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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7891494 No.7891494 [Reply] [Original]

As far as I could Google, this guy has no degrees in anything.

Yet he is a famous "science guy".
Are you as buttmad as me?

>> No.7891498

>Are you as buttmad as me?

Nope, but then I'm not a faggot.

>> No.7891499

>He earned a degreeinRussianlinguistics fromIndiana University.[4]He also received an honoraryDoctor of Engineeringdegree from Villanova University.[5][6]On November 25, 2011, Hyneman was awarded anhonorary doctoratefrom theUniversity of Twente(Enschede,Netherlands)

>> No.7891598

That pic is not Jamie Hymenen

>> No.7891603


>> No.7891604


Well excuse me for not having an autistic knowledge of every fucking television presenter

>> No.7891610
File: 143 KB, 707x654, fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having an autistic knowledge of every fucking

yeah, google takes care of that for you, unless you're truly technologically illiterate

>> No.7891621

>no credentials in science, yet pushes the importance of science

>> No.7891629

How is that Hypocrisy? Pushing the importance of science is completely in line with having the opinion that science is important. Not having a degree there just means that he doesn't think he'd contribute anything to science or that he might be better at promoting science with his TV show Mythbusters.

>> No.7891671

Anyone who wears a lab coat in front of a camera will be called a scientist by the media.

Actual scientists and their work are of very little interest to the general public, especially at the level of individuals (barring historically important characters like Einstein and Newton because they teach about those guys at school).

Even I, as a lowly Physics undergrad, couldn't tell you the biggest names currently in the field. Because nobody really cares about the individuals and the personalities, just their work.

Does it surprise you that people who focus on getting their face (via their program) on as many screens as possible are better known than the people who do the actual science?

>> No.7891676

Hes not known as science guy. But hes known as cool experiments you can't do in your garage guy which is absolutely fine.

>> No.7891682

Pretty sure he is - wild antics, blows up stuff al la chemist style, thick glasses, literally what he does is "testing things"

>> No.7891683

>no credentials in medicine, yet pushes the importance of healthcare

>no credentials in teaching, yet pushes the importance of education

>no credentials in toilet paper manufacture, yet pushes the importance of wiping your ass

>> No.7891686

The difference is, he devotes his entire media image to it like he is an authority on it.

>> No.7891752

>not having even autistic knowledge
FTFY fgt pls

>> No.7891761

Oh no!

>> No.7891762

>promoting science with his TV show Mythbusters
Planting arrows in ballistic gel is not science.

>> No.7891783

No single action is science. Building a goddamn particle accelerator isn't science either, since it doesn't involve creating and testing hypotheses until you turn it on.
Mythbusters does science on their show, at least in 50% of their episodes. They make a hypothesis, test it, and propose an explanation, accounting for errors. It's not technically useful, but it stands that they advocate for science by using the scientific method to test hypotheses (myths).

>> No.7891793
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Such a shit show full of pleb popsci propaganda.

>> No.7892039
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Oh no a lay person is doing science!

>> No.7892055

We don't know any names in the field because they've become uninteresting even to us. We care about the big projects and massive feats of engineering, and that really can't be credited to an individual. The days of the renegade scientist working by their lonesome to contrive some new physics is over.

>> No.7892065

he says "I play a scientist on TV" all the time. Look it up.

Whoever argues that he is a "hypocrite" or whatever is pathetic. That's like pointing out that someone is a bad driver and they reply "you don't even have a car!" Childish.

And yes, I'm projecting

>> No.7892074

This is one of dem logical fallacies right?

>gives fat guy diet advice

>> No.7892161

I prefer him to black science guy, who has a PhD but is useless anyway.

>> No.7892165

>/sci/ has problems with an original TV show that emphasizes the importance of science and math in every episode
>and also blows things up

Ya'll are haters. It's just television. The dude doesn't have to be directly responsible for the detection of the first gamma ray to try and explain radioactivity coherently.

>> No.7892169

>/sci/ has problems with

It seems like it's just OP that has a problem with it, and /sci/ is mostly making fun of him.

>> No.7892190

you dont need a degree to be a scientist. If you follow the scientific method you are a scientist. Science isnt a regulated industry like medicine or law it just seems that way because science is generally so complex only those with a degree can make contributions. Nevertheless you do have backyard astronomers who discover comets and weekend botanists who study previously unknown plants

>> No.7892192

It honestly sounds like you're just ass mad.

He does science-like things on television without having a degree and you're pissed off about it? Christ, what an autist.

