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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7905740 No.7905740 [Reply] [Original]


>while true that dna of most host mammals is incompatible with other species dna it has been theorized that if a sufficient quantity of sperm (like i dunno a full fucking syringe) was dilivered directly to an embryo in sufficient quantities regardless of what species it has a small chance that it will impregnate it and begin the cycle of cell replica....

imagine what we could do if this sort of thing wasn't taboo

>> No.7905766
File: 91 KB, 556x312, this-is-the-millionth-time-we-have-successfully-created-this-thread-and-we-have-become-exceeding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7905788

Does it work in reverse?

>> No.7905797

reverse in what regards?

>> No.7905807

Are you the same guy who posted on /pol/?

>> No.7905810

i'm also from /pol/ kek

>> No.7905819

Then where's the other threads? /sci/ isn't exactly blistering

>> No.7905828

If I take the animal embryo, jerk it off, get its sperm and then put it inside my ass will I become an animal?

>> No.7905841

Can Russians afford to waste eggs like this?

>> No.7905842

This is the third thread I have seen
And they all flaked because the bullshit you have linked is actually bullshit.

If you buy an egg from a store, given right condition a fucking little chicken will start to develop. EGG EMBRYOS are already impregnated. What the russian is doing is creating chicken freaks that obivously die.

>> No.7905852

also, this was suppoed to be posted

Into the trash it goes

Can /pol/ also be sent to the trash?

>> No.7905857

It's our psycho chamber, without it, we will flood our secondary boards, like /sci/.

>> No.7905864

In other words, the semen does nothing.
same shit would happen without it.

>> No.7905924
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I don't think they're chicken embryos, they would at least look recognizable. I think its simply a little puppet with strings

>> No.7906559

>If you buy an egg from a store, given right condition a fucking little chicken will start to develop
>EGG EMBRYOS are already impregnated
This is not really true. Aren't store eggs not fertilized? I assume the the russkii right there took some eggs from his babushka, which are not guaranteed to be unfertilized

>> No.7906564

I wonder what will happen if I shoot cum onto caviar
Will """"artificial lifeforms"""" develop as well?

>> No.7906575

The fucking end though:

>> No.7906600

fake, some faggy worm he found covered in shit.

>> No.7906623

>eating fertilized eggs

what shithole do you live

>> No.7906625

as in putting the egg back to your penis and waiting for 40 days

>> No.7906635

the bandaid is big enough to hide a bigger hole he made after the cum injection, to insert whatever the fuck inside the egg.

>> No.7906653

Catgirls when.