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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 19 KB, 451x267, engineering-qa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7898861 No.7898861 [Reply] [Original]

What, in your opinion, is the best engineering field and why?

>> No.7898871

Nuclear Engineering......cause fusion

>> No.7898900
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Genetic Engineering is best engineering
• We Don't Make DNA
• We Make DNA Better

>> No.7898911


>> No.7898921

What would you say is good the?

>> No.7898963

Anything besides civil, mechanical, manufacturing, and any of the environmental bullshit engineering fields are pretty good.

>> No.7898968

whats wrong with mechanical
i dont even study mechanical but its easy and gives interesting job opportunities

control engineering & robotics here

>> No.7898983

Thoughts on Electrical Engineering?

>> No.7899198

ChemE = most work in college and low chance of finding job, high pay
MechE = easiest , lowest pay, most versatile
EE = hardest , versatile, high pay

>> No.7899220
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>Did ME hoping for a easy, comfy job
>5 years later, working my ass off in aerospace
Where did it all go so wrong?

>> No.7899221

this is an agreeable post

t. EE

>> No.7899237
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Comp. Eng.

-Very hard,
-high pay(but who gives a fuck)
-You look cool

>> No.7899518

>but its easy
That's the reason, "easy" reads as"wasteof time".

>> No.7899535

>-You look cool

No one but you thinks that. When people picture a computer engineer they think of a CS student. Pretty much a fat neckbeard virgin who is secretely racist.

>> No.7899536

By versatile do you mean lots of jobs?

>> No.7899545

He means more positions.

>> No.7899548

that's where you went wrong

>> No.7899763

I first read this as...

>No one but you thinks that. When people picture a computer engineer they think of a CS student. Pretty much a fat neckbeard virgin who is secretely moist.

>> No.7900028

he has no idea, but he saw the word "meme" somewhere, and then saw an opportunity to use it

>> No.7900404

Probably not chemical engineering if your working under lawyers for some reason.

>> No.7900466

CS of course

>> No.7900478

but cs is not engineering lol. I think you meant some kind of it engineering.

Personally, EE and mechatronics.
t. compsci

>> No.7900488

Engineering physics master race

>inb4 meme degree

>> No.7900496

Then I don't even know what I'm studying. It's called CS and it ends up with final project and engineering degree.

>> No.7900508

>anyone besides the non heavy industry engineer fields are good
How retarded

>> No.7900516

Anything other than Civil, Mechanical, Electrical Chemical and CS are completely meme useless shit.

t. Mechanical Engineer

>> No.7900520

What is /sci/'s opinion on aerospace?

>> No.7900524

A fancy mech eng, just less versatile.

>> No.7900539

It's a pretty nice subfield of MechE.

>> No.7900546

Everything that can be said

>> No.7900547

>Mechanical Engineering is bullshit
It's the oldest discipline of modern engineering anon...Or at least anything post-industrial revolution.

>> No.7900556

isn't that basically EE?

>> No.7900568

Without huge emphasis on electricity and magnetism, yes.

>> No.7900577

What does your courseload look like, do you know the kind of job offers students, who are about to graduate in that degree, get?

>> No.7900610

Manufacturing engineering is slowing down because of better robots, however, civil engineering is picking up big time and mechanical engineers are not finding it hard to get jobs.
What are you basing your facts on?

>> No.7900613

Even the Romans employed mechanical engineers to make their siege machines.

>> No.7900614
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>> No.7900806
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first post best post

>> No.7900846

Geophysics duh

>> No.7900884

in the next 20 years for sure

>> No.7900971

How is it a waste of time if you can make decent money graduating from it. Not all of us are autists destined only for research you know

>> No.7901121

then why even go into engineering? if your goal is to make money instead of contribute something of merit to the scientific community, you should just go into business and finance instead of downgrading the quality of the title of engineer. it's people like you that make it seem like such an easy degree, and then institutions actually dumb down the course load by separating math and physics courses so it's only for engineers, which also makes it impossible to get a minor for a few credits.

