire existence of a white supremacist hate group inflicted on blacks. So if your goal was to lessen pain and suffering, you'd do better by removing blacks out of the equation than by removing the KKK and all other white supremacist hategroups.

To make it fairer and include all white on black homicides as well, there were 165 blacks murdered by whites in 2012. Extrapolating that into the 25000 homicides of 2012-13, we get 25000*0,4582458245824582*0,036=412


>> No.7909055

Not a shill.

And that's not an argument.

This is an open forum to prove me wrong, and the statistics don't lie, evidence doesn't lie, numbers know no race. There is overwhelming evidence to support my view point, and you have produced nothing to support yours, except two people you met once.

Of course not all black people are bad, and of course not all white people are good. But if you look at the statistical trends, patterns appear.

Look, either produce something that proves me wrong, or just shut the fuck up. Because no matter how insane and non PC my stance is, everybody here with an ounce of sense will see that I'm correct, and you're an emotional wreck, that can't understand basic facts of life.

>> No.7909070

I've got a question: if it truly did turn out that the differences are genetic, how would you even justify keeping the status quo? How would you justify letting two groups of different cognitive abilities mix, decreasing the overall potential of the society? If the overall IQ of whites in US decreased by just 5 points, that would have major implications in everyday life and worst of all, it would dramatically reduce the higher end of the bell curve. We would get dramatically less people with potentially revolutionizing ideas.

I mean just from history we can observe how the industrial revolution revolutionized the entire world and benefitted every population and ethnicity. If it stalled for just 200 years or more, we would be at least back in teh late 18th century.

Would you really deprive the world of huge technological and cultural progress just so you can say your conscience is clean?

Even more, *WOULD* it actually be clean if you really did it? Or would it just feel like it was? Does the wellbeing of a small fraction of a low cognitive race located in the first world really outweigh the progress that would benefit everyone, including that same race, had the higher cognitive race been left alone to focus on advancement of everyone instead of dealing with the past that nobody seems to be able to forget and the problems associated with assimilation?

>inb4 no discrimination is bayyd universally
The world is a lot more nuanced and all the black-white shit's gray, you're effectively acknowledging that you don't have a legitimate stance on the problem and would rather not deal with the actual issue here.

Try being objective for a minute here.

>> No.7909107

Leading this view makes me incredibly racist and judgmental. It's better to judge based on an individual basis.

Africa is a freaking mess, we get it.

>> No.7909136

Nobody is saying for you to stop judging blacks you know on an individual level. We're simply pointing out the obvious statistical differences which may or may not imply to major genetical differences, which may in turn imply something should be done.

>> No.7910146

this. shit will also get you drunk af

>> No.7910171

what's their technical name? i don't know what to look for

>> No.7910265


>genetical differences
>read: pseudoscience

That whole racial genetic superiority thing is bullshit. Blacks as a whole are underperforming socially in the western world because of the circumstances they've been placed in. I'm not just saying SLAVRY BAD!!1!!1!, I'm just noting that most underperforming ethnic minorities have had some sort of societal handicap in their development and assimilation into the western way of life, even if that's simply looking different than the majority of their peers. It's true in almost every case.

>> No.7910273


Fuck off, /pol/.

>> No.7910348
File: 17 KB, 300x228, 1454717965403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off """"""""""""""""""""""""/sci/"""""""""""""""""""""""", stop making a fool out of yourself. If you're so obsessed with racism, go back to your Junior College African American studies and circle jerk into your echo chamber of good feelings and white hate.

>Blacks as a whole are underperforming socially in the western world

They're underperforming everywhere, not just the US. And just so you understand, IQ isn't a measure of how smart you are, it's a measure of your brains ability to think and problem solve. Obviously, there are intelligent black people, and there are stupid Asians and white people, the blacks are just statistically less intelligent than other races

Anyone reading this that doesn't believe this or thinks I'm being unfair, answer me this: Why can the best marathon runners, and the fastest sprinters be black and it's accepted that the reason is because of genetics? But white people can't be genetically inclined for a higher IQ? (Even though it's already been proven)

Tell me why that is? Why the FUCK should PC culture have any place in science??

