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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7902745 No.7902745 [Reply] [Original]

You never hear geniuses say "i pursued math because of my teacher", unless its in a paid for commercial for a private college

Enterprising students and geniuses self teach themselves anyway so whats actually the point in having teachers, lecturers and professors?

>> No.7902758
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It's not just school teachers, it's all the teachers you find in life, including your parents.

Read the book in the picture. It's a wonderfully-drawn collection of Richard Feynman's interviews and essays put into a narrative.

Point is, Richard Feynman loved his father (a physicist) and was inspired because of the early lessons of scientific thinking his father taught him.

Teachers are important. You can be incredibly intelligent, but if you live with parents or teachers who don't recognize your potential, you end up on this board.

>> No.7902782

1) That is factually wrong. Although many great minds had an independent approach towards their studies, many of them have benefited from some sort of mentoring.
2) You're probably not a genius yourself so you should probably stop using this as an excuse not to go to class. (inb4 "hurr durr projecting")

>> No.7902803
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>> No.7902816

To shit test the geniuses. If you're not smart enough to break away from their mainstream ideas at some point, you deserve to live inside the worldview they're teaching.

>> No.7902920
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I think the academia in whole is needed because state of art technology and knowledge that is noteworthy needs to be standardized and passed onto the next generation. It turns the anomaly of golden age into a constantly ongoing event. Plus there's enough cake for everyone.

Just stop for a moment and think how great it is: You have a genius factory that produces standardized geniuses. They even come with a quality assurance document! Now you can hire an expert to examine your cupcake production process and tell you how to improve it. That's just incredible. And that's not all! If he doesn't shower or show up at work, you can just fire him! Infact you can hire him for no reason at all - because why not? It's not like he's irreplaceable.

>When I graduate I'll be the next einstein/tesla/leonardo/galileo for sure!

Oh you silly /sci/!
Inventing isn't a science. It's an art.
You don't become an inventor by sitting your ass in a classroom for 35 years!

>> No.7902930

the most influental person in my life was my math teacher. if not for her, i wouldnt know the greater extent of my abilities.

>> No.7902936

Humans are too lazy to educate themselves thats why we have teachers.

>> No.7903094


>> No.7903184

This happened to me an hour ago.

I enjoyed the professor's lecture and while we were working, kind of mulling around and he was looking over, I asked him a question about something which extended what he had said to a topic a little later in the book.

His response was very sarcastic
>Oh..Is that was I was just teaching?
>No...I was just curious if it was possible to take the definition you gave us and use it to prove this?
>That's not relevant

No shit professor. What you teach is piss easy and I'm asking a simple question to start a dialogue.

Why are half my professors like this? It's an ivy league school, why the fuck do you shut down my curiosity every god damn time?
The other half of my professors, the ones which happily answer a question, are excellent.

Literally had a professor say to me
>I'm very worried about the way you think about math in general. It doesn't seem right.
My response, which was true, was essentially
>I'm not sure why you're worried. You haven't given any tests at all yet and I've answered every one of your homework problems correctly, I fully understand the material you covered in lecture and I'm studying hard in your class, and this is also the first time we've spoken. Did I offend you or something?
Found out later he just acts like an asshole and puts down all his students.

To answer OPs question, no. Fuck your professors. I hope they lose their jobs to online schooling and stick to their fucking research instead.

>> No.7903291

The original purpose was to have a living google. You couldn't just look at porn, fap, have an insighful after wank question and google the answer. You had to go to the whorehouse, pay the skank, sex, have an insightful after sex question and go find a teacher to ask.

Thanks to the internet you only have a four step process compared to the five step standard. Be grateful faggot.

>> No.7903484

>Enterprising students and geniuses self teach themselves anyway so whats actually the point in having teachers, lecturers and professors?

Because not everyone is a genius you fucking moron.

>> No.7903491

His dad and what he taught him is pretty much all he talks about here if you cant read OP
