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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7900688 No.7900688 [Reply] [Original]

Well /sci/ how does it make you feel?

>> No.7900699
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That I should continue to ignore the retarded crap liberal arts majors think and say.

>> No.7900705
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>liberal arts
>type into google essay about your topic
>find it
>slightly modify it
>get an A

WOW SO HARD! At least in STEM you have to take an exam which checks if you know what you're doing. You can't fucking cheat then.

>> No.7900710

Who the shitcunting fuck starts with the title?

>> No.7900714

Like it matters. Neither teach soft skills actually important to careers.

>> No.7900718

>googling exam questions
only in britainistan

>> No.7900720


Stopped reading there desu

>> No.7900761

In America BA and BS do not refer to the field the degree is attained in. Rather, BS requires a bit more difficult coursework than a BA. Is this not true in Bongistan or is the author just retarded?

>> No.7900767

Here's the link if anyone wants.

>> No.7900769

Aaaand this is why England lost their most valuable scientist. B-but hey, muh feelings and soshul justiz XD!!

>> No.7900775

This. Came here to post that exact comment.

>> No.7900779

What does it have to do with the khalifate? I mean, the question-googling part she talks about is just utter BS that basically just proves she knows nothing about science and math, let alone how it's taught at uni.

>> No.7900784

it is for historical reasons, because science was once considered a liberal art
some universities, e.g. harvard, only award BA degrees

>> No.7900795

Literally makes me want to end my life

>> No.7900797

>we find libarts difficult
>you don't find math and science as difficult as we find our fields
>this proves that our stuff is harder, and not at all that we're just retarded lightweights
Like, sparknote summaries? For serious academic study of literature? Are you still in ninth grade or are you going to step the fuck up nigger

>> No.7900816

How does that respond to my post? The author seems to be suggesting that BAs are for liberal arts while BScs are for sciences but this is not true. BScs are in fact harder to get than BAs because they require more work.

>> No.7900822

This desu.

>> No.7900931
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BA here

good idea tho

>> No.7901315

My BA is in astrophysics. Physics and math are also BAs.

>> No.7901324
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>The Tab

Fucking Townie Rag

>> No.7901356


Underrated post.

>> No.7901377

All of the whining about looking things up and copying answers basically just means that their questions don't even have right or wrong answers.

>> No.7901390

>even their politicians have fucked up yellow teeth

Do British people not believe in dental hygeine?

>> No.7901405

They don't believe in fluoride and food that must be chewed.

>> No.7901410

In science, one must still communicate eloquently. The difference is that, in science, meaningful information must also be conveyed.

>> No.7901411

Some of her other articles:

>> No.7901419

I've done enough of both to make a call.

Neither is really harder than the other. The learning style and course work involved with each is a bit different, and some people find different styles more challenging than others.

They both go well together. If you're doing one you should consider doing a double degree or at least a minor in the other.

>> No.7901497

>find out what your professorx*'s agenda is
>pander to xirs agenda in your essays
>receive easy As

>> No.7901499

In the UK we don't have general ed stuff, so yes BAs and BScs tends to be given for different subjects entirely.
There's historical stuff too, like all Oxford and Cambridge students get BAs, even in mathematics and natural sciences.

>> No.7901502

Teeth are naturally slightly yellow. What's unnatural is fucking bleached white teeth

>> No.7901945

Yeah, it's also natural not to bathe you disgusting Brit fuck.

>> No.7902015

Ironically, her writing is not good. How many times do you need to use "really" consecutively? Surely there's a more effective way to express that. This is corroborated by the fact that she and her classmates approach essays by reading Sparknotes rather than having an actual thought about what they've read.

In summary: if you suck at what you do, it will be hard, and Alice is God awful at what she does.

>> No.7902044

Why is she referring to mongols, specifically?

>> No.7902090

Lib arts majors.

This was my first thought also

Who the fuck starts with the title and an intro

Who the fuck uses sparks notes? Hurr durr I need someone to explain what I read to me

>> No.7902097

She has an argument there but she is forgetting that we could argue that because her subject doesn't have absolute answer, any bullshit can potential pass for an answer. In something like Physics there is usually just one correct answer that you must be able to find.

However, as a math major I will tell you that very few times are there absolute answers here. It is a lot about intuition.

