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File: 150 KB, 800x1220, Demaine_erik_download_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7770714 No.7770714 [Reply] [Original]

>Demaine studied at Dalhousie University in Canada, completed his bachelor's degree at 14 years old, and completed his PhD at University of Waterloo when he was 20 years old.

>Demaine's PhD dissertation, a seminal work in the field of computational origami, was completed at the University of Waterloo.[6] This work was awarded the Canadian Governor General's Gold Medal from the University of Waterloo and the NSERC Doctoral Prize (2003) for the best PhD thesis and research in Canada (one of four awards).



>> No.7770720

>computational origami
> best PhD thesis and research in Canada
Why are Canadians so pathetic?

>> No.7770721
File: 51 KB, 366x349, Kripke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kripke was labelled a prodigy, having taught himself Ancient Hebrew by the age of six, read the complete works of Shakespeare by nine, and mastered the works of Descartes and complex mathematical problems before finishing elementary school.[4][5] He wrote his first completeness theorem in modal logic at the age of 17, and had it published a year later. After graduating from high school in 1958, Kripke attended Harvard University and graduated summa cum laude obtaining a bachelor's degree in mathematics. During his sophomore year at Harvard, Kripke taught a graduate-level logic course at nearby MIT.

Dude, just walk up to that unproven analytical philosophy conjecture and, like, be confident lol. Works every time bro!

>> No.7770722
File: 24 KB, 574x478, 1430378789616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>computational origami

>> No.7770724

When I worked in research, the people who got prizes were the biggest losers. I never found out how or why they were selected for the prize.

>> No.7770725


He's still an ugly, fat, autistic neckbeard.

I'm happy being me.

>> No.7770730

I don't care what he researches. His long hair, his neckbeard, his cuckish grin and his pasty white basement dweller complexion make him physically disgusting. He might be smart in his highly specialized area of computation, but he surely isn't a well-rounded human being as long as he looks like an autistic nerd. For fucks sake, when I see people like him, I want to shout at them and tell them to learn how to make themselves appear well-groomed.

>> No.7770732

The people who select prizes usually either don't understand anything about STEM or don't give a fuck so all the shitty meme projects win.

>> No.7770737


it's even on ocw

>> No.7770755

Now I understand the guy who copy pastes the 'ideal' CS degree which includes a seminar about hygiene and grooming.

Its sad man, these people make it to grad school without taking the class.

>> No.7770839
File: 235 KB, 1051x1416, agimmik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sort of sad that this example goes in line with all the comments in this thread.
Yeah, he's awesome, but he's also severely autistic


Nevertheless, it's good we have those guys.

What's the goal?

>> No.7770892


Watched the OCW intro computer science course he taught with Srini Devadas (I think) Recommended! I'm not a csci guy, but it kept my interest. Demaine seems like a nice guy. Not like the loony geniuses you find in the math department.

>> No.7771886

>make themselves appear well-groomed.
Their lives are better spent doing research than making themselves appear well groomed or cool in the eyes of the general population.

Joe sixpack has strange priorities. People have to look well but will always want the latest coolest stuff and whenever he gets ill he wants the best medical treatment there is. He never cares who toils in the labs to do these things.

>> No.7772399
File: 180 KB, 660x775, origami-applications.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Origami has a number of important applications. It could be used to make large space structures that actually fit into a rocket, stronger composites, artery stents, and many more things.

The space structure part has important scientific and defense applications.

One cool scientific application would be for something called a starshade. Essentially if we put a big piece of mylar in space, we can use it to block out a star's light and directly image any exoplanets said star might have using existing telescope technology.

hahahaha no. I've seen him at conferences he's a total normie. He even gets away with wearing a T-shirt at conference because he's alpha as fuck.