>inb4 butthurt replies

it's a fact and you know it.

>> No.7901195

/sci/'s thoughts on biomedical engineering?

>> No.7901208

Mining Engineering

>> No.7901234

tis the nigger of the engineering sciences

>> No.7901261

Can't agree more with this.

MechE btw.

>> No.7901273
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goat engineering

>> No.7901695

I think computer science is the only good field. Engineering hasnt done shit in the world. Did they make computers? No. We did.

>> No.7901699

Materials is the most science and research orientated engineering

>> No.7901898
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It's also a fact that there's engineers graduating every year who probably don't give a shit about giving something of merit to the scientific community, maybe just becoming an engineer is their only contribution because they realize they aren't geniuses. If you have people pursuing the degree because of its title how is it downgrading the quality of being an engineer? What kind of elitist attitude is that? You realize that by spouting this non sensical crap implying that you're the best will only attract more normies right?

>> No.7902001

Civil engineering because its what i do and what im good at.

I also like to call it fun-engineering.

>> No.7902359


>> No.7902406

Environmental Engineering <3

>> No.7902426

fungineering sounds like a poorly written video on antibiotic bioprocessing techniques

>> No.7902484

EE/CoE lol

>> No.7902512

Its just engineering thats a lot of fun.

>> No.7902521

Guys quick electrical or computer engineering

>> No.7903067

I also study engineering physics. At my uni you can choose certain specialisations like mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, robotics ...
mandatory are many advanced maths courses like PDEs, Tensor Calculus and Algebra, Numerics and more ("advanced" as in, MechEs and EEs don't take them).
Industry jobs include R&D or Simulation/Calculation.
Science institutes and universities also hire us.

No. EEs at my uni don't know shit apart from their electronics. You're lucky to find some who know their way around Maxwell's equations

>> No.7904852
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cultural engineering

>> No.7904975


>> No.7905161


The one you like. Every asshole here is going to say their field is the hardest, with EE being the biggest perpetrators.

Difficulty of the job varies depending on place of work, type of work, support, and a whole mess of other things. Pay and Difficulty go hand in hand.

>> No.7905170

there is literally nothing wrong with being a civil engineer

>> No.7905567

Wow, you are like the first person in /sci/ to acknowledge mechatronics as non-meme engineering, i'm glad to see this

>> No.7905873

This, don't listen to the retards on here

>> No.7906029

Do people who actually research Genetic engineering get genetic engineering degrees? It just seems like a bullshit degree like environmental engineering. Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like a someone who was actually playing with DNA would have their degrees in genetics rather than genetic engineering.

>> No.7906108

Well I have worked a lot with products that have been produced by electrical engineers (masters in mechatronics) and mechatronics engineer.

>> No.7906301
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Aerospace master race.

>> No.7906309

>environmental engineering is bullshit

No, silly. When you let regular engineers make all the decisions you get unsustainable dam projects and carcinogenic desert dumps that spill all over people.

It's less rigorous but totally necessary.

>> No.7906312

Should I double major Computer Engineering with my plans for Electrical Engineering?

>> No.7906320

Perhaps a couple of years ago it would have seem like it but now with CRISPR/Cas-9, a genetic engineer seems like a really useful field of study.
I mean, it could totally drastically alter many people's lifes thanks to gene editing.

>> No.7906362

Mechanical - Chemical - Electrical is the holy trinity.

everything else is just some niche specialization.

>> No.7906369

Currently 2nd year mechatronics
Good to hear as well..

>> No.7906391

Downside of EE is, most industry jobs plain suck. It takes little skill to programm µ-Controllers, or copy-paste circuits, or setup simulations. Once you've done it, shit is just repetitive. Have fun doing this until retirement, hope the money makes up for your wasted talent.

>> No.7906746

> lucky too find [EE] who knows his way around Maxwell's equations

Is this bait? Is this a ruse? I only lurk except when things as disgusting and sad as this bring me out.

Current high school student with an understanding of the equations here. I pity yet hate the people you're talking about.

