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7899213 No.7899213[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does science acknowledge the variance of intelligence between dog breeds, but does not acknowledge the variance of intelligence between human races?

>> No.7899217

science does, ignorants don't.

>> No.7899219

It's such an incredibly controversial topic that if you even dare mention it you're essentially committing career suicide.

>> No.7899228

Pretty much this.

Daily reminder that Watson, being a respected scientist, got denounced by the entire world, including academia, and called a racist because he published a book correlating average IQ of a nation with their economic well being. Ironically, it's less important for Western countries, but hey, old white guy, gotta be a KKK member.

>> No.7899238

it's not controversial at all. it's just bothering the races with lower intelligence, thats why it's something that you don't mention to their face so you don't upset them, not that you aren't supposed to.

>> No.7899240

i know plenty of asians who dropped out of college and doing dead end jobs

its funny because im a nigga

>> No.7899256

First line on the wikipedia article
>"Race, as a social construct,"
>"Social conceptions and groupings of races vary over time"
>"among humans, race has no taxonomic significance by pointing out that all living humans belong to the same species, Homo sapiens, and subspecies, Homo sapiens sapiens"
i.e race is mostly made up
I wrote a long reply explaining this but fuck it why am I wasting my time with 15 year old nazis on /sci/ Believe what you want to believe, I really don't care, all I want is you to make these threads on /pol/ where they belong.

>> No.7899258

>First line on the wikipedia article

>> No.7899259
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>using IQ to compare intelligence between races
>not considering colonial factors, intentional ethnic and racial discrimination and white privilege biasing and skewing IQ results
>inb4 racism is code word for anti-white
>inb4 white privilege is a lie cooked up by buttmad liberals

Run along now back to your containment board

>> No.7899263

>be above average IQ minority
>scientists bring out a statistic that on average your race has a lower IQ
>people then immediately assume I have a lower IQ than them alone for that
>although I get better grades then whites and do have a higher tested IQ
>white losers will still feel superior because they don't know what exceptions are or overestimate the amount of low IQlers in my race

It's a great feeling

>> No.7899270

Check ur privelege :^)

>> No.7899272
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> race
> politics
pick one

As for your question, There are lots of factors to measure intelligence and each race pretty much scores the same in all of those. Ignorant people who deny IQ tests just because some races are terrible at it are completely shut when the same races score just as bad at exams, SAT scores and basically in most aspects of their life.

So no, anybody with a brainstem acknowledges that there have to be differences among races, but they just don't prefer to speak it out loud.

>> No.7899279
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>> race
>> politics
>pick one

>le i want to ignore the evidence and reality and believe in my pseudoscience conspiracy theories

>> No.7899281

Why do you want to ignore the evidence and reality and believe in your pseudoscience ?

>> No.7899284

was 9/11 an inside job?

did we go to the moon?

>> No.7899285

yes and yes

>> No.7899290

if 9/11 was an inside job what makes you think we went to the moon?

>> No.7899293

rockets ;)

>> No.7899299

IQ tests are a) meaningless puzzles b) designed by whites for whites. Normal exams other races do fine if the social conditions are alright. IQ predicts that blacks will always do worse in exams as you claim then please explain why blacks in the United Kingdom consistently outperform whites in GCSEs? The answer is that the poor whites in the north of the country drag down results massively which proves that test performance is a function of wealth. IQ also predicts that black countries will always be worse Also explain why Trinidad and Tobago, a black country has a higher GDP per capita than Poland, a white country? The answer is that Trinidad is in a historically stable part of the world whereas Poland has been right in the powder keg of Europe for centuries. This proves that how well a country does is a function of geopolitics and not who lives there.

>> No.7899307

Nobody denies economic power is directly correlated with intelligence as in it allows your children to have better education and live in more civilized parts of the world. Which is why most african countries, african americans and blacks in europe are mostly dumb niggers. Same as the poor european countries are full of uneducated white trash. But on average, there will always be that imbalance and one race will always do better than the other. And blacks have always been in the bottom of the list there.

>> No.7899310

So name for us a country where whites and blacks have about the same economic situation on average, and we'll look at some kind of testing/IQ data for that area.

I suspect that data will hold that both parties will have roughly equal scores, but I'll wait for data to say I know.

But if we can't get data, then let's all just shut the fuck up and stop pretending any of us on any side know jack shit.

>> No.7899312

1)We tried, it's called an IQ test
2)It doesn't work, not because of any technical problem but because intelligence has no strict definition so cannot be quantified.

>> No.7899317

He was criticised because he forgot stats 101, correlation!=causation. I give him a pass for it since it wasn't a scientific paper, just his general opinion.

>> No.7899318

Moving the goalposts.
Racists start by averaging for a country, usually USA or somewhere in Africa as proof that blacks are inferior
I average for a country too this time a European one that has all the blacks in the relatively wealthier parts of the country and show that blacks are now doing better than whites in school
You now average for the entire planet well no shit sherlock black countries are on average poorer than the white ones.

>> No.7899321
File: 67 KB, 707x615, ss (2016-02-29 at 12.52.05).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that empirically analyzing races is only controversial to idiots who have to identify themselves based on race (this goes for both sides of the spectrum)

There are plenty of actual, significant biological differences between minorities other than skin color. IQ is just another trait that deserves to continue being analyzed regardless of whether it hurts people's feelings or not. And while there are definitely smug shitheads who will argue back, "but mr anon I'm blacker than coal and I could solve the Fermat conjecture high on DMT!" good for you. Your anecdotal exception to the rule is never statistically relevant. There's plenty of very intelligent and respectable human beings of every race, color and creed. Doesn't change the unavoidable fact that a distribution might show the AVERAGES have clear winners and losers.

>taxonomic significance
defined by what, exactly? All domesticated dogs are the same species too. That's such a shitty, pedantic argument even if I understand why you'd use it to shut up white supremacists who otherwise fuck up this entire argument.

But if anything, you especially can't denounce IQ by race by pulling the "we're just one species" card out of your ass when cultural activist groups are constantly crying that their racial identity is being oppressed. Homogeneity is a consequence of equality, fucking deal with it. Personally? I don't give a shit if race is a social construct or not (it's not, it's a biological construct that has social implications), it still needs to be studied instead of just sweeping questions under the rug for the sake of morality.

tl;dr question, if scientific advancement produced serious evidence to support the theory that (insert the minority you are most racist against here) had the highest potential for intelligence, would you be against IQ analysis too?

>> No.7899322

> we can't know nuthin
it's funny that you just admitted that you're not supposed to say they have identical intelligence either, you just said you don't know because you don't have economic racial distribution data as if thats the only factor that measures intelligence.

keep believing whatever you want friend, but everyone knows deep down where they belong in the intelligence ranking ;)

>> No.7899325

You stupid gorilla-poster faggot, stop shitting on /sci/ with your braindead ideas. First those ass annoying nihilism posts and now this race bullshite. And ALWAYS this ugly gorilla picture you dumb shit. Go to /b/ assfag nigga RIGHT NOW!

>> No.7899329

> statistics is racism
found the retard. please go cry to all the statisticians that summing up numbers and averaging them to the amount of instances is racism and get your ass kicked out. meanwhile, we will run stats and make decisions based on them.

>> No.7899333

>empirically analysing races is controversial
I don't know why scientists even bother anymore. Race has no strict definition, closest would be where your ancestors lived at some point. It's largely self identified and therefore unreliable. It's only loosely explained by genetic theory, and why people don't just focus on genes I don't know. As if you could account for all the differences in people from a few categories.

>> No.7899335

You aren't a scientist, lad. You're just looking to get biases confirmed.

>> No.7899336
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>Stormweenie talking about stats
Correlation isn't causation. The hypothesis that being black makes you stupid is not proven because on average niggers are dumber.

>> No.7899339

> desperately tries to strawman with correlation when its not even related to anything
Nice try retard but noboody even mentioned correlation. you just threw it out there and attacked your own post because you thought it was easier to attack like the retard you are.

We are talking about the exam results, SAT scores, employment rates and crime stats and how blacks score much worse than any other race. I wonder what's your next pathetic attempt to lie your way out on how they are not as dumb, yet are worse.

>> No.7899341

>the 2007 spike in mozzarella cheese consumption

is this chart accurate?
what happened here?

>> No.7899345

>Country eats almost half a pound more mozzarella than usual one year

What the hell? Did a pizza company make an amazing ad or something? That's like an extra 150,000,000 lbs of cheese, for that year

>> No.7899357

Nigeria and Moldova are roughly in the same economic condition.

>> No.7899360

>ugly gorilla
I think he's rather handsome.

>> No.7899368

Human beings have this egotistically idea that they are exempt from the laws of genetic randomness hence you see do many mongoloids repeat the YOU CAN BE ANYTHING YOU WANT mantra over and over as they are trying to convince themselves that they arent limited by the chemical codes in their cells. For example I wanted to be an astroengineer but alast I just dont have the brain efficient enough to do the job so thats out of my grasp however most idiots will do a job that they are genetically incompatible with just to prove a point.