>> No.7910383

Because the Gumment funds it. And if they revealed stuff like this, the masses who feel and not think would get very mad, and want the funding for the programs cut.

>> No.7910393


You're very defensive about your race, anon. Were you bullied by the big bad blacks when you were younger?

>> No.7910491

No, I'm defensive about facts. I fucking hate it when people ignore basic facts. This board is for science, and yet you let your feelings get in the way to ignore reality. I can accept that I won't dunk a basketball, and that I won't run an 11second 100m, or that I won't have wide notrils. Why can't you accept that they have a slightly lower IQ, are prone to violence, and are more athletic?


I agree. Anyone who would publish results like that would instantly be ostracized in the science community because of SJW faggots like the people on here

>> No.7910493
File: 1.04 MB, 320x426, Black woman and baby.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, shit like this is why I don't like blacks. You never see videos of white people doing this

>> No.7910563

Remember, reversed stupidity is not intelligence. Just because somebody is disagreeing with /pol/ doesn't mean they're not also trolling!

Before responding to any post you find wrong, stupid, or aggravating, consider "Do I think this person is deliberately trying to start an argument? If somebody was trying to start an argument with me, is this a persona and worldview that would be particularly, even unusually, well-fit for that task? If they were not trying to start an argument, how new and clueless would they have to be to not realize their post would likely start one?"

>> No.7910678

The argument was started before I already got here. There was a thread posted on /pol/ that really rustled my jimmies, so I had to put in my two cents, and also bring real facts to the table

>> No.7910841

/sci/ already contains enough retards. Please make it better and leave.

>> No.7911080

Who's the retard? The one presenting evidence? Or the one ignoring it because it makes them feel sad :'(

>> No.7911424

>Not a shill
That's exactly what a shill would say. :^)

>> No.7911436

I could understand if this was reddit or another shithole where your name is associated with your words, but this is 4chan.
We are anonymous.
So, no, they are not protecting their funding, they actually believe races are equal or some other nonsense, in /sci/.
And, contrary to what some may claim, the majority of the pouplation of /sci/ is composed of people related to /sci/, mainly students of course but a lot of professional.

This is very, very worrying to see that level of reality-denial in the next generation.

>> No.7911437

That webm is horrifying.

>> No.7911441

>Enamel wears out with time and it doesn't grow back



note that you don't need fluoride though

people are so fucking ignorant about teeth health

how to get good teeth

-get enough minerals from diet. mostly calcium and phosporus
-get enough fat soluble vitamins from diet(D3, A, K2) so your body can actually utilize those vitamins
-don't eat a shit tonne of sugar or phytic acid
-flush your teeth with hot water after meals

ta da

t. someone w perfect teeth with zero plaque

and I don't even own a damn toothbrush

>> No.7911443

Your mouth in generally is showing some warning signs of major issues down the road. You have a large amount of plaque and your gums are inflamed. Trust me when I tell you the $250 will save you thousands in future repair, pain and just remember you only get one set of adult teeth.

>> Licensed DDS

P.S Dentists don't clear plaque, hygienists do.

>> No.7911528

There's this one kid who had a broken ankle and bone that showed up at a party. He was probably a /pol/ tard too because I said he should see a doctor and he responded with "what are they gonna do? It's a waste of money, they're just going to say stay off it and charge me a shit ton of money! There's no need for them!"

He probably doesn't know that his shit will heal wrong and he will have problems forever. Probably walks with a limp now.

>> No.7911631
File: 19 KB, 460x169, anNRPWq_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idiot $250
you're an idiot for valuing money over health

>> No.7912050


>> No.7912086

Got tons of them like that. This wasn't a one off situation

Yeah, because I get paid to put down black people on the internet... They already do that themselves.

Are you arguing that the scientists are hiding the data that's negative towards black people?

Like I said before

Why can the best marathon runners, and the fastest sprinters be black and it's accepted that the reason is because of genetics? But white people can't be genetically inclined for a higher IQ? I can accept that I won't dunk a basketball, and that I won't run an 11second 100m, or that I won't have wide nostrils. Why can't you accept that they have a slightly lower IQ, are prone to violence, and are more athletic?


