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7771599 No.7771599 [Reply] [Original]

After oxbridge, what are the best non-US universities?

I'm thinking of Maths or Physics, in case that helps.

>> No.7771611

Ecole normale supérieur in Paris, but it's not really a University.

Then ETH is probably the right call.

>> No.7771615

ETH and EPFL are about the same for the sciences. ETH is bigger because it contains everything while EPFL is only engineering

>> No.7771622

for stem, imperial college

>> No.7771733

everytime i see this picture, I'm like, "whoa, thats a cool DS mod"

>> No.7771744


thoughts on UCL vs Imperial?

>> No.7771753

anal rodeo is a beautiful place

>> No.7771765

in terms of studying or teaching/working doing research or what? It depends a lot. Otherwise you get just superficial tryhard answers.

>> No.7771776

TU Delft

>> No.7771795

well, not birmingham for math nor physics. birmingham for CS at best.

marseille for non-commutative geometry (not in the flavor of connes)

marseille for physics

cea and orsay for physics

>> No.7771802

also not imperial for physics

and I would say oxford for math and cambridge for physics, to precise OP

>> No.7771831


Yes, I will be applying to Cambridge soon. But I dont have any ideas about backup plans yet, I was thinking either UCL or McGill in canada.


interested in this

>> No.7771833


Whichever is the most suitable for your needs and wants.

>> No.7771840

Brown University

>> No.7771845

nice meme, but OP's looking for serious answers

>> No.7772266

In China, Tsinghua. I'm a grad student in the US, and I seem to come across more students/post-docs from here than any other Chinese university.

>> No.7772283


Imperial for job.
UCL for girls.

>> No.7772667



Which one for guys?

>> No.7772670

Anyone is in Canada here?

>> No.7772681


Nobody gives a shit what university you went to. Why would you go to university to learn math? Read a fucking book. University is for those interested in research. If you're not going to do research stay out of university. If you already have a job and just need an excuse for a higher salary any diploma mill will do.

>> No.7772693

what you want senpai?

>> No.7772743

Of course you choose UCL

>> No.7772744

Toronto is decent

>> No.7772754

Just fuck off tripfag

>> No.7772757


>> No.7772760

University of Toronto
University of Heidelberg
University of Munich
University of Tokyo

>> No.7772762

Waterloo for math/science, UofT for engineering, McGill for humanities

>> No.7772806


how does McGill compare to Oxbridge in terms of difficulty of getting accepted?

>> No.7772826

Waterloo for engineering (if you want to go straight to industry).

Speaking as a UW engineering student, don't fucking go here unless you're doing math or engineering, and have no concern about losing your entire social life. Literally everyone else is having more fun then you, even at the shittier universities. You're wasting the best years of your life in exchange for making more money later on in life.

>> No.7772833

If you're talking engineering, National University of Singapore is the highest ranked non-Oxbridge outside of the US. If we're talking science it's ETH Zurich.

>> No.7772849

McGill is not difficult to get into IMO. A Canadian would only need an average around the low 90s.

>> No.7772852


tonnes of people drop out and get depressed and pretty much everyone is a virgin (at least in engineering) but the career prospects are insane.

I had like 3 internship offers last summer and I only started applying like a a month before the holidays and even though I completely fucked up the interviews they still hired me.

I also walked into a part time job as a software dev which is pretty cool when you consider most students are lucky to get a job bagging shopping.

It's amazing.

>> No.7772862

Are you sure? Is it as good as people say it?

>> No.7773173

How is Warwick and Bristol for maths?

>> No.7773176

Well I haven't had the chance to attend every single university in the world, but QS World rankings are usually well regarded.

>> No.7773200
File: 421 KB, 700x525, 1427671820351.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will NEVER study physics at magdalen

>> No.7773229

I went to Bath, and my mate left after first year to study maths at Bristol because it's easier

>> No.7773232

>tfw did an internship at Goldman Sachs last summer, have a hot GF and will start as an analyst at Goldman after I graduate from imperial with an MEng this year earning 80k+ pounds a year (that's 120k USD for amerifats)

>> No.7773237

>working for the kikes

good goy, enjoy spending most of your adult life miserable but rich.

>> No.7773246

Wtf an engineer working in finance? That's a dime a dozen man.

>> No.7773248

Perhaps. It pays the bills and more-what's not to like? You even can leave the office at 6pm if you are in trading.

>> No.7773253


> complete PhD at Imperial
> get job at hedge fund
> mfw 100k starting is not a meme

>> No.7773257

> studying physics and then leaving your area of studies for economies
pls go

>> No.7773272

100k starting is a bit disappointing after a full PhD at Imperial, I don't get what you're proud about.
300k starting would be impressive tho

>> No.7773277

Ecole normale supérieur is only ranked at 72 in the Shanghai ranking. So it's a pretty shitty university.