In case you're about to come at me for how little I know, let me tell you. I do understand that logic and applications of the equations, and can use them when an appeal to symmetry is possible. I can take a gradient and all, but my calc could be better.

Anyway I can't believe you call that a university. Do the EEs just fart around with LEDs all day? Are they CSs but with bigger circuits? I'm baffled.

>> No.7906761

>Correct me if I'm wrong
you're so wrong that you could not be wronger if you were more wrong than merely wrong

>> No.7906767

biomedical engineering

jack of all trades sort of degree, that lets you morph into pretty much any career, as long as you specialize in your post graduate.

Biomeds do organic and inorganic chem, physics, biology, math, computer science, statics, etc. They're great in management too since they have such a broad scope of understanding.

>> No.7906768

Aerospace tbqh f a m

>> No.7906783

Mechanical engineering is the king of all engineering disciplines.

>> No.7906875

Naval architect &Marine engineering

>> No.7906892

Chemical engineers are the aryan race of engineers

>> No.7906910


>> No.7907398

What's it like?
Thinking of signing up for it this year.

>> No.7907503

>pipelords being first in anything

>> No.7907530

Well, to be fair, there are those who specialize in electromagnetic field theory and know more than I will probably ever know in that particular field.
But EE has many other applications like power electronics, automatization, communication, networks etc.
At my Uni, and I think many other engineering students will support me on this, EEs think of themselves as the smartest and brightest of all engineering students. That's why I took a shot at them. But as much as MechEs generally hate and struggle with engineering thermodynamics, EEs hate and struggle with EM field theory.

But why would I come at you for "how little you know"?
If you're in high school and already know what a gradient is, go find some hobbies, there are many beautiful things beside physics and maths!
What country are you from if I may ask? I didn't do vector calculus in high school.

>> No.7908871

Not him, but i am already a 4th year of mechatronics. At my uni, we take almost the same courses than MechE, but the electronics courses have to be "compresed", to fulfill the time limitations. Also, we focus in industrial aplications, wheter the EEs at my uni focus more in micro applications. I actually like it, because it is a very diverse program

>> No.7908874

EM field theory is way more complex than thermo.

>> No.7908990

What would be the best combo with bio?

>> No.7909019

depends what you want to do.

Want to do management?
BS in bme and an mba and you're set.

want to go to med school or work in pharmaceuticals?

Want to do systems modelling or computational biology? of course

Tissue engineering? sure.

forensics? ye

Bio-materials? def.

Want to leave biomedical behind and work in computer science or something? You can do it.

The world is pretty much your oyster, but your path depends on what your career goals are.

Personally, I think prosthetics and biomimetics are cool, things like Big Dog at Boston Dynamics.

>> No.7909743

Care to elaborate?
If you mean the maths involved, the stuff you learn in "engineering thermodynamics" is trivial compared to EM field theory. No arguing there.

But thermodynamics is the more fundamental of disciplines and thus much broader and in this way also more complex.
EM field theory as taught in uni to EEs is two semesters of juggling around with the same set of 4 equations.

>> No.7909791
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For anyone wanting to know about the best engineering disciplines...

MechE or ECE will land you the most jobs in the future. They also pay great and engineers will always be hired. Don't listen to what /sci/ fucking says. People who won't get hired are people with stupid degrees like East African studies or an English degree. Stick to ME and EE, do well in college and you'll be set.

>> No.7909796
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shiiet is that true for most EE's? I find circuitry and energy/power interesting but I don't want to be having to do something boring as fuck. Mechatronics seems pretty damn cool. Also, a lot of EE's become programmers. I might change major to MechE, but I think that they just CAD all day. So, EE sounds better.

>> No.7909797

You forgot to mention about trying to get internships too. Or else you're fucked, regardless of what you chose to study.

>> No.7909803

>EM field theory is way more complex than thermo.

Convection says hello.

>> No.7909841

Protips for beating out those other niggers for a job:

>get a fucking internship
you literally need an internship to get the internship nowadays. You have 4 summers. If you have to take some bullshit in bumfuck south dakota your first semester, do it. its your foot in the door for the next one.

apply fucking everywhere. i mean everywhere.