>> No.7912224


>But white people can't be genetically inclined for a higher IQ?

Not him but it's already been public admitted that whites are smarter through academia and nerd culture. The prevailing idea in the 70's, 80's and 90's of a black doing good in school was even called " acting white" by black kids themselves.

Even if it is accepted in public circles about IQ distribution. What does it really mean in the grand scheme of things when the results were so fucking blatant before hand.

Is this some ego war against liberals are something?

Also take note that IQ distribution to academic/economic development isn't always 1:1 either, blacks despite having a average of 85 IQ are still further developed than the north artic populations in eurasia and north america despite those populations having average of 95 IQ.

And whites as you already know were and still are (at least at the moment) further developed than east asians despite having a lower IQ average than them.

> Why can't you accept that they have a slightly lower IQ, are prone to violence, and are more athletic?
>prone to violence

Listen I'm really getting tired of this meme, every major population is prone to violence.





Just because a higher sum of blacks are going to jail in america doesn't get rid of the major violence streaks that's been happening every where else.

>> No.7912321
File: 1.08 MB, 1092x1112, Screen Shot 2016-03-06 at 10.32.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're seriously suggesting that if the cultures were the same for whites and blacks, that IQ scores would be the same? IQ doesn't have to do with how "Smart" you are, it's a measurement of your brains ability to think. And studies have shown while environmental factors might play a role in early childhood, by the time those same kids reach young adulthood, environmental factors are nearly 0%. They also tested genetic inheritance of IQ and found it had the highest correlation to determining IQ of further generations.

>public admitted that whites are smarter through academia and nerd culture

You're assuming that the white environment has pushed for higher IQs, rather than Higher IQ's pushing for that kind of environment. Like I said in this post, environmental factors are insignificant when it comes to IQ. The environment may have an effect on school grades, but IQ will stay the same regardless of the environment they are in.

>Listen I'm really getting tired of this meme, every major population is prone to violence.

Of course, countries have conflicts, but that's not what I'm talking about here. Political conflicts, and land wars are incredibly different from Jamal assaulting and raping people down the street.

Look at the pic related. Blacks Murder at a rate nearly 6X more than whites!

Rape 3x more

And the commit robberies nearly 8x more than whites. 8x

And I know you're going to say "Oh but they just arrest blacks more than whites becuase they're racist." No it's not because they're racist. You'll notice that Whites are more likely to do DUIs than blacks, so it's not like blacks are getting singled out here. Their crimes are just a reality of the situation.



>> No.7912325

>plaque is a figment of the liberal media to scare you into buying useless appliances and pastes
>now i've read the arguments on both sides, and i haven't found any evidence yet to support the need to brush your teeth. ever.
>i got rid of my teeth at a young age because i'm straight teeth are for gay people
guys you really should be going to the dentist. i'd go once a month for a cleaning if i could afford it.

>> No.7912344

>don't go for years
>no tooth pain
>scrap teeth with piece of plastic every now and then
>eat delicious bacteria poop
>teeth are fine
>are not crooked
>none of them are black
>no money wasted on dentist, toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash
>breath doesn't smell

You really don't need to be fucking up your teeth with brushing and going to the dentist.

>> No.7912370

>Blacks supposedly have superior leg ability
>Cycling dominated by whites
>Blacks supposedly have superior dunking ability
>Chinese are just as good
>Blacks supposedly are stronger
>Powerlifting dominated by not just whites but the whitest of the whites, the Scandinavians.

Blacks seem to be better at running because a) it's by far the cheapest sport b) it's an easy way out of poverty. Then it becomes a cycle where blacks start believing they were meant to run and they push even more black kids into it.

>> No.7912376

>Also take note that IQ distribution to academic/economic development isn't always 1:1 either, blacks despite having a average of 85 IQ are still further developed than the north artic populations in eurasia and north america despite those populations having average of 95 IQ.
Because IQ is BS. Also I'd like to see the study that says all blacks have the same IQ. They tested some African Americans in a failing school or Congolese villagers and somehow that extrapolates to every single black person the world over

>> No.7912382

British have free dental care if you're unemployed and even if you have to pay it's not fucking $250 Merica stays backwards.