>> No.7773279

>shanghai ranking
Kill yourself

>> No.7773288

It's important for employers.

If you have a degree from such a low ranked university they will always wonder why you weren't ambitions enough to go to one of the 71 better ones.

>> No.7773293

Shanghai is more objective.

THE literally scores "surveys" at 30% so of course people read the THE list and then basically repeat it on the survey as "reputable".

>> No.7773301

because it's not a university.
French structures are small but extremely selective. The size doesn't help with international rankings.
Anyone who knows anything about their field knows about ENS.

>> No.7773315

Fuck all these London universities, come to Manchester.

>> No.7773332
File: 70 KB, 660x371, Mancs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come to manchester

>> No.7773333

So i'm supposed to believe that Oxford is way worse than Berkeley?
And Tokyo is way better than Rice.

>> No.7773402

ENS is elite m8


>> No.7773442

Is 100k starting only possible at investment banks, hedge funds, etc?

The finance sector seems so much more rewarding than all others. What gives?

>> No.7773443

actually it's not uncommon at all for imperial college student.

I'm an EE at imperial and I'd say between a third and a half of us end up in finance.

>> No.7773449



>> No.7773454

well, the banks are always here shilling themselves as the ticket to getting rich and people at imperial are really autistically focussed on success (otherwise they'd be at UCL haha).

>> No.7773457

I thought UCL is for girls.

>> No.7773468

ENS Ulm.

>> No.7773506


but what finance applications do physics or engineering have?

>> No.7773518

>get a load of this pleb

>> No.7773527

well, engineering (at least at imperial) has an enormous emphasis on making and evaluating models and designing solutions to novel problems.

I imagine that an engineer would approach a problem in a significantly different manner to an accountant or finance student. Also there is a strong emphasis on mathematics, modelling software and programming/algorithms in my course which is at foundation of algorithmic trading.

If you can manage the courseload presumably you'll have not much problem picking up the necessary financial knowledge along the way.

>> No.7773529

>And Tokyo is way better than Rice.
It is. Tokyo is where every Japanese student dreams of going. It has produced 15 Japanese prime ministers, 10 Nobel laureates and one Fields medalist. Tokyo is to JAXA like Caltech is to JPL.

Meanwhile, Rice is not even the best school in Texas, Austin is.

>> No.7773551
File: 558 KB, 2000x1557, Europe_polar_stereographic_Caucasus_Urals_boundary.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes to maths shanghai ranking is useless. So many (American) unis in the top 100 that don't even do analysis in the first year.

If you want a BSc in maths: ETH Zurich, Lausanne, all the Parisian, Bonn, TU Munich, Goettingen, Vienna University, University of Pisa, St. Petersburg, Moscow Lomonossow, etc.

Just google "best maths unis in xyz country".

There are quite a few European countries where you can make a great bachelors degree in maths. When it comes to maths, it's better to study at f.e. University of Helsinki than an American non-Ivy school. And it's much cheaper too.

>> No.7773560

Can i just give up and move there and earn money and pick up nippon chicks?

>> No.7773576
File: 43 KB, 582x741, YcmNtUH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the choice to study at UChicago or stay at my home country. I want to study math. What's stopping me from leaving the country is a newly acquired girlfriend, whom I love and who doesn't know about this opportunity.

Wat do.

>> No.7773583

>Shanghai rating
wew lad

>> No.7773591

Don't go to study maths in USA, come to EU instead. Paying 40k tuition per year is really unnecessary.

If you make your future plans based on a relationship, consider what happens when you break up.

>> No.7773592

If ur in Sweden stay, cause girls there are 10/10 on average. If ur in UK, up to you. If ur in any other part outside of UK or US, go.

>> No.7773596

>newly acquired girlfriend vs. lifelong plans

Your shitty teenage romance is probably gonna be shorter than my uptime record anyway.

If you scrap your life goals for a girl you're probably gonna regret it later and that's gonna sour your relationship.

If it was a wife or a girl you've been with for the better part of a decade it might be different but as it is you're a fool if you don't go.

>> No.7773630

What's the best engineering uni in europe that brings good social life? Wanna do my master's abroad but I want to make the most out of those 2 years other than getting the degree. Also kind of average grades so top unis wouldn't accept me either.

>> No.7773634

Thanks everyone (non-ironically). I like to hear different opinions.

My tuition is 90% covered by UChicago itself.
> If you make your future plans based on a relationship, consider what happens when you break up.
I know, but I think this girl (my first girlfriend) is a bit special (muh spucial snowflake, etc). She doesn't party, shy, robot-y, hot as fuck (to me at least), I actually enjoy being around her doing nothing, in contrast to most people on earth. We've been through a few rough moments, and I am being tremendously honest with her (stuff I like, stuff I don't) for the sake of having a strong relationship. The only thing that pushes me off is her lack of life ambitions. I am open to pursuing a PhD outside, which is what actually counts if I want to get into academia.