For example, just yesterday I wrote a proof for the statement that if two matrices are similar and one is invertible then so is the other.

I used the similarity equality and the fact that both matrices are matrix equivalent to literally construct the inverse of the other matrix to show that the inverse exists and therefore it is invertible.

Then I read the answer made by the author of the book and he simply pointed to the fact that similarity preserves nonsingularity and some other things that immediately proof that both matrices are invertible.

Two completely different approaches, one analytical and the other constructive that yield the same general answer.

>> No.7902109
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My frontpage face when seeing this

You got it, we have predetermined degree titles (changeable, but only to very closely related degrees) and the subject decides if it's BA or BSc, it's a formality.

Human competition should make all degrees similarly difficult. Regardless of STEM being useful and nonSTEM being trash, the amount/difficulty of the content will expand purely to seperate students apart (or shrink purely to let some of them be top)

>> No.7902117

>Aaaand this is why England lost their most valuable scientist


>> No.7902510

Well, next time these clowns need medical help after say breaking a leg I guess we will just read them a poem.

It is time to round up all these telephone sanitizers and send them off, for instance on an ark.

>> No.7902522

>however as a math major
anon you don't get to call yourself that until you move beyond lower div linear algebra

>> No.7902532

Maybe for a time, but as brainlet I must say I can't even wrap my head around pi.

>> No.7902535

I have a BA
In physics
Since my university is older than BSc's

>> No.7902716


>> No.7902849

>You can't fucking cheat then
Wanna bet?

>> No.7902873
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>talk to my mate about his BA
>he said he literally just sat their writing bullshit on most of his work
>still passed with good grades

>> No.7902959

Fuck Liberals.

>> No.7902975

I feel fine. The thing you have to realize about the type of person who writes clickbait is that they're inherently miserable people. One of my friend's friend's fiancee writes clickbait for Jezebel and the guy is just insufferable, everyone hates him. Professional bloggers are scum, and thankfully they're pretty much fucked because they write for pennies and don't get healthcare.

>> No.7903000

It's true. Analyzing Fifty Shades of Grey is definitely harder than analyzing manifolds.

>> No.7903032

Math is a lot more creative than writing essays is

>> No.7903033

Well I know this is unpopolar opinion but I can't stand how "unexact" liberal arts are. For me, doing good philosophy is much harder than good math

>> No.7903038

Because philosophy is the only shit that requires thinking unlike history, literature, etc

>> No.7903043

>Math is a lot more creative than writing essays is

I agree, and have even gotten some liberal arts friends to agree with me. I think mathematics is a perfect liberal art. It's also quite demanding.

>> No.7903050

I don't care what Alice Cachia thinks. I'm kind of sorry someone made her feel so dumb she felt like she had to write this.

>> No.7903054

I don't really care about difficulty except as a barrier to entry

The point is that I enjoy my STEM field, I find the things I learn in it useful and spending 4 years analyzing the symbolism in 'Of Mice and Men' would make me want to blow my brains out, honestly.

>> No.7903056

In all honesty, who gives a fuck who has a harder degree?

>> No.7903089

I kek*'d

>> No.7903096

There is a fine line between sense of achievement compared to being an autistic faggot. Considering what some of my friends are doing it would be kind of hypocritical of my part to not feel "superior" in what I managed to achieve.

>> No.7903100

Underrated Post

>> No.7903105

Philosophy requires actual thought compared to 'analyzing' an essay or some shit like that. It involves thinking about the possibilities and the consequences of such possibilities and seeing whether or not they are valid.Thus in a way it's kinda like math, but applied to a different subject matter. So I can see where you are coming from. At least it is an interesting subject with a lot of avenues to explore and haven't yet been explored, as compared to circle-jerking over Shakespeare and stating something obvious about his plays that a 9th grader could (and probably did) figure out.
Also Checked.

>> No.7903114

Ayy all you need to do is look up [math] \int_{\delta \Omega} \omega = \int_{\Omega} d \omega [/math]

Fifty Shades askes deep questions you have to actually think about, like is Christian sexist and why does she want him so bad

>> No.7903121

still not gonna hire you :^)

>> No.7903122


If you haven't noticed from the amount of anti-CS threads (and last year or two, anti-biology), /sci/ does.