>> No.7912385

What's the best dental regimen O wise one?

>> No.7912398
File: 80 KB, 1250x622, maoa-gene-location[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody who seeks the truth is unlikely to find himself in good company on /sci/.

To the people in this thread who genuinely believe that nature outweighs nurture by a long shot: guess what, you're right. Do yourself a favour and disassociate yourself from these sociologists and liars before you catch a stroke from the absurdity on this board. The people who browse /sci/ are so socially inept, cowardly and politically biased that they would never say this stuff to your face. I am appalled by these "egalitarians" and naysayers. You can still sniff them out in real life and get them removed from the faculty though.

t. Population geneticist

>> No.7912399
File: 1.92 MB, 400x272, We Wuz Judas.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing that should be noted though between the items you listed is that there are actually two types of muscle that everyone has, fast twitch and slow twitch. Slow twitch muscles are responsible for heavy lifting, and hard use. Fast twitch, as the name suggests, is for moving fast like sprinting.


It's widely accepted, even by the Chinese, that genetics have everything to do with sports races are good at. All the sports you listed fit into that. Cycling isn't about short bursts of high energy, it's about your muscles being able to cope with heavy "Lifting" for long periods. Cycling is very different than running, running requires little energy, cycling requires actual pushing because of the gear ratio used. That's besides the point though. And since when have the Chinese teams ever been able to compete with American basketball (which is dominated by blacks)?

Cheap has nothing to do with it. Powerlifting is cheap, isn't it? There aren't blacks in that sport. And even if running is cheap, doesn't that mean it would be even easier for whites to compete in it too? Running is the ultimate level playing field because it is cheap, and yet even with anyone being able to do it, it is dominated by blacks. That should be an obvious indicator that they are naturally gifted at running

>> No.7912402

Find your local dental hygienist school, they will clean for free. They take longer but are incredibly thorough

>> No.7912404

You're a geneticist and you're defending the thought that genes do play a role in the IQ differences between races, right?

>> No.7912422

Blacks don't do powerlifting because they only lift to look good. Whites don't do running as much even though it's cheap because a) they don't need to as I said it's a way out of poverty and b) they have a wider variety of sports to choose from
And your muscle argument is ridiculous, seeing as blacks don't even feature widely in sprint-only cycling competitions like velodrome. Also there are many cyclists who are only really good at sprinting yet they are still a useful addition to the peloton. Finally if blacks allegedly suck too much at long hard stamina for cycling then why do you also claim that they are better at marathons?
You keep mentioning Jamaica well starters there are other just as black islands in the Caribbean which don't feature as highly in the world rankings and before you claim it's a population thing Haiti has 3x the population yet is nowhere to be seen on the world stage. This is damning evidence that your blacks are gifted theory is bunk and mine that it's simply cultural conditioning is the right one.

>> No.7912423


> So you're seriously suggesting that if the cultures were the same for whites and blacks, that IQ scores would be the same?

Anon do have problems with reading comprehension? When did I ever suggest an argument like this in my post?

> You're assuming that the white environment has pushed for higher IQs, rather than Higher IQ's pushing for that kind of environment. Like I said in this post, environmental factors are insignificant when it comes to IQ. The environment may have an effect on school grades, but IQ will stay the same regardless of the environment they are in.

I'm sorry but are you under the impression you are speaking to the previous anon from earlier? Because what the fuck does any of this have to do with my post addressing the public acknowledgement of IQ distribution when the preceding and current social climate already admits that whites are on average smarter than blacks?

Did I miss the part where tv shows like big bang theory was casted with a bunch of blacks? Did I miss the part where the vast majority of literature, comic book and movie protagonist and antagonist weren't white geniuses and social crusaders?

> And I know you're going to say "Oh but they just arrest blacks more than whites becuase they're racist."

No, I'm going to say you are fucking retard for saying,

"Political conflicts, and land wars are incredibly different from Jamal assaulting and raping people down the street."

They are not different, they involve opportunistic actions made by individuals or groups based on self desire or peer pressure. You cannot have conflict unless the desire of one side differs from that of the other, by definition that is what conflict boils down to.