The notion of human intelligence not being equal due to geographic position makes a ton of sense as our hominid intelligence was caused by environmental pressures and not just random mutations. The Europeans and North East Asians lived in the most unpredictable landscapes so them being the most intelligent human breeds makes alot of sense where as the blacks and aboriginals living the most unchanging easily survivable environment explains why they are so moronic and impulsive compared to other humans. Had the blacks lived in the northern part of Africa they may have actually have been more intelligent since you would need to use your brain to survive there which explains why the northern african humans like the ancient egyptians were intelligent. This does show that humans that live in the jungle will eventually become stupid and it is logical since the jungle is the environment our ape ancestors lived in so a primitive environment leads to a more primitive physiology where as the original hominids lived in the savannahs of Africa where brainpower was required. Thus explaining why the Indians that live in the north are intelligent where as the ones that live in the south have the same level of reasoning as black africans on average it is also no surprise the southern part of India has the highest poverty and crime rates while the north part is relatively peaceful.


>> No.7899372

The Native Americans originated from an extinct group of north eastern asians related to modern Siberians meaning they were once many times more intelligent than they are now. When the natives entered the New World only the ones that lived in the arctic north kept their Siberian intelligent where as the ones that went south slowly began dumber and dumber as they got nearer to the tropics. No surprise the most tropical south american countries are also the most dangerous as these countries contain the most idiotic simple minded american indian ethincities due to the jungle effect making the brain more primitive as brainpower isnt needed for the jungle. Where as the natives that lived in the North American prairies employed a terraforming strategy to maximize game but didnt boost in intelligence as their average IQ is 85 at adulthood. The central american native americans live right in the tropics meaning they would be impulsive and violent as proven by the fact that every central american country is a violent shithole. The majority of southern natives inhabited the Amazon forest where unknown tribes are still being discovered by the brazilian government these tribes have very dangerous humans that would become a criminals in any civilized society as they have been adapted to jungle life for literal millenia and lack the impulse regulation to be a normal person. Most of Brazil's crime is due to mixing this kind of american indian with the genes of african blacks creating an extremely dangerous human being.

>> No.7899397

so much this.

We know that poor nutrient can cause lower IQ. We know that poor economics can cause poor nutrition. Been in a poor country is much more likely to cause a low IQ than a low average IQ causing a country to be poor.

>> No.7899415

>zoophile neckbeard detected

>> No.7899421

That seems to be true, with Moldova at ~2200 US$ GDP per capita, and Nigeria at ~3000 US$ GDP per capita. And, hate to say it, but a cursory Google search does seem to show a big disparity in average IQ. Moldova at 96, Nigeria at 67. That right there suggests this /pol/ shitposter is right, which has got to be bullshit somewhere. Let's see if there are any holes worth poking in this.

What other, more accurate, test could we do for intelligence? We could test for that if it's available. Is there a staggering amount income inequality in Nigeria, meaning some incredibly rich individuals are dragging up the GDP per capita and skewing results? If we say IQ depends mostly on wealth, that'd fuck up this data. If there is a ton of income inequality, maybe we should pick another black country.

>> No.7899439

Who has more inteligence OP.

A 100% white redneck who puts loaded guns near infants and sleeps in a trailer or a black who fails every class in school and deals drugs ?

Your poor post is based on rasist predicates that disregard the socio-economic factors that contribute to infant intelligence growth.

Where is your evidence that the economic status of individuals are not the greatest cause of problems amoung races. Can you refute the arguments put foreward by those with credentials.

I doubt you can refute the mainstream concencus because all the racist side has are strawmen, begging the question and dodging the question.

>> No.7899448

In science you start with a hypothesis, friendo. I'm assuming your hypothesis here is "blacks are stupider than other races because of genetic influences." Then we use evidence to support that hypothesis. You used statistics, the lower average IQ of blacks, to support it.

A correlation is when a pattern emerges from two variables. You used a correlation, amigo, blacks have lower IQ than other races. Your other examples are all correlation. SAT scores, unemployment, crime et cetera. You're correlating blacks with these things. If I were to make a chart, I'd be white with some crime, then to the right blacks with more crime and a line going up between them.

Now correlation doesn't equal causation because there are any number of other possible causes which we have to eliminate by controlled experiments. Hence the phrase correlation does not imply causation.

Perhaps you meant "turns out that niggers have more unemployment, crime and lower test scores, not that I think it's got any relationship with race, it's just a coincidence" in which case the facts support the hypothesis.

>> No.7899450

Into the increasingly obese American population. Especially the kids.

>> No.7899452

It's commonsense that our genes limit what we can do but I'd like to see your proof that we know exactly what these limitations are, which include IQ.

Also evolution doesn't work like that. Neither is the African climate unchanging. The Nile for example floods occasionally. And there are droughts on the African plains.

>> No.7899471

>IQ got lower nearer to the tropics

Bullshit. If we still have vestigial organs after the tens of thousands of years it's been since we needed them, there's no way that people lose 60 IQ points in just a thousand years because they live in a fucking jungle.

>> No.7899485


Yes, Nigeria is a particularly corrupt country with a large wealth disparity. Picking another country would be wise, but sadly this is a common issue especially in African countries

>> No.7899495

All of them are corrupt. From an economic standpoint you really don't need genes to explain their awful GDP.

>> No.7899499

Ignoring the gene discussion entirely, I was referring to Nigeria's relatively high per-capita GDP by comparison to Moldova with its lower wealth gap.

>> No.7899568

Tropics don't have seasons but they have changes in rainfall, responsible for the migrations in the Serengeti. By your logic they would have to be smart to anticipate these things.

There are a ton of problems with your theory.

Firstly, evolution doesn't work like that. It says that fitter individuals reproduce more in a population. This refers to physical traits that are affected by genes. There is no intelligence gene that if removed humans become dumb as animals. Assuming there is such an intelligence gene, such a gene would be present in Africans too. The migration out of Africa was extremely recent in an evolutionary sense, only 200,000 years at most. If they were intelligent, they were intelligent when they left.

Secondly, it flies into the face of what we know about intelligence and civilisation. Civilisation and the sciences arose around extremely fertile, life bearing grounds like the Nile and the Yellow River. The more favorable the conditions the smarter we get. Otherwise Eskimos would be the geniuses.

Thirdly, intelligence doesn't require everyone to be smart. To survive in the cold we just need the idea of a coat. Neither is intelligence absolute, one tiny idea can be extremely advantageous.

Fourth, the North is just worse from you point of view. Humans are extremely robust, we can survive in many temperatures. The upper limit of heat is around 50 degrees Celsius and personal from experience with thin clothes you can live at zero degrees Celsius. That's within the ranges of much more than the Tropics. I could argue that Africa is much more dangerous with its predators and crocodiles and desert so you need intelligence to survive.

Here are some other theories about intelligence

>> No.7899570
File: 81 KB, 640x624, This coffee sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does science acknowledge the variance of intelligence between dog breeds, but does not acknowledge the variance of intelligence between human races?

Because dogs aren't people, dogs don't have a sketchy past of writing laws to undermine or benefit particular groups, they do not wage wars against each other that spans entire countries, continents and the globe itself.

They don't have to worry about dogs lynching other dogs on trees, they don't have to worry about dog gangs shooting bystander and police dogs, they don't have to worry about dogs trading each other for slave dogs across the ocean.

There is no holy crusades of dog kind between different religions, they don't have to worry about dogs blowing themselves up in public, they don't have to worry about dogs burning down churches nor do they have to worry about a sect of dogs claiming themselves to be chosen ones to rule over all others.

In other words scientists trust dogs more than they trust humans with such information. Hell I would trust virtually any other species with such information more than humans.

We as a species can't be trusted. Also most people don't know about the stochastic process/control concepts and would rather become some closet occultist who believes in numerology.

>> No.7899612

what about bone structure and pigmentation?

>> No.7899658

>Moldovan literacy rate 99%
>Nigerian literacy rate 61%

Despite the country's poorness, Moldova has an excellent education system, and has a near western standard of high school graduates, and university graduates.

>> No.7899664

Everyone knows that dog intelligence tests were created by schnauzers, with a heavy schnauzer bias

>> No.7899684

I love seeing these kinds of "pol" posts.
I browse r/4chan looking for them all day
I'm glad to see this one first hand

>> No.7899685

>pick one

Race has little to nothing in IQ, What you are all saying is they same thing as admitting a wage gap by generalizing and not taking other factors into consideration

>> No.7899688

do you think everyone in the rest of the boards think races have identical intelligence ? are you retarded ?

>> No.7899691
File: 28 KB, 500x333, Alexandre-Dumas-pere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because there is no inherent intelligence gap.

Oh, and because IQ tests are not a reliable measure of cognitive capabilities or "intelligence" (which is a vague and nearly undefinable concept at this point in time).

>> No.7899697

Don't know if you can corelate, but Nigeria does well in comparison.