>> No.7903169

Puremathfags and physicists that always shitpost, "biology isn't science cause it only has 7 letters XD therefore, neither is chemistry because 8 is close to 7 XDDD...PHYSICS ISN'T A SCIENCE CAUSE 7 LETTERS? LOL MAD CS MAJOR. I DO QUANTUMRAPE THEORY PHYSICS, YOU MUST BE MISTAKING ME AS A PHYSICS PHD WOUND UP AS A TEACHER"

>> No.7903185

Took discrete math 300 level
Took music class 300 level

Music class was literally copy pasting from an online text and ctrl f the answers for the online quiz.

Discrete was my first exposure to proofs. No hw, only tests. Only got a b in it but it was much more work. And not just memorization/opinion like 99% of non stem classes

>> No.7903196

The part about the bottle of wine and sparknotes makes me think this is satire

>> No.7903247

>no problem sets
Sign of a pretty shitty math course.

>> No.7903260

> No hw, only tests.
> 300-level math course

...what? I could understand for stuff like calc, differential equations, etc... but a proof-based math course that's all tests? Why? You can't think enough to do any non-trivial proofs on a short test.

>> No.7903620
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>Liberal Art majors

>> No.7903631

Are you trying to imply that everyone doesn't just rote memorise what's likely to be on the exam?

>> No.7903704
File: 166 KB, 1038x1300, smiling-cartoon-witch-doctor-illustration-47714998[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw econ major
>liberal arts majors think my degree is really hard because it involves math
>stem majors always ask me if it would be cost efficient to "Pie in the sky nerd dream/triple nasa funding/ban wind turbines( why do you guys hate wind turbines?)"

>mfw my degree is pure voodoo and I cant wait to be a professional witch doctor.
Mfw I get to choose between BScs and BA.

>> No.7903713

Yeah, at my university you can get a BS in Chemistry or a BA in Chemistry, the latter being objectively much easier (less classes).

>> No.7903714

Hmmm Let me compare: my BA in pure mathematics, including graduate courses in topology, functional analysis, algebra, or my friend's BS in biology (he once passed a class in organic chemistry. Must be a fucking genius right?)

Yeah OP I'd have to say mine's harder.

>> No.7903715

Are you implying we don't just google our problem sets and cut and past the answers but change the x's to y's, the p's to q's, and the a's to b's?

>> No.7903716

In the UK if you have a BA then you did a degree in the arts/humanities/some social "sciences". There are some exceptions to this (Oxbridge have BAs for science subjects), but by and large if you do a science you get a B.Sc and if you do something in the arts it's a BA.

>> No.7903719

>implying we didn't do that in high school
I'm not him, but if you're majoring in math, you should be taking PDEs and hopefully analysis and abstract algebra by the time you're an undergraduate freshman. If you didn't make it that far before you got there, you frankly shouldn't be a math major.

>> No.7903722
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Idk how it works at your school, but OChem is pretty entry level upper division in biology degrees. I'm doing Biomolecular engineering right now, and I've yet to take topology or functional analysis, but I have taken upper division stochastic and chaos theory mathematics (more suited for my major).

Personally I struggled more in my upper division Biochemistry courses when trying to understand dynamics of figures like the one I posted.

>> No.7903726

I was kind of just kidding.
I think it's bullshit that my math degree is a BA to be honest, but I guess since I don't technically have to take science courses for it, it makes sense.

>> No.7903730

Don't sweat it brah. Colleges and employers will look at the subject title instead of the degree classification. For example, compare Ecology BS vs Math BA. I'd take the Math BA anyday.

>> No.7903734

>In America BA and BS do not refer to the field the degree is attained in.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're trying to say here, but are there really schools out there that will give you, say, a BS in English Lit? Because as a fellow American I've never heard of one given out by any reputable school. I know in some fields like Math or Econ you can find a BS or a BA and the BS is usually the harder and more technical one but for the most part I always thought BA and BS are more or less related to the field the degree was attained in.

Either way, this thread is pretty much just another excuse for undergrad STEM majors to jerk each other off like always on /sci/.

>> No.7903743

buttmad actually

>> No.7904017

Oxford gives BA for pretty much everything, CS, math, physics

>> No.7904115

What does a math major need PDEs for?

