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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7903885 No.7903885 [Reply] [Original]

>cs majors are stupid and can't into math
>implying all the good ones aren't already double majoring
As a CS+math major, feels good

>> No.7903893

90% of all CS+math double majors half-ass the math major and take the watered down courses popular with future high school math teachers and actuaries. The same is true of 75% CS+physics double majors.

>> No.7904036


Oh look, the meme of watered down courses again.

>> No.7904092


Have people not seriously considered that much of the "evidence' that CS majors are incapable of things pure math/physics is simply anecdotal and the vast majority of CS/CE majors just don't really need to do anything else to get a job (vs the fuckload of other STEMies who end up having to learn to program to even be relevant?) That and that a lot of online programming courses have been optimized for people to quickly learn how to play code monkey?

Not exactly mind blowing stuff here.

>> No.7904093

things such as* lel

>> No.7904110
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>cs major
>mfw hard science majors and engineers are jelly that I make more than them
>mfw when the daily "cs majors are retarded" thread comes up on sci

>> No.7904120

>I solve simple problems for other people for a wage that is not equitable in terms of how much I make for my task masters.

Wow, you sure are smart and beat us. Hope you enjoy being controlled by the idiot idea men and business majors.

>> No.7904122
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>> No.7904123 [DELETED] 

Stay mad m8y, just remember you'll likely have to delve into computer science to actually be competitive in all job hunt for all but the most niche fields.

>> No.7904129
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>mfw smug math majors have to take CS classes just to get a job

>> No.7904133
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Stay mad m8y, just remember you'll likely have to delve into computer science to actually be competitive in a job hunt for all but the most niche fields.

>> No.7904143

Dont worry man that "cs is a meme" meme will propably fade earlier or later.
People had been bashing Biology, Engineering and Economy before. (Appaerently its popular to bash CS at the moment)

>> No.7904304

Biology is legit over saturated in undergrad though

>> No.7905507

Economics is kinda similar to CS in how undergrad is dumbed-down af and that there's a stark difference between grad and undergrad.

>> No.7905521

Good for you, just beacuse you study a little bit of complex- and fourier analysis doesn't mean that you wont end up as the other retarded computer scientists.

>> No.7905522

>yfw all majors suck and have become watered down because of affirmative action and profit

>> No.7906462

>Oh look, the meme of watered down courses again.

But there are watered down versions of all the more involved classes in many universities. The book the class uses is a dead give away to find out if it's watered down

watered down Analysis: Spivak, Gaughan, Ross
honors Analysis: Rudin, Pugh, Apostol
watered down Abstract Algebra: Pinter, Fraleigh. Gallian
honors Abstract Algebra: Artin, Herstein, Jacobson

>> No.7906472

>are jelly

It's amazing that people can enter into adulthood and still believe the lie their parents told them in preschool that "any kid that makes fun of them is do it because they are jealous of them".

>> No.7906482

What about Hungerford in Abstract Algebra?

>> No.7906488

>Stay mad m8y, just remember you'll likely have to delve into walking to actually be competitive in a job hunt for all but the most niche fields.

Anyone who says the walking science major is a meme is obviously butt blasted and jelly that they have to learn walking to get real jobs. Soon this "walking science major is a meme" meme will die off and we'll go back to being the most respected science major around.

>> No.7906500

and? i know union electricians that make 200k$ a year.

doesn't make them any less pleb. you are basically a computer plumber m8.

>> No.7906507

>What about Hungerford in Abstract Algebra?

"Abstract Algebra: An Introduction" is watered down algebra.

>> No.7906943

Spivak isn't even an analysis book

>> No.7907899

>much of the "evidence' that CS majors are incapable of things pure math/physics is simply anecdotal

No, just look at the major requirements and syllabi for CS courses at top schools and see for yourself. Their courses barely cover a third of the material any good STEM course covers. Seriously, take a look at what counts as a YEAR of "cs math":

>don't really need to do anything else to get a job

College isn't trade school bud.

>> No.7907908

I've spotted schools that use it for their "advanced calculus" class.