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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 104 KB, 485x485, INFNIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7901915 No.7901915 [Reply] [Original]

What are some meme math theories that can be easily disproved?

>> No.7901917


That would need infinite paint retard

>> No.7901920
File: 65 KB, 1069x557, 509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doomsday paradox

>> No.7901930

Only under infnit idurashun

>> No.7901938

>implying that paint molecules are infinitesimal
Grow up

>> No.7901939

Holy shit the art is so bad it gave me cancer *and* autism.

>> No.7901953
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>not liking spurdo

>> No.7901972
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An enlightened *and* clever comment.

>> No.7902087

It has an infinite perimeter and finite area

>> No.7902098

But the amount of paint is measured in volume, so it will cover the fractal with an infinitesimal thickness

>> No.7902100

>That would need infinite paint retard
You do understand the area is finite, right?

>> No.7902103
File: 59 KB, 640x360, 19694_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Set theory

>> No.7902104
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>> No.7902111

prove me wrong, cockbag

>> No.7902113
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>> No.7902114
File: 69 KB, 260x320, romney-smug-as-always.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prove me wrong, cockbag
The AREA is FINITE, you mong.
This should be obvious.
Just imagine painting over the original, 6-pointed star with a circle than completely encompasses it.
The SAME circle will also completely cover any iterated version.
qed, you'se a dumbass.

>> No.7902118

>the shape has infinite perimiter

>> No.7902126

post more spurdo

>> No.7902136

I was watching a introductory lecture on Cantor and set theory earlier, and it made sense to me. Why did he get so much shit for his work? How can you actually disprove set theory?

>> No.7902137


i know your response is b8, but i <3 the name of your reaction image

>> No.7902138
File: 52 KB, 640x559, 1453218694913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can cover an infinite area with a finite volume by stretching it, you avid, cock-enjoying homosexual retard fuck.

>> No.7902146

Russel's paradox? Wildberger also hates Dedekind cuts.

>> No.7902152

>The sum of all positive integers is a NEGATIVE FRACTION

>> No.7902360


sabe pa

>> No.7902364

A sum is -1/12 but it doesn't converge to -1/12

>> No.7902384

This is surely bait but just in case.

It is a definable and finite area after infinitely many iterations but the perimeter of the snowflake is infinite. You can cover it in paint because you are painting its surface-area however you cannot draw it with a pencil because you would be drawing its perimeter.

Google "Convergent Series" and don't post again until you are in highschool.

>> No.7902397
File: 41 KB, 312x500, 9WUFpjB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can cover an infinite area with a finite volume by stretching it, you avid, cock-enjoying homosexual retard fuck.
It's NOT and infinite AREA, you semi-aborted twat.

>> No.7902440

are we supposed to assume this shape has no thickness or the edges don't need to be painted? because otherwise you might need infinite paint to cover the edges

>> No.7902493

that pic my fucking sides

>> No.7902496

op's pic literally says that you cant paint de egsderior :---DDDDDDDD
no ones saying anything about pencils or finite lines

>> No.7902497

>are we supposed to assume this shape has no thickness or the edges don't need to be painted? because otherwise you might need infinite paint to cover the edges
Did you even read the thread?
Just look two posts above your own:
>You can cover it in paint because you are painting its surface-area however you cannot draw it with a pencil because you would be drawing its perimeter.

>> No.7902509

whats his name again?

>> No.7902511

Holy shit lost so hard to pic

>> No.7902526

ive been wondering, whats with the t. Name thing thats been done lately?

>> No.7902554

no clue lel

.t someone who uses it anyway

>> No.7902560

It's a /pol/ meme. You probably weren't aware of it because you're not a racist idiot.

>> No.7902563
File: 128 KB, 315x683, 1435637174586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy knows

>> No.7902568

"t." is an abbreviation for a Finnish salutation. Since the Spurdo meme is Finnish... well...

>> No.7902600

There was a Finish shitposter that would always end his posts with t. (his name).

Apparently he posted so much shit that he was the reason they made captchas or the minute timer

>> No.7903400

Perimeter, not area

>> No.7903440

t. redditor

>> No.7903472
File: 220 KB, 2048x1365, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it means terveisin, which is finnish for best regards

>> No.7903534

Holyshit I never thought about this. So this theory is fake?

>> No.7903567


It's easy to confuse yourself with this shit but it's quite simple.

All that the ramanujan summation stuff, cutoff and zeta regularization does, is look at the smoothed curve at x = 0.
What sums usually do is to look at the value as x->inf.

It's just a unique value you can assign to a sum, really they have many such values.