You might also need to check if Nigeria's writting system is too complex for a farmer to learn.

>> No.7899698

Sure it is. You must think it is an astronomical coincidence that the same races in the same nations score consecutively worse or great and the racial intelligence ranking stays the same every year. You're trying too hard.

>> No.7899701

>are you retarded ?
haha! the epic projectionist meme
>do you think everyone in the rest of the boards think races have identical intelligence ?
I think other people don't care, it's not going to affect their lives in any perceived meaningful way.

Besides. These race shitposts are just like /r9k/ beta threads

> Waaah Chads
> Waaah Stacies

Compared to /pol/ posts

> Waaah jews
> Waaah blacks

Then most other boards are on topic
> textbook general
>what do you think of <book>
>linux general

/pol/, like /r9k/, is that autistic kid who never showers (piss bottles, etc) who wants to talk about pokemon with all the other kids. But these normies want to talk about normie shit, gym, university, etc.

Take your autistic shit and keep it on your containment board.
There is r/redpill and the stormfront forums for your other shit

tl;dr probably everyone on /sci/, and 4chan, accepts the black-white IQ disparity. But we just want you to fuck off. The only people who are anti-IQ difference are because they are reflexively reacting antagonistically.

Just kill yourself please, you fragile x syndrome tier retard

>> No.7899710

wow, that escalated quickly :^)
does people acknowledging the intelligence difference between races trigger you so much that you have to slam your keyboard with rage and blame boards and shit ?
Everyone is aware of intelligence difference and we are here to talk about it. If you didn't want to discuss, you should have left. But you can't, because you have to stay in the thread you ersonally don't like and constantly shitpost.
And I would talk about racial intelligence if it was related to any other board, unfortunately it's not so it stays here.

>> No.7899723
File: 1.72 MB, 318x242, aec8188c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I'm just not some /pol/ idiot browsing a science board to feel smart.



Racists are sad, really. They can't just live in a world filled with people. They have to spend every day categorizing others by perceived inferiority to themselves.

>> No.7899762

Noo no, you're just a typical ignorant feels-over-facts idiot browsing a science board to feel smart. By the way the links you've posted not only show blacks are dumb but also asserts supporting evidence on why they are dumb. No wonder an idiot like you wouldn't think it through to figure out which side of the argument your material favors to. I'm sure didn't even read them.

>> No.7899769

Nigeria's official language is English.

>> No.7899772

IQ test were created initially to find retards meaning if the scorces are under 90 then the test is correct regardless of what your feelings say.

>> No.7899784

>They have to spend every day categorizing others by perceived inferiority to themselves.
Whats wrong with categorizing humans? Its the next step needed to understand our species more this human rights nonsense prevents experimentation that could allow us to know more about the human species and possibly hominids. Im sorry I dont care if you dont want to know you are just another animal on earth that isnt special in anyway but things must be done for progress. If I had my way I would have humans in every country genetically tested then arrange them into categories and assign names to the categories to end this whole race is a just a meme issue.

>> No.7899795


Because race is just a social concept and no real significance in the human race. People are smart and stupid depends on income, environment, and how one was brought up. You can have potential to be the smartest person in the universe but still end up stupid because of education and environmental factors.

>> No.7899801

You make those points, but they're less supported by evidence than racial differences

>> No.7899805
File: 2.23 MB, 387x251, 1267943097431.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all poor people are dumb
K. Cool comeback, it's almost like you're so unintelligent that you had to invert what I said to you because you couldn't come up with a retort. ;)


Water wheels were created initially to grind wheat. Are they now preferable to industrial wheat grinders?

>> No.7899807

Everything is a social construct idiot. It's hilarious everytime retards like you use that phrase just because you heard it from somewhere else and assumed it actually means something.

>> No.7899808

IQ tests were created as a racist tool of opression and propaganda. Everyone knows that all people are of equal intelligence. >>>/pol/

>> No.7899810

I'll read your paragraph when you prove you can read my single sentence.

>> No.7899812

>. You can have potential to be the smartest person in the universe but still end up stupid because of education and environmental factors.
No this is impossible, intelligent african americans disprove this bullshit big time as they grew up in hellholes and still act like functional human beings. Someone with the intelligence to be the smartest person in the world would still retain their latent cognitive ability even in a bad environment. Your argument is literally POOR PEOPLE ARE STUPID GUYS yet it ignores all the intelligent people that came from poverty meaning poverty has no link to low intelligence. If you are poor you can be any level of intelligence so this socioeconomic stuff is just a meme for faggots like you that would cry when they realise YOUR INTELLIGENCE IS DETERMINED BY YOUR GENES AND ONLY YOUR GENES NO ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS CAN MAKE YOU SMARTER AS YOUR LATENT GENETIC INTELLIGENCE IS THERE EVEN BEFORE YOU ARE FUCKING BORN.

I hate people like you living in your fantasy land disregarding logic for anything that feels good.

>> No.7899816

The mere fact our test can still accurately find retards means they are always correct in retard identification meaning all those low test scores in Africa and South America are valid.
> Everyone knows that all people are of equal intelligence.
>post this on the board where dudes brag about being smarter than people
Fuck off to /his/

>> No.7899823
File: 65 KB, 1024x512, o-TINFOIL-HAT-facebook-1024x512[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need a tinfoil fedora to protect you from the nazi beams coming from the dark side of the moon fired by zombie hitler

>> No.7899826

What gender are you?

>> No.7899832

>muh IQ
Go back to >>>/pol/ with your racist pseudoscience. All people are equally intelligent, except racists. IQ means nothing and racists have statistically the lowest IQ. >>>/pol/

>> No.7899835

>not a single source posted for all the extraordinary claims in this thread


>> No.7899841

>All people are equally intelligent
But how can that be so if everyone isnt Einstein anon? Are you retarded?

You also just used IQ as a gauge for intelligence but also said its not real you anti racist are completely insane by definition for denying reality.

>> No.7899842

I saw what you did there ;^D

>> No.7899845

Calling him a racist is bullshit but that study is pretty stupid. I could raise a pretty smart kid and then just totally fuck up my next one by not exposing him to written language at a young age or giving him a shit diet.

No shit it's hard to develop a brain when you get raided by warlords every week.

>> No.7899853

Everyone is an "Einstein" in their own unique way. Some people are good at math, others are good at dancing or socializing. Who are we to tell who's more or less intelligent? My friend Tyrone is bad at math. Does that mean he's less smart? Of course not. He's a valuable human being. As I said, everyone is intelligent, except racists. Racists are dumb as fuck.

>> No.7899859

>what is the exception and not the rule

>> No.7899860
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ITT: /pol/ getting BTFO with scientific facts disproving their racism

>> No.7899864

> Who are we to tell who's more or less intelligent?
> Racists are dumb as fuck.
you've become a self-parody of yourself

Now pack your shit and go live in the ghetto if it makes no difference for you. It's full of people with "equal intellect" except there are no ebil white oppressing racists there ;)
Let me know when you get there

>> No.7899870

strawmans, ad-hominems and reaction images are not scientific facts tyrone...

>> No.7899874

>can't distinguish between intelligence and having a misinformed/ignorant (dumb) view of the world
>thinks that ghettos are bad because colored people live in them and not because they're filled with impoverished people

Pic related. It's Brazil. Weird, being poor sucks in every country on the planet.

Who could have guessed!?

>> No.7899878
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>> No.7899879

>Some people are good at math, others are good at dancing or socializing.
Socializing is pure instinct not intelligence thats why stupid people always have great social skills. Mathematical ability however is processing information which is intelligence so again bullshit.

>> No.7899883

> can't make a connection that dumb poor uneducated niggers cultivating in ghettos are exactly what makes them bad.
You're a special kind of retard anon...

>> No.7899885

Replace all the favela monkeys with white people and the crime would plummet big time in those areas. Its is fucking hilarious YOU SEEM TO FORGET POOR WHITE AREAS ON THIS PLANET DONT EVEN HAVE THE CRIME RATES OF MAJORITY BLACK AREAS.

>> No.7899893

Detected the sociology dropout.


>> No.7899898

Except favelas are filled with people that also make up a large part of the general Brazilian population.

Please leave. The fact that you are now capslocking your sentences is proof enough that your emotional involvement in this topic is skewing your perception.

I want you to look back at your ghetto comment and realize that without even considering other alternate explanations you immediately jumped to black people being the issue.

The issue of race and IQ isn't even proven to be causal and you're already asserting knowledge of causation.

>> No.7899900

All you established is that there are exception to the rule as a result of a variety of factors.
Doesn't mean that the rule doesn't hold true in general.

Blacks only outperform in the GCSE because most of the ones that actually get it are from rich families in africa.

I'm 100% certain that they'd underperform if you just took the ones that have been in england for more than a generation.

>> No.7899909


no, it's actually science

see the charlie rose episode with watson and wilson

they know better. why don't you?


where did society come from, moron? fairy land?

social constructs are biological constructs

>> No.7899911


for all the tumblrinas ITT:


>> No.7899914

>If they were intelligent, they were intelligent when they left.