I'm not in Sweden nor UK. Was about to apply to Cambridge and some other UK unis until I saw the moneys. US is much cheaper if you get tuition covered.

I've avoided teenage romances, I like think this is a bit different. Too young to judge, though, I know shit about women and life in the end. I understand and sympathize with your point.

I will tell her; see how she reacts. If she doesn't give a hint of happiness (because this is something important for me, all my HS efforts have paid off and my value is being recognized for 70k$ a year), I will understand that the relationship is about her, not about us. Then I will decide.

I've taken enough redpill, but I don't like to subscribe to philosophies.

>> No.7773649

Bro i know it's hard, but there's plenty of fish in the sea(i know very archaic and hackneyed), but up to you, we're just here to advice you.
Partially the reason why i've previously avoided any relationships during my High school years.

>> No.7773652

>If she doesn't give a hint of happiness

She probably won't be too happy about it anyway. Nobody likes hearing they're probably gonna get dumped.

>> No.7773656

He could long distance, but come on, we all know it's not gonna work and it's gonna turn into a shitfest where both sides suffer from constant suspicion, even though they pretend with all that bullshit trust and shit.

>> No.7773666


I'm in what is basically a long-distance relationship although we are in the same country. I see her once or twice a month during term time, during summers and christmas holidays a lot more.

It definitely isn't for anyone but I don't have time for a proper relationship anyway and I'm way too spergy to have one-night stands so I have nothing to lose.

But being in uni in two different countries just seems like it's super doomed to fail.

>> No.7773670

I know. I just feel so happy now, I think i deserved a bit more time of happiness. Feeling loved by someone is such a nice thing, after struggling with so much shit and depression.

I wish I could just be asexual until my 30s, settled somewhere, then search for good love, no need to move around.

>> No.7773674

OP here again. I don't think LTR is gonna work. If we had been together for 5 years then maybe, but it's too son for something so long-term (4 years of uni, an ocean apart, fuck me).

>> No.7773676

I got into mcgill, u of t, and queen's (currently there in geology) with about a 86% average, so they aren't too difficult to get into, although I did have very strong extra-curriculars (I was being recruited for a sport). I also was in virtually every hard elective you could pick in HS (all sciences, all maths, comp sci, AP, etc. and no basket weaving, etc.) The other solid canadian choice I would say is UBC and (maybe) western? I don't know, I hear western is all partiers now.

I fully support Canadian schools and think they are really good (Queens just won the Nobel prize in physics), but they are definitely way easier to get into than other schools in foreign countries. (Although the only other schools I applied to, Syracuse (USA) and Essex (Britbong) both accepted me as well).

>> No.7773678

Do so many engineers go to finance because of the money?

Is it really that much better than other sectors?

>> No.7773681

I've heard UChicago is somewhat notorious for low GPAs. Keep this in mind if you want to do grad school someday.

>> No.7773683


Ayy, forgot about Waterloo. I also got in there (my shitty backups were MTA, uOttawa and Trent). Keep in mind that the St. George campus (downtown) for U of T is much harder to get into than the others in the boonies. It is divided into colleges of which Trinity is apparently by far the most prestigious. I got into St. Mikes and New College if I remember correctly.

>> No.7773697

you having a laugh m8

Cambridge is the pinnacle of undergrad maths. Oxford is obviously top notch, but no undergrad course compares to the rigour and prestige of cam maths.

>> No.7773700

All gfs seem great, uni is a whole new ball game. I saw many "high school sweethearts" break up, cheat, and fight at university. People don't realize how crazy it gets when you are suddenly in a small city of young, attractive people and some slut is rubbing up on you at a house party. Any problems you have now will multiply ten fold at university. And her lack of ambition will become more and more painful for you to watch the older you get.

I was in the same position and broke up. I'm from a small town and my ex-gf stayed behind because she was lazy and stupid like everyone else there. I remember trying to talk to her about stuff I learned in class that I found interesting and her eyes glazed over and she fell asleep all the time. I know it sounds "elitist" or whatever, but a lot of these people with no ambition are not as smart as people that attend uni. I'm not saying that to be mean, but you try to explain even basic shit to them and they dont even try to understand it. They would rather just be stupid and ignorant.

>> No.7773705

Okay, I'm a complete outsider here, but I thought Baylor was the top school in Texas?

