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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7773152 No.7773152 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/, what is your favorite number? My favorite number is 581442729886633902054768000. If you know what's special about it without looking it up, then you're cool.

>> No.7773154


>> No.7773157

That's just a random number you just came up with.

>> No.7773160

No. Don't blame me if you can't crack it.

>> No.7773167

It doesn't appear in a Google search, so there couldn't possibly be anything particularly interesting about it. It might have one single really obscure use, but tha'ts about it.

>> No.7773182

2 658 455 991 569 831 744 654 692 615 953 842 176

>> No.7773182,1 [INTERNAL] 

Test from warosu. O, rg

>> No.7773425

2357. Just the coolest looking digits IMO.

>> No.7773431



>> No.7773432

Wikipedia says this number is a Smarandache–Wellin prime, whatever that is, so congrats on having it as your favorite number.

>> No.7773434


>> No.7773437

That's a pleb-tier number.

Boring choice.

>> No.7773440


>> No.7773445

>Dat dual-example of 4x=5x-x and 6x=5x+x

>> No.7773485

is this a meme

>> No.7773564


>> No.7773567

Someone already posted this. Come up with an original answer.

>> No.7773575

ITT: unbelievable autism

>> No.7773579

stfu and get out my thread faget, unless u want to post ur fav number

>> No.7773601

[eqn]\varphi \,:=\, \max\,\left\{x\in\mathbf R/x^2 \,-\, x \,-\, 1 \,=\, 0\right\} \,=\, \frac{1 \,+\, \sqrt{5}}{2} \,=\, \sqrt{1 \,+\, \sqrt{1 \,+\, \cdots}} \,=\, 1 \,+\, \frac{1}{1 \,+\, \frac{1}{1 \,+\, \cdots}} \,=\, \lim_{n \rightarrow +\infty} \frac{F_{n \,+\, 1}}{F_n} \,\approx\, 1.618,033,988,749,894,848,2[/eqn]

>> No.7773638


>> No.7773687

3.14159265358979323... Etc

>> No.7773691


>> No.7773693

My favorite number is >>7773693

>> No.7773694


>> No.7773696
File: 191 KB, 873x881, handsome_stranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7773698

I can't decide between 5, and 100. this is turning into a real problem for me.

>> No.7773703

My favorite is 5318008

>> No.7773739


autism:the thread

also, 12

>> No.7773773

Looks like someone's projecting. Actually, you're the autistic one.

>> No.7773774

524, loud and clear.

>> No.7773784

There is nothing remarkable about 524, goddammit.

>> No.7773807

Keep telling yourself that. It's very simple to crack, and I'm actually pretty disappointed in you.

It says "Your mom". The letters are mapped to their corresponding numbers, 0 is space.

>> No.7773813

I see it now. That's very funny. I was right about it having just one single really obscure use, though.

>> No.7773826

>letter/number substitution
>one obscure use

you are a gigantic faggot, and also retarded

>> No.7773834

It takes one to know one.

>> No.7773842


>> No.7773843

16 is my favorite number

>> No.7773846

Kind of like your mom. ;^)

>> No.7773850


>> No.7773853

Thanks for appreciating my witty riposte, Anonymous.

>> No.7773854

kill yourself

>> No.7773856

After you.

>> No.7773859


>> No.7773862

Thank you for enjoying my clever rejoinder, Anon.

>> No.7773863
File: 683 KB, 213x210, 7d734b86141682342690498321_700wa_0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7773882
File: 35 KB, 500x229, 1451701529983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck

>> No.7773885

This is fairly easy to do on slow boards like /sci/.

>> No.7773895 [DELETED] 

7773894 is my favourite number

>> No.7773906

>couldn't even get trips

>> No.7773916

I could totally get trips if I tried I just don't want to

>> No.7773924

Why are you responding for me, anon.

>> No.7773933

Right, just like I didn't want these dubs.

>> No.7773934

Sorry. Thought that post was one of mine. Sorry.

>> No.7774095


>> No.7774102


>> No.7774116

1, 2, or 42
42 mainly because that was the channel number for Discovery back when they were good and I used to watch everything they put out as a kid. 1 and 2 because typically whenever I get those prominently in a solution it's either a massive relief or the question gets really intense.

>> No.7774118


That's right, this number has no meaning.

>> No.7774129

Oh... good. I was a little worried that you picked the number 42 because it's a reference to that stupid book that features the number at one point. But you've provided a tolerable reason to pick 42 as one of your favorite numbers, so good job.

>> No.7774134

Well, I'll be damned.