That's just false. The time sub-saharan africans have been seperated from the other races is about 10% of the time it took the common ancestor of humans and neanderthals to seperate as much as they did.

Honestly, none of what you said is anything but conjecture.

>Civilisation and the sciences arose around extremely fertile, life bearing grounds like the Nile and the Yellow River. The more favorable the conditions the smarter we get.
Those civilizations were not sub-saharan africans though. Inb4 egyptians were black.

I'm not agreeing with the other anons theory but your rebuttals aren't very good especially if they're meant to dismiss the concept of different intelligence levels among different races.

>> No.7899916
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>establishes link between wealth and IQ test performance
>ignores link in the next sentence to further baseless prediction of a hypothetical study


>> No.7899915


go to 4m 32s if it doesn't take you there automatically

>> No.7899918

Brazil is a horrid mix of niggers, natives and spaniards.

I'm certain that the blacker you go the poorer the people in brazil are. Again, the correlation of race/success holds true.

>> No.7899922

That was me not him. People who fill the ghettos are the problem which happen to be black. If you have enough brainstems to comprehend that little sentence, take it from there and accept the black people in the ghettos are a problem. I don't have any problems with the respectable black people who actually act civilized, have a job or atleast a plan for a job and don't blame other peopel for everything in their lives. Unfortunately they are a very rare breed and make up a small minority of the black population.
If you're upset about the stereotype where black people are seen as murder fascinated, rapist, sexist, homophobic, racist, uncivilized ghetto rats, then go talk to those people and try to fix them.

>> No.7899924

Genotype and phenotype are correlated loosely at best. The genetic variation within populations is greater than the variation between populations. This sounds impossible at first, but genetic variation within a population is the difference between the two most genetically different individuals; genetic difference between populations is the difference of the means of the populations, not of the two most genetically different individuals from the populations.

The jist is that the two most genetically different Inuit (or any group) men are more different from each other than the average Kenyan (or any group) man and the average Chinese (or any group) man are from each other.

So, biologically there is no way to determine the race of an individual. The only markers are based on diet and culture - were they buried like the locals do, and have a skeletal quirk typical of this type of diet? Then it was probably the local race, but it also could have been anybody from anywhere who assimilated into this culture.

>> No.7899930

My point was that he found factors that influence the outcome but in no way does that mean that race isn't a factor.

Who denies that poverty is bad for your intelligence? No fucking one. Stop acting like anyone did. The point is that this doesn't disprove racial disparities.

Black children adopted into white families and neighborhoods still underperform massively.
You could of course argue epigenetics or that their parents smoked crack or something but the same results would be observable in white children adopted out of equally poor families.

>> No.7899932

>thinks they can make connections or assertions of causation without citing evidence
Woah dude, you must have done great in your science classes. Let me guess, you work at McDonald's right? All those poor black kids probably make you want to bring a gun to work.

>> No.7899936
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>fix black people, not poverty
>being black is the underlying issue
>rare breed

>> No.7899937

>So, biologically there is no way to determine the race of an individual.

Why are you lying? I don't get it. Either you're lying on purpose or genuinely very misinformed.

You do realize that we even determine when populations migrated based on the amount of intermixed DNA they have and how much it has been dispersed between the allels?

>> No.7899939

You're terrible at guessing, as well as forming a logical argument. But you've proven that the moment you typed the first thing here so it's a surprise to nobody.
Nice try changing the subject though, that really helps your case.

>> No.7899941
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If you don't understand the relevance of correlation versus causation with regard to the argument you're making, you have never sat in a stats lecture once in your entire life.

Until you compile studies that account for all of these variables separately, you cannot make the statement that being black causes lesser intelligence. And if you're not trying to say that, who cares what you're trying to say here? Pic related, correlations that nobody cares about.

So, if you are trying to make the statement that being black causes lesser intelligence, you need to compile data that show the following correlations (and more): high income blacks have lesser IQ than high income whites, low income blacks have lesser IQ than low incomes whites, low income whites have higher IQ than high income blacks (the UK already indicates otherwise), employed blacks have lesser IQ than employed whites, unemployed blacks have lesser IQ than unemployed whites, employed blacks have lesser IQ than unemployed whites, etc for every other variable that could possibly affect IQ (nutrition, education level, upbringing). Only when you have data for all of these things which show that blacks consistently have at least a standard deviation below whites in IQ measurements regardless of income, employment status, education level, and upbringing, will you have implied causation.

Without that, your argument that blacks are dumber than whites has as much merit as saying that shark attacks occur more frequently when people buy more ice cream.

>> No.7899947

Favelas are composed of pardos that an unholy racial hybrids of blacks, amazon indians and portuguese people. The most white population in brazil in the south and its no surprise that the south has the lowest crime rates in the whole country.

>> No.7899954

Black people existing causes poverty thats why wherever blacks exist there will be outlandish poverty rates.

>> No.7899955

Are you so dense not too understand posts or are you intentionally misinterpreting posts with your very funney reaction image combos ?
Poverty is a problem for sure but it doesn't magically change the fact that crime and drug infested black ghettos everywhere are a problem as well. Nobodys gonna stop you if you work to fix poverty but handling these people welfare checks is not enough as they want more and more.

As long as you come up with a solution that doesn't eventually end up with "ebil white people have to pay even more money for opressed ghetto rats" and actually give blacks the responsibility they have to take to fix their community, then there's no problem. But I doubt you can.

>> No.7899972
File: 36 KB, 226x217, fgsksskf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black people are behaviorally inclined to crime
>no citations
>calling other people dense for questioning baseless and irrational reasoning

>> No.7899987

Since when do you care about citations after all you did in the thread is spam reaction images like this is fucking /b/

>> No.7899996

...by comparing ancestry.

Black people did not all emerge from the same location in the world (any more than all people did). The only geographic difference is proximity to the equator. We find no significant similarities among the DNA of black people that don't share a recent common ancestor. If you don't believe me, I beg you to show me a study that proves otherwise.

>> No.7899998

>black people are behaviorally inclined to crime
You ever notice the most crime ridden areas in the USA are ALL BLACK MAJORITY, the most dangerous countries ARE ALL BLACK MAJORITY? Funny right its like black people literally cause chaos and violence by just existing no matter where they are weird right? Right?

You are retarded and cant see patterns at all.

>> No.7900022

I'm the only one who's posted citations for my refutations, love. Maybe you should head back to >>>/pol/ and stop polluting this board with your high school dropout reasoning skills.

>> No.7900054

>black people are behaviorally inclined to crime
>You ever notice the most crime ridden areas in the USA are POOR, the most dangerous countries ARE POOR? Funny right its like black people literally cause chaos and violence by just existing no matter where they are weird right? Right?

>You are retarded and cant see patterns at all.

Correlation does not mean causation.

>> No.7900056

I have a hypothetical question for you and any other /pol/tards who are in this thread.

Imagine a few alien (blue-skinned, but otherwise very humanoid in appearance) ships arrived to Earth in the near future, captured a couple hundred thousands humans and took them to Mars and enslaved them. They always had superior technology and firepower so us Earthlings never really stood a chance at a mass invasion and rescue of our people (plus we were all too busy fighting the Muslims anyway). After about 200 years the Martian colony starts realizing that the Earthlings were not so different from them and sets them all free to live on their Mars. However for the next 200 years Earthlings on Mars are a minority of second class citizens without access to the same education or public facilities that the Martians have. 100 years after that, they have the same rights.

Now, if you were to compare Martian-Earthlings to regular Martians, do you think you would find any statistical differences between the populations with regard to social status, income level, IQ?

>> No.7900062

> post citations that goes completely against his argument
oh are you that retard ? I think you should stick to posting reaction images

>> No.7900084

That is literally a phenomenon that exists exclusively in countries where black people were slaves.

>> No.7900092
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It's painfully obvious that Western civilization has been suppressing black science for at least 5,000 years. The black wizards of the day (who coincidentally built the pyramids and were kangz) all left in their intergalactic travel vessels millennia ago and took science with them,

Source: all the sciency artifacts littered throughout the African subcontinent that disprove the validity of IQ tests.

>> No.7900101
File: 47 KB, 400x529, deal with it (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't address citations and argument, just calls me names
>thinks black people cause poverty
>thinks poverty has less of an effect on IQ scores than being black does
>doesn't even realize the AEI study I posted only blocked by income and didn't even look at race
>doesn't comprehend inductive reasoning
>is factually a high school dropout that works at McDonald's and browses a science board to feel smart

>> No.7900111

> muh slavery
There you go full retard again. Would it be better if they were just dead instead ? Almost all major nations went through hellish battles and wars in the past. Some are perished and came close to eradication where they fought till the end and died out and lost lands, supplies and people to other nations. If history is an excuse to justify any wrong doing then there is no point in any discussion because you can't blame any nation or race.