Something that's actually infuriating is someone I know who went to a tech college for lighting work. Someone else asked him what he does for a living.
>"oh, well I install machinery so I'm a mechanical engineer"

>> No.7892201

>Honorary shit just because he makes a show on TV
sure american university is cocked

>> No.7892211

>He does science-like things
Actually, Mythbusters follow the scientific method, trying to falsify hypotheses.

You may have complaints about the experiment design, but it's science nonetheless.

>> No.7892558


If true, it wouldn't surprise me the littlest bit.

I always vaguely liked the idea that the show existed, but it never clicked for me. Dad used to watch it quite a lot. He claimed that they had to fire the "hangers-on" at one point due to budget or something.

Also, he claimed that Adam and Jaime had had a falling out. I must have misread their personalities, because I sort of figured that the two at least liked each other.

Of course, this isn't always the case with a creative duo. The musical-composers Gilbert and Sullivan couldn't stand each other, and they would work by corresponding with each other rather than meet in person.

>> No.7892569

you dont need a degree to make you good. the paper doesnt mean nothing

>> No.7892572

Couple seasons ago they got rid of the "Build Team" to save money on the budget and continue doing the show.

Adam and Jamie have always said they aren't friends outside of their work relationship. A lot of the early seasons had the producers adding in fake drama between the two.

>> No.7892673
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>The days of the renegade scientist working by their lonesome to contrive some new physics is over.

>> No.7892729

God, people in this board seem to think you cant do even the most simple experiments if you dont have a Phd in nuclear thermodynamics.

>> No.7892778


>> No.7893330

ITT: Butt mad engineers whine about someone who does what they do, doesn't have student loans, makes more than they do, and is vastly more famous.
>hurt durr he doesn't do what an engineer does!
Look into his work, he's built countless robots for the purpose of film and special effects.

>> No.7893838

might have been ok if it wasnt just about blowing things up, at the start it looked like they were going to go on a more broader tangent

>> No.7893839

>>/sci/ has problems with an original TV show that emphasizes the importance of science and math in every episode
no it's:
>blow things up
>oh c4 ignites sometimes if you get it close to a ignition source :D

>> No.7894557

No, c4 doesn't ignite. You've obviously never seen the show so your opinion of it is invalid.

>> No.7894767
File: 62 KB, 280x256, paradise1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess what cucks, this actual well-respected scientist didn't even finish his B.S.

Adam Savage doesn't claim to be a serious scientist; he's an experimenter and a technician, and he's actually pretty damn good at his work.

>> No.7894779

>Yet he is a famous "science guy".
Who told you that?

>> No.7894821

>>7893838 >>7893839
They wouldn't have made any money to stay on air with scientific show if it didn't involve something 'redneck'.

>> No.7894880

GhostBusters did.

>> No.7894969

>They are methodological about their experiment and do a good job to explain how this will give them results on the myth.

>They explain both the math and science and have consultants.

>Divide between confirmed plausible and busted which shows that experiments can be inconclusive

>Talk about the technical process of gathering the data and analyze

>Have repeated many experiments when fans confronted them with other variables to consider

>Make it so dam cool the general population loves them

They are mucho more better than black science man in showing the actual process of science because it shows the difficulty in getting meaningful results and all the shit you have to consider. Haters are first semester undergards who are buttmad about the having to calculate the standard deviation of 100 data points by hand.

>> No.7896156

Then you probably shouldn't listen to them, as they are just butthurt that their team naming conventions got put to better use.

>> No.7896521
File: 35 KB, 500x437, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they aren't doing important research, but they do cool experiments and do them in the proper scientific manner. Don't mind this thread. OP is just being a massive faggot.

>> No.7896651

>didn't finish BS?
BS in what? Now I'm curious. He's got a fair amount of hands on skills with building things, hard to imagine it's all self taught

>> No.7896673

>needing degrees to be good at science or math
no, i'm not buttmad because i'm not a fucking retard. why you people place framed pieces of paper in such high regard genuinely has me questioning your intellect

>> No.7896728
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What is the difference between pop-science and real science ?

You do pop-science for you and to earn money. People don't learn anything.

You do real science for people and not to ear money. People learn a lot.

I hate pop science guy and pop science media.

>> No.7897646

At least he's not annoying, Neil deGrase tyson and Dawkins are way worse

>> No.7897669

My grandfather was a certified engineer designing public transit systems in the 70s. He never even had a high school diploma. He taught himself up to precal level math and worked for a journeyman electrical engineer for 8 years until he could pass the certification exams.