>> No.7773709

right, I am talking more about the departments and the kind of research they do.

i agree with you for the teaching

>> No.7773728
File: 395 KB, 1340x1608, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, what university has the most rigorous physics programme? I fell for meme shit like UCL, but in all honesty in experience what is it in actuality?

>> No.7773730

These are entering averages for 2012 and I would say this is a pretty accurate picture of the top schools in Canada. I keep seeing schools like Carleton and Dalhousie "ranked" way too fucking high in USN and forbes and all these other magazines. These unis (especially Carleton aka Last chance U) are notorious for being shit and if you want a job in Canada are best to avoid.

To be fair though, I would say most degrees in Canada are half decent. It isn't like the US where you can slap a sign on a lot in the a strip mall, call it Dave's University, and give out degrees for blowjobs.

McGill 90.3 (89.6)

UBC 89.6 (86.3)

Queen’s 88.7 (87.7)

Waterloo 88.4 (85.1)

Western 88.2 (86.0)

>> No.7773742

I've had many gfs, currently I don't have any. I don't feel any worse.

Breaking up is not a big deal OP, and you'll easily find a new gf at uni. I will advise you however not to judge her for her lack of "ambition". Everybody lives life how he/she sees fit, and eventually we will all die, and the memory of us will dissapear soon after. Approach people with an honest and kind heart, and you can't hurt anyone, not your gf, not yourself - regardless of what decisions you make.

>> No.7773743

In Britain you'll learn the same basics no matter where you go, that's mandated by the IOP. Now obviously some places will teach you more and some will have different emphases, so it really depends on what you mean by "rigorous".

>> No.7773767

This. They're all essentially the same. There's no real difference in quality like the USA because they're all publicly funded and have to adhere to the same standards.
What does separate them though is research activity, international reputation, size, endowment, etc
You'll learn the same shit at Western as at U of T, but U of T is larger, richer, bigger math faculty, has the Fields Institute.

>> No.7773782

Bang on. This is true for most countries outside of the USA. It obviously varies by country, but in most western nations, there is a national body that ensures that all institutions calling themselves a "university" provide the same basics. It is a protected term in most countries.

>> No.7773790

It is possible that Berkeley is better than Oxford. Don't make judgements based off of historical reputation.
UCL is ranked higher on LinkedIn for finance jobs.

>> No.7773798

Assuming this isn't bullshit, any tips on how to get an internship/full time offer. I'm still a first year at UCL but I want to be prepared

>> No.7773805

Obviously the best physics school
UC Berkeley

>> No.7773810

In no particular order.

>> No.7773811

Come hang in Canada. But be warned, from December to April, it is cold as fuck.

>> No.7773816

>aplying to Cambridge soon
>deadlines were in October
Is this about grad schools?

>> No.7773830

That's the state of the British economy, m8. Financial services, research or leave the island for another nation which actually has a functioning, tangible economy.

>> No.7773833

My university is ranked at 300

>> No.7773918

here's your answer, mud student

>> No.7773931

God I hate this country
why do I have to get a degree?
why can't I just work in a small shop somewhere in the countryside?

>> No.7773946

Lol they're honestly not even really comparable. If you're American, it's like comparing getting into a not very good school like Syracuse vs getting into a low ivy

>> No.7773986


In the piece of third world where I live it's also common for engineers ending up in finance. I always thought that is because engineers can do much more math than bachelors of economics.


Nice to know that the engineering program at my university is similar to the program at Imperial College.

>> No.7773999

>schools outside US
>talking about Berkeley
Not even Harvard or Princeton? Come on guys.

>> No.7774010

Check'd. Berkeley is ranked higher than Princeton for several STEM and non-STEM subjects, and I think it ranks higher than Harvard for at least Physics. I know that Harvard and Princeton trump Berkley in terms of reputation but only high-schoolers and people who care more about "prestige" than learning care about reputation.

>> No.7774015

The only thing stopping you from doing that is your egoism/ambition, not your prosperous country.

>> No.7774046

That's not true. The ETH contains only Mathematics, Science & Engineering on Bachelor Basis. There's Military Officer and Managment on Master Basis, but no arts etc. which makes sense, because the Uni Zurich is right next to the ETH. Also, in 2017, there'll be a medicine bachelor at ETH, so there'll be 2 medicine bachelor's in Zurich. Oh and they're building a train station under the main building right now.

>> No.7774049

prestige is literally all that matters for college..

it's not like one professor knows more about physics than the other..

>> No.7774127

What about metrics other than teaching quality like research quality, citations, etc.? And when it comes to academia I don't think it's very likely that a Harvard student will be seen as above a Berkley student just because of the Harvard brand name. Besides, most admissions tutors know how colleges rank and their grade inflation/lack thereof, which is why a 3.8 from Berkley with good undergrad research experience is more impressive than a 3.9 from Harvard with some experience.