Just because an assign conflict is dubbed political does not invalidate the fact that a assault and rape that happens in said conflict isn't the same as a assault and rape outside said conflict.

>> No.7912462

>Using stereotypes to prove your point.

>> No.7912475

Cycling requires slow twitch muscles. Even though the bicycle is going fast, you get more use out of it by using incredibly high gear ratios and having huge slow twitch muscles to do the task.

Pic related, that's a cyclists legs for the velodrome.

And like I said, the muscles you use for riding bikes, are MUCH different than running, two completely different types of muscles are needed for that.

So just because one country that has black people in it are shit at the Olympics, now all genetics studies are thrown in the trash?

What do you ACTUALLY believe? That Sub-Sahara Africa just never succeeded because of chance?

You said "it's already been public admitted that whites are smarter through academia and nerd culture". Which suggests that if it were not for the nerd culture, blacks and whites would be 100% even in all ways academically and IQ.

>what the fuck does any of this have to do with my post addressing the public acknowledgement of IQ

You literally said in your post, the culture had to do with the intelligence of the races, even though there have been multiple studies that show that is false.

>They are not different, they involve opportunistic actions made by individuals or groups

They are totally different. Especially when blacks are murdering themselves at a record pace. It has nothing to do with countries invading other countries. It has to do with blacks killing, raping, and assaulting each other, ignoring that FACT and then blaming it on whitey.

Just tell me what your stance is on the subject. I feel like we see sort of similar, but I'm getting confused with all the different Anons here

>> No.7912485
File: 125 KB, 396x594, 460004902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, forgot the picture of cyclist legs

>> No.7912498
File: 260 KB, 1448x972, kenyan_runners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here are marathon runners legs. Look at those and tell me those legs are anything close to similar. Those legs serve two completely different purposes. One is for heavy lifing (slow twitch) one is for running (fast twitch)

>> No.7912517

Oh NO! There goes Tokyo! Go, Go Quadzilla!

>> No.7912551

>So just because one country that has black people in it are shit at the Olympics, now all genetics studies are thrown in the trash?
Well yeah, that's how science works. Theories have to fit the data or else. Just because a country of 3 million does well in the Olympics lets chalk it down to them being black and ignore the nearby country of 10 million that doesn't do well even though they are just as black. Only one black country dominates sprinting. Ironically even Nigeria where they came from doesn't do well.

>> No.7912591
File: 1.20 MB, 720x404, The food chain.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet major sports in America are dominated by blacks. If you want to use real data, about races and not different islands in the carribean. Look at the fastest runners that have ever lived.


In that ENTIRE list of people that have broken the 10 second barrier, only ONE is white, the rest are black. And you're that fucking thick to think the reason is purely because they want to get out of poverty?

Really? They want to get out of poverty SO bad that it makes them able to run faster than everyone else on the planet? Do you not think there are white people in poverty? Asians? Hispanic? Of course there are. So for you to think that these environmental pressures are the only reasons for running fast, you're in denial, and you know the truth, you just don't want to admit it.

This is the only white person that has run under 10 seconds. AND ONE OF ONLY 8 PEOPLE IN HISTORY TO RUN BELOW 10 SECONDS IN THE 100M THAT ARE NOT OF "WEST AFRICAN DECENT"

West African decent. You seriously think genetics don't have ANYTHING to do with it. Fuck of with your PC bullshit, and go suck some more cocks over at Reddit like the rest of the liberals

>> No.7912597

Heavy lifting is fast twitch marathon running is slow.

>> No.7912616


>You said "it's already been public admitted that whites are smarter through academia and nerd culture". Which suggests that if it were not for the nerd culture, blacks and whites would be 100% even in all ways academically and IQ.

The leap in logic made from that is insane. The issue of academia/ nerd culture is in it's prevalence not in it's influence. There are simply more whites in academia and nerd culture. Nothing in my post even suggest removing said culture evens out the field between whites and blacks, just that seen emulation of behavior was viewed as "acting white" to blacks in 70's, 80's and 90's.

> You literally said in your post, the culture had to do with the intelligence of the races, even though there have been multiple studies that show that is false.

Where did I say that anon? Point directly to the exact part in >>7912224 where that is said.