You need to be smart to be an engineer, but not every engineer needs a college degree. Its just enforced nowadays because the markets are so saturated and competitive.

>> No.7897716

When has he ever been presented or shown himself as a scientist?

>> No.7897718

Never, this thread is bs.

>> No.7897722

I've only seen self important undergrads share opinions like this. Anything that promotes a scientific approach to everyday situations and popular beliefs is a god thing. Especially to people not literate in science.

>> No.7897931

It doesnt have to be anon

>> No.7897945

>mythbusters started out interesting
>slowly started adding explosions and other stupid shit for no reason
>eventually every episode ends with exploding something

America just keeps getting dumber

>> No.7898212

Hes not a famous science guy. He outwaordly states in some of his episodes that all he did was props for cheap hollywood movies. Thats all of his experience.

>> No.7898249

>The days of the renegade scientist working by their lonesome to contrive some new physics is over.
That's not how science has ever worked, save for maybe a couple of oddities every couple of hundred years.

>> No.7898257

that graph seems fucked up

the participant definitions are dependent on their role in the conversation, but the conversation participation is portrayed as proportions of conversational participation

it's circular

>> No.7898266

do you live under a rock niggz

>> No.7898617
File: 40 KB, 220x191, 1453191562628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this man has made more indirect contributions to science than you will in your entire life

>> No.7898621

I've published papers on the physics of spaghetti noodles.

>> No.7898633

You don't need a degree to be a scientist. There's a certain beauty to solving practical problems through brute experimentation.
Not everyone has to torture themselves with this shit, right? I like a world with writers and musicians, plumbers, pawn shop owners, and people who just like to blow shit up in the name of science.

Besides, I thought the show was very clear that he's just a nerdy demo guy, and that the autistic walrus that tricks people into thinking it's human is just an autistic walrus.

>> No.7898651

No one became a household name when we discovered gravitational waves.

But I also believe that it also may have something to do with most scientists being introverted and are incapable of getting the media to care about them for more than 5 seconds.

Do you really think Hawking would be as famous as he is without his a crippling disease or his computer voice?

>> No.7898673

tu quoque

>> No.7898686

It should be though.

Great minds accomplish a great deal more when they are challenged by and aided by their peers. Seriously, it has been shown that scientists and engineers who are effective in written and oral communications are much more employable and perform way better in their jobs.

>> No.7899081

There's most likely a ton of people doing a lot of shit more with no degree than what the suckers on this board do with a degree.

Doing experiments really is just iteration with a purpose so, who gives a shit. It's not like it takes 10 years to get the scientific method down.

>> No.7900060

We're not asking you to. But we are asking you to not be a retard and post your shit on this board without doing some sort of research.

>> No.7900195

>being booty blasted because 8 year olds don't think you're cool

>> No.7901513

That's pretty inspiring desu

>> No.7901519


>> No.7902468

>Are you as butthead as me?
FTFY, Beavis.

>> No.7902534

Say what you will but these guys form hypothesis, test, observe, and compare results to their hypnosis. If that isn't science then sign me up for gender studies.

>> No.7902538


God I'm retarded I meant hypothesis

>> No.7902884

>it's circular
Yeah, you'd fucking hope so, given that it is a pie chart.

>> No.7902923

He worked in special effects and model making

Bill Nye only had an engineering degree

>> No.7903387

Wrong. You have to do all that and contribute to science journals. THEN you are a scientist. Short of that, you're just an amateur

>> No.7903439

he still does. That's why Jamie and Adam own "The Shop". Its a special effects shop, they specialize in various in-camera effects for movie productions.

>> No.7903449

>degrees are everything


>> No.7903468

ITT: faggots butthurt because nobody is interested in putting their obscure research/projects on TV and cash on shooting ballistic gel with arrows

>> No.7903470

What are you talking about OP? Andante Sammich is my hero! This post has triggered me. I hope that you are happy :,(

>> No.7903627

degrees are for cucks

>> No.7903720

the show promotes scientific method, they're cool in my book

>> No.7903751

And what really makes you think this gentleman as a famous "science guy"? To me he appears as a average show man, nothing to do with science.

>> No.7903862

Because he apprenticed under the master, you know like you professor, never hear of him but U folks are heated all over this board..

>> No.7903865

That's just because the AI isn't introverted dude

>> No.7903873

I especially like how they dissed God and intelligent design on national television.

>assuming they even aired that part in murrica

>> No.7903994

*tips fedora*

G-d exists it says so in the Bible.

>> No.7904680

Jurassic coop when?

>> No.7904716

Yeah, but muh status quo