>Join a professional organization
I'm a Mech E. ASME throw little shindigs every couple of months. Cheap drinks and lots of handshakes.

Its like 25$ for a student membership to your association of choice. you could do it right now in less than 10 minutes on their website.

>Read journals/industry magazines
engineering is niche as fuck and there are dozens of enclave published magazines. find some kind of thing(s) you'd be interested in and subscribe. its good toilet reading material, and more importantly they often have ads for companies that are doing the kind of thing that you want to do. so, you know, call them and shit.

>Take the goddamn FE exam
holy shit its a pass/fail exam that covers no higher than sophomore level material.

>but /sci/ said getting your PE is a meme

having your EIT makes it look like you take your career seriously.

>get third party certifications
CAD/CAM certs can be acquired through the developer. Solidworks alone has like 9 different things. Microsoft certs too. Don't be afraid to delve into technician land a little bit.

Now, alot of you are thinking that this is bullshit and you don't need to do most of it. Yeah, you don't NEED to, but hey alot of other guys are doing all that shit and more and you are competing against them. you really think your GPA and charisma is good enough?

>> No.7909894

>"EM field theory"
>Had to look up what this even meant
>It's just EM

>> No.7909938

do mechE's really not make that much?

>> No.7909940


Measured by what? Difficulty? Pay? All engineering disciplines are useful.

>> No.7909947

ME is a very broad discipline and are useful just about everywhere. Think about it like a general physician vs a surgeon/radiologist/neurologist. In general you are going to make less money because you are not a specialist but nothing is set in stone. Your salary is entirely dependent on how good you are at what you do.

>> No.7909966

I admire how Electronic Engenieering and Robotic Engenieering for their flexibility, mechanics is because not only becaus I am in it, but also how practical it is

>> No.7909968

Mech E has a ton of sub 3.0 GPA no internship having motherfuckers who lazily walk into a grindy ass cubicle monkey job and they sit there at their 50k$ a year because its easy and low responsibility.

there are so fucking many of those dudes that they bring down the average salary.

>> No.7909973

this is a bantz thread m8.

>> No.7909992

I'm a junior with a 3.9, do you think I can make decent money when I graduate?

>> No.7910012


the degree is just the price of admission and your GPA is really just telling the employer what your grad school options are like.

3.0 is a standard for all but the most selective of companies.

the degree is just the price of admission, and >>7909947
has it right. you gotta be good.

i hate to use a league of legends analogy, but basically you have to ask yourself "am i good enough at engineering to get to gold?". if not, say hello to your cubicle mr. engine.. i mean cost analyst.

>> No.7910018

oh man i fucked that post up.

>> No.7910055

A majority of ME jobs are simple as fuck spreadsheet jobs where you crunch numbers in excel all day.

>> No.7910268

That's most engineering jobs in general, unless you can get lucky and get into a huge corporation

>> No.7910292

>if your goal is to make money instead of contribute something of merit to the scientific community
Thats the thing though.
If you want to 'contribute something of merit to the scientific community'

Most engineers who arent in academia aren't publishing papers on PDEs etc.
You might as well be an applied physicist/theoretical physicist if you love science so much.

You become an engineer to do the job, not for science; lets be honest.

>> No.7910306

Nuclear engineering is pretty old though. I think electrical engineer because of its ties to solid state physics

>> No.7910309

>You might as well be an applied physicist/theoretical physicist if you love science so much.
>You become an engineer to do the job, not for science; lets be honest.

Yeah, this. I thought the cool thing about being an engineer would be to create a design, something actually tangible, that will change how society does things (like, some brilliant IC for smartphones or an amazingly efficient way of delivering power to homes), whereas a physicist would discover something about the magnetic moment of some element and say something neat about the quantum model of carbon (or whatever) that would mean nothing to a normal person.