> They are totally different. Especially when blacks are murdering themselves at a record pace.

No, they're the same. Also blacks aren't the only ones murdering themselves at record pace. By virtue of global population growth over the past several centuries everyone outside isolated islanders are doing so too.

>Just tell me what your stance is on the subject. I feel like we see sort of similar, but I'm getting confused with all the different Anons here

My stance is this,

-The average IQ distribution between different races or regional populations do exist at different rates.

-These averages do result in different academic/economic developments. But it is not always 1:1 between different populations.

-Even if the IQ distribution becomes publically accepted what difference will it make in the social climate when the visual and statistical results are already apparent of said fact. And unless some program is going to be implemented to attempt the equalization of said averages the situation feels more akin to a war of egos.

-And lastly all major populations are prone to violence.

>> No.7912625

My bad, there are actually 3 types, fast twitch, slow twitch, and a type IIa (which is aerobic)

>> No.7912641

I would kill myself if I had to look into mouths all day. That is, arguably, the very worst part of a human.

>> No.7912656

for putting their kids to bed at a decent hour?

>> No.7912660
File: 42 KB, 2660x86, Screen Shot 2016-03-06 at 1.18.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say it right here at pic related. You say that the culture of whites and blacks is what determines how smart they are. Am I reading that wrong?

> blacks aren't the only ones murdering themselves at record pace

In 2012, white males were 38 percent of the population and committed 4,582 murders. That same year, black males were just 6.6 percent of the population but committed a staggering 5,531 murders.

In other words: black people–at just a fifth of the size–committed almost 1,000 more murders than their white counterparts. And 90% of those murders are blacks murdering other blacks

>The average IQ distribution between different races or regional populations do exist at different rates

I agree

>These averages do result in different academic/economic developments. But it is not always 1:1 between different populations.

I agree

>Even if the IQ distribution becomes publically accepted what difference will it make

I think this is where our ideas differ. It might not make a difference immediately. But by ignoring racial differences it creates a lack of knowledge in a lot of other areas.

Take gun violence for example. You always hear about high murder rates in the US. But people are too afraid to talk about the demographics of the murders. Its mostly black men, as you saw in the statistic I posted above. The point isn't to be racist, its to open up a conversation about the ROOT of the problem. It allows us to talk about the possible environmental factors, or the link between violence and IQ. Maybe it's right, maybe its wrong. But to just ignore the cause of the problems, isn't helping anybody, especially the blacks that are getting murdered.

>And lastly all major populations are prone to violence.

Yes, however, blacks are VERY prone to violence, and at much higher rates

I'm just saying these issues need to be addressed so they can actually be solved.

>> No.7912794

nigga you dum

>> No.7912807

This is why I come to this god forsaken site I can't stop laughing out loud to this post and picture


>> No.7913689

found the genetically impaired black guy

>> No.7913760


>If a piece of work has no name assigned to it, it has no credibility and you shouldn't put it into an argument

Well, that's fine, because the blog post I had has the names of the studies attached to them. No problem here. You are being stupid on purpose by not looking up the names attached to the studies instead of insisting that the full name of the blog poster - who is merely relaying the study list - be known in full. You are either willfully lying to avoid having to address the studies or you are being stupid on purpose.

>IQ is not a determinant of success, certain models indicate 8 different types of intelligence,

The predominant model of single factor intelligence doesn't reject examination of specific domains of intelligence. Your entire post was a non-sequitur.

>> No.7913862

she's doing it wrong senpai.

All the orothodontists I've met are ballin!

>> No.7913875

Get a solid bit of plastic and sand it down to match the rough profile of a tooth (slide concave, width)
then scrape

> Or, toothpick

>> No.7913971

Im in the same boat op

>> No.7914020

>not getting perfect pearly white implants

pants on head retarded

>> No.7914412

clear 100 proof vodka and baking soda with a brush works fine. but for OP go find a good denist and get a cleaning first. shop around 100-150 should be the range without insurance. baka senpai.