>> No.7900116

> still unable to make connections
> still unable to read posts
> still reaction images

>> No.7900139

>doesn't realize me special connection with the Lord our God

>> No.7900146
File: 676 KB, 800x800, 1453102438737.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blames poverty
>India is objectively poor
>Indians pooing in the streets
>Indians pouring into Stanford and MIT
>muh poverty meme

>> No.7900151
File: 29 KB, 500x333, b3dc3764-7d26-436b-8efe-65776d8ee680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using outliers to prove things about a population

>> No.7900152

Also koreans are kinda in the same situation. But indians are in even worse situation than blacks, yet they do almost better than the average US citizen.

>> No.7900167

> indians don't count as an example because they do better than blacks

>> No.7900171

>There you go full retard again.
Ad hominem, also I am not the guy you were replying to.
>Would it be better if they were just dead instead ?
Better for whom?
>Almost all major nations went through hellish battles and wars in the past. Some are perished and came close to eradication where they fought till the end and died out and lost lands, supplies and people to other nations.
Cool story, I don't see what that has to do with slavery which was a rather drawn out and one-sided war if that's what you're implying it was. Unless you're...ohhh strawmanning by changing the argument I made into a totally different one and attacking that instead. Clever.
>If history is an excuse to justify any wrong doing then there is no point in any discussion because you can't blame any nation or race.
Very broad statement that doesn't actually mean anything even if it wasn't part of a strawman. You can tell because you used the adjective "any" to describe almost every noun in the sentence.

Are you trying to say that history should not be an excuse it has no impact on the socioeconomic status of a people? Because that's a rather bold claim.

>> No.7900188
File: 3 KB, 126x116, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know what an outlier is
>thinks that Stanford and MIT are admitting anywhere near 0.01% of the native Indian population

You're gonna burn the fries you stupid frycook!

Also done with the thread. You're either trolling or irredeemably stupid. Either way, nothing you racist idiots advocate for will ever come to fruition, so I'll sleep very well tonight.

Enjoy the continued absence of studies to make you feel better about your small penis.

>> No.7900197

He's not calling "Indians" an outlier race. India is the second most populous country in the world; almost as big as China. The outliers he's referring to are the
>Indians pouring into Stanford and MIT
Similar to Chinese transfer students, the Indians that go to American universities are not the same ones living in poverty, otherwise how the fuck would they afford it? All the foreign students at American universities come from incredibly wealthy families and drive Mercedes. You would know this if you ever went to college.

>> No.7900216

> bla bla bla ur strawmanning lelele xDDD
> muh slavery omg slavery is worse than being eradicated
As I said your "muh slavery" garbage holds zero weight compared to what other nations have gone through, yet they stood back up their feet, got industrialized, actually spent some effort to create a state of welfare after getting their economy, manpower and resoures devastated by war. Meanwhile african were and in some parts of it are still living in tribes, trying to use some dead animals as medicine and keep massacring each other for turf wars.

Getting on a boat and being forced to work is absolutely nothing compared getting your countries gates breached, getting slaughtered, raped, burned, getting your establishments destroyed as well as your culture and identity. But all nations managed to rise and reach to a certain level of welfare again.

Your "muh slavery caused everything" is a hilarious claim when you take a peek to even a tiny point in history. Although you will surprise no one and insist on spouting your slavery garbage all over again. Oh well.

>> No.7900220
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>thinks Africa isn't starving to death because they are stupid and squander every handout they've ever been given
>thinks wealthy African warlords are statistically smarter than Indian and Chinese millionaires
>can't logically compare outliers

>> No.7900229

Because dogs cant share knowledge in detail unlike humans.

>> No.7900235

also environment and resources available to the creature to acquire that knowledge in the first place.

>> No.7900246

I actually don't know if you're joking. Read this again:
>getting your countries gates breached, getting slaughtered, raped, burned, getting your establishments destroyed as well as your culture and identity
Are you implying that black people in America were not slaughtered, raped, burned, or had their culture and identity destroyed? No? They got to keep their names? Ever seen Roots?
>But all nations managed to rise and reach to a certain level of welfare again.
Not a single nation in the history of the world was subjugated for hundreds of years and rose back to power.

>> No.7900281

> still trying to compare being perished in a state of war to getting put on a boat after being sold by your african warlord slavemaster
Read a history book before posting another comment.
> Are you implying that black people in America were not slaughtered, raped, burned, or had their culture and identity destroyed? No? They got to keep their names? Ever seen Roots?
I didn't know you were citing your historical facts from movies and not history. Makes a lot of sense why you're talking like a retard now. And seriously, read a history book before trying to make a point about slavery.
> Not a single nation in the history of the world was subjugated for hundreds of years and rose back to power.
subjugation is what you get if you don't fight back and if you're already a slave in your own country. Still doesn't beat getting your head cut off and thrown back into the enemy city to spread disease though.
Please read a fucking history book that explains the events that took place a few hundred years back. Not only American history, I mean history of the world. You'll see there are much fucking worse things happened to nations and their people which is why slavery looks like a walk in the park.

>> No.7900339
File: 161 KB, 800x640, whats your excuse?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>thinks Africa isn't starving to death because they are stupid and squander every handout they've ever been given

Riddle me this retard, if the people of Africa are so stupid and starving how in the flying fuck did they survive for thousands of years before the US, UN and every European nation came to be, reach prominence and shove "donations" down their fucking throats?

Nature didn't give the African people welfare checks every month, Europeans and Americans did.

>> No.7900344

Worse in terms of what? Indecency? Inhumanity? I was at no point arguing that black people are in worse socioeconomic status in America because of how inhumane the treatment was towards their ancestors that they'll never know.

I'm glad that you've read all the serious literature and know all the gruesome details of varying accuracy. And I get that you're trying to explain that in the history of humanity, people have seen much harsher treatment. But that's entirely irrelevant to what I've been saying the entire time.

You would have a point if the Africans were forced onto a boat to work for a little while and then dropped back off in Africa a few years later. That's not what happened, so trying to compare it to the brutalities of war is simply not analogous. Again I am not saying that slavery was WORSE or HARSHER than plenty of other shit that's happened in human history.

The point is how long it lasted. When the generation that leaves slavery is several removed from the generation that entered slavery, there is no culture left. There is no "rebuilding," like a nation can do after war. War atrocities are completely irrelevant because what happened wasn't a war. And after they were set free they still couldn't get an education for a long time after that. It has only been in the last few decades that they've actually reached equal status under the law.

So no fucking shit they're gonna be poor and uneducated. If your parents couldn't go to school, the chances are much lower that they'll make enough money to send you to school. Poverty and crime go hand in hand. These are not difficult dots to connect.

>> No.7900368
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It does
You probably went to a really Liberal/Marxist school that taught the bullshit tat is equality, Most likely in America or Europe I presume.
Niggers are not even really Humans
The only reason they are allowed to to roam around if for the elite to gain power though Civil un rest.
And lower IQ of the entire population though disgusting race-mixing

These monkeys make up 13 Percent of the population yet commit 60 percent of the crimes
They are the only race in capable of holding down a civilization.

Good luck with these animals running around freely anon

G-d Speed.

Here is a good channel that shows these monkeys for what they really are

You don't want to see nigger Youtube channels... trust me...

Ethnic cleansing when?

>> No.7900415

I'm that anon. That's a really good point, m80. I guess that would be one of the criteria we should look for, if we actually care to really look into this to shut down the /pol/tards

>> No.7900417

10/10 b7 m7, made me laugh

>> No.7900420
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Sure nigger

Give back the Laptop you stole.

>> No.7900428

Humans: made by nature.
Dogs made by retards, called humans.

>> No.7900438

>does not acknowledge the variance of intelligence between human races?

last time I checked scientists do acknowledge differences in intelligence among different groups of people and that includes different races

>> No.7900443
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>You could argue that since we are made by nature nature makes the dogs too........

Fuck off Islam shit

I love my dog

German Shepard FTW

>> No.7900449

>then racial segragation where blacks aren't allowed to get sufficient education up to the standards of the nation and are also refused jobs because of racial segregation
>generation end up being impoverished and uneducated and then they get children living in shitty conditions and are also raised by underachievers
>surprised if the black race is still struggling
It has only been a few decades that racial segregation was lifted and ever since more and more blacks have become part of the middle class and above. It takes time you retard.

>> No.7900450

So you are telling me they simply ignore the facts and the truth and pretend they are false so people are not mad at each other, le anime face?

That is not science, that is politics.

>> No.7900455

This so much. My race's average IQ is like, 97 and I'm at 127.

>> No.7900460
File: 55 KB, 550x368, MachuPicchu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck. Fucking moron

Prehispanic empires (Aztec, Maya, Inca) appeared in Central America and South America. North America didn't develop complex societies like the anterior mentioned.

>> No.7900479
File: 291 KB, 500x373, squidward-laughing-a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone is an "Einstein" in their own unique way. Some people are good at math, others are good at dancing or socializing.