>> No.7904490


Thesis statement failure

>> No.7904500

green monkey ftw

>> No.7904504

Atleast shes not writing abt feminism

>> No.7904580

>This person thinks all of science is plug and chug

Tell that to my poor printer wednesday morning when my weekly graph theory proofs are due

>> No.7904593

I agree. I found A level physics piss easy but GCSE English I barely scraped a pass after trying twice. Why can't autists accept that there are different sorts of intelligence? Even in GCSE history I was that autist who knew every date and fact yet I was mediocre at the subject because I couldn't analyze written evidence or write essays.

>> No.7904656

>homework is not for your own benefit, you're paying to force yourself through a miserable program you don't enjoy

>> No.7904660

A level Physics is piss easy though lmao, it doesn't work as a contrast fag

And you're just dyslexic and/or retarded desu if you found English hard, especially if it's your native language

>> No.7904787 [DELETED] 

To get a job.

>> No.7904793

To get a job.

>> No.7904808

The truth. It hurts.

>> No.7904855

Yes it is an excellent contrast. If you leave your autistic ivory tower you will find that the vast majority of kids find A level physics to be the hardest school qualification yet I and presumably you found it the easiest. Therefore there is no such thing as "hard" it's all just what you find easier. Most people find arts subjects easier hence why arts is regarded as "easier" yet when a science minded person does it they don't do so well. Nobody here can say arts is easier unless you've actually done the degree. Nobody here has therefore this entire thread is a pointless biased circlejerk. I am the only person here who finds science easy who is willing to put his hand up and say "No, I wouldn't find arts easy"
>And you're just dyslexic and/or retarded desu if you found English hard, especially if it's your native language
My English is fine, I actually love reading fiction and my physics teacher always commented that my answers were well-written. GCSE English doesn't test for rigorous spelling and grammar which autists would be pretty good at, it tests for creativity and "feelings". All the questions on the test were "Explain how the author feels" This is nonsensical to my STEM brain. English was one of my favorite subjects up until around year 9 when it switched from grammar and spelling to creativity at which point it quickly became my most hated.

>> No.7904867

Good lord you sound 19. Please fuck off. Your logic and reasoning skills are awful and reek of college.

>> No.7904924

>ad hominem

>> No.7905155

>he can't bullshit his way to an A/A* in eng/eng lit
>calling other people autistic
Yep, you're retarded

>> No.7905189

>I don't understand the difference between someone insulting me for the stupid shit I say and someone trying to unfairly discredit an idea through attacking me
>This is nonsensical to my STEM brain. English was one of my favorite subjects up until around year 9 when it switched from grammar and spelling to creativity at which point it quickly became my most hated.
This has to be a false flag

>> No.7906023

The writer obviously doesn't understand what BAs and BSs are. My school had both a BA and a BS in chemistry. The BS was just the BA with another 6 classes tacked on. It was strictly more difficult than the BA.

>> No.7906037

In some places the reverse is true. The titles mean nothing in particular.

>> No.7906041

>switched from grammar and spelling to creativity at which point it quickly became my most hated.

I hate to break it to you, but you aren't cut out to be a scientist or engineer.

>> No.7906075
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>doing a BA is really, really hard
You just took away any respect you had from your title Alice Cachia. But it's not like you had any to begin with.

>> No.7906078
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>> No.7906210
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>all dat bad grammarz n won paragraf

fo realz

>> No.7906232
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Is that all you do? You should hand encrypt it first, batch style.

>> No.7906365


>> No.7906406

better option, end theirs.

I really hate this faggy attitude that people have of just giving up when things get slightly difficult.

>> No.7908422

Oxbridge don't give BAs for natural sciences. They do divide it up by MChem, MPhys or MNatSci

>> No.7908455

Social Science graduate here. I completely disagree with the author "Alice Cachia" in OP's post.

>> No.7908472
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I'll bite. If STEM is so easy and pays better why didn't she do it?

>> No.7908494


>All undergraduate courses at the University of Cambridge lead to a single degree, the Bachelor of Arts. When you graduate, providing you pass the necessary examinations, you will be awarded a BA Hons. (Cantab.). In Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics and some Science subjects, you can study for a fourth year and obtain a second degree in addition to your BA; these integrated masters courses lead to either a Master of Engineering (MEng), Master of Mathematics (MMath), or Master of Natural Sciences (MSci)

>> No.7908500

>you cant fucking cheat then
I agree with what you are trying to say but you can ALWAYS cheat