>> No.7910589
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So /sci/.
I'M in my first semester in pure physics. Failed my first two exams. Math and Experimental physics A.
During the semester I realized, pure physics is hard as fuck, especially when theoretical physics are added in the second semester. I learned that mere interest in physics isn't enough to study it. I also don't have any clue what I could do with after my masters degree.
So, I was thinking of switching to engineering.
I think it's at least a bit easier than pure physics overall. But correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm being honest here. I really don't have a good interest in any field that I would say, "that's totally what I want to do all my life!". Yes, physics is interesting, but I learn I'm just kinda that 'wow, Einsteins theory of realtivity is fucked up man! That's real shit!' guy.
I don't really know what I want to do. But I know I want a good paying job and definetely don't want to be a wageslave. And when I look at engineering, 80% of the people in those fields are also just after the good money.

So to say after, I'm generally interest in physics and science as a whole, I thought switching to engineering. What field would you guys suggest? I thought of EE, because it also includes a bit of coding and that stuff and computer related things and such.

>> No.7910619


>bad at math
>interested in physics and science as a whole
>don't really know what want to do.
>want a good paying job
>don't want to be a wageslave
>wants to do engineering for the money
>looks down on people who are in engineering for the money

Are you by any chance a feminist?

On a more serious note, maybe you just fell for the STEM meme after watching cosmos or something like this. Perhaps business or law are more your venue? Just food for thought.

If you are definitelly interested in anything STEM related at all, pick up rigorous books on basic math (maybe translations of some russian polytechnic textbooks) and pre calculus, read them cover to cover, do every single exercise in them, and after that pick up all the books you'll be reading for freshman classes the following year and devour them too.

Dispel the notion that when you arrive at class you're a clueless moron to be enlightened by the interesting stuff your teacher has to say about the subject. That was back in the day when university was just for really smart people. In this day and age you should arrive at the classroom having completed the entire course already from some online resource, then maybe you have some hope of keeping up with the eggheads.

You already know you're no genius so become a preppy or get out.

>> No.7910636

You failing the two exams has nothing to do with you being bad. What you must understand is that university requires investment and time so don't think that engineering will be any easier, it will still be tough. I say yes, switch, but don't expect it to be easy especially if you don't love the field.

Go with EE och what we in sweden call it,
Technical Physics engineer, because they have most physics out of all engineers and.. you might end up being my boss ;)

t. computer scientist

>> No.7910665

>looks down on people who are in engineering for the money
Never said that.
>wants to do engineering for the money
Maybe you didn't understand my correctly. Yes, I do want to get good money after I finished my degree. Who the fuck doesn't? But I also want to do something STEM related on my job. Just not a researcher. I first thought I go into pure physics, because the there I get to know every field overall and when I finished I can pretty much decide where I go. But that's also pretty hard. So I think EE isn't that bad either. Gives me also a good amount of possibilites on what I can do later.

>Are you by any chance a feminist?
top kek

>You failing the two exams has nothing to do with you being bad.
I may sound like a faggot now (maybe I already do), but I know this. I failed my math exam because I got really fucking nervous and fucked up the simplest things. Right after the exam ended I could solve the problems I couldn't during the exam without any problems.

I don't soncider myself bad at the subjects themselves. I'm just really retarded during exams. Always had this problem since school. But wasn't a problem there. Now in university this could be a problem.

>> No.7910695


>> No.7910788


why CompE?

>> No.7910846

>Calculating the amount of dirt you need to fill in a lot and how much it will cost

>> No.7910938

>>That's most engineering jobs in general, unless you can get lucky and get into a huge corporation

your work gets even more compartmentalize and you become even more expendable.

>> No.7910996

human factors/systems design

>> No.7911070

Except that jack of all trades mentality is exactly why undergraduate Biomedical Engineers are nothing more than glorified lab techs when they get hired, if they even are. You guys simply lack the foundations of proper engineering that ME/EE students get and that is precisely why they end up taking those biomed spots from you all. It is easier to teach an EE biology than it is to teach a BME how to be a good engineer. It is unfortunate, but to compete with theae undergrads you guys essentially have to go to grad school.