Are you serious?

>> No.7900484


No, I'm saying human society has proven repeatedly for centuries upon centuries that they cannot be trusted with such information about race within the public sector.

Even now scientist still debate whether or not human society can be trusted with nuclear power despite advances in safety measures.

>> No.7900489

I am not him but....

>If the people of Africa are so stupid and starving how in the flying fuck did they survive for thousands of years before the US, UN and every European nation came to be, reach prominence and shove "donations" down their fucking throats?

For two reasons: smaller population size and because Africa is the richest continent on Earth in natural resources, plenty of fish and animals to eat, all sorts of fruits, roots and plants too.

So your answer is "yes". The scientists keep the truth from people because they are scared of a race war or ruining their careers.

>> No.7900512

Also racist and white supremacist would twist the data to there liking.

>> No.7900515

Obvious strawman is obvious, but: there is an underlying factor(s) in the picture you posted. For one, human population increase, two wealth, people becoming more well off will be able to buy more food, and be able to afford spending a lot of time on a doctorate. Or if they are poor off, they could be buying more mozarella because it is cheaper than something else, and if times are harder and people can't find jobs, then they will be more likely to get an advanced degree in hopes of getting a job.

Statistics, yo.

>> No.7900518
File: 8 KB, 252x240, 1453669202712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>africa average IQ: 80
>its a shithole
>europe average IQ: 100
>its the best place in the world to live

wow what a coincidence

>> No.7900541


Yes, but it wouldn't just end at race wars, it would extend to every possible classification a human population could go by.

Also the career ruining part wouldn't come from just releasing info on various race intelligence. The career ruining part comes from the possibility their research is inaccurate or incomplete thus having their names and models disregard. History is riddled with scientists one upping each other in accurate models and this would be a blood bath.

A good example of this is the current models for weight measurement in the public sector. The BMI that is used so much is already being deemed by doctors, researchers and scientists as very limiting because the models and formulas used for it are extremely linear. Thus new models that follow the BMS (body mass surface) is being focused on more and more.

>> No.7900624



>> No.7900634 [DELETED] 

This doesnt explain modern Africa's ludicrous crime rates at all.

>> No.7900638 [DELETED] 

>if the people of Africa are so stupid and starving how in the flying fuck did they survive for thousands of years before the US, UN and every European nation came to be
Are you stupid? The same way humans lived before civilization being hunter gathering tribes. We wouldnt have to give blacks welfare checks if they werent so damn stupid on average.

>> No.7900639

>Everyone in the world wants to migrate to white countries
>Nobody wants to migrate to non-white counrties

Just a coincidence

>> No.7900643 [DELETED] 

Yes thousands of years after europeans, asians and middle eastern people proving they really are stupid compared to the above. Their modern countries are crime ridden hellholes nearly on par with the shitholes in Africa.

>> No.7900656
File: 617 KB, 2040x3160, shut-it-down-jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7900661

I know a continent full of you guys doing no jobs.
it's funny cause I'm just a half-white guy.

>> No.7900670 [DELETED] 

I dont understand why people cant see that africans are just incompatible with civilization. You take a group of humans that have spent 60,000 years living like stone age savages and expect them to magically change into civilized people after only 500 years? That is completely ridiculous it will take thousands of years for the blacks to evolve civilized behavior as a default in them but until then they will be cursed to cause destruction and violence where they live no matter what its just a side effect of their uncontrollable simian instincts. The liberals and the anti racist are the most problematic people on earth because they keep on forcing these apes to live in a way they are psychologically incapable of fully doing. Look at their fucking ghettos THAT IS EXACTLY HOW THEY WANT TO LIVE, they dont care about poverty its just gibs me free shit whitey to them if they really cared they would strive more and better their communties but they like their violent hellholes in the urban areas of the USA because they refuse to change. Im sorry but the black race needs to be removed frrom every area of the earth and relocated to sub saharan africa regardless of how good or intelligent the black person is.

>> No.7900773
File: 11 KB, 280x180, GoyimKnowToMuch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7901063

You can't look at DNA and tell what race they were. You can identify genotype, and genetic lines, and infer based on that, but physical aspects of race are phenotypic.

>> No.7901066

Shitty desert villages in Africa are starving to death because there's no room for them to develop self-sufficiency when they get 500 trillion tons of Toms and donated college football shirts every month. Plus, I don't get why so many people are willfully ignorant of the fact that there are many major fully modernized cities in Africa. Africa is a fucking huge continent and people come in here claiming to bring science and can't even comprehend that there is an uncountable number of discrete groups on that fuckhuge continent.

>> No.7901067

>North America didn't develop complex societies
>major fucking medieval-level cities in North America before Europeans
>not complex society

>> No.7901070

>Europe leeched resources out of nearly the entire world for 200 years
>now the second best place to live (US is best you fucking europoors)
what a fucking surprise
If India had colonized the whole world and unsustainably sucked all their resources out they would be the best place to live.

>> No.7902446

Plot Twist: the picture depicts OP

>> No.7902531

> Being this concerned about mozzarella consumption

>> No.7902819

Nigeria is one of the wealthiest African countries. It has petroleum and mineral exports sustaining it's economy.

Moldova is the poorest country in Europe, it's natural resources are basically decent weather and arable land.

If the populations of these nations were exchanged with one another the Moldovans would be Saudi rich and the Nigers would be walking to Germany.

>> No.7902939

>how do africans survive for thousands of years before the US, UN, and every European nation came to be...
They do not survive as well as the people "shoving '''''donations'''''' " I can tell you that. They just let shit hit them and they do not build for a more prepared tomorrow or a better life. They accept what they reap for the day, fuck and die so the next nog lives in the zero progress made. Nature didn't give Europeans and Americans civilization, hard work did.
Why do Africans beg if they're so self sufficient?

>> No.7902956

It does niggers are sub-Human

>> No.7902978

>You can't look at DNA and tell what race they were.
You are not
that skin color, face structure, constitution, and other physical traits are not in the DNA, right?

>> No.7902979 [DELETED] 

Correlation =/= causation

therefore causation can never exist

good one....

>> No.7903065
File: 16 KB, 319x360, jim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) IQ is affected more by socioeconomic factors than genetic ones. Black kids tend to have a lower IQ not because they are inherently unintelligent, but their schools (usually in lower income neighborhoods) tend to not have the resources to educate them compared to more wealthier schools (which also have more white people on average). That doesn't mean that all black people have low IQs or even the ones raised in poverty. It just means there is a TENDENCY for this to happen, not an outright certainty that it will. In fact, Pic Related is probably smarter than you are or will ever hope to be and all your fellow /pol/tards.


2) This thread is shit. I'm tired of you idiots trying to start fight over some shit instead of going to /pol/ and starting this thread. This is /sci/, the science board. This is meant for topics related to either science or the STEM field as a whole, not 19th century pseudoscience. If you want to go back to /pol/, you're more than welcome to. If anything, you're proving that any low IQ faggot can post here and think that their group is the best group, when in all honesty your just as retarded and prone to spew masturbatory remarks that only serve to boost your ego like Black Lives Matter, even though you both know that deep down even that you're nothing more than retarded shits that don't have lives or any purpose and put on a facade in the name of 'justice'. All of you should seriously consider suicide (even anyone that remotely associates with /pol/ or Black Lives Matter).

>> No.7903090

correlation provides strong evidence of a causative relation when other factors are controlled for or in a large enough sample size, disappaited by randomization/blocking.

the minnesota transracial adoption study controlled for all the likely strongest possible factors like nutrition, schooling, home life, culture by having all the subjects raised by affluent white parents from minnesota and the 15 point mean IQ gap between white-european americans and black americans was still found in the study just like it is found in countless general iq tests performed on the population.

>> No.7903136

>1) IQ is affected more by socioeconomic factors than genetic ones.

What a moronic thing to say.

Do you think you could train raise someone with downs syndrome to be more intelligent than the person in your picture?

what about a chimpanzee?

Brain structure and performance is NECESSARILY more heavily determined by your dna. If it weren't for humans having some genes determining the size and interconnectedness and insulation of a neurons which other species didn't then no humans would be more intelligent than any other land mammal.

Twin studies also provide conclusive proof that genes affect iq more than socioeconomic factors.
why? Because monozygotic twins raised in different households have a significantly more correlated IQ than siblings raised in the same household.

secondly, blacks have the same HUGE gap in mean IQ of 15 points even when you compare lack orphans raised by affluent white parents with white orphans raised by affluent white parents.

You've swallowed way too much of the liberal cool aid.

>not an outright certainty
of course not. that's obvious.
But the fact remains that the mean Iq fo negroes is about 15 points (that's a whole standard deviation) lower than that of europeans and asians, and thus black people as intelligent as the man you posted are going to be far rarer than europeans or asians as intelligent as the man you posted.

Here's a challenge. try to name as many significant black mathematicians as you can.
Here, I'll help start you off.
your turn.

>> No.7903144

Junior researcher.
Guy who knows what the fuck he's saying.