once they get ur shit clean then go by the vodka (smirnoff is fine), you can get lil bottles for a dollar each or a big one for like ten or w/e. i've found the lil bottles work nice for sleep overs. you can also get baking soda for a dollar or two. desu it should only cost 5 shekels for two or three lil bottle and some baking soda. if you have the carbonate already then you can buy more vodka or w/e. dentist will give you 'free' brush and floss or sticks. wait until the next day to b rush.

the method is simple. brush only with cold water first and rinse with cold water. then rinse brush, dump it into baking soda from the box, mash it so the powder gets into the brush. take brush with powder, add a few drops of vodka, just enough to saturate the area but not wash anything off. brush the teeth with this mixture until you get tired, rinse brush and mouth with cold water and repeat again. after the second time rinse with cold water then use a small amount of the vodka as a rinse and gaggle. spit it out or swallow if you want, it's not poisoned like mouth wash.

the 'science' of this is simply anti-septic, abrasion, chemical reaction, etc. the vodka kills bacteria, the carbonate is a grit and foaming agent. if you do this method regular after having you teeth cleaned professionally you shouldn't ever need dental work again. there are no toxins like fluoride or the junk put in mouthwash. the latter is most ethanol anyway, the poison in it is to prevent nogs from drinking it as booze.

>in b4 OP is underage.

>> No.7914417
File: 222 KB, 900x1200, mini_vodka_smi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fug for got my pic.

>> No.7914612

Are you telling me our teeth are designed to work without constant medical surgery

>> No.7914618

It's still nutrients

>> No.7914633

Even as someone who called themself liberal that is entirely fucking stupid

>> No.7914650


I brush with baking soda alone and then rinse separately with an alcohol based mouthwash which doesn't list flouride as an ingredient.

Is my brushing with baking soda alone pretty much a wasted effort? I thought baking soda also had antiseptic qualities, after all it does kill odors presumably by killing odor causing bacteria?

>> No.7914809

good luck with that if you've got deep pockets and the shit's below the gum level

>> No.7916038

Yeah I see those partial derivatives really doing a number on those lower centrals

>> No.7916755

>if you do this method regular
how regularily? the method you described might take 10-15 minutes

>> No.7916939

one a day or after meals, idk ur the sperg here.

no clue about the carbonate m8, i only use it for grit, surely it being a strong base has some effect by itself. i tired an anti-tardar mouth wash without the fluoride but as i said there is other poisons, so if even a few drops get in my throat i get nausea and start to gag and sometimes vomit. so i switched to compounds which are less harmful and less expensive.


i also had used Tom's of Maine brand but what is sold today in stores has fluoride even though the brand was founded on clean stuff. you can still get the non-toxic Tom's online or in special stores i guess. there are many hippy brands of paste out there ranging higher in price ofc. there is plenty of blogs and such out there about toxic dental products, chems used, etc.

as many have from anyone not petted into the industry by parents or caregivers you can see it's a huge racket with little FDA overview, simply tell people not to shallow and pretend the mouth is a sealed off area.


since this is weeb you nerds could learn from that. the article mentions 'blackening', i have heard that activated carbon has some dental use and again it is none toxic if accidentally swallowed. the idea is abrasion and chemical reaction with the carbon ions or w/e. also it has strong visual contrast.

i wish there was more study of simple and safe methods of dental health but sadly it's a marketing scam b/c of the 1950s culture. avoid oil rinses they seem like a waste of time, compared to ethanol, but is more useful then nothing at all.

>> No.7916940

oh and it only takes 5 minutes, y u think slowly?

>> No.7916959

oh sorry that second article is hipster trash, at least it has words for later research. hipsters are POZ, wew lad.

>> No.7916976

>i literally go months without brushing and not one cavity

Do you chew tobacco or dip?

>> No.7916988

"Statistics don't lie"

Statistics are good at highlighting problems, but they aren't good at telling you how to solve those problems, nor are they good at telling you why those problems exist.

>> No.7916998

>Slow twitch muscles are responsible for heavy lifting, and hard use. Fast twitch, as the name suggests, is for moving fast like sprinting.
You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Slow twitch are less powerful, but more endurance. Fast Twitch are more powerful, which gives you strength and acceleration.

>> No.7917007

You're gonna have a hard time in life if you keep putting people, yourself included, into such neat boxes.