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7769657 No.7769657 [Reply] [Original]

Is buteyko a legit method for everyday breathing?It seems like it does wonders but i never seen it discussed.It would be great if some anon can take a few minutes of his time to read the info on this site.


>> No.7769738


>> No.7769833


>> No.7769921

I'm no doctor but that sounds really fishy to me
I mean they claim that with their technique you
>only need 5 hours of sleep
>cure addiction to alcohol and tobacco
I don't believe it

>> No.7769926

>>only need 5 hours of sleep
That is possible under long-term training.

>> No.7769970
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>he needs to learn to breathe

>> No.7770029

It wouldn't be that strange.
Most people hardly use the diaphragm when they breath, and this turns out to be important for tasks out of daily life.

>> No.7771412

The theory looks sound enough (to me). The claims may not be.

>> No.7771432

>>only need 5 hours of sleep
>>cure addiction to alcohol and tobacco
>I don't believe it
I've been sleeping 5 hours a night for years, and I quit smoking in 2007, all with amateur breathing.

>Most people hardly use the diaphragm when they breath,
What do they use instead? A vacuum cleaner?

>> No.7771907

I've only recently found that I possessed a diaphragm and that it was capable of much greater contraction than I ever used. It's really not very obvious since you can't see its function, only subjectively feel it.

My tip is to try and inhale with the feeling of inflating your stomach. To locate the diaphragm, that is.

>> No.7771976

>Most people hardly use the diaphragm when they breath

you are either an ayy lmao specimen and you accidentaly found yourself shitposting on 4chan on human internet, in which case I am telling you that this is a board for homo sapiens and we breathe with our diaphragms, unless severly injured when we use heart-lung machines to help us survive medical procedures that restore regular breathing.

OR you are just a huge faggot and a retard, in which case you should kill yourself.

>> No.7772231

Of fucking course they do you spastic. Your lungs don't take up your whole thoracic cavity, only the top 2/3. Just cause your belly doesn't move doesn't mean you're not using your diaphragm... You'd be in big trouble if it stopped working.

Why the fuck do people have opinions on shit they don't understand? Read a book nigger.

>> No.7772303

I'm not saying these things aren't possible, I just don't think they happen magically when you use a specific breathing technique

>> No.7772319

>normal breathing for normal people