>> No.7903166

>IQ is affected more by socioeconomic factors than genetic ones.


> Black kids tend to have a lower IQ not because they are inherently unintelligent, but their schools

I guess that's why blacks brought up by higher socio-economic adoptive parents are still dumb-asses. And why children of wealthy blacks score lower on IQ tests than poor whites.

Bad trolling at best.

>> No.7903195

Science does recognize it, it just also recognizes race to exist as a social construct. It means nothing biologically. Therefore race is only a marker, i.e common associations, representative of various circumstances.

>> No.7903202
File: 193 KB, 659x506, blacks-che-guevara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correlation, if real and statistically significant, does actually point to a logical or causative relationship.

But it does not establish the direction or nature of the relationship. In this case, blackness is associated with having evolved in a part of the world and a society that did not have a large premium for high IQ.

A study of Kalahari Bushmen found that IQ was not linked to hunting success, a key success factor for males in that society.

It is not that there is a magic 'black' gene that causes dumassedness. There is nothing inherent about blackness that makes people stupid; it is an association based on historical and evolutionary circumstances.

The bigger issue though is that a lot of the supposed correlations, eg between butter production in Bangladesh and US GDP, are a result of data mining and are not statistically significant. So they are not real and do not continue into the future for that reason.

When you correct for the data mining bias (many hypothesis tested for) the effect is not statistically significant and therefore does not actually exist.

I am getting sick of people reading a few memes about statistics and quoting them without having any actual insight into the topic.

Recommended texts ET Jaynes "Probability the logic of science" or Gelman "Bayesian Data Analysis".

Pic refers (I have verified the quote and it is indeed genuine). Cost me a trip to the library.

>> No.7903227

doesn't it just make sense that blacks would be less intelligent? we (humanity) were 'born' in Africa and grew up intellectually in Europe and Asia

>> No.7903261


>> No.7903290

That's fine, and you should be proud of your achievements, and anyone who thinks any less of you because of your skin or race is a complete fuck. That does not change the fact that generally speaking, there are races that are smarter than others, for whatever reason. I don't think most people would disagree that Asians are probably the smartest race, generally speaking. The individual should be looked at on their own merit, regardless of race. I think it's a stupid argument to assume that someone is lesser because of race, which is why I really only support looking at it on an individual basis. That said, yea, there are differences in intelligence on a racial basis, but that doesn't mean that everyone from that race should be lumped in with the majority.

>> No.7903303

who has some intelligence ranking image

>> No.7903337
File: 46 KB, 406x308, aboriginal_women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you are agreeing with me. These correlations are not real - they are the result of data mining.

>> No.7903340

>anyone who thinks any less of you because of your skin or race is a complete fuck
If you know nothing about a person other than that they are black, then you probably assume they are likely not that smart.

But if you know them and know they are smart, then the fact they are black tells you virtually nothing about how smart they are.

So your friends are being stupid in this case having failed to understand that the base case becomes less relevant when you have a lot of good specific evidence.

>> No.7903405
File: 160 KB, 363x500, ica-jerry1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Everyone is an "Einstein" in their own unique "way.
"As I said, everyone is intelligent"
Time too leave yo mums basement, sherlock

>> No.7903462

Because nobody gives a fuck if you objectify and stereotype a dog. As long as you aren't literally torturing it in some way, all dogs fall into the same basic category of "stupid" and nobody will think less of you for treating them as such.

If scientific studies made their way into popular science level mass media, people at large would be stupid enough to think that means they can incorporate these beliefs into their daily social interactions. Except that no, people of one ethnicity being on average less intelligent (which is itself a dubious notion) doesn't mean you get to treat every individual of that ethnicity as stupid, and no, it doesn't make institutionalized differences in the way people are treated based on race acceptable. Because there are clearly plenty of people of all levels of intelligence in every race, so if you start off assuming someone is of a certain caliber based on their ethnic background, you're going to create a reinforcing feedback loop that just makes it true, which is fucked up ethically, and squanders shit tons of potential talent.

>> No.7903466

>social constructs are biological constructs
You can't honestly believe this.
>slavery was a social construct
>social constructs are biological constructs
>slavery was a biological construct

>> No.7903498


>> No.7903681

I think the rest of the board knows how to interpret statistical data

>> No.7903683


>> No.7903717

Lots facts in this thread, but I'll sum up the problem with the whole race intelligence debate.

1)There is no rigorous definition of intelligence so it can't be quantified. IQ should be thought of as something separate from intelligence.

2)Psychology is a soft science with low repeatability, it deals with statistical correlations not hard axioms. It's completely different from hard sciences like physics and chemistry.


3)IQ has many correlations. It has been shown to change due to everything from having music lessons to being given ten bucks to do well. Also it's unknown which influences which. For example educated people do better on IQ tests. But is it because education improves IQ, or high IQ allows further intelligence?

4)The biggest problem, correlation!=causation. It's all fine to say that people who took music lessons as a child have a higher than average IQ, but it's wrong to say the music lessons caused them to have a higher than average IQ.

>> No.7903724

das racis ya knouw?

>> No.7903731

>best place in the world to live
>for the last few hundred years
>germanic, aryan and anglos were literally naked painted monkeys who slept on their own shit for thousands of years
>meanwhile "sandniggers" and "chinks" had math, engineering and things similar to science

>> No.7903746

>those chads just cuck me just because they are less evolved human beings!
>I'm an autistic shit with no friends because I'm intelligent and good at math!

kekus maximus

>> No.7903888

Because dogs have the highest degree of morphology of any animal while humans do not.
>the end

>> No.7903925
File: 528 KB, 788x1872, iq-men-women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much retard

1. IQ is well defined, well researched, thoroughly validated, highly predictive of success in life.

2. IQ has been studied to death for decades. This is not a single study.

3. IQ is actually damn hard to change. In full adulthood it is about 70-80% genetically loaded. Environment has little to do with it, outside extremes. I am talking about the G loading here. Obviously items such as vocabulary etc have increased with more reading and educations.

4. Many ingenious techniques have been used to tease apart the causal change e.g., twin studies.

Why don't you know this? How about next time you go and read the textbook before spouting off SJW garbage?

>> No.7904033


short answer:Because it doesn't exist

Long answer:problem here,race is a social term,not a biological one.

Biologically,people of different races(breed as I like to call) are exactly the same,EXACTLY the same here is referring to their BIOLOGICAL functions

you said dogs,let me explain to you how it works,their taxonomy.

Dog is a genus and different race(breed) of dogs are actually different species so their BIOLOGICAL functions varies.

Humans on the other hand is a species from the genus of Homo.now if you were to take another species from a the homo genus,It would be absolutely fine to acknowledge the variance of intelligence BECAUSE IT EXISTS..........................you fucking dumbass


>> No.7904289

when people say they love the human brain and they would like to discuss it with you then you mention human intelligense differences and get spit on

>> No.7905051

What is race?

>> No.7905060

Mongoloids(asians) have straight hair follicles while Caucasoids have curly ones. I cant believe on /sci/ there are retards that thinks every human is exactly the same because that defies natural selection and evolution big time. Equality is the most alien concept found in nature.

>> No.7905119

what the fuck happened in 2007?

>> No.7905135

yea, europe surely drained all minerals and resources from the lands, that's why sub-saharan africans couldn't farm

no resource "stolen" from africa is stopping the development of agriculture, the only thing stopping that is their own ignorance

you can grind stones and make a fucking road, you don't need diamonds for that, yet no roads in africa

>> No.7905144

>/IQ, niggers and Middle Eastern politics general/

>> No.7905183

welcome to /sci/

>> No.7905203

mongoloids don't exist

>> No.7905265

There is nothing to suggest that a lower IQ would out compete higher IQ the warmer the climate is.

You need to define what you mean by "predictable environment" since I wouldn't say the North is more 'unpredictable'. You have winters and summers every year. Hardly unpredictable. Meanwhile you may never know when a panther or a lion will jump from the neighboring bush, or a snake from under the tall grass in warmer climate. I'd say if anything, warmer climate is filled a lot more with unpredictable shit.

What you say also doesn't correlate with real world since the Indians never got past tribalism whereas their southern counterparts in a much warmer climate built large empires and cities with sophisticated cultures and societal order.

Also neither Inuits nor the Eskimo have the highest intelligence in the world, which would be the case if you were right.

What do you make of Australia? One of the warmest parts in the world and they seem to be doing fine. Or the Gulf States? Cuba? Low crime and low joblessness.

Why did first civilizations arise from the warmest parts of the world?

Honestly I wouldn't have even replied to you if you didn't get so much attention from others, which was a bit alerting.