>> No.7903587

>>You do understand the area is finite, right?
the formalization of the are is finite. in 2016, maths are not connected back to empirical actions.

>> No.7903776


What if the shape was 3d? How do you paint the edges?

>> No.7903821

What if you make the same shape, but cut out of a circle and with color? Bam painted. Of course, if we have area dependent friction then it requires infinite force to push it onto the shape

If said shape can exist in the real world, there are much more interesting things we can do. For example we can make a computer with an infinite amount of transistors that occupy a finite volume and use a finite amount of energy.

>> No.7903824

It's a koch snowflake with depth.

>> No.7904321

paint is in 3D, the surface area is 2D

>> No.7904339

Doesn't matter if the perimeter is infinite, measure theory tells us it still has zero area.

>> No.7904432



If we wanna do this experiment in the real world (3D) we'd need infinite time (4D)


>> No.7904534

>What is a limit

>> No.7904582

t. Alberto Barbosa

>> No.7904601


What does this mean?

If that shape was 3d, with depth, and you put it in the paint bucket, what happens?

>> No.7904640

What do you mean "3d with depth"?

>> No.7904671


Drake equation

[math] N = R_* \cdot f_p \cdot n_e \cdot f_l \cdot f_i \cdot f_c \cdot L [/math]

Rate of star creation in our galaxy, R*

Fraction of those stars that have planets, fp

Average number of planets per star having planets that might support life, ne

Fraction of the above that actually go on to develop life, fl

Fraction of the above that develops intelligent life, fi

Fraction of the above revealing their existence via signal release into space, fc

Lifetime of such a civilization wherein it communicates its signals into space, L

It is too optimistic and thus wrong, people use it to basis to justify existence of aliens. Those people are even more terrible to argue with than philosophists.

>> No.7904688

You would need a 4D paint bucket for a 3D shape, since ops example was a 2D shape in a 3D paint bucket. The 3D shape would act like a hyper absorbent sponge, it would drink it up, Daniel.

>> No.7904695

Russel's paradox was remedied a long time ago.

>> No.7904832


>> No.7904842


>> No.7904849

Well Aliens probably exist (since the universe is pretty big), but what most people (which you probably meant) misunderstand is that:
1. It takes a long time for them to start existing and
2. the odds of them and us communicating are close to nil

>> No.7904931

it's from /int/ dummy

>> No.7904980


I'm not trying to say that aliens couldn't exist. I do realize that possibility, the space is big and timeline long. However, they are not flying around us and yet trying to hide.

I still believe that equation leads too optimistic results, but I guess, it mostly depends from values it is used with.

My biggest problem with equation is that it is just taken out of air. We don't know any of these things. What is probability for life to form. What kind of surroundings are required. Every value in that equation is just taken out of thin air.

All and all, my problem is not intelligent people using this and discussing from other possible species. But those conspiracy theorists you can't argue reasonably with.

>> No.7905000

t. Faggot

>> No.7905141
File: 23 KB, 510x570, lasittunut_katse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "stretch" on either spatial dimension would have to be infinite. Unless you can prove that the euclidean plane has a singularity that allows such constructions on a (unit) circle, your Gabriel's Horn meme is out of place.

>> No.7905178

not of the edges

>> No.7905217


So with a 3d shape and a 3d bucket, you would need infinite paint?

Lets say you dip it into a swimming pool of paint. Does the paint get absorbed instantly? Does it take time?

>> No.7905227
File: 32 KB, 827x575, ss+(2016-03-04+at+04.26.40).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Drake equation is not meant to be accurate.

pic related

>> No.7905230

Objects with infinite surface areas don't physically exist, so you couldn't dip one in a pool of paint.

>> No.7907300


So fractals are just a meme?

>> No.7908519

Yup, plank length means they're fake

>> No.7908531

Fractals were an elaborate hoax perpetrated by Julia Mandelbrot in order to sell textile designs in the early 1990s

>> No.7908536

>Objects with infinite surface areas don't physically exist, so you couldn't dip one in a pool of paint.
>So fractals are just a meme?

No ideal geometric forms exist in the physical world.
ALL geometric forms exist only in an imaginary universe.

>> No.7908681

Fractals are a scam, the deeper you look into it the more intricate the web of lies becomes

>> No.7908778

Too bad the sum is defined by convergence..........

>> No.7908984

Soft chuckle

>> No.7909028

t. means regards or something in finnish
/int/ and /pol/ use it a lot at Portuguese guys cause they try to get in with europeans but theyre black
t. Alberto Barbossa

>> No.7909041

you can do this in 3D dipshit