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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 11 KB, 260x321, griffiths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7772980 No.7772980 [Reply] [Original]


Post what you think is the definitive text on a field of your choice (textbook, paper, whatever)

Rules: if you disagree with someone's pick for their field, offer an alternative.

Starting with Introductory E&M

>> No.7772989
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Both volumes.

>> No.7772991
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The Bible of cell biology.

>> No.7772995
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For a first pass at cosmology

>> No.7773011
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pretty much the definitive introduction to microelectronics

>> No.7773031

sedra smith is literally my hero

>> No.7773035
File: 42 KB, 308x499, 51e6wVjUgBL._SX306_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


overcited but great exposition for applications, all you need is like, calculus 1, linear algebra and stats and it gives you all the intuition you will ever need

its a totally new perspective, you will seee the world differently after reading this

although if you want to study information theory for the sake of it you will need to do a lot more work

>> No.7773037


> string theory
> 2016

pls go

>> No.7773049

Purcell is better than Griffin imo

>> No.7773068
File: 404 KB, 640x779, dustjacket_f_sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

grow up children

>> No.7773082

Meh jackson is too convoluted and has too many mistakes, try Melia, Electrodynamics or Panofsky

>> No.7773086

These books are on different levels though

Purcell < Griffiths < Jackson

>> No.7773095
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Pretty obvious for real analysis

>> No.7773164

Looks like a uterus.

>> No.7773192


My electronics I is using this book

Can't wait for that class

>> No.7773195

Top notch

>> No.7773250

go home ass hat

rudin sacrifices lucidity for trite concise proofs

the exercises are hard and offer in return nothing other than a waste of time and a sore brain, there are less painful ways to acquire practice

its a book people claim to have read for 'bragging rights'

discard everyone who claims to have worked through rudin

dont bother, read something with decent exposition like bartle, then go to folland for a treatment of the non-training-wheels theory of integration

literally anyone but rudin

>> No.7773258

This. kek.

But seriously just get Jackson. It's pointless to waste time on Griff's book. Don't bother with his QM either.

>> No.7773264

Easy books like Griffiths make people feel good because it makes the reader believe they understand the subject. Only once they try to read higher level books they will realize that they haven't actually understood shit and fail badly.

>> No.7773321

>introduction to electrodynamics
>has time-independent wave equations on cover

>> No.7773324
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>string theory
cool... a philosophy major!


>> No.7773346
File: 26 KB, 400x595, taytay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Introductory classical mechanics

>> No.7773534

Are you the same guy that keeps posting this for the past few days?

>> No.7773538
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Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory I–IV

>> No.7773548
File: 10 KB, 260x327, 41hYsSJX9fL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoping this for FEM, just picked it up


>> No.7773577
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>he fell for the computer science meme
no this is actually a good book

i think textbook threads are the best threads on /sci/ even with all of the memes and shitposting

>> No.7773603

>the exercises are hard

I don't think you belong in mathematics my friend.

Rudin is an astounding book in beauty and conciseness, every reputable mathematician I've ever met has said that. If you don't understand it, I invite you to study harder instead of hating on people who do.

>> No.7773611

>fucking spyro the dragon on the cover

>> No.7773623
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Engineering > *

>> No.7773636

>Writing a book about compilers that targets kids

topkek, I can appreciate the believes of the author but it is clear now that any kid who touches programming will just be doing shitty 2D videogames.

[scispoiler]talking from experience[/scispoiler]

>> No.7773917

>tfw definitive texts in my field aren't available in English