>> No.7905270

>This /pol/ shit is still on the front page
/sci/ has gotten a lot worse these past 3 months

>> No.7905577


>> No.7905594


>> No.7905597


>> No.7905601


>> No.7905622

Moby Dick
The Whale
Herman Melville

Chapter 1
Call me Ishmael. Some years ago—never mind how
long precisely—having little or no money in my purse,
and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I
would sail about a little and see the watery part of the
world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and
regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself
growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp,
drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself
involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and
bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially
whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it
requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from
deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically
knocking people’s hats off—then, I account it high time to
get to sea as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol
and ball. With a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself
upon his sword; I quietly take to the ship. There is
nothing surprising in this. If they but knew it, almost all
men in their degree, some time or other, cherish very
nearly the same feelings towards the ocean with me.

>> No.7905626

There now is your insular city of the Manhattoes,
belted round by wharves as Indian isles by coral reefs—
commerce surrounds it with her surf. Right and left, the
streets take you waterward. Its extreme downtown is the
battery, where that noble mole is washed by waves, and
cooled by breezes, which a few hours previous were out
of sight of land. Look at the crowds of water-gazers there.
Circumambulate the city of a dreamy Sabbath
afternoon. Go from Corlears Hook to Coenties Slip, and
from thence, by Whitehall, northward. What do you
see?—Posted like silent sentinels all around the town,
stand thousands upon thousands of mortal men fixed in
ocean reveries. Some leaning against the spiles; some
seated upon the pier-heads; some looking over the
bulwarks of ships from China; some high aloft in the
rigging, as if striving to get a still better seaward peep. But
these are all landsmen; of week days pent up in lath and
plaster—tied to counters, nailed to benches, clinched to
desks. How then is this? Are the green fields gone? What
do they here?
But look! here come more crowds, pacing straight for
the water, and seemingly bound for a dive. Strange!
Nothing will content them but the extremest limit of the
land; loitering under the shady lee of yonder warehouses

>> No.7905628

will not suffice. No. They must get just as nigh the water
as they possibly can without falling in. And there they
stand—miles of them—leagues. Inlanders all, they come
from lanes and alleys, streets and avenues—north, east,
south, and west. Yet here they all unite. Tell me, does the
magnetic virtue of the needles of the compasses of all those
ships attract them thither?
Once more. Say you are in the country; in some high
land of lakes. Take almost any path you please, and ten to
one it carries you down in a dale, and leaves you there by
a pool in the stream. There is magic in it. Let the most
absent-minded of men be plunged in his deepest
reveries—stand that man on his legs, set his feet a-going,
and he will infallibly lead you to water, if water there be
in all that region. Should you ever be athirst in the great
American desert, try this experiment, if your caravan
happen to be supplied with a metaphysical professor. Yes,
as every one knows, meditation and water are wedded for
But here is an artist. He desires to paint you the
dreamiest, shadiest, quietest, most enchanting bit of
romantic landscape in all the valley of the Saco. What is
the chief element he employs? There stand his trees, each
with a hollow trunk, as if a hermit and a crucifix were

>> No.7905633

within; and here sleeps his meadow, and there sleep his
cattle; and up from yonder cottage goes a sleepy smoke.
Deep into distant woodlands winds a mazy way, reaching
to overlapping spurs of mountains bathed in their hill-side
blue. But though the picture lies thus tranced, and though
this pine-tree shakes down its sighs like leaves upon this
shepherd’s head, yet all were vain, unless the shepherd’s
eye were fixed upon the magic stream before him. Go
visit the Prairies in June, when for scores on scores of
miles you wade knee-deep among Tiger-lilies—what is
the one charm wanting?—Water—there is not a drop of
water there! Were Niagara but a cataract of sand, would
you travel your thousand miles to see it? Why did the
poor poet of Tennessee, upon suddenly receiving two
handfuls of silver, deliberate whether to buy him a coat,
which he sadly needed, or invest his money in a pedestrian
trip to Rockaway Beach? Why is almost every robust
healthy boy with a robust healthy soul in him, at some
time or other crazy to go to sea? Why upon your first
voyage as a passenger, did you yourself feel such a mystical
vibration, when first told that you and your ship were
now out of sight of land? Why did the old Persians hold
the sea holy? Why did the Greeks give it a separate deity,
and own brother of Jove? Surely all this is not without

>> No.7905635

meaning. And still deeper the meaning of that story of
Narcissus, who because he could not grasp the tormenting,
mild image he saw in the fountain, plunged into it and was
drowned. But that same image, we ourselves see in all
rivers and oceans. It is the image of the ungraspable
phantom of life; and this is the key to it all.
Now, when I say that I am in the habit of going to sea
whenever I begin to grow hazy about the eyes, and begin
to be over conscious of my lungs, I do not mean to have it
inferred that I ever go to sea as a passenger. For to go as a
passenger you must needs have a purse, and a purse is but
a rag unless you have something in it. Besides, passengers
get sea-sick—grow quarrelsome—don’t sleep of nights—
do not enjoy themselves much, as a general thing;—no, I
never go as a passenger; nor, though I am something of a
salt, do I ever go to sea as a Commodore, or a Captain, or
a Cook. I abandon the glory and distinction of such offices
to those who like them. For my part, I abominate all
honourable respectable toils, trials, and tribulations of
every kind whatsoever. It is quite as much as I can do to
take care of myself, without taking care of ships, barques,
brigs, schooners, and what not. And as for going as
cook,—though I confess there is considerable glory in
that, a cook being a sort of officer on ship-board—yet,

>> No.7905638

somehow, I never fancied broiling fowls;—though once
broiled, judiciously buttered, and judgmatically salted and
peppered, there is no one who will speak more
respectfully, not to say reverentially, of a broiled fowl than
I will. It is out of the idolatrous dotings of the old
Egyptians upon broiled ibis and roasted river horse, that
you see the mummies of those creatures in their huge
bake-houses the pyramids.
No, when I go to sea, I go as a simple sailor, right
before the mast, plumb down into the forecastle, aloft
there to the royal mast-head. True, they rather order me
about some, and make me jump from spar to spar, like a
grasshopper in a May meadow. And at first, this sort of
thing is unpleasant enough. It touches one’s sense of
honour, particularly if you come of an old established
family in the land, the Van Rensselaers, or Randolphs, or
Hardicanutes. And more than all, if just previous to
putting your hand into the tar-pot, you have been lording
it as a country schoolmaster, making the tallest boys stand
in awe of you. The transition is a keen one, I assure you,
from a schoolmaster to a sailor, and requires a strong
decoction of Seneca and the Stoics to enable you to grin
and bear it. But even this wears off in time. sa

>> No.7905642

money to be the root of all earthly ills, and that on no
account can a monied man enter heaven. Ah! how
cheerfully we consign ourselves to perdition!
Finally, I always go to sea as a sailor, because of the
wholesome exercise and pure air of the fore-castle deck.
For as in this world, head winds are far more prevalent
than winds from astern (that is, if you never violate the
Pythagorean maxim), so for the most part the
Commodore on the quarter-deck gets his atmosphere at
second hand from the sailors on the forecastle. He thinks
he breathes it first; but not so. In much the same way do
the commonalty lead their leaders in many other things, at
the same time that the leaders little suspect it. But
wherefore it was that after having repeatedly smelt the sea
as a merchant sailor, I should now take it into my head to
go on a whaling voyage; this the invisible police officer of
the Fates, who has the constant surveillance of me, and
secretly dogs me, and influences me in some
unaccountable way—he can better answer than any one
else. And, doubtless, my going on this whaling voyage,
formed part of the grand programme of Providence that
was drawn up a long time ago. It came in as a sort of brief
interlude and solo between more extensive performances.

>> No.7905645

I take it that this part of the bill must have run something
like this:
Though I cannot tell why it was exactly that those stage
managers, the Fates, put me down for this shabby part of a
whaling voyage, when others were set down for
magnificent parts in high tragedies, and short and easy
parts in genteel comedies, and jolly parts in farces—though
I cannot tell why this was exactly; yet, now that I recall all
the circumstances, I think I can see a little into the springs
and motives which being cunningly presented to me
under various disguises, induced me to set about
performing the part I did, besides cajoling me into the
delusion that it was a choice resulting from my own
unbiased freewill and discriminating judgment.
Chief among these motives was the overwhelming idea
of the great whale himself. Such a portentous and
mysterious monster roused all my curiosity. Then the wild
and distant seas where he rolled his island bulk; the
undeliverable, nameless perils of the whale; these, with all
the attending marvels of a thousand Patagonian sights and

>> No.7905648

sounds, helped to sway me to my wish. With other men,
perhaps, such things would not have been inducements;
but as for me, I am tormented with an everlasting itch for
things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on
barbarous coasts. Not ignoring what is good, I am quick to
perceive a horror, and could still be social with it—would
they let me—since it is but well to be on friendly terms
with all the inmates of the place one lodges in.
By reason of these things, then, the whaling voyage was
welcome; the great flood-gates of the wonder-world
swung open, and in the wild conceits that swayed me to
my purpose, two and two there floated into my inmost
soul, endless processions of the whale, and, mid most of
them all, one grand hooded phantom, like a snow hill in
the air.

>> No.7906178


